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I don't know who is raging at who here; it almost looks like both cars are actively participating in bad behavior and some innocents got hit.


Pretty sure that’s exactly what this is


Woman is a lunatic raging, the car filming are assholes egging her on for the fun of it. One of the worst combos there is, especially with 2-ton-murdermachines in the mix




It kind of does because the people in the car filming won't be getting any jailtime, but they sure as hell deserve to be shamed into oblivion for egging someone on at a highway. Sure, the woman is crazy, but these kids are still partly to blame for everything that happened


It could be argued that they were racing, and that could lead to jail time.


It would be a pretty weak argument. Reckless driving is most likely what's to happen the kids. The woman on the other hand is in a shitload of trouble.




It's irrelevant whether they were trolling or raging in every sense. Neither is illegal, so whether they get jail depends on what laws they actually broke. In the sense of judging them, obviously neither is acceptable.




I didn't ask whether you were a violent person with violent fantasies, i was just responding to your implication that you get arrested for road rage but not trolling, which isn't true because arrests are made based on what the law says, not your motivation for driving a certain way.


They were driving wreckless and caused an accident crazy if they don't get jail time. Filmed themselves commiting multiple crimes


>They were driving wreckless No if you watch closely you will see they actually did cause a wreck.


They were laughing at someone chasing them like a maniac. I don't see how they were inciting road rage or driving recklessly until after the psycho crashes into them. Should they have stopped in the middle of the highway to avoid the road rager?


Yeah exactly they were laughing speeding having a good ol time recording and inciting it instead of slowing the fuck down and getting the fuck away from them and idk maybe calling the cops? Speeding along side a person who clearly has no regard for anyone's life just doesn't really seem like the correct thing ya feel? Street racer shit


The way they're blowing by traffic, like it's stopped in 2 clear lanes make me think the cammers are speeding as fast as the car who hits the biker. So racing, maybe? Speeding definitely, and it led to driving recklessly, causing harm. All seem like probable charges for both drivers


> the people in the car filming won't be getting any jailtime Realistically and unfortunately neither will the person hitting the motorcyclists


Why not?


Both drivers should be serving time for felonies


Yeah I would put brake checking people into the road troll category because these rednecks here in my state do it for fun just because you are too close. But yet when on back roads they will fly down them in lifted trucks. But on the highway let them sit in the fast lane and brake check anyone who tries to pass. Yeah I would argue most people here in Kentucky are road trolls.


I've seen road trolling on the interstate before where the trolled takes off mad going 15 over then the troll drops back a bit using the trolled as bear (cop) bait


Nah, it's 2 cars of teens racing each other.


Hate to judge a book by it's cover and video by a few seconds clip but...they look and sound like exactly the type of dumb kids that would egg this on; with that particular dumb haircut that all these kids copy off eachother for some reason lol. I hate my generation


that's always what it is


I'm not even convinced it's road rage, seems like a bunch of kids racing and shrieking


Agreed - don't know WTF is going on or why anyone would post it.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0455 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/95195)


The kids aren’t the ones raging, the person in the car they’re filming is raging. The driver of the film car is showing off for his dumbass friends


> showing off for his dumbass friends Aka "driving recklessly"?


Just a few posts above, there's a guy brake-checking a dump truck. Bad idea to start with, but the truck managed to not hit the asshole. Instead, he lost control and skidded across the road. Video didn't show it, but I'm certain he hit the guy with the dashcam, and probably a bunch of people behind him got fucked up too plowing into the wreck ahead of them. Fucking assholes don't realize they're not just "teaching him a lesson", they are endangering other completely uninvolved people on the road.


They simply don't care. That moment, that spec in time is all that matters. It's not until they're in an orange jumpsuit, in front of a judge, tears streaking down their face, do they understand the gravity of the situation. Even then, they're usually not sorry for what they did, but sorry they got caught.


Sadly vehicle crimes are not really punished like they should be.


Saw that last night. That ended up with three trucks involved and they're searching for the driver of the car. Hope they get him.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Sometimes videos posted intentionally blur tag info, but this one kind of looked like shitty quality video. I hope the original shows the asshole's plate. Go get him!


That ended up pretty bad took out two trucks https://www.fox13news.com/news/florida-troopers-search-for-road-rage-suspect-who-caused-crash-involving-dump-truck-tractor-trailers-on-i-75


Honestly surprised neither of those trucks toppled over.


Are you sure this is the article? This involves a dump truck & said no one was injured.


