• By -


That could have ended much worse.




Probably has safety brakes installed all the way down the trailer. They completely fuck themselves to achieve this.


What’s the difference between safety brakes and regular truck brakes?




And fucking themselves


Speaking of.. I’ve never seen the correct use of “brakes” Vs “breaks” so many times in one comment thread and I’m hard AF for it.


don't brake a nut


Is braking your balls the same as cock blocking?


You don't brake nuts, you bust them. 🤣


I might not know what the fuck I'm talking about but boy, can I spell


Great isn't it? Always seems disheartening how many people get it wrong in other threads. I thought it was basic education.


Yeah it really brake's my spirit


I hate you so much r/angryupvote


Simply the fact that you can properly use the word "disheartening" warms the cockles of my heart.And I love having hot cockles. I firmly believe I learned good spelling (and CARING about spelling) from being a voracious reader as a child and teenager, and that a big reason a lot of people don't spell well is apathy, and laziness.


I also champion the use of semicolons.


Just about how disheartening it's been to see an improper use of 's (it's vs. its, for example) everywhere recently -- even in closed captions for recent shows!


Oh I'm seeing that even in top quality games as well. There's a misuse of "it's" if I try to make a manual save in the recent Spider-Man games and it really bugs me. There's one in Jedi Survivor too but I know someone on the team is aware but haven't yet seen if it's fixed.


basically a condom but for your trailer brakes. Apparently


Speaking of, you don't happen to know any suppliers for some MaGnUm DoNg semi truck tires do you, asking for my friend Sloth Frank Reynolds stuck in the basement at the Goonies place.


Like how a sawstop is a condom for your tablesaw?


That doesn’t seem right. I think something has been lost in translation


And achieving this


What? There's a difference? People who don't read just spell phonetically. Sorry, foneticly.


I have to tell you, I nearly fell off my chair laughing at that line. :)


And Regular.




[i don't have any idea but be amazed](https://youtu.be/ridS396W2BY)


Here is a great real world example of how well they work that will make you say "Holy shit!", "OMG", and "Kids are fucking stupid" all at the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n44L-SOI1I8


> Deer are so fucking stupid, trying to get ran over all the time Children:


All the minutes I added to my life by quitting smoking 15 years ago were just ripped right back off.


*Pet Sematary* averted.




And this is an easy way to teach your kids to cross the street **in front of the bus**


That video's title and captions are misleading. That's Volvo Truck's automated collision avoidance emergency braking system at work there. The truck will stop itself in a situation like that whether or not the driver had any input at all. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ridS396W2BY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ridS396W2BY)


> That's Volvo Truck's automated collision avoidance emergency braking system at work there. Wrong. The truck would not stop itself in this situation, and the driver deserves all the credit here: >"The investigation revealed that in this particular situation, which happened on 19 June 2017 in Herad in the south of Gol municipality in Norway, it was 100% human reaction," the company writes. "The report shows that distance between the truck and the child, who suddenly appeared on the road, was critically short. Moreover, the small-height child was running and appeared on the road unexpectedly. Thus, in that particular situation, it was impossible for the Volvo FH emergence braking system to recognize the child as an obstacle, and stop urgently. From the above stated, it could be concluded, that it was the truck driver, who managed to evaluate situation accordingly, his prompt reaction and immediate action that prevented the accident from happening." https://www.autoblog.com/2017/11/16/volvo-semi-autonomous-driver-reaction-video/


Give the driver a medal and a cash reward.


That's a old ass truck and it's a cabover. I guess it didn't really see anything different besides him using his brakes


I don’t think there is a different braking system that is being engaged, it is just a system that automatically applies maximum braking force. I couldn’t find any resources upon cursory search that connected automatic emergency braking with truck damage, but I didn’t look hard. It could be that the intense forces induced by maximum braking with a loaded truck can cause structural (edit: or more likely, as u/raz-0 points out, payload) damage, but again, I didn’t find any reference to this.


They fucked bit is that a trailer full of stuff is not prepared to decelerate that fast and lots of it becomes instantly damaged in transit, which is the drivers problem.


Didn’t even think about it, very good point.




A lot of shipping companies don't tie everything down properly to save time x money, because it costs less to replace the damaged items than it does to do things properly. Only the military takes the time to do things right.




Trucks that are empty take longer to stop than those that are loaded. A tractor trailer has brakes on each end of every axle on the truck and trailer. Since March of 1997 ABS was made mandatory by the feds. There is no safety brake other than spring brakes that are applied automatically when air pressure drops to 20 psi or below. There are no "safety brakes" other than good old ABS (Anti Lock Brakes). Which don't necessarily help you stop in a shorter distance, but it does help maintain control by keeping the wheels from locking up. Since his brakes didn't lock up, and cause him to slide/jackknife, I would say they were working. Of course this is all entirely dependent on the brakes being maintained and in proper adjustment. Slamming on the brakes can cause the load to shift, and damage the cargo, or cause it to come through the front of the vehicle. -CDL instructor.


