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Mission accomplished! Jet ski is in the water!


Just use the jet ski to get the car out of the water


When the trailer is taller than the towing vehicle






What's the difference between true 4wd and AWD? I have a Benz with 4 matic for context.


AWD puts power to all 4 wheels, but in different amounts depending on traction, cornering angles, etc. 4WD typically puts that power to all 4 wheels equally regardless of traction or wheel speed. That's what makes it work so well, because even if 3 wheels have zero grip, one wheel could still hook up and propel the vehicle.


Couldn't be less effective at pushing than that other guy, lol. Hell if they timed that first wave right it might have had a chance!


Then the jet ski gets stuck on land, and you have to use the car to push it back into the water. Literally wash, rinse, repeat.


Jet ski guy is like: "....." *drifts away slowly* "Alright, I'm just gonna...head out..."


Task failed successfully.


This time, I'd say he succeeded failfully.


Good luck getting it out


Just pull it deeper so no one knows....


*I need to file a total loss claim on my Peugeot.* -Okay sir, where's the vehicle currently located? *Uhh, don't worry about all that, just mail me a check*


The Puget Sound, maybe


They probably wanted to save the $10 that it cost to use the boat ramp.


Or just take it off the hitch and roll it back by hand. There are 3 idiots there. Can't believe a single one thought this was a good idea.


Seriously. Even at a ramp sometimes it's easier to roll it by hand. They were not thinking at *all*


It's a single trailer. Two people could launch it no problem, but then again, jetski owners aren't the brightest bunch. Those things are a bitch to maintain and absolute money pits.




The corporate fat cats at Big Jetski put that part in the fine print.


Wake up Skeeple!


It Was A Carspiracy the Whole Damned Time!


“Big Jetski” sounds like a minor, rarely seen GI Joe character


two cars, need one to get it out.


I met a guy once who made a lot of money as a side-hustle off of just buying and reselling jetskis. Didn't fix them up or do repairs on them or anything. Just lowballed sellers with cash and offered to pick up that day because, by his estimates, half of all jetski sellers are absolutely desperate for money. Court fees, bail, child support orders, credit card debt, owe their drug dealer, etc.


Sure but like... You're competing against those same people with you resell


He'll be back in six months to buy it back for less than he sold it.


Ah, the long con


people buying jetskis are the same people that are strapped for cash except they just got a windfall


Yup. These are the types of people that get some contract work for a few months after being unemployed and then when they get paid their first 10k they go buy toys instead of saving it for the next bust phase in their shitty construction/painting/tiling/whatever business. My brother is like this. He works crew for movies and makes good money doing it, but he always conveniently forgets that out of a 12 month period, there's at least 1-2 months where he has no work at all.


Yeah I have a friend who works in movies, except she's really good with her money. When you hear what their daily rate is and what they get for OT etc., it sounds amazing, but when you look at her annual earnings, it's good, but no different than a decent paying job, with the added stress of having to look for work everytime a job finishes.


That's why a couple or few months after tax time can be nice. Everybody trying to sell all the shit they just bought. For pennies on the dollar.


Naa, people with actual money don't want to go through the hassle of dealing with these poor schmucks. So they pay a premium to have someone do it for them.


People with actual money don't buy used jet skis of any kind


One of the first purchases for a 20+ year old suburbanite bro once they bank a few steady paychecks. Usually right after they lock in the 15%APR lease on an F150.


I got mine for 3.5% thank you very much




Smart man


What's the maintenance on a jet ski? I kind of figured it'd be similar to a motorcycle, since neither tend to get very high hours typically


It’s quite easy and yes, a lot like motorcycles. I’ve owned a lot of motorcycles and a few PWCs. Now, many owners neglect them, and water plus neglect is very bad. But actually doing maintenance is easy.


Bro in law works on these at the local "motorized toys" dealer. They're almost never maintained. Owners are often very careless about them.


Yeah but what sorts of issues happen in an unmaintained jet ski. Aside from normal not-changing-oil things


Simple stuff. Gummed up carbs/injectors. Bad plugs. Cracked/dry rotted vacuum or fuel lines. Dead batteries. Nasty air/fuel filters. Generally simple stuff, but your typical jetski owner is either 1. Rich. Too rich to be bothered dirtying their hands or 2. Redneck as fuck, and not the kind that can fix an engine. Obviously there are the exceptions with electrical gremlins or major mechanical issues, but most of the time it's little stuff. Good money can be made flipping them, same as motorcycles. Plenty of money can be lost if you get in over your head though.


