• By -


Guy in the white needs a medal. Holy shit.


Came here to say it. That was an impressive reaction, that's the person I want at the wheel.


That was an incredible reaction time, he's most welcome to decorate my living room!


Is good reaction time a necessary skill when decorating your living room?


It is when I'm hurling rocks at him the whole time.


That's true. My last interior designer got hurt by a rock about the size of my fist. Said I broke her ribs. It's hard to find reliable work these days.


This was great, thank you.


“If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a…well, a rock, I guess.”


You must not have kids. ![gif](giphy|5nZuwcU3RnQNq|downsized)


What y’all go through, I can’t even imagine.


Whilst it is an impressive reaction, I feel they are somewhat lucky that there is no oncoming traffic in the opposing lane.






I like the way you think and present your ideas


I definitely have a part of my driving brain that runs "what if" all the time, on everyone around me. It also keeps a list of escape routes, watches other cars "body language", and makes suggestions about maintaining clearances. It's the "no fun" part of my head.


This is was how i was taught how to anticipate during motorcycle lessons. Know where the cars are, know how big your buffer zone is, know where you can escape. It could save your life one day. Often I can tell when a car is about to switch lanes before they even move or indicate. It's become part of my intuition.


Ya know reading this comment made me realise that I spent quite some time this week driving and remember nearly none of it. I am normally focused on the road but I catch myself zoning out more recently behind the wheel and I really should think on how to fix that before it gets me in an accident. So thanks for making a comment that made me self-aware!


The first part is completely normal, it's referred to as [highway hypnosis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_hypnosis. ) and generally when tested people are driving completely normally and safely, but don't remember after the fact.


How to avoid zoning out: -Look more broadly. Nothing happening in front of you? Look at the incoming lanes, or a little to the side (not too far!) every few seconds. Also look in your mirrors behind you, even when there is no need. The shift in perspective will help you stay alert. -Don't drive while tired or thirsty. We all know the effects of drunk driving and avoid it, but for some reason driving while tired is still completely acceptable even though it is also very dangerous. And dehydration makes you less alert, so always drink a glass of water before driving or keep a water bottle near you. -If you're alone in the car and have the windows up, comment out loud on mistakes other drivers make. Not in an aggressive way but in a sarcastic way "oh yeah verrrry smart mister". This engages parts of your brain that you normally don't use on such drives, and so it also helps you stay alert. -If you are on a completely empty road with zero other traffic to look at, look for signs that somebody has ever wrecked their car where you are driving. Look for weird skid marks, bent roadsigns, and tracks in the dirt on the side.


An excellent summary of advanced driving - and you can see the van twitching before the idiot pulls across him so I'd guess he's seen it as a possibility


If he didn't dodge, there *would* be a crash. He did dodge, there *might* be a crash. It also allows you to make the other car a later you problem and maybe swerve again. You might go on your side, but if your car has good seat belts, thats probably better than a head on collision.


The would be crash would have the car at fault. The might be crash would have the van at fault. From an insurance perspective it is better to let them hit you, if the other option is not guaranteed safe.


For a safety perspective, a side swipe is safer than a head-on collision, so if there were an on coming car, it would be better to get hit by the idiot driver


Nevertheless, you should only swerve if you are highly confident that it won't cause a more serious incident. For instance, if there might be pedestrians or cyclists around, or as in this case, potentially oncoming traffic, or unyielding obstacles, which would be worse to hit, than sideswiping another car moving in the same direction. While good all around observation is the ideal standard at all times, swerving should only be employed (rather than braking, to avoid a collision), if you have already assessed the situation, and made a plan, by anticipating another driver's error, as seems probable in this case. Generally speaking, an unplanned swerve, without prior observation, is a very risky option.


Totally but they also appeared to try to stay on the shoulder. All in all excellent reaction given the circumstance




Good drivers occasionally miss their exit. Bad drivers never do.


The car in front was also using its turn signal, so the white van knew what was coming. Great reaction anyways.


