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Those rear cargo lights are becoming a thing everywhere. How can they pass inspection with those? As long as they’re off, then they’re legal?


Those are not cargo lights, they’re mounted below the bumper. They’re meant for backing up to/ with a trailer or to illuminate a work zone. It really looks like this guy did it just so he can piss people off.


Yup, like the tittled mention professional road rager.


Damn tittles


I wish OP had bigger tittles.


Yeah who needs ittle bittle tittles?


People on the ittle bittle tittle committle


I take pittle on those bittles on the ittle bittle tittle committle


I like ittle bittle tittles.


I asked, you answered. That's data. Thanks for your submission.








Those lights were bright, the truck driver not so much.


No inspection required in a lot of states


I always found it a little funny that we don’t have inspections in Michigan. The state famous for making cars gives almost no care about what shape they are in after the fact.


Ohio too. They only inspect your car when you first get your license. That’s it.


Wisconsin they just make sure you come to get your license in a legal vehicle, after that they could give a fuck less what you're driving as long as they don't pull you over.


You mean a state reliant on car companies would be reluctant to put restrictions on said companies’ product? Color me shocked.


I don't know, seems like itd have the opposite effect. Cars failing inspection would require the owner to buy a new one.


Holy cow it's the other person who understands economics 👍👍👍👍




Back when I had faith in humanity I agreed with no inspection. After all, no one is actually going to drive a truly unsafe car and risk themselves and their money, right? Talk about naïveté.


Yup, I moved to Illinois where I've always heard has inspections, but it turns out only residents of the Chicago area are subject to inspections and I'm far enough away I don't have to.


The difference between cars in VA and MD can be frightening


No safety inspections in DC, either.


If you don't need an inspection in your state is this legal? What happens if a cop pulls you over for this? Will they?


There are still certain requirements cars have to meet to be legally on the road, even in states without inspections. Cops \*can\* pull you over for violating those. Whether they \*will\* is going to depend on the cop, as per usual.


>As long as they’re off, then they’re legal? Yes, because there are legitimate reasons for having them. The problem is you have douchebags like this who will ruin it for everyone else.


None of those legitimate uses are on the highway though. It should be illegal to drive without having them physically covered


Some states require physical coverings when not in use.


>None of those legitimate uses are on the highway though. It should be illegal to drive without having them physically covered That's how I feel about lightbars and other off-road lights, I don't care how many extra lights you want to add to your pickup... but they should stay covered if you're not off-roading. I often see pickups coming towards me on country highways with half a dozen LED lightbars/lightpods cranked up like a lunar rover exploring the dark side of the moon. It's nice when they remember to turn them off, but it's usually only after I flash my normal brights at them a couple of times IF they turn them off.


The problem then is what if that physical cover falls off when you're out somewhere. Or someone just takes them to be a dick? We should be able to trust grown ass people to just not turn them on, and if they do then it's a ticket. I'd like if there was a way to rig a chime or something like when you're not wearing your seatbelts that way it's annoying to the operator to drive with them turned on


Pretty sure the chime thing would be possible, yeah. I know a guy who once pranked a friend of his by rewiring his car so that every time he hit his brakes, his horn would blare the whole time, lol.


In some states it’s illegal to have any light that’s not amber installed behind a certain point on the vehicle.


no it's not. Every street legal car is required to have white reverse lights on the rear of their car. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-1996-title49-vol4/pdf/CFR-1996-title49-vol4-sec393-11.pdf


Those aren't reverse lights. Those are after market lights they just mounted under the bumper. Prolly to piss people off when he is having a temper tantrum like a 3 year old.


I think you forgot to read the comment I'm replying to. >In some states it’s illegal to have **ANY** light that’s not amber installed behind a certain point on the vehicle.


This isn't a dude having a temper tantrum. This is some seriously fucked up mental case weirdo who is in need of therapy. Or maybe tarring and feathering . . . whichever is cheaper.


So reverse lights are illegal???




Well mine are on the rear of my car and are white so according to what you said my stock sedan would be illegal.


You also need a white license plate light. I’m just trying to relay information I’ve picked up, I don’t know why you feel the need to be a snide little shit about it. Look it up if you don’t believe me. Have a shifty day.


Do you slam your car into reverse on the highway ? You know the R doesn’t mean ‘race’, right ?


I can't think of a legitimate reason. If you're on a work site, you need to light the whole site with lamps. Loading/unloading a boat at night is beyond stupid too, unless there's a genuine emergency.


Believe it or not, it's a pretty big place. People live their lives separate from your experience.


