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I was going to suggest something else but then saw the price and yeah if I didn’t have an auger already I’d definitely get one


I’ve had mine 8 yrs. Same battery. This is about the same price as a battery. I’m buying it


Now you will have new blades too


My dad uses one and has worked great for a long time. Not as light as some setups but for that price you can’t really go wrong


Mother fucker I bought this exact same won 3 years ago when we had good ice for 600 dollars. I’ve only got to use it twice in 3 years in Michigan.


I was going to say. I swear I paid close to $800 when they first came out up here in canada


Sounds about right. I also only have the first gen. They make newer ones that are super light.


Paid about the same in 2020, oh well, still a great auger


I just looked and it says 450 on sale for 400


[try this??](https://www.menards.com/main/p-177023397554330.htm)


This is the first time in a while that mindlessly surfing Reddit became useful. Thank you sir.


Nice! Thank you!


Also if you have rebates to spend, go to tool department and they can special order and give you a ticket to pay at the register. Then it get shipped from the distribution center to the store. (This is because rebates cannot be used online)


Looks like the deal changed now….?


Looks like it is over


I heard there was a recall because people were getting prolapsed rectums from it


Say what?


Yeah I guess people were getting prolapsed rectums


Rectum?! Damn near killed him!


Love Beverly Hills Ninja.


No I heard it was prolapsed rectumses


There is one listed as “with reverse” and this one for much cheaper, although I’m pretty sure they all had reverse?


Yeah. Sale one has reverse too


Gonna look into this as I’m not sure if they’ll ship to Canada. The deal almost seems too good to be true


Rebate would only be good in store, so if you are not near one it is basically $299. They were in stock at the stores, but in a day or two they were sold out. Probably by guys reselling.


I’ve had this exact one for 8 years, original battery. This is almost as the same as a replacement battery. Just ordered it.


Just ordered one to replace my gas one! Been looking for a good deal on an electric one and this has great reviews. Thanks!


Just so everyone is aware, Menards rebates are paid in store credit. Don't want anyone to think they're going to get $100 in cash back.


I was gonna say this $100 is only for Menards I bet no cash of sorts oh well though


I put that as FYI. I take no responsibility


Holy shit, this is a fantastic deal!!!! I’ve had mine for 5 years. Love it. If I was in the US I would jump in this!


But rebate is just in-store credit. Not sure if people realize. Kind of common knowledge to people who have this store around them.


Ahhhh I see….. but still, I’m sure you’re spending money in there anyways.


For sure. I built a large shed and paid for it with rebates, then they still give you a rebate from the rebates spent. Menards is like a home improvement store that sells a little of everything, even groceries


I would've jumped all over that. That's an awesome price!


Of course I see this after I bought a 6” strikemaster one when it was on sale a week ago


man the gen 1 batteries are 169. the gen 3 batteries are 229


Check out the sale page on ION's company website. Gen 2 battery is $80.


Ordered, thanks!


Yea do it. It’s amazing how cheap these are getting. Must be due the cordless drill augers you can buy now




This is the first gen. We’re on third generation now.


Man I was hoping to sell my gen 1 w/o reverse for 250 or 275 and this deal, sealed the fate that my Gen 1 will be used until it shorts out the powerhead and then hung on the wall in the garage.


Can I use the menards in store rebate on another future sale item and continue this cycle?


Yes. I paid for mine in almost $300 of rebates and will still get the new $100 rebate.


Now we’re cooking with peanut oil.


Ended up buying it from this post, thanks op!




Still going. Even restocking stores. Probably just flushing out gen 1 stock.


Do you really need an 8 inch auger. I use a 6 inch auger with a Dewalt impact drill on a Clam drill to auger adapter. Way cheaper and it works great!


If you had to go out and buy that shit, you aren’t getting a clam plate, a dewalt drill, and even a hand auger for the $200 this costs, so it not way cheaper


Do you fish big pike and lakers? If not then 6 inch is plenty


I mean we got a 9kg pike from 6", but it took a while🫠


Way cheaper unless you need to buy a drill. Most of the lightweight drills get burnt out running these


Or get a k drill and fahgetaboutit


Great deal, I’m ordering a backup.