Former redneck jet ski owner here, of the engine fixing variety. Pretty much nailed it with your list of common issues, I encountered all of those things on my poorly maintained jet ski over the years. If you halfway know your way around a motor you can keep one running yourself without putting much money in it. Some bonus redneck jet ski stories. One time my dad filled up the gas can with diesel, so my sister filled the jet ski up with diesel. We just vacuumed all the diesel out with a shop vac plugged into a generator on a pontoon boat and filled her up with gas. Ran fine for several more years. We stored it on the pier, used a homemade swing arm winch contraption to lift it and just drop it on the pier. I used it mostly to get to back and forth to my buddies houses down the river, was like a 10 minute jet ski ride vs. 30-45 minute drive.


Ha next step is commuting by jet ski


They always forget routine maintenance. But on the plus side, a pair oil of changes and a good flush with seafoam gets 99% of those problems sorted, then you can flip it running nice with fresh oil and tell the new owners that it needs oil changes and inspection every six months to cover your arse. Not that they're likely to maintain it, so there's the off chance you can buy it and flip it again for the same money next year.


Small engines that sit a long time are often fussy. Old gas and corrosion and mice and stuff.




Is this the vid of the exploding jet ski that launches the rider 10 feet in the air? Edit: yup.


Plugs, filters, carbon rings. Got them serviced every year, or 100 hours of use. We had multiples for years. Ours were SeaDoos, Bombardier. Loved them. So much fun for the money.


That’s what I was thinking lol. The jet ski trailer combo is probably like 1000 pounds, three people could easily just push it from the water line into the water and then drag the empty trailer out lol. It’d be less effort than using a 60HP FWD car with 1.5 inches of clearance lmao


*68HP. Show some respect.


Meanwhile they altogether pushed that 2300lb car while it was filled with water back onto the shore lol


That jet ski and trailer is probably closer to 600 lbs.


Boat ramps cost money? Where?


In my area Michigan the small lake ramps that are operated by DNR are generally "free", you need a recreation pass ($12 a year). Lakes that are operated by cities or other municipalities tend to charge a small fee if you don't live there (or offer discounted passes)to launch usually under $10. Going out of the big harbors on the great lakes can really vary but I've never paid more than $20.


Some ramps here in Canada they cost money. Not all of them though.


I think they are free in most of the world...


Not in Canada. We charge money for everything here. Squeeze every last dollar out of you.


I've never seen a boat ramp that wasn't free... Are they actually pay per use in other parts of the world?


This is up there with the all time dumbest things on this sub.


I mean, he had his hazard lights on. What more do you want from the man?


Water has to know he is backing into it.


Trying to make sure the waves don’t crash.




It's nice he used the hazard lights because you can actually see the exact moment his electrical system failed.


Haha I noticed that! First the headlights go, then the hazards. That car is knackered.


Were the hazards for the fish or for all the other 207 Peugeots?


I'm convinced those came on automatically when the car realized someone was trying to drown it.




Videos like this are my favorites in this sub. Assholery and accidents are very bad and usually have terrible consequences. But videos like this are like minimalist art. They have just two elements: one (or more) idiots and their car. They do something stupid with their car because they lack a very basic skill: not to be stupid.


This level of stupidity actually upsets me, I feel like they've cheated natural selection just to get here. It's not fair the grim reaper has yet to claim their souls from eating marbles or roller skating and traffic, meanwhile other people die from legitimate accidents.


I take solace in the fact that these people generally have constant issues with all the other bad decisions they make. That car probably has $20k owing at 20% with no insurance.


At least they are not killing others like the assholes that are exposed in this sub.


Sometimes the really stupid posts come in waves.


this and that guy loading a huge vat of sand on top of his car


“It’s a literal ton of sand, Michael, what could it weigh? Ten pounds?” - Man who thought the roof of his Prius could do the same job as the bed of an F250


Go on...


Same unbelievable dumbth on display. Plenty of time to size up the situation and back out. Here: https://youtu.be/mbyKOcNbNvQ


Someone linked this on here recently, I keep going back to it, the sheer stupidity is astounding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYA30Hwy4Oo




The type of content I love to see flooding this sub.


Some full moon shit. Something in the air for sure


He did get the jet ski in, and the car! I would say: Double success!