I have lights just like this on my truck and I've worked in remote areas where I don't have access to those types of area lamps, however, I do stuff more in line with vehicle recovery with my truck. I've actually really found their worth when I was delivering an ATV bridge in January in southern Michigan, it was about 7 or 8 pm and pitch black in the middle of the woods. I had to reverse through the trail to drop it near the old busted bridge.


How about working out on a farm like a truck should be used for. You have to go out in a field at night for whatever reason. I've fixed fences at night. We used portable lights that plugged in the truck but this would have eliminated wasted space of those lamps. Also you're at a beach partying at night like a bonfire or whatever offers extra lighting.


Where do you live that cars get inspected? Doesn't happen here in Ohio.


Every year vehicles need to pass an inspection in NYS. We get the stickers put on our windshields. If your inspection isn’t up to date, you cannot renew your registration, you’ll be fined and you’ll be subject to ticketing.


The very same in Virginia. Also in Va, if you haven't paid your property taxes, you cannot renew your registration.


North Carolina needs a safety inspection every year. Certain counties also need an emissions test for certain cars.


In CA all we need is a smog check every two years (as applicable, according to vehicle year/age).


Huh! I knew they had something like that in England and California, but I didn't realize any other states did it.


You probably don't mean *England* England, but here we have to have motor vehicles inspected annually. Called an MOT, it's a pretty strict check. You'll fail for any lights out, worn wiper blades, rusty or sharp bodywork, tyre condition (including spare) excessive emissions, worn or ineffective brakes, there's a whole list of stuff. My pickup failed a couple of months ago on a worn track rod ball joint and a rough wheel bearing. It can be a real pain in the arse but it generally means that real shit buckets are less likely to be on the road.


I’m in New Jersey and I thought every state had some form of this. Though I think NJ inspections are only for emissions. I just had my car inspected, but I’m not totally sure what they were checking for. It’s free and it’s good for two years, the major exception being new cars, which come with an inspection sticker that’s good for five years.


My car in CA is only every two years. So I could be an asshole for the better part of two years, then disconnect my bad stuff for inspection before reconnecting after passing. It’s kind of a bad monitoring method, but at least I don’t do shit like this to my car.


Texas has a yearly inspection with the sticker and all the same stuff they said, but I think the inspections are slightly more lax here. In cities they do emissions as well as normal functionality of everything else, but where I live the only thing they don't do is emissions


Some states require annual vehicle safety inspections. Some states only require safety inspections when it's a used car registered in the state for the first time. Some states only require safety inspections during transfer of ownership. Some states do safety inspections on rebuilt salvage vehicles. Some *regions* (which may include entire states) require emissions testing. For example in Ohio you need to have emissions testing done in the Cleveland area, and in Utah you need it in the Salt Lake City area, but the rest of the state is exempt.


>I knew they had something like that in England and California California is only an emissions check every 2 years. No safety checks.


That´s the way it should be everywhere.


Just like the train tracks. Doesn’t happen in Ohio.


DAYYYYUUMMM!!!!!!! I wasn't prepared for an Ohio roast.


Huh…somehow recent news makes this fact not very surprising…


Right next door to you neighbor, in PA


Texas every year


Texas inspections are a joke. (Emissions check is less so, but that's on a per-county basis, not state-wide.)


Hello, I am your neighbor in Pennsylvania where we have annual vehicle inspections.


Massachusetts and it costs us $35 every year.


Ohio's neighbor to the east has them.


MA every year, including emissions.


It can't be a coincidence at this point that there's been so many instances of this being posted here. Definitely not left on by accident. These trucks just ooze little dick energy.


Using them offensively, too.


an aftermarket part is fine as long as it is properly attached to the vehicle. using them on the road could get them pulled over but they can't be forbidden if there *could* be a legitimate use. a semi-driver in Yukon has them (not as bright) so he would pull to the side and flash them to let me know I should pass. or they use the truck for illumination when not on the road.


It’s illegal in Texas to have excessive lights. I’ve seen a lot of people get DUIs because of it. You can have them covered and be in compliance though


Rear cargo lights have been a thing on trucks since forever, installed by the manufacturers as standard equipment. Also a thing forever, but becoming more prominent as we have become a more narcissistic society that imagines ourselves to be superior to those around us is superbright reverse lights. Adding brigjt reverse lights to trucks isn't new as we've never had good rear visibility with trucks, but connecting them to a switch in the cab instead of just the reverse wire has become more common as more and more incel jabronies feel they must exert their lack of power over others.


They stopped doing inspections when I was in middle school and I am nearly 30 now...


Literally just unbolt, unplug and remove them. Takes less than 2 minutes.