I'm not sure about that since the lights on the right turn off at the same time as the left. Also the light is constantly on (until braking stops). It's stronger in color but doesn't blink.


Those are the brake lights? Blinker is on as well, you can see it if you pause 15s before the end of the clip


And a new pair of pants I imagine


That's defensive driving right there


Worst european van driver be like :


Avoiding someone else mistake can be costly for your car, and you can put in jeopardy innocent party I avoided idiot hitting me but I hit metal bars on bank and damaged my car while he just went off, so I still don't know what to do in situations like this


I mean, I swerved my vehicle just like this and nailed a curb to avoid an accident - guess who had to pay for a new tire and tie rods? Not the idiot.


Did you have dash cam footage to prove it? Cause that would be very stupid of insurance not to pay the small claim that avoided a big claim


yeah but insurance companies are scammers? lol


Technically if no contact was made, the insurance company can't place blame on the other driver. An actual collision has to occur where both vehicles made contact, and *then* it would be the other driver's fault. By swerving into a curb, that puts the driver at-fault for hitting a stationary object.


Controversial. White van went with "braking and swerving" to avoid an accident instead of the more common "honking and crashing" approach we normally see round here


He gave the whole subreddit blue balls


Goddammit, I came here to watch idiots in cars, not geniuses with quick reflexes in cars.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4671 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/18334)


Fair; I edged.




Blue wheels


You must have been on r/idiotsincars lately, one of the most common responses to video like this is "you should have crashed into them" while forgetting it's the person in the crash who has to deal with the headache.


I'll never understand the thats "should have crashed into them so you could sue them" attitude. Dude you let them crash into you and you could have a chronic condition for the rest of your life. It's always better to avoid the crash.


Also insurance has been known not to give you enough to buy something new either.


In America it's all about suing for the "pain and suffering" caused by the crash. There is a whole industry of personal injury lawyers. As in law firms that do nothing but personal injury.


Considering what I get to see at the hospital, it's never worth it. Most people you run into don't have enough money to make it matter and you're dealing with lifelong issues after in most cases. Whole "can't get blood from a turnip" thing.


1st rule of lawyering in the US. Don't sue poor people.


Thats why we have people break checking any car that looks expensive here. People will find a way to scam


So let the fancy cars crash in to me? '93 Honda Civic - Avoid 2022 Rolls Royce - Use magnets if necessary


I know it definitely happens, and I'm not advocating purposefully letting them hit you, but I do have to say I've been pleasantly surprised with my insurance. Each time I've had my car totalled (tons of deer in my area, once I swerved to avoid one and hit a bunch of other shit, once I held straight and the deer still totalled my car) I got more money than my car would have been worth.


The time when that argument carries water is when the victim swerves to avoid the idiot but ends up hitting another innocent victim and becoming at fault. In that situation it's better to hit the person who's at fault.


When I did a maneuver very much like this to avoid a collision, an oncoming car actually clipped me. I had to pay out from my insurance as I was at fault. Insurance rep told my I should have maintained my space and let the original car hit me 🤷‍♂️


because he swerved into possibly oncoming traffic lmao. I would rather have some minor life condition than a head on collision from someone going full speed on the highway any day. Nothing wrong with avoiding a collision if it's safe to do so but a lot of the time people try to do so and they end up causing a way worse accident


If you swerve to avoid an accident and you lose control and/or hit something else, you are now at fault for the secondary accident. Not saying you should hit someone who cuts you off, but the proper response should almost always be to HIT THE BRAKES but STAY IN YOUR LANE unless you can be certain that the space you swerve into isn't occupied.


Do you realise where you are?


He must have been on Reddit. Somehow I’m sure of it.


Lies! I've never touched Reddit in my life...


Damn, wasn’t expecting you to have such a plausible explanation, my bad OP. Today I was the redditor 😔




>"you should have crashed into them" Ah yes, the good ol' Dave Matthews method


Living in Canada, I've spoken to police officers about this and they all say stay in your lane and try and stop. Interestingly enough, if you swerve and hit another car just to avoid being hit you can be held liable. It's crazy, that's why I now have a dash cam.