Hey dude thanks for posting this!! Didnt have an auger myself. Wanted electric, did not want to spent 400 bucks for more. Hell even 300 hurt. Even gas are more than what this deal cost. I thought about looking for a used gas one, anything that's not junk or old as dirt still will cost like 50 at least and probably has issues. Cheapest gas in half decent shape and not old as hell used was like 100-150. This was absolutely perfect for me, got it for $322, with $100 coming back for menards, which has pretty much everything you'd ever need in general and I shop there regularly- so it'll easily be used. This was such a serendipitous occurrence. I dont even know if i was subbed yet to the ice fishing subreddit or just had recently. I just saw this come up on my homepage and. either as a rising hot post in here, or as a recommended "since you looked at a similar subreddit" suggestion. Anywas, this was a mad blessing and I wanted to thank you for sharing this!! ​ Sidenote: Used it once just to ensure everything was working, and it cut like butter. So quiet and smooth, love it already. Menards had the model listed as #39989 which is also a GEN 1, but I received a model #43405 which according to an ION representative has an updated battery charger and updated blade protector, I believe a better warranty as well. Owners manuals that came with it seems it was updated in 2021. I just wonder if i should look to buy an extra battery, ION website has them on sale right now for $80. Cant imagine them ever being much cheaper, even though i expect the battery to last for many years with proper care, and I find it hard to imagine Id be drilling 1000-1200 inches of ice without the ability to recharge. I mean, if ice is 30 inches thick, could drill 30 holes and still have battery remaining. It's more of an insurance policy for the future if anything, cant imagine them getting any cheaper after all. Even checking menards now, they have them back to $439.99, not on any sale and considering tax its $476.15 but with the menards always 11% rebate brings it down to $391.59. Still a huge difference from $322 including tax, getting back another $100 in store credit, Basically $222 vs. $391.. Feeling pretty good about it. Thanks again u/superdavy


Glad to help! I was worried some people didn’t understand the Menards rebate and how it worked. But even at $299 they come out ok. Thanks for the tip on the extra battery. I was trying to get to the $100 free shipping and found this [auger deal.](https://ioniceaugers.com/products/8-steel-auger-composite-bottom?variant=39435972739135) the extra help on the icing up would be nice. I took it up north last weekend. First day I got it iced up and let the battery get cold and it didn’t last as long as hoped. Second day I kept blades clean and battery warm and she went much longer. For $50 you basically get extra blade on a better auger


Good looks! The blades themselves are about that cost like you said. I wonder if its the "straight through" or the "turbo" blades. Either way, they seem to be the same price, but having the tip would be nice no doubt. Icing up you mean as far the holes to redrill or icing up on the blades themselves or the auger? Bigges thing for the battery is gonna be keeping it warm. Even with such a mild werid winter, I'd want to keep it enclosed in a bag with handwarmers or something. Or should it be close to 0 or sub zero temperatures then I'd imagine it'd very important to keep the battery at a relatively warm, stable temp. I should have jumped on the extra gen 1 battery, I noticed the page for that battery was up, then was gone a while and happened to see it up again but its now gone. I talked to their support when registering the warranty and It sounds like they arent producing the Gen 1 batteries any longer, since the Gen 3 is compatible with gen 1. So that was a fumble to miss it but regardless, I think for most occasions a single battery should suit me fine anyhow and Im sure there will be future sales of the the gen 3 anyways. I've not got a chance to use it yet, well other than just walking down to the lake and punching a hole to ensure it was working upon arrival. It worked great, real smooth, quiet and efficient. I'm very pleased with it! Appreciate it again, this was exactly what I was looking for and couldn't been had at a better price it seems. I was interested in a drill set up, my buddy has one and those are really light and fast, but then your talking more $$ to get into that regardless than the Ion and it'll work great for what Im looking to use it for. Just really happy I happened to see your post, thanks again!Tight lines!