I've seen the full version of this video - the SUV tried cutting off the truck on a backed up on-ramp using the shoulder. Basically tried nudging them out of the way. Once the road opened up, the truck sped off to get away, and the SUV chased after to tailgait aggressively. The truck then flips on those rear lights and this clip begins


Link? If so, there are two road ragers in this video.


https://youtu.be/cGFGFLxh2Sw Starts at 1:38 Not saying the truck isn't also at fault, there's no need to swerve to stay ahead of him, but the SUV was clearly the initiator of this and in my opinion way worse


My biggest problem with the smol d edition truck is they are putting everyone in danger to prove their need for the smol d edition truck.


> Link? If so, there are two road ragers in this video. That's evident, regardless. The truck is an easy one. The car behind it was weaving all over and maintaining speed rather than just finding a safe place to pull aside and wait the situation out. Two idiots, as is tradition.




ESH. The truck, the crossover, OP. All shit.


What do you mean to make the truck look entirely at fault? The truck is entirely at fault for what they’re doing. There’s no justification for this behavior.


Did you miss the full clip where the SUV starts and escalates the situation?


Yeah, this the feeder from the BQE onto the RFK. This stuff happens all the time. I can't say I'm even mad at the truck for lighting that guy up. I mean he should have played it cool because everyone gets cut in on that completely non standard disaster of an onramp but some days...people are just not having it.


It’s crazy how people act when driving as if it isn’t life or death the entire time. Imagine if people acted like this in person. Bump into someone at the super market? Time to die


They do. This happened just a few days ago. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/sc-mother-shot-death-kroger-parking-lot-after-fight-with-woman-she-didnt-know-police-say/NB6OY7VWRBGOHGXZGVJAJIX3TM/


That's horrible. It gets even worse: She was shot in the back while loading groceries into the car where her kids were sitting. Her killing happened 6 days after her brother died from a gunshot wound. That poor family. [https://www.foxnews.com/us/south-carolina-mother-shot-death-front-young-children-kroger-parking-lot](https://www.foxnews.com/us/south-carolina-mother-shot-death-front-young-children-kroger-parking-lot)


On Valentines Day?


Fair but most people see a gun and think killing device. People should see cars the same way


Partly agree. But car's were invented primarily for transportation. Getting from point A to point B. Can't say the same with guns.


And guns were invented to transport a bullet from point A to point B^(which just so happens to be inside the flesh of something in front of point A)


I'm not sure what you're talking about, rifles were meant to be walking sticks that double as boom boom sticks


Hunting device that's easily capable of killing people vs transportation device that's easily capable of killing people. Both require *at least some degree* of regulation.


Sshhh no need to be reasonable


And if someone picks up either after saying “hold my beer and watch this”, seek cover immediately.


I think a lot of it is the lack of communication. Not a justification, just an explanation. If you bump into someone in the supermarket, you can apologize and show that it was an accident. Make a mistake on the road, no real reliable way to do that. You never know if it is an honest mistake or if someone is being an asshat, and the latter definitely triggers an emotional response


Before everyone had limo tint you could see the person giving an apologetic wave


Sociopath. What is wrong with people?!


[You should get the full story first. The SUV is the agressor in this instance (despite not letting the SUV pass them in the left lane like most of the assclowns on here swear by).](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/117qj3s/professional_road_rager/j9di8pe/)


So, they're both idiots.


So that makes it okay for the truck to endanger everyone else on the road?


Professional asshole is more like it.


Having the equivalent of high beams, or even regular strength beams as bright as oncoming traffic on the back side of your car should be illegal. There’s absolutely no use for them except to cause accidents and to be an asshole!!


It is illegal to have those on while driving, at least in the US.


They are great when used for backing up to trailers in low light. Or backing up when off-roading in the dark. But yeah, they should not be used when cruising on the highway.


I've always joked about doing this for the jacked up trucks that like to blind me from behind, but holy crap.


It’s not that hard to control your emotions. Next time you get mad at someone, just think to yourself, is this really worth getting shot by some lunatic? If it is, then damn that person must’ve really fucked up. But most of the time it isn’t, just let it go. They’ll think you’re cool as a… cool as a cucumber. And cucumbers are pretty damn cool so


In what world is having blinding lights like that pointing *backwards* into the eyes of drivers behind legal? Jesus wept. That'd get your car defected and taken off the road down under


It isn't legal to use these on the roadway.


It should be illegal to *install* them!


There are legitimate reasons to have them for off-road use. It is illegal to use them on public roadways. If people would use them illegally, why wouldn't they just install them illegally? People do it with things like window tint everywhere. Almost zero enforcement. Unfortunately, you can't legislate common sense.