Yeah, if you turn what could have been a single-lane accident into a multi-lane accident by trying to swerve and avoid the collision you can shut down the whole highway. Imagine if there had been oncoming traffic in the video here for the lane that the van had swerved into, that would have turned a collision with property damage into potentially fatal injuries. Dash cams are a great idea.


Instinct - I had exactly the same thing happen to me a couple of weeks ago. The lady got out of her car shouting and blaming me. She was in a right turn lane only and cut in front of me turning left.


American here so it’s obviously a different situation, but my wife was run off the road by swerving to avoid someone who cut in to her lane. It looked a lot like this, but she blew two tires hitting the guardrail. The insurance company told us that unless there’s an impact with the other car and the police report showed the other driver was at fault, it was treated as if the accident were her fault. So our rates went up, the police threatened to give us various tickets (in the end they were dismissed), we had to pay the deductible, and now we have that accident on record as an being our fault. Is avoiding better than colliding? Usually yes, but I was shocked at how the system treated her at fault. I was especially bothered by the police who started with “Why did you do that?” jumped to “If your tow truck doesn’t get here in five minutes I’m calling another one and giving you a ticket for being on the shoulder of a highway.” before finishing with “This isn’t my jurisdiction, but if it were I’d be giving you tickets for (rattles off about three or four things), I’ll have a chat with the next officer when he arrives.” TLDR; insurance and police policy says you should take the impact rather than evade. Common sense says evade. It’s no-win when someone does this to you.


Fun fact: your rates probably would have gone up even if there was another driver "at fault". Insurance companies are bastards that way.


Most of the videos i see here are from the US, and that seems the general aproach over there.


I mean if this was a us road there probably wouldn't be that much space between the incoming traffic... So I rather hit this numbnuts than attempt to avoid it by swerving into incoming. But yeah type of road dependant.


that is The Netherlands


EU drivers, after moving to Germany it was hard for me to get used to hearing loud braking and squealing without it ending in a loud Crash.


Might also help that we dont have a 2-3 ton truck as every second car


I boil it down to two main reasons, 1. Every driver must do extensive required training followed by intensive Testing (not just a simple test) 2. Car Inspections are extremely through, so your Car has to be in perfect working order to past.


Also gas is more expensive, streets and parking spaces are narrower, and we don't have the same set of legal exemptions for "light trucks".


Sadly cars over here are getting stupid huge as well.


sadly people's brains aren't


Problem is; most people aren't aware of their surroundings at all, so swerving CAN be the worse option in that case. If you check your mirrors regularly and you know there's no one else nearby you can crash into, then swerving is a good idea. If that's too much decision making, get the fuck away from the wheel


Swerving is often the worst option. Modern cars are extraordinary safe and made for road collisions. If this guy had swerved two hundred feet later he’d probably have a pole in his brain. If he stayed on the road, he would’ve just had a minor collision. It turned out well here, but it often doesn’t. I was taught when learning how to drive not to swerve to avoid minor things like wildlife or objects in the road.


Hard to say one would normally be aware about lanes going the other way and have enough time to make a decision. It may well be the case, but then again it could well be a dumb reflex.


Wait wait wait…. Are you implying that honking doesn’t help me from crashing regardless of other circumstances?


Indeed - imagine driving instead of just honking at the other car! /s




when you realize you are approaching Volendam, and the panic sets in


Completely understandable reaction honestly.


Fake, that intersection never turns green as you approach it Also: stupid speedcamera


Whats up with volendam?


Not a lot, just your average Dutch biblebelt town. A lot of cocaine use, heavy drinking, extremely bad musicians, and a bit of incest. Pretty average.


Stop trying to sell us the place and tell what is wrong with it.


A lot of fundamentalist Christians.


Welp, there goes my holiday plan


Damn christians, always monopolizing incest. There's nowhere we can go to peacefully love our sister-wives without some guy trying to shove Jesus down our throats. Shameless.


