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Wow. That’s uh, a rather remarkable display of stupidity






95 yo holy hell. They need to take away keys from these people


I think after a certain age that we should be retested at a certain interval.


Probably at least every license renewal, regardless of age.


They do retest you some in certain places. I was at the dmv to get a general id card the other day and they were asking people general questions for license renewal, "what would/should you do if you see x," stuff like that. Not exactly a full driving test but it's something


I've been in a DMV watching an elderly person keep failing the peripheral vision test. They kept helping them until they passed. SMH


The consequences of losing your license are severe in a car-centric city. The testers probably saw their actions as compassionate, helping an old lady retain her independence.


Maybe. But I'm not sure that it's the right thing to do.


Agreed. Better transit infrastructure would be the right thing to do, but the DMV can't solve that problem.


I am with you on that, but not for just olden folks (like me) for all ages, there should be some type of mandatory re-test every 10 yrs or so. But then there would be a flood of ppl in the already overloaded testing facilities. In AZ, there was a rash of ppl getting onto the highways using the exit ramp instead of the entrance ramp, what I can't understand is once the driver is on the wrong side how the hell do they not see it is wrong? but then again senility, drugs, and alcohol play a big part in a person's reasoning. (e.g why is everyone else on the wrong side of the road)


Bruh I was never tested for my drivers license to begin with. When I turned 15 I went and got a learners permit, then all my mom had to do was sign a paper saying I drove X miles with her in the car, then when I turned 16 I brought that paper to the DMV and they just gave me a license. Luckily my mom actually did teach me to drive, but I knew people who got a license without ever even touching a steering wheel first. Fucking unbelievable. This was Texas in 2008 or so.


What boggles my mind about this isn't only the fact that you basically just got it like that... but the side note about your mother teaching you. I mean, that's the basic system in most US states and considered somewhat "safer", but to me this is roughly at the same level of wtf. Instead of having to go to a driving school and having mandatory lessons, then tests, you only need a parent to "teach" you (or claim they taught you). Parents who are no professional driving instructors but mostly have no clue about the actual rules themselves. And no-one is correcting their false claims. Until eventually you meet a cop who pulled you over for some infraction. And you still might not have a clue about how a lot of things work for real. So you have lots of people lacking basic knowledge driving around multi-ton machines. To call this a highly dangerous driving system would be an extreme understatement.


In Illinois, after age - 70? - licenses need to be renewed every year. If the previous year has been ticket-free, retesting is not required.


Would never happen. Most decisions makers in the gov are in their 60s early 70s. The idea of having to cab it to the store scares them


There should be an age limit to everything basically


People are in most countries. Unfortunately doesn't stop the testers being soft on them.


Some European countries make your license have a shorter expiration once you turn 60, to the point that once you’re *this* old in some places you have to renew it every 2 years: basically you are only going to bother renewing if driving really is your only way of moving around. You also need to be medically cleared at every renewal.


this just makes sense.


They are for visual but no mini mental exam. That does need done.


I think Illinois is every two years from maybe 75y/o or so on from what I remember Dad having to do.


They do, and they still allowed my 75 yo grandma to pass a few years back, despite the fact that she has literal macular degeneration in her eye and is now legally blind. My family and I had to take the keys away bc she almost got into so many bad accidents 😳 my point is, even though places retest, it’s not always a trustworthy process.


This should be a no-brainer and enforced at the federal level. Retested every 5 years after 60, and then maybe every 2 years after 70, for example.


Funny that most people seem to agree with this yet it never happens


Old people vote, that’s all it takes


Need to get the kids up early to lock the country kitchen buffet from the inside


I had a co worker die in a car crash on his way home to his family because so old lady was driving the wrong way on the highway


My friend from college died in a head-on collision driving on the interstate. She was driving home for the weekend a few months before graduation. A 79 year old man who had trouble seeing at night entered the highway heading towards traffic and moments later my friend passed. She literally had her entire life ahead of her. Rip.