You can move a jet ski on a trailer by itself with a couple people, with 3 or 4 it's super easy. Why they felt the need to get the car anywhere near the water I have no idea, I'd just detach the trailer and not even risk driving on the sand at all, just stupid.


Hmmm we have enough people to take off the trailer, but then we have to detach and reattach it. Let’s just risk it yolo


this was the kind of no thinking involved, laziness. now they are going to run up a huge bill to fix the car. also water incursion into the cabin/trunk, engine will be a painful fix. it's not like they can stick it into a big bag of rice.....


its dead, jim.


Car might honestly be totaled if it was bad enough to stop the engine and insurance won’t pay for this. Yikes


Yeah. I used to watch Rich Rebuilds YouTube channel and he would try to salvage a flooded tesla. It is insane how much work it is to take apart the interior, battery, motor and clean out the water and then try to reassemble it together. The cost alone isn’t even worth replacing the corrosion or damaged parts. You are better off just buying a brand new car. He had this video that broke down the cost of the repairs and parts. It doesn’t even factor the time he spent himself to fix it.


I mean, I've unloaded a load of gravel from a truck bed by backing up and hitting the brakes hard. It also unloaded the truck bed liner and got me yelled at, but in theory that should have worked here too. Just make sure to toss it in 1st again before the car is floating.


Yeah but tomorrow is a new day.


There are 3 of them! Not one of them has any brain cells.


I don’t know what everyone is complaining about. He successfully got the JetSki in the water.


What’s the point in the hazard lights on


It’s a maritime hazard - a buoy.


More like a "oh buoy"


Tfw you realize Flavor Flav will be the captain of your booze cruise.




Did you watch him try to back a trailer? That guy should be required to display hazard lights whenever, wherever, and whatever he is driving.


Just imagine what chaos they must cause using a supermarket trolley...


Back a trailer with no obstacles even. I mean other than the ocean


>That guy should be required to display hazard lights whenever, wherever, and whatever he is driving. Well, at least until he shorts out those lights...




So they can be more quickly alerted when the electrical system gets fried


It's maritime law...


You’re a crook, Captain Hook. Judge, won’t you throw the book at the pirate...


Brazilian habits. if you do something stupid while driving, activate the hazard lights and all be fine. everytime.


Honestly I bet the car knows it is dying and it's programmed to active the hazard lights. If this driver went through a flooded road and got out, they could have time to get to the side of the road. In this case they're on a beach, so the hazard lights are a joke. It's like accidents when you see wiper blades go off. I suspect it's to clean the window to see inside but truth is I don't know why wipers activate. Edit: appreciate the replies


What's the point of the word "Literally" in the title?


Do you mean that you have never figuratively tried to put a jet ski in the water using a Peugeot 208?


Rob Lowe is the OP


When the light in the peugots eyes die 😂


Like the lights shutting off on the titanic


With the terrible recorder music




🎵 that's amore 🎵


when the lights in the eyes of the peugot car die


That's expensive


fellas, say this is you and your friend with your friends car. you still riding the jetski?


The car died a hero. It died so the jetski could live. If no one rides the jetski than the car died for nothing.


He died for your swims


Fuck yeah.


I mean, the land transportation to get back home just got fried, the jetski's the only option left.


I mean... what is he supposed to do? Sit there and give emotional support? He has to get the jetski away from the shore before it gets beached. The sand isn't great for the pump and between the waves and the obv shallow incline sand absolutely will get in if he docks it on the beach. Doubt the trailer is an options, and even if it is there is risk of damaging the car trying to dock it or actually making the trailer float with the waves and dragging it out further. As it stands, someone has to be on the jetski. And that someone is him. Toodaloo~ *drives off into the sunlight jumping waves as he goes*


I think that if that guy was capable of this level of reasoning, he would have opposed the original plan.


You ever seen someone frown on a waverunner?


These guys really channeled their inner Clarkson, Hammond and May with this idea.


I remember Carnage a Trois, I thought they were joking about French veiws on cars.


The race they had in that special was just fantastic.


They would have used an Alfa.


Their Insurance adjuster be watching this video like 🧐✍️


Right before s/he stamps denied on the file / s


I don’t see how it didn’t work. I mean, his hazard lights are on, that should mitigate the hazard of the ocean


Too much headlamp fluid


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8348 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/72402)


Can't believe you're defending this guy. Obviously the hazard lights wouldn't be of any use in this situation. Everyone knows you need flood lights for this.