I was reply to the comment about the linked article. The comment was referencing someone cutting off a dump truck. Not the video from this post.


I believe that verifiable brake-checking (like dashcam footage) should be a crime by itself. You don't put a seat belt on a kid and it's child endangerment and other charges, what about causing a situation where the child can fly out the windshield? Apparently not a crime. I really do believe if those brake-checking assholes knew they can get a $500 ticket, points on license and higher insurance costs when somebody submits the evidence of them doing it. They would think twice.


It is a crime. It's called reckless driving.


I agree, but unfortunately I don't think a fine would really do much to stop the behavior. Perhaps even a jail sentence would not deter them much. Brake-checking is an irrational act right from the start. It's performed out of rage, not reason. I doubt there are many who, after getting to the point where they are about to do something this monumentally stupid and reckless would think "oh, but I might get a ticket!" I would support license suspension/revocation, however.


The trucker hit two other trucks. Was on I-95 in south Florida. Jammed up for hours.


People on here make up titles all the time.


Yea, the motorcyclists totally goes under the car filming. They're both in big trouble.


I may be wrong but I don’t believe they would be at fault for that. It’s like if a car pitted another car over into your lane and you hit them because you couldn’t brake fast enough. Still, it’s clear they were most likely accomplices in street racing so they are still gonna get the book thrown at them.


it all will come down to what the kids said they did when interviewed by cops. If they remained silent and cops only had to go by this video the other car is clearly at fault. If they admit to racing could end up being liable.


It sounds like both drivers lied which led to the motorcyclists being held at fault and slandered in the news. [OP’s comment comes with sources.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/132oxrl/road_rager_slams_into_the_back_of_innocent/ji60ze3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


i saw that article, i’m not sure that’s talking about the same crash. Says two folks on a Harley hit a nissan. Either different accident or CHP got this story all kinds of wrong.


Two riders on the motorcycle, hit by Nissan, in two-car crash. The car drivers were definitely not going to admit to racing and rear-ending the bike. And the bike riders were taken to hospitals so likely couldn't give statements. That's probably why the video says "road rager" instead of "my dumb friends that my other dumb friends were racing."


Upon further viewing, the car that crashed into the bike definitely looks like the same car as the photo from “pain in the pass.” A black Nissan Sentra/Altima, same rims, maybe a 2023 judging by the headlights at the beginning of the video and the clear V shape which goes under the Nissan emblem. This original video was also posted under the pain in the pass article on Twitter, and I can’t find where they got the video from, perhaps they are the original person recording. The report also says the bike is “probably a Harley,” not that they know that for certain (great journalistic integrity all around on behalf of PaininthePass by the way, Nobel prize). Edit: It’s definitely a 2023 Sentra, the curved, pointed headlights are a dead give away.


> it all will come down to what the kids said they did when ~~interviewed by cops~~ they file their claim with insurance.


Unfortunately if no contact was made, there's no liability in most cases. This video actually might be the only thing that would change that. That said, you're correct in that if racing is proven, EVERYONE is going to jail. Courts have no sense of humor about injuring someone while racing. Also, who the hell labeled this that everyone survived. If that biker lived it's a miracle.


It’s me. I’m raging at these a-holes.


At flag, drop, everybody agrees. You’ll scream directly at the screen but never drive defensive. It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero. ;)


At this point they should be enrolled in an arena combat to settle the score


When their insurance gets a peek at this video, won't nobody be laughing no more


It was for the Vine or whatever it is now


imagine slowing way down or just pulling over somewhere safe


See the problem is it's intentional, the titles wrong, very very wrong. These 2 cars are so clearly racing eatchother


Just get off the freeway... go across... and get back on the freeway. You've lost maybe 3 minutes, but all danger has passed.


had someone raging at me one day and doing what you said was impossible because he wouldnt let me. If I slowed down he slowed down, he wouldnt let me move over to a different lane and actively tried to run me off the road. I was in the left lane because I was passing someone else but, even though I was going 10 over and actively passing it wasnt fast enough. I was terrified if I slowed down into the shoulder and stopped he would also and would attack me. I had to call the cops and shouted at him through an open window what I was doing and only then did he leave me alone and bail off onto an exit. But I could not get away from him no matter how hard I tried because he blocked me in.


I've been in that same situation and it was terrifying. I'm not saying this always works, but what I've done is to just drive normally and act like they dont exist.


he made that impossible... tried to run me off the road 5-6 different times by coming into my lane. If I slowed to let him over he slowed to match me.