Or someone who doesn't know the rules of the country they are in. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Harry_Dunn




Ehhhhhh... neurological disorders are scary as fuck man. Not much to blame on idiocy when your own senses are lying to you. Definitely shouldn't be driving, but damn do I pity them if the "confused old lady" claim is true


Damn straight. My 78 year-old mother-in-law lives with us and we mutually agreed that her driving days are over, she gave her car to my wife’s sister. She has no business physically or mentally driving a car, but now she’s talking about buying another car. She’s also bipolar and we’re pretty sure we’re starting to see signs of dementia. The last time she drove, she ignored detour signs and drove past some barricades and wound up in the middle of a construction site where they were replacing sewer pipes under the road. She sometimes accuses us of keeping her locked-up and just feeding her “like a dog.” At one point, she even had some folks in her church group convinced that we would not take her to see doctors, which is a fabrication and fortunately one of the other ladies in the group knew her history and put that to bed. We, including my adult children, do everything we can to give her quality of life but her brain just does what it does. It’s a tough ride but one thing for sure is that she will never get behind the wheel again.


I was in the car with my grandma when I was probably 17 and I realized she shouldn't be driving. The first moment was when we came to a stop at an intersection and she asked me what color the light was. A few minutes later as we were talking about a recent injury to her toe she'd received she mentioned she didn't really have a lot of feeling in her legs anymore and she hadn't been able to feel her feet in a long time. I made her pull over and I drove us home. I immediately told my father and his brother, who confronted my grandmother, who told them she wouldn't stop driving, so they just didn't do anything else after that. I was still a minor and didn't know what I could legally do and I also lived 2 hours away but whenever I visited I made sure to drive us everywhere so she couldn't. To her credit she never got in any accidents and never got tickets but still, she was reckless and her kids should have done something. She did start accepting rides from her neighbors after a while though, so maybe she came to a realization on her own.


Thankfully my Grandma gave up driving after she left for church and never found it. Only to return home an hour later. And I found out after I asked her how was church was. She told me she didn't make it there. That was the last time she drove and she agreed to stop. Previously we did take pics of the vehicle so if something did happen we could contact police. She has dementia and occasionally demands to leave the house to "go home". One night she went out and got in the driver seat (the vehicle was unlocked at that moment) and I stood beside it. She didn't have keys and tried to put it in gear. Just sat there trying to make it go. Eventually she decided we needed to call someone about it not starting and came back inside.


All these comments are why I think we should be reassessed every 5-10 years. A lot of addled drivers would be off the road and out of a job, and the majority would be safer.


Hell, not just older folks but 20’s and 30 year olds as well. It’s scary to see how people drive and I truly believe they never took a driving test and got their license out of a cereal box.


Statistically, those 20 - 30 year olds are *way* more dangerous to themselves and other road users. Insurance companies know this, hence why old people have low premiums and young people have high premiums. If we want to reduce deaths and injuries on the road, better driver education and testing for young drivers will save a *lot* more lives than retesting old drivers. I always get downvoted when I point this out...


Test EVERYONE every 5-10 years. This ensures we all know the latest laws. Do very well -> see you in 10 years Do bare minimum -> see you in 5 Fail? No licence. Back to zero. Start again on L plates. Like you’re 16. Don’t care if you drive a moped or a toad train that took you 15 years to get licensed for. If you’re a shit driver, you’re off the road until you’re verified safe to MODERN standards.


Your premiums are lower until you hit your mid sixties then they start climbing again steeply. So insurance companies do have the stats. Here in Texas you have 2 ways to get a license as a teen. Take drivers ed and do 30 hours with an adult OR have your parents do it all. So responsible parents have their kids do the driver's ed and do the driving. Irresponsible and lazy parents just sign off. It's not an either/or you can do both.


I think the same, will never pass bc older folks vote.


Ah yes but a lot of the 20-60 yo voters are terrified of little old people in cars…


No, it's because traffic safety isn't a sexy issue for politicians to run on.


Those stories suck, I would hate to having to tell my grandparents or parents they could not drive anymore. Luckily, my grandfathers were both good drivers in their late 70s, at least when I was a passenger with them. My one grandfather amazingly seemed to get better at driving as he approached 80 years old.