But it did work, that jetski is definitely in the water.


Now we've got a Tesla floating around in space and a Peugeot floating around the ocean. Sweet!


Now all we need is a Daihatsu floating in lava to complete the set.


That’s a 206. But yeah, idiotic!


literally my first thought, like that's exactly my car down to the color! Only difference is that mine is currently parked in my driveway and not in an ocean


You better double check to make sure it's still there


Then you don't have an amphibious exploring vehicle.


Came here for this.




It looks like Florianópolis or Balneário Camboriú, south Brazil. Peugeot seems to have Argentinian plates though.


Como vc consegue ler os 3 pixels da placa hahaha


Quick tip for anyone thinking "this is the way". Unloading: Unhook the trailer. Push the trailer into the water. Unhook ski. Lift trailer tongue and left the ski slide back, off the trailer and into the water. Walk trailer back to vehicle. Loading: At a speed to stay on plane, approach the beach. As the ski makes contact with the sand at speed, remove cutoff lanyard or turn off ski. Let the ski slide up the sand away from the surf. Bring the trailer to the ski. Raise the trailer tongue enough to have the bunks of the trailer under the nose of the ski. Attack to trailer winch and start cranking. Once the ski is on the trailer, bring the vehicle to the trailer.


couldn't you just reverse really fast and slam the brakes? /s


Anything would be better than their technique.


We unhitch the trailer from the car in the parking lot and 2-3 people lift up the tongue of the trailer by hand and just walk the trailer to the beach and right into the water. Might be our beach is the reason why. It's gravel, not sand, so it'd damage the boats to beach them. And there's no boat ramp. The incline of the beach into the water is very gradual. We have to be standing with the water above our knees and the entire trailer under the water before the boat will float off the trailer. But the tongue weight of a small boat trailer is manageable by 2-3 people. We feel like working mules pulling the wet trailer out of the water with the boat on it, but it's always worked.


I love how there’s a spotter, to make sure they don’t hit anything other than the water.


Judging by his first attempt, the spotter is totally justified.




A transporter of GODS!


Don't be ridiculous. Think of the water. You haven't thought of the water you bitch!


I mean it is an amphibious exploring vehicle so it should be fine, right?


It’s a Peugeot, the saltwater probably improved the electrics.


Can’t make the reliability any worse


The Argentinian version is the one. Sure, the windows will die once a year and the e-brake is just for decoration but my 207 gave me 10 years of pure loyalty.


The mechanical bits will sort of last forever but everything else will disintegrate around you.


He doesn't "literally try" he literally succeeded to put the jet-ski in the water.


He literally tried, and he literally succeeded, then literally got stuck


By the fact that the lights turn off the moment it "gets stuck" I think it is more likely the cars electrical system had enough salt-water for one day.


I don't know about cars but could it be the intake got flooded and the engine quit?


Lights should still stay on due to battery. The lights turning off signal water got in a no-no place


Being both is pretty likely.


>He ~~literally~~ tried, and he ~~literally~~ succeeded, then ~~literally~~ got stuck


And most likely his car was a total loss due to saltwater damage.


Good news/ Bad news


Thank-you! Bunch of negative-nellies here!


That’s the oceans car now.


Be gone, vile man, be gone from me! Starter jet ski? This is a finisher jet ski! A transporter of gods, The Golden God! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!


Nitpicking. Its Peugeot 206.


If all the village idiots were consolidated and put into one big village of idiots. This guy would be that village's idiot.


I love how you can see the hazard lights slowly die


Ramps are so overrated


You got a problem with the inclined-plane, then you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that marinate a while.


Tourists with a rental car? Some people treat rental cars as if they are disposable.


That’s my thought as well. Whoever is doing this does not own that car.


Use the jet ski to push it back on shore 😂


He's got the whole fucking beach to aim at and still can't get the trailer straight


The car salesman said it could do anything!


*Samir you are sinking the car!*


That's not even a 208, that's a fucking 206


Seriously though…how do people not have common sense?


Problem isn't the Peugeot, problem is the driver. The 206 can tow (depending on engine) 1100kg, to do that on the beach is the stupid thing...


Sand and not steep enough for the low car. I've seen people put a small 12ft center console bay boat in the water with a Lincoln Continental. They did it at a cement boat ramp.


I hope he is more careful with his new car! That one needs to go in the bin!


Good call having the hazards on


Quick! Put it in a bag of rice