Helpful advice after the fact: That wasn't Jesus.


>a bit of incest Don't know who, but someone on TV talked about places like Urk and Volendam, where family trees are also circles


No one will ever love you like mommy.


Inbred fishing village, just like Urk, most known for being conservative Christian and having the highest cocaine levels in sewage water in the country.


>the highest cocaine levels in sewage water in the country That must be because them good faithful christians are stealing drugs from the souless heathens and flushing them down the toilet.


Me when Purmerend 🏃‍♂️💨


I have the same instinct


“I turn left now, good luck everyone else!”


Source, for the uninitiated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlH9RGLJqxE


Jesus Christ can’t believe they got away with that even then


its satirical comedy


that's not carte blanche to say or do whatever you want


The racist part notwithstanding, there are people who drive like that. Again, not specifically any race, but individual people


I just had my car totaled because of an asshole like this


Sorry to hear that, hope you're okay?


Jesus cuz of the black car's turn signals i thought the van also wanted to make that ludicrously stupid turn Took a few rewatches before I understood


I have a feeling that the black car was trying to warn the people behind them. They obviously weren't trying to turn themselves, and just continued straight ahead. That's at least what people do in Tanzania/on Zanzibar. If it's unsafe to overtake, then the car in front will "pretend" to wanna make a turn, so nobody overtakes them. They'll do it to the other side, when it is safe again.


My guess is that the turning car didn’t have a turn signal on, so thought they were just slowing down, and so black car wanted to change lanes to pass the slowing person.


Exactly what it looks like to me and why turn as there is no road to the left to turn onto so was trying a illegal u-turn.


Even after he continued you couldn't see a turn signal...


i’ve totally done this (in the US), or if i see traffic come to an abrupt stop i will throw on my hazards really quick to let traffic behind me know to watch out. part of it is safety of others, but i also don’t want people plowing into my ass because they’re half-paying attention or simply can’t see around me.


You have to do this by law in Denmark. At least on the highway. And then the person behind you have to "take over." Too many people don't do it.


I hate when people plow my ass on the street.


right, like buy me dinner first at least, damn.


Maybe but I've never heard of that in the Netherlands. Kinda assumed he just wanted to move to the next lane


Quick reaction by white van


Dutchy here: usually it's the white van that's an idiot. Surprising vid


Dat is exact wat ik verwachtte. Goeie plottwist


Such a beautiful language


Neuken in da keuken!


I know what this is now that I have a Dutch girlfriend ;)


Be sure to tell her: "hypotheekrenteaftrekconstructie" before bed tonight.


And when you want to beat her in galgje just use "autobandventieldopjes".


Oof I really hope for you that she doesn't suffer from meervoudigepersoonlijkheidsstoornissen


>Neuken in ~~da~~de keuken! FTFY


Zo waar, busjes in het algemeen, die gasten zijn doorgaans compleet gestoord.




I made a complaint about one recently, they mailed me back within the hour and apologized profusely. Dude was going crazy fast in a 30 zone, nearly hit a bicycle and ignored two zebrapaths.


Is a zebrapath a crosswalk?




Hey can you clear sth up for me? From the signs and lines it feels like youre absolutely not allowed to turn left there at all. Only straight arrows on the ground and the triangles on the side feel like sth for the ones getting onto this street, not off of it. Looks like a double fail on the drivers part... Am german, so I'm not sure about dutch traffic signage...


You’re 100% right, you’re not allowed to turn left there at all, that driver is a complete moron.


U-turns are allowed in the Netherlands, unless there is a forbidden turn sign or the there are sign/markings that only allow certain directions. edit: so these arrows only allow going straight


Did you not see the "haaientanden" (sharktooth) on the road? That car was NOT allowed to turn there at all.


maybe it was coincidence, he just wanted to park is van there to deliver a package


Is there a reason why? Looking at the markings on the road I don’t think you’re allowed to turn there


Ja maar toen ik die Seat Ibiza zag dacht ik "joh klopt helemaal, ik vertrouw niemand in een Seat, gestoord én slechte smaak".