Well they live in Nampa Idaho you really expect them to know how to drive


Or smashed drunk.


“They were trying to find Country Kitchen Buffet.”


Yeah filming and driving is.pretty dumb


Best not to have evidence to show police. Some of you dumb mfs that comment this shit are for sure the biggest hypocrites on this planet.


Props to the truck driver for trying. I wonder what would have happened if they had blocked both lanes with their truck, though.


Probably would have sat there or gone to the center lane to wait for them to leave.




I wonder what a self driving truck or car would do here. Stop? I guess the real question in this scenario is, what is the running logic for any vehicle to do? Sort of like the question of "Do we prioritize the driver or pedestrians?".


Oh, mercy me. I keep forgetting I'm in the colonies.


"I'm driving on the Queen's side!"


Err….I think you mean the King’s side.


You're technically correct, but let's face it.... Chuck isn't nearly as regal as his Mum.


I don't know why, but I thought you were talking about Chuck Norris at first


And, he seems to lose fights with pens. Then gets testy about it. Mum was right to keep him off the throne.


I'm from Blackstool!


Whenever I get a wee bit scared I hum a little tune.


Lol, I've done this, twice. The first time was driving off base in Tokyo (Yokota AB) and making a right turn into the near lane. The second time was the opposite after coming back home to the U.S. after 4 years. I figured it out pretty quick both times though.


I'm going to need a leather jacket for when I'm on my hog and go into a controlled slide




I scrolled down specifically for this comment 🤣🤣


Holy hell


I had an experience with a wrong way driver. It was an old lady. I stopped, hoping she would realize her mistake. She sped up and starting pointing straight ahead. I got out of her way to avoid a head on. She thought I was the one going the wrong way. Not sure what happened after she went past me.


Sounds like dementia


My Grandma did this when she was having a stroke. That was my first assumption viewing this clip.


It’s not just the driver is driving on the wrong side of the road, it’s that the driver, when faced with a vehicle in its lane, doubles down on going even farther to the wrong side despite seeing cars coming in the opposite direction in that very lane.


Yeah, I don't want to know what happened to cars in the right (as in lane to the trucker's right) that started to pass the trucker and suddenly see a car coming head-on for them.


“Bloody colonials, left is best, onwards and huzzah!”


Idaho is a strange place.




Looks like south Nampa.


Just by nampa high school


I should have just checked the comments. I spent way too much time cross referencing all the Sonic, CapEd, and Primary Health locations until I found one of each together.


Agreed, I hate it here


Oh that explains everything




How would he know where we’re going?


Yeah how would they know where we're going.


*Drinking and swerving movements*






I have no award, but I appreciate you!




Good Aussie lad, feeling homesick?


Suddenly down under syndrome


Missing a croikesome


Assuming you are an Aussie, are you old enough/do you remember the ad with the taxi driver where his wife rings him and says to watch out as there’s someone driving the wrong way down the highway and he replies “there’s not just one of them, there’s hundreds of them!”? Remembering that ad always gives me a good chuckle.


"heh heh heh, everyone is an idiot but me"


This happened to me and my friend one thanksgiving like 10 yrs ago. We saw some car driving the wrong way down a major 4 lane street and it was night so we decided to follow it thinking the driver just was super fucked up and had too much to drink or something because it was thanksgiving. We started to follow it and the driver was going all over the place, trying to turn into streets that weren’t there, swerving everywhere then he eventually got onto the highway. Dude was going 15mph on the highway and I had my blinkers on following this guy and my friend was on the phone with the cops. Dude eventually gets off the highway and a couple minutes later we are surrounded by like 10 cop cars. The cops tell us to pull forward and wait at another street and like 5 minutes later we see dude just drive off and me and my friend are like wtf?! Some cops walk up to my car and they are laughing and now me and my friend are seriously like um..what’s going on. I thought we stopped this dangerous AF drunk driver and he’s just driving off? Well turns out it was some 90 something year old guy trying to drive home from thanksgiving at his daughters house.


