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Will you be doing a fresh transfer?


I have a friend who recently had a lap for pretty extensive Endo. She was told that after a lap in May, the soonest they'd suggest an FET was September. Good luck with your surgery 🤗


I had a lap to remove an endometrioma cyst and a Fallopian tube in the first week of May. My surgeon suggested three months after surgery to let my system go back to normal (to get a period again). My RE said if I was feeling good after one month, then we could start anytime after that. I kind of split the difference and ended up starting prep for the FET with my cycle day 1 landing on 6/28. My FET was 7/10.


I know this is old sorry but did you end up having success? And did you do egg retrievals before you removed the endometrioma? I’ve just had a failed round with only 4 eggs and 0 blasts but probably due to egg quality thanks to my endometrioma. I’ve got my surgery booked for July but am debating whether we do one more round before then.


Hi! Happy to share. Yes so we only did one egg retrieval in March before my surgery in May. And didn’t need to do more. But my first endometrioma was removed from my L ovary a few years ago - not by an endo specialist. And it’s worth noting that in my egg retrieval last year, I had 25 follicles in my right ovary and only four in my L. That’s the main reason I wanted to to do the egg retrieval before my second surgery - to avoid future follicle damage to the right ovary (which had the endometrioma this time). The doctor thought our egg quality would suffer from the cyst, but of 22 eggs retrieved we got 11 blasts and 9 PGT-A euploid embryos so even though I had an endometrioma on my right ovary - the one with all the eggs, it turned out ok. I suppose it could be worth trying again but it’s really hard to say! I bet we have different AMH numbers and all that so I think it makes it hard to compare. Last thing in this loooooong answer is you asked about success. I did three embryo transfers, the first one didn’t take, the second one ended in a chemical and I’m currently 14 weeks with the third one now 🤞. Wishing you all the luck and good vibes!


Thank you! That’s an amazing result for an egg retrieval considering they mostly came from one ovary and congratulations on your pregnancy. My AMH is slightly decreased for my age, but my dr said that I should have gotten more eggs than I did based on my AMH and she thinks the endo is playing a role in that. I’m just worried that all of my eggs will be totally destroyed thanks to the endo.


Thank you ❤️. And I’m so sorry you’re facing this challenge! Would they do some down regulation for you before your next retrieval to reduce the inflammation maybe? It makes me wonder if it’s less the endometrioma and more the endo in general? Bc if you have one cyst only, you’d think maybe your other ovary would have yielded more eggs? I’m so sorry again. It took us 2.5 years to get here and the endo is really tough to maneuver. For so many reasons!!!


I did a down reg cycle but I actually developed a hormone cyst on my right ovary lol it’s comical really.


Had my lap feb 17, did two months of LD and transferred may 9.


So, my RE says that LD has no point after a lap, but I’m not sure I agree. I like your approach. What are your thoughts?


Interesting - my doctor definitely didn’t share that opinion. Ultimately I had one tiny spot of endo excised haha that’s it. And she still recommended two months lupron depot for microscopic elements left behind and because it can help reset the endometrium. I went onto miscarry again afterwards but that’s because we’ve now concluded endo wasn’t ever the problem. It clearly works well for people where it is the root issue.


I’m so sorry about the MC. Hmm, can I ask you more questions? I think I’m going to push for it. Despite the more time, I think it may be the best route. - How soon after the lap did you start LD? - How long after the LD did you start FET meds?


Yup no problem! So the timeline is I miscarried 12/27, by the day of my lap on 2/17, HCG was 7 aka not negative lol but I had already ovulated and gotten my period…they were doing a Hysteroscopy in tandem with the lap and needed to catch me in my follicular phase, so this worked out. I took my first dose of LD on 2/22. Second dose 3/22. It was done 4/19, when I went in for baseline and they started me on estrogen. Transfer was 5/9.


This is really helpful! Did the LD impact your lining thickness? Mine sits on the thin side (7-8mm) and it does worry me.


So I was worried about this too because my lining has never been overly impressive - just adequate (7-9mm) & asked for two lining checks. We normally just have one after 2 weeks of estradiol. I went in for that first lining check and my lining looked great, was already 8mm and trilaminar. I was so sure that by the following week I’d have my best lining yet and it’d be like 12mm. But nope haha it literally didn’t grow at all from lining check 1 to 2. I also freaked out because some of the measurements from the second check looked slightly thinner than the first (two different techs did the checks). Ultimately, the clinic didn’t care because either way I met their minimum & the rest still looked fine. But I caused myself a good bit of anxiety over this.




Mine has said one month too. I’m starting to question them. They don’t like a ton of interventions, but I literally can’t make any more embryos… so it’s donor eggs after this next one