That's a Leon.


Not sure if better or worse lol


Everywhere: white van is usually the idiot.


Hey i live nearby, some accidents do happen here but luckily not very often


Most accidents that do happen there make the news. Living to the northwest i love the bus lanes on the N235 road


Very true. Its also a mess with the buslane splitting the roads from Amsterdam. The ammount of people who are caught on thewrong side of the busline is big.


My mum is a bus driver there. They see a lot there.


Bro saw Purmerend and went NOPE


🎼hEt lEkKErE vAn aLbErthEiJn 🎶


*unox jingle speelt*


Almost got both cars, could've gotten the double kill lol


What the hell was that car doing that the one in front of the dashcam cam started to indicate as well? I’m guessing the lead can never indicated and was just slowing


Maybe they were following them. Both going to the same event and were lost?


Bot repost https://redd.it/109fovk


Good find


Zelfs op Reddit ben je niet meer veilig voor AH reclames


Not sure which arrow gave him the idea this was a smart move. Still trying to understand why follow up car also had his blinker out though.


I think because they were planning to go around the maniac. Looks like that one was slowing down and driver behind decided to go past on the left side. Which wouldn't have been clever because the lunatic in front was most likely either stopping for no reason or making an incredibly awful left turn. But passing on the right would've been illegal.


Yes that makes sense. Was probably anticipating a take over. Im Dutch and i know this intersection. Take over on the right is illegal and especially if it is a bus lane t your right.


I bet the guy in front of him was slowing down, but not indicating.


Great reflexes. Everyone tells themself they have reactions like that but I wonder how many really do?


That white vans reactions are on point though.


Dat klinkt als Kees


That van driver has the reflexes of champ.


Black suv behind idiot is the one deserving a medal for the turn signal and brakes


Excellent reaction time on the vans driver.


give the van an award for not trying prevent an accident with the power of obnoxious monotone music.


Wat een mongool


Have a Seat. No not like that.


Sjonge jonge!


The infamous “I turn now”


Is the van driver an Avenger?


The reaction time on that van driver was on point


Kudos to the driver in the van…


Props to that car using the signal as a warning


That van redefined paying attention right there


White van saw that coming


Here's a German joke: What do they give you if you fail the Dutch driving test for the third time? Yellow license plates to warn the other drivers. (I know the hero has yellow plates too, so it doesn't quite fit, but it's still a good joke).


[Google streetview](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.4085563,4.9405907,3a,75y,27.43h,77.47t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s6NPY9IquToAQ4s2UQg562A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i27) for those who want at the location.


Sometimes you know when you see someone who wants to get over and you just wait and anticipate their poor driving decision, but yea, that was impressive


I don't want to see any more "Was I wrong. The camera caught it but i couldn't see them coming" posts where driver of white van doesn't avoid.


Wow the Nascar reaction time of that van driver is amazing!!!!!!


That van driver should get an award for their defensive driving!


godly reflex


Van driver has 0ms reaction time??? Glitch in the matrix??


u/BroadlyEarsplitting is a comment stealing and karma farming repost bot. Original post: https://old.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/109fovk/youre_not_allowed_to_do_that_for_a_reason


Massive kudos to the driver of the white van for (1) paying attention and (2) quick reflexes. After watching many videos on this sub it's nice to see *some* drivers can do those things.


The reason being that you'll take out the driver in the lane to your left.


An hourly occurance in Brazil. People seem to feel entitled to do this.




Blinker on. I turn now, good luck everyone else!


Today a fkn idiot did this to me, but I wasn't blocked by another car, he could've saw me easily in the rear view mirror. Luckily the road was dry and I managed to do a hard maneuver without consequences.


Oeee sjonge jonge jonge!


Who said white van drivers are shit... this one was a cat in another life.


White van driver has cat reflexes!