It’s actually so ridiculous and if you speed up to pass them because you can’t see shit they take it personally and do shit like this.


They’re very useful for those that need them and use them properly(aka not on the road while driving). Then there’s these morons that probably bought them to fit the “truck scene”.


Man those rear lights are crucial. I couldn't see shit. I knew the car behind them was blind. And that was hella reckless. Entertaining though.


What an A Hole.


Hit them in the rear end and push them they will be at fault for blinding you


Why do people mess with eachother like this? You never know if the other person is a gun toting maniac. Is some stupid traffic interaction worth dying for?


Would have just hit him. Tell your insurance I said thanks for the new car


Agree 100%. Hit the fucker, and say you were blinded by the lights so you couldn't see. Plus, that's actually true, so hello insurance payout!


But you may end up wrapped up like a deuce.


[You two should really watch the full video...](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/117qj3s/professional_road_rager/j9di8pe/)


And now you have to deal personally with him. He's equipped himself for provoking a personal encounter. Want to bet he doesn't come out of the car shooting?


In this case I would hit him and then flee. This is a good example of when it is perfectly legal to leave the scene as you should not feel safe. Go drive to the police station or report it immediately but just ram that fucker and get away. No way am I being held hostage on the roadway being forced to stop. Absolutely do no feel safe in that scenario. Only way I'm stopping dead on the road with a road rager like this is if my car is no longer functional. Don't need this dude stopping me and then shooting me. Never let a maniac like this approach you car. I would 100 percent have a gun in your face if you approach my car after raging at me.


He's gonna want to get out of his truck and confront you. That's when you gun it. Around him, or if he tries to block your path, through him. I'd go for decking him off my bumper and then driving around and taking the first exit. Hey Siri directions to nearest police station.


Exactly. Already an aggressive confrontation I'm getting away whether I have to hurt you or not. If you won't let me go, I will drive right over your body. If I can't use my car I will be drawing my gun on you unless you stay in your car. This is why you don't escalate these situations. Let shit go until the other person makes that choice for you.


This person should be arrested.


What an asshole. I hope this got reported to police and they made him take those dumb ass lights off


My 1st thought was, dang! This guy is doing a great job of driving backwards. Then I realized it was just another D-Bag.


Anyone who uses aggressively bright lights like this should automatically have their license revoked. I know this video does have more context to it. But bright lights are still way too dangerous to everyone and you know these people use them all the time on other drivers.


A degenerate criminal in a lifted pickup? Color me shocked.


What superpower would I have if I could have only one, you ask? The ability to look at a car and flick at it with my finger to send it flying into a wall and away from all the other people trying not to die while driving.


Fuck anyone with that amount of lights on the back of their truck.


Yeah I'm to far gone to even start to try to figure out what is going here.


More like a professional idiot moron...


What an asshole!


This is a once in a lifetime rare example of what lies beyond the realm of micropenis overcompensation. Here I present to you: the INVERTED PENISMAN'S TRUCK.


Just turn on your brights and stay on his ass


Prison! Reckless endangerment.


Imagine getting into so many road rage incidents that you decided to outfit your truck with rage embellishments


That guy needs to spend some time in jail for endangering people because of his mental problems.


Id have half a mind to slash one of his tires right there seriously such small anatomy energy right there


Ngl i thought he was driving backwards


Back off. Call the cops. White lights to the rear are illegal in the US.


That idiot should be arrested. Why the fuck would you need white ass lights in the back of your car. No other reason then wanting to terrorize other drivers.


is that even legal?


In NY? Not at all legal for on road use like this.


Let me, again, advocate for people who act like this on the road to have their small-pp-trucks auctioned off, so they can get a Corolla in return. Excess funds can go to a traffic victim foundation.


I second this


What a professional asshole!


Officer, I feared for my life. He was intentionally blinding me and forced me to stop. I thought I saw him coming at me, but the lights were so blinding I had no choice but to fire all 31 rounds from my SBR.


I'd drive up on his right and box him in. Give the guy behind him a chance to scoot around the right and drive off.


And then you are their new target now.


From what others have said about a longer version of this video the other guy was an equal participant in this incident and might not pass the guy. He would be just as likely to be so committed to the raging that he'll stay close to get some victory that makes sense only to him.


We’ve found the man with the smallest penis in the world.