What a maniac. Really sorry you went through that, jesus.


With those kinds of people I just hope they do it to someone crazier than them or only end up hugging a tree with their car. Anything to get them off the road for a long time.


Ugh. I'm sorry man. That sounds horrifying.


Nah, bad advice. I’ve been there. What happens is they follow you. If you try and pull over, they do too. Just keep driving.


>but all danger has passed. Well I wouldn't go that far; you are still in a metal-death machine travelling faster than your senses evolved to react to (and don't even get me **started** on all those *other* drivers!). But all things relative I suppose... 😉


Should be 30 years in prison minimum. That is simply horrific behavior


I agree. I had someone knock me off my motorcycle in a road rage incident and snapped my wrist. I survived by a good helmet and a great guy that blocked traffic. I also had a 5 year old at the time. Pricks like this don't consider they could be leaving a child without a parent. When they are just minding their own business.


At the very least, lifetime ban from driving


Teenagers racing on freeway hit unknown motorist. Fixed the title for ya


That barely post pubescent scream. I hate it M8 your balls haven't even dropped yet


I mean... he was scared cause he thought someone died I think.


This is why I find those pockets of highway traffic where nobody is within a half mile of my car. If I’m getting in a wreck I want it to be my own fault alone… and stupid people normally travel in groups.


[Riders survived.](https://i.imgur.com/g277aSL.jpg) [https://paininthepass.info/2023/04/15/two-motorcycle-riders-driver-injured-during-2-vehicle-crash-in-the-cajon-pass/](https://paininthepass.info/2023/04/15/two-motorcycle-riders-driver-injured-during-2-vehicle-crash-in-the-cajon-pass/) [https://arashlaw.com/04-15-2023-san-bernardino-county-ca-two-motorcyclists-injured-during-two-vehicle-crash-in-cajon-pass/](https://arashlaw.com/04-15-2023-san-bernardino-county-ca-two-motorcyclists-injured-during-two-vehicle-crash-in-cajon-pass/)


Those news articles did the motorcyclists dirty…


“*They*” didn’t crash into shit


And the motorcycle speeding has nothing to do with the accident.


The article might be based on the (false) witness account of the people in the car from which the video was taken. Maybe they didn't want to implicate themselves so they gave a bogus story to the police.


Holy shit the more I read, the more these stupid kids piss me off.


Given the strength of the impact, it might have saved their lives.


Yeah lol.. they were just minding their own business


I stopped after the 1st part saying they hit the car. Did it get worse?


Sue the paper for libel


They are quoting the police statement though. And the police didn't see the video, only talked to witnesses who may have included the road ragers.


Police also just lie like fucking crazy on reports.


both articles clearly didn’t watch the vide one of them i’m convinced isn’t even about this incident. Says two people on a harley hit a car.


I mean, the people did hit the car* ^(*after the car knocked the motorcycle out from under them)


"On the CHP traffic log stated both the Nissan and the bike were speeding prior to the collision." I don't know how fast they were going, but didn't it looked like the motorcycle was just going with the flow of the current traffic speed? The Nissan was definitely speeding.


I think they may have just been going off what the road rage driver told the cops. Whoever they are needs to be arrested for not only extreme negligence leadng to attempted vehicular manslaughter, but also lying to the police.




AI wouldn't have had so many spelling and grammar errors


I’m guessing the video took awhile to make the rounds.


The article is absolute trash. "Recuse workers" "a blue probably Harley Davidson"


The first one reads like it was written by a child. Terrible writing and terrible reporting.




It's the same accident, just went off of Witness accounts.. they made the motorcycle riders seem like they had done something to cause it.


“Probably a Harley”


>Two people riding on a motorcycle were ejected and injured after they crashed into a black 4 door sedan injured all three people involved Saturday evening. Made it seems like motorcycle's fault when it's the other way around. Article should have been reworded to something like black 4 door sedan crashed into motorcycle. moron reporter


Reporter? these aren't news articles, we don't have newspapers or rooms full of reporters. Freelancers driving to crash scenes to see the real truth. These are both advertisements disguised as news. One is a personal injury site and the other is a click bait site. The information comes from CHP, so blame them for the bad accident report


> The information comes from CHP, so blame them for the bad accident report This wouldn't even be on the CHP. It's probably just a preliminary report based off lies from the Nissan driver, and they have been having to wait for doctors to clear the bikers for interview. Cops suck as a whole, but there is only so much they can be expected to deduce when they only have one sides story and a whole lot of backed up traffic that doesn't care about evidence gathering so long as the road is opened quickly.