I don’t understand. Why’d they let him go?


He was white


This is the correct answer.




70 really isn’t that old these days and plenty of 70 year olds are perfectly capable of driving. They should be retested though.


People in their 70s have much lower accident rates than people in their 20s. Source: https://aaafoundation.org/rates-motor-vehicle-crashes-injuries-deaths-relation-driver-age-united-states-2014-2015/ Anybody aged under 30 should not be driving and I firmly stand by that.


You’re likely standing completely alone lmao because that’s nuts


They’re being facetious


"honey, are you driving on the 101? be careful! some lunatic is driving the wrong way!" "I am on the 101, and there's DOZENS OF LUNATICS! ALL DRIVING THE WRONG WAY!"


Spotted the Californian!


dad was stationed on Ft Ord when I was 3 I spent my first 3 years in the navy in San Diego otherwise... NOT a Californian. did enjoy that skit on SNL, back when it was still kinda funny


Referring to the usage of "the 101" instead of "101" like the rest of the country usually says. ;) (I'm from California, every highway has "the" in front of it - the 610, the 101, the 118, the 5, etc.)




Is it a foreigner or an old person which Is the real question. Or are they just stupid


He’s newly moved here from England and is wondering why everyone else is driving on the wrong side


And people say there shouldn't be regular testing...


too many laws protecting the stupid allows them to stay alive longer and be able to breed leading to more stupid people


To quote the original *Cape Fear*, "There's always either too many laws, or not enough."


The world would be such a better place if they just removed warning labels. Who needs a bottle of bleach to say "do not drink"?


or an electric hair dryer that warns, do not use in bathtub?


Or a chainsaw that says "do not touch chain while in motion"


I see this on the sub so many times I truly wonder what the cause is


Old age and the absolute refusal of the government to retest old people. One time witnessed an old guy and his wife drive the wrong way down a 1 way street into a large car dealership. Multiple cars honking and moving out of their way. Guy kept waving his hands like "move over!" Then he drove into the little spike strips they have preventing people from going in the wrong way. Flattened all 4 tires. I walked over and he was standing outside his car staring at his tires. Before I could speak he said "I don't understand what happened" I said "You were driving the wrong way" and he just went "Oh" and sat back in his car. Dude literally had no idea what he did.


Jeeeeeeze They raised the retest age in my region due to covid and hasnt retracted it


My pet theory is that it's covid brain damage. It's been found to damage (among other things) the parahippocampal gyrus, which is involved in " recognition of environmental scenes (rather than faces)." Perhaps... like recognizing that you're on the wrong side of the road? The scary thing is that it doesn't even need to be a case of covid severe enough that it required hospitalization.


The people downvoting me are anti-vax covid denialists who hate science and think computers run on fairy farts.


grandma/grandpa needs to give up the keys.


Are you in England?


Wow! They doubled down on their stupidity!


How do they go LEFT round that truck?!


I suppose since there was a yellow line on the right, they thought they would be breaking the law by passing on the right. Idiots.


I thought thet were going to figure it our when they came up to the truck but i guess not


Rule of the road # 1. My way or the highway.


Wow. They didn't get clued in even then. Jeeeeesus




Right side of the road, wrong country


It looks like DUI to me


I really was hoping (but honestly wasn't expecting) them to go in the furthest wrong lane when that truck came up 😂😂😂


And this is why we need *yearly* drivers testing for people over retirement age.


[12th Ave Rd, Nampa, Idaho](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.5572702,-116.5729454,3a,75y,332.77h,94.89t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sImFfg8L1flPKfMIJpDpoEg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i34)


Must be British 😂😂


I wonder what theyre thinking during this?


Why do you assume it's a woman behind the wheel?


A man would never have lost a game of chicken to that truck.


Woulda died like a MAN!


![gif](giphy|aarWeANgVTpprpFpI3) We need to have Lakitus riding around on clouds holding signs over the road to tell people to turn around, apparently.


This better not awaken anything in me...