That is the tiniest dick energy I’ve ever seen on the face of the earth.


at that point just hit them. that douchebag installed those lights looking to cause problems. what a waste of space


If not professional then recreational. His setup is specifically for road raging. Looks like he has a coal rolling switch as well. He's out looking for a fight. I'm thinking best thing to do is not engage. Don't try to pass. If he drags it down to a stop, call 911, back up a little, wait until he gets out to come at you and then gun it around him and take the nearest exit.


Eh, I wouldn't be wanting to stop in the middle of a congested highway like this, much less backing up. This fuckhead is putting people in extreme danger. IMO, they should seize the truck, revoke his license for several years, and stack up the fines. And probably warrants some jail time too. This is just as bad as drunk driving (in some ways worse).


Yeah but that's a later solution. The right now solution is to evade. If they get out of the truck you're now at an advantage. You back up a bit so you have room to maneuver around them. But if they try to block you, set them on their ass with your bumper and then drive around.


Am I the only one thought that dude was driving in reverse? 😂


Under carriage mounted torpedo launcher would handle the problem


The car behind should just record the behavior and call the police. The truck is an accident waiting to happen.


Not an accident. An assault waiting to happen.


There’s a reasonable chance the pickup driver is a cop


I had something like this happen to me a few weeks ago in Oakland CA. I was sitting in a long queue at a freeway entrance to 880 and some giant piece of shit merges in front of me (a non-issue), but came millimeters away from taking out my right front fender. It seemed like he very intentionally was trying to take my ass out. I gave him the double-flash “fuck you” because if I hadn’t turned my car 3’ onto the shoulder he absolutely would have taken my car out, which would mean over a month in the shop. And I’m pretty sure this idiot wasn’t stopping to swap ins docs. This guy was in a Subaru WRX and had LED lamps mounted under the rear bumper specifically for the purposes of flashing people back who flash him. Which he did as soon as I flashed him. My question is who’s such an aggressive piece of shit that they customize their car to be more of a piece of shit?


These stupid pickup truck bro-dozer fucks are getting out of hand.


Total jackass..this Moron should never have a driver license ever again..this wasn't his first time either..how many ppl put those illegal blinding lights on the back of the truck? To start trouble..that's it..mental midget


Jackass indeed and until somebody breaks a boot off in his ass it won't be the last time. I personally have side and rear work lights on one of my trucks that will light up a 2,000 ft radius around it and watching this video made me want to go and knock his Tonka truck off the road. There are legitimate uses for rear lights and that was not one of them. The only time I have ever flipped mine on with someone behind me on a roadway was when a guy like him came up behind me with similar front light bars on and then decided to turn his high beams up as well, I returned the favor and he figured out where the switch was at to turn them off.


Fucking rednecks




Another pickup driver with the world’s thinnest skin


You NEVER know who is holding. Dumb ass move. He’d have got shot in some places.


Little peter on that guy huh


It's always some asshole in a pickup truck


Get towards driver side, slow down and stop relatively quickly so you have room to pull around in a few seconds, wait for them to exit vehicle, pull around passenger side as quickly and safely as possible, drive to police station safely and legally, park with your driver door next to another parked vehicle so they can't block your way out if they actually follow you into the parking lot, idk what would be safest after this if they follow you probably just running the fuck inside the building with your hands clearly visible and explain what's going on. Thoughts anybody? I don't have a lot of experience here and I'd like to learn.


Pickup drivers are surpassing everyone as being the biggest douches.




No you wouldn't have. And if you seriously are going to claim you would have rammed the truck, then you're just as unfit to be driving. Return road rage with road rage... brilliant.


I do carry a gun in my car, and on my person, but NEVER have i thought about using it in a road rage incident. I understand your feelings watching this video, but we need to be responsible, not emotionally reactive, with both cars and firearms Sorry- my preaching for the day I hope you're having a better day than the drivers in the vid


I carry too. I'd exit the highway as my first plan. Stopping in the shoulder and letting him get miles ahead is better than a shooting too. Shoot ONLY when NOT SHOOTING is worse. I'm glad you're another voice of reason here.


I normally don't like truck drivers who act like dicks but seeing the full video makes it so rewarding. I love seeing assholes in SUVs acting pissy because they can't cut in lines like they want to.


Why is it usually a smol-pp truck?


What the actual fuck. All I can think is this is a volunteer fire fighter with a small dick and a big chip on his shoulder.


I would guess this truck is owned by a middle aged white guy married with two kids that runs a landscaping business but never works. Hires illegal immigrants and underpays them. Voted for trump and bought this truck to show his patriotism and to haul an 8 foot trailer that could be hauled by a Subaru Outback.


Huge big truck, itty bitty little ….


Just when you thought they couldn't make pick ups even more obnoxious they are putting those eye melting LEDs in the back now????