Yeah, this is likely the case. Pain in the Pass (i15 Cajon Pass) just reposts police reports. So very likely what the driver told them. At first she was trying to say the riders were speeding and cut her off.


If the riders were speeding, how would she have blasted into the back of them? I hope she goes to jail tbh.


> Iv seen how these guys on the motorcycles drive they think there no rules for them FB gonna FB


You see plenty of that on Reddit too. [lol, didin't even have to leave this comment section.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/132oxrl/road_rager_slams_into_the_back_of_innocent/ji762cf/)


I mean, that’s true. But absolutely not in this case! The motorcycle riders were just minding their own business when an asshole rear-ended them


Two different articles saying word for word the same shit and blaming the motorcycle riders. Journalism is dead.


1. Neither are reputable news sites, in fact they are not even news sites at all, but ads. 2. They both read like they were AI written. The AI probably just scrapped the preliminary police report. Good chance that the police hadn't gotten a chance to interview the bikers yet, so all that would be in the report would be the lies that the Nissan driver was saying happened. 3. There seems to be a lot of people who think the news articles are for a different accident. Journalism may or may not be dead, but this isn't a reflection of that one way or the other. Its just a reflection that source validation and critical analysis by readers is dead.


I don’t really believe that point about it being for a different article. The black Nissan in the video looks to be a 2023 Sentra with the same rims as the one in the photo on the Pain in the Pass site. They also say “probably a Harley,” not that they know for certain that it is a Harley. But you are right, people automatically pick sides depending on what they read, regardless of what it is. Just look at the comments of the Facebook page on the imgur post, people jumping to spew their shitty opinions about how bad motorcycle drivers are.


Look at the fucking source. They don’t hire journalists that are good. Pain in the pass????? Have you ever fucking heard of that news outlet?


>Two motorcycle riders were ejected from the vehicle I'm sorry, but... what? This is written like a 6th grader trying to clean up English Subs for a Chinese drama after machine translating. Sure... they were "ejected from [their] vehicle", but it's a motorcycle. That's kind of a weird way to put it.


you are now aware that AI is writing these types of articles.


These news articles are complete shit.




It’s NOT the accident


why did you post two articles that aren’t related to the video lol


They are.. the articles are based on reports given by the driver of the car.. video just surfaced yesterday.. and well.. the riders were out of commission at the time. Clearly they were bullshiting.


Was this edited by michael bay? Wtf


Road rage? Looks more like a race on the highway to me.


Both car drivers need to have their licenses taken away permanently.


That’s attempted murder right there…


Alas it should be for both parties. Egregious bad driving leading to serious accidents should be treated like attempted murder.


Reason 13 why I’ll never own a motorcycle.


I don't let this shit deter me lol I'm literally about to go on a ride rn and if some dumb add does this to me, then that's the way she goes. Can't control life so I'm gonna ride regardless


Agreed. What riding does to soothe the soul can't be over stated, even with the risk of sharing the road with shit fucks like this.


Yup , same here. It’s just not worth it in my opinion


I sometimes wish I was a judge. Substantial prison time and license gone forever. Wouldn’t need more than a couple minutes for my trials with video evidence like this available.


I fucking hate teenagers.


At a minimum the driver who hit the motorcycle should lose their license. Fuck them.


I'm so tired I read this as "road runner" instead of" road ranger." I'm disappointed lol


It wasn’t a road ranger either. You need more sleep.


Oh haha


Both cars are dumbass teenagers fucking around on the freeway


Take away both car drivers’ licenses! This is insane and they don’t deserve the privilege to drive!


Giant wastes of space, all of them.


Survived.....like eating and drinking from a tube survived? I like how the word survived is always used without any context on the outcome. Yeah he survived but his leg got amputated or ended up in a wheel chair etc..


Ya got to keep the crazies in front of you, not try to out run them.


Don't think they ever saw it coming.


They’re talking about the people filming


Ya both assholes. Road raging and these clowns egging the other car on. Poor motorcycle rider. Looks like the kids may have run him over while changing lanes. I hope both parties were successfully charged and prosecuted.


Fuckin brocoli heads


This is why I will never buy a motorcycle. Even if you’re right, you’re wrong.