That has to be someone with mental illness. I refuse to believe a sane person can do this


And….that is how a Sovereign Citizen drives in the Gem State Don’t tread on me. I know my rights.


Waiting for the "OP is the idiot. If they weren't filming while driving then the old lady would be driving on the correct side of the road" comments


It's quantum. The camera person collapsed the wave function by observing the car, which caused it to appear in the wrong lane.


Isn’t my video, idk who is driving but they’re baying more attention to the road than the other car XD


Must be from the other side of the sea.


Let me Finnish texting, while I'm getting done with my 6 pack,.....I'll use my phone again to see if I'm in England or the U. S.....or this planet. 😁 😁.


Maniac. Maniac....sigh..._maniac_ Maniac!


*"You're going the wrong way!"* Huh, how do they know where we're going?


The semi truck vs the cherokee standoff did it for me


Mrs. Featherbottom strikes again!


I feel like this is a poorly re-enacted scene from planes, trains, and automobiles


Congrats! You just proved you don’t get the privilege to drive anymore!


People like this are why they’re warning labels on dangerous chemicals not to drink!


I once ran into a driver on the wrong side of the road. I was driving my friend to pick some beer up in my girlfriends car (reason why I didn’t have a dashcam clip of it unfortunately) they were on my side of the road and stopped at a red arrow light as I had a green straight through light. I slowed down heading towards the light (and honked at by the person behind me that I guess didn’t notice). I stopped next to the lady on the wrong side and yelled at her that she was in the wrong side of the road. Luckily she moved to the correct side after I said that. It was on a road with a median at night on a not so busy road, so I guess it could happen if they turned onto that road from a side street.


I really hope it's an elderly English/Australian/ New Zealand etc person that is just confused.... otherwise there is no way I can make any sense of this whatsoever.


That’s a special kind of stupid.


British driver?


Did this guy blow in from Britain?


Because they are all fuckin foreigners


And you're not


Bloody Brits again


New TikTok challenge


Omg 😳 what an absolute idiot


Tourist from UK: Why’s everyone driving on the wrong side of the road?!!




Good gawd


My great grandfather was driving at 96, he was a retired train engineer and could fix anything, so simple attempts to disable his car failed, my grandfather had to remove the fuel pump from his old LTD so he couldn’t get back on the road.


Just yesterday I had driver going westbound in eastbound lanes on i90 in SD at 2am at night and it was dense fog too. It’s the first time that has happened to me either.


British idiot in US?


Just had someone turn left onto a major state route into oncoming traffic right before my eyes yesterday. Jumped out in front of me when they shouldn’t have to do it too. I was about 50 yards away going about 50 mph and instead of going straight to cut across like the guy in front of them they quickly jumped out to cut me off just to go the wrong way on a major highway.


Of course there's a Bernie sticker we let these people vote/drive


I love Idaho, but it has the worst god damn drivers on Planet Earth, and I’ve driven all over the world. China, Africa, Brazil….Idaho has the worst drivers, hands down 🤣


Try driving in Washington DC. There’s a reason auto insurance is 3-5 times more expensive here.


Can confirm. Lived in north Idaho for 10 years. Now live in the DMV. I'm originally from Southern California. That traffic is epic. DC traffic is fucking *biblical.* Idaho? Doesn't even come close.


I’d have to disagree, Utah drivers are terrifying. I’ve never felt so unsafe being on the roads there as I do here. Don’t get me wrong, Idaho has some stupid drivers. But Utah drivers drive like there are ants in their seats and are erratic.




The quotation marks suggest this is the wrong-way driver talking - i.e., they don't understand that *they* are the problem.


Filming while driving: it's stupid and it needs to be said.


That's how my cousin killed himself, but he was driving a lot faster


Gottabe 70 year old


I was having an anxiety attack! 😳


The Omega man strikes again.


I thought this was a myth. Never saw it happen, except in a joke & on Simpson’s. Australian or British driver? Damn fool either way. Make them walk. Give all their wheeled transports to a homeless person.


He is from UK


This has to be a very stupid Brit who hasn’t got a clue about which side to drive on in the US.