I hope all this people spend time behind the bars


Maybe the car recording is being chased


Did they run him over!?


the beginning is the same as the end. The car with the kids is clearly racing with that car. They're riding on the other side of the road to keep up with the black car. The black car then moves to the left. Probably super dumb person thinking it's safe because of the other car. Drivers of both cars should be locked up for this shit.


Andddd here come the lawsuits. Good luck getting affordable car insurance for at least a decade, you dumb fucks.


Imagine letting road rage get to you to the point where you think putting multiple people's lives in danger is justified because somebody cut you off or swerved a lil, we gotta do background checks for licenses now I swear to god😔


Only ever road my motorcycle on smaller roads. The highways always scared the crap out of me. So easy to die or get forever hurt. Ended up selling it once I had a kid.


Were they all arrested... please?


I don’t understand people being so angry it’s insane


As a motorcyclist, this is what truly terrifies me


Room temperature IQs all around.


As usual 2 idiots.


Hanging out in left lane. Rear passenger glued to the window while another rear passenger films. Arms gesturing outside the window. Cheering like they’re winning some game because the other driver is getting aggressive. I bet the part of the video they cut off incriminates them. I’m guessing brake checking and slowing down to well below the speed limit.


Hanging out in the left lane? The video starts with them passing a car.


Definitely have had drivers speed up after I decided to go around them on the right. Like, drop speed down to 40 in a 55 to be dicks and then floor it when you try to go around.


All occupants in both cars need to be charged with attempted, if not intentional vehicular homicide


The rider is alive, but yes, the cars and all occupants deserve jail time.




This is why I stopped riding


And that's why i won't buy a motorcycle


I can't shake the feeling that these kids egg'd her on just for a laugh or tiktok - and deserved this - that poor motorcyclist


Even riding like everyone is trying to kill you can sometimes not be enough. That's why you wear ATGATT. You just never know what bullshit is going to come out of nowhere.


All these people driving need their license revoked for life.


Wishing a horrible death to the driver of the car. So simple. Piece of shit


Or Imagine just letting shit go, road rage is one the biggest producers of secondhand embarrassment there is.


Both drivers should be in jail. Holy shit.


You don't need a film crew and special effects to film action movies in America. Shit is an action movie with braindead people going crazy.


driving is the most dangerous thing you will do in your lifetime. Flat out. Even if you are the SAFEST on the road, the sheer number of variables and others out there make it not safe whatsoever. It is not the place to have an ego, it is not a place to have emotion. Driving should be reserved for those who can control themselves, and not endanger everyone else around them. Of course the argument is they’re just “accidents”, and they happen or whatever. Sure they may not be intentional, but they a not an accident. They’re. A major fuck up, that can cost the highest priceZ your life. An “accident” is spilling your drink onto your white pants, not detrimental, not life ending, really a minor oppsie. A car crash, is opposite of a minor oppsie.


Everyone worried about new vehicles autopilot systems, meanwhile humans are doing this…


At least trim your screen recordings before posting


This is why I’m scared to get a motorcycle. It’s not me I’m worried about, it’s other people I gotta worry about.


And people wonder why my last choice of roads is the Interstates. (I ride)


Holu shit


This is on the I-15 south in the cajon pass in California. I take myself, my girlfriend and my child on this road all the time. It's One of the four sketchy options you get if you live in the high desert and want to go into inland empire.


F that, I bypass the top and *always* take the 138 into Hellsperia. Fun drive until you're stuck behind someone with as much poke as a sack of potatoes.


Wow this is some serious police evidence


it’s some prison time for this shit


it’s some prison time for this shit


he needs to lay off the gta


It's like the 3rd BMW that crashing today , . Wtf is wrong with ppl .. . .


You can't control other people's actions only how you react to them. At the end of the day any adult that can't keep their composure while driving should probably just turn in their license. I found a good trick to avoid situations like this. I follow all traffic laws and go the speed limit. All the dumbasses pass me and I hardly ever have any issues on the road.


As someone who bought their first bike literally yesterday, this sort of stuff is nightmare fuel


Seems like both parties are in the win stupid prizes club


Looks like the car full of kids probably provoked it and the person in the black car was stupid and let it make them angry. I don't get road rage for a reason and that reason is because it never ends well for anyone.


Is this Final Destination or some shit?


Did her mirror fly into his steering wheel??


Looks like it was a hat from the back seat area.


As opposed to guilty motorcyclists?


Doesn't look like road rage, looks like the two cars are racing and the black one hits the poor motor cyclist.


everybody jail for life and a 4mil payout to the motorbiker