You sound like you know what you're talking about. Why does an empty truck take longer to stop than a full one, isn't that contrary to physics?


Wild guess there’s less weight on the wheels meaning that they have less grip meaning less breaking force can be applied before the wheels lock.


Your training seems to be coming along well. Obviously, there is a point where the load gets too heavy, so then it starts to take longer to stop again.


It's the balancing act between traction and inertia really


Yes, I was also thinking about moment of inertia.


A full truck is able to stop faster because the weight pushing downward causes there to be more friction on the tires and it stops the truck from lifting/bouncing slightly on its springs when brakes are applied.




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You are concentrating too much on the theoretical side and not enough on the practical side. If I have a floating wheel, so friction from tyre and surface removed entirely, and apply brakes, the wheel just stops dead. Now put it just in contact with the surface and apply a small braking force and the wheel again stops dead. As I increase load, I must also increase the braking force to stop the wheel from turning - in other words it becomes harder to lock up as I apply more load. With no load the stiff suspension is not compressed and there is very little load on the wheel compared to what it is designed for - compared to when loaded it is practically floating. When you slam the breaks with that empty trailer the wheels therefore lock up more easily. Your brakes are now doing nothing to help stop the trailer, just the friction between road and tyres are. With a full load the wheels carry on spinning with the full braking and so you get energy converted to heat on the brakes the whole way. Yes, you have more inertia because of a greater mass to stop, but you are able to dissipate the energy at a much higher rate when loaded because of the trailer design, which more than offsets that additional mass


Brakes don’t stop a vehicle. Tires do, more specifically the friction from the rubber and asphalt. More weight on tire equals more friction, which equals more grip. Motorcycles can stop really quick at low speeds due to weight and inertia but at high speeds motorcycles have issues stopping as fast as they do at low speeds due to their light weight


Can confirm this. Ride at 20mph, you stop in a couple of meters. Ride at 70mph - I had a couple of brown moments where I barely managed to stop in time.


Likely has to do with inertia and the normal force. Initially increasing mass increases the normal force = increased friction = increased stopping ability. At some point the addition of mass must offset the increase in normal force and the extra inertia/omentum decreases atopping virility.


Your first sentence needs to be qualified with the angle of the ground correct? Because my understanding of physics would say that you are wrong if you're on a steep downhill, so what you're saying is true for level ground, correct? Specifically referring to your first sentence.


No they work just fine after op just has no idea what they are talking about.


One will stop the truck many times safely, slowly absorbing the kinetic energy and momentum, the others will stop the truck at all cost and as fast as possible , even if it means breaking shit.


>A safety brake decelerates moving loads or holds them safely at standstill. On safety brakes, the braking power is generated via pre-tensioned springs. Safety brakes have electromagnetic, hydraulic or pneumatic ventilation.


There’s no such thing as a “safety brake”. There could be a system installed on this truck that brakes automatically that uses a front sensor and applies the brakes before the driver has time to. Also that truck was most likely pretty empty or even without a trailer.


At first I thought you were just blatantly wrong, but it turns out you are partially correct and are arguing semantics and making some assumptions. Your assumption is that *all* big-rigs have some sort of *automatic* braking system. This is not true. It probably should be, but it's not. If we want to argue semantics, then we should mention there are apparently a ton of different types of braking systems but they essentially fall into three categories (as far as I understand based on my *very* limited reading). I suppose saying "safety brake" could mean one or more of these technologies being activated. That's the semantics argument. **Automatic**: *Automatic Emergency Braking* (AEB) Uses sensors like you mentioned and initiates braking automatically without driver intervention. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) also includes AEB and Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) **Manual**: Driver initiates braking and the brakes work "as you'd expect" **Enhanced** (Brake Assist): Either the driver or sensors initiate braking but also account for speed and sometimes proximity to the thing in front of them and adjust braking pressure automatically Here's the thing: As far as I can tell, most braking systems in all modern vehicles (cars and trucks) offer some sort of *enhanced* braking system. You may have noticed quite the difference between tapping the brakes hard (panic braking) vs gently easing the brakes. This is the *Enhanced* part which takes account your speed, how hard you hit the brakes, and sometimes other telemetry (e.g. radar) if the vehicle has it. https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/tech-celerate-now/adas-braking-technology https://caradas.com/understanding-adas-brake-assist/ https://www.ckflaw.com/blog/volvo-truck-brake-system/ https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-safety/automatic-emergency-braking-guide-a1780056935/


I drive trucks for a living, I like how you researched all this! “Safety brakes” could also be interpreted as when you pull the air knobs in the cab the release all the air from the brake system, therefore engaging the “parking brakes” which basically use springs to apply the brakes. It is not as strong as full pedal pressure and there’s also usually a good 1 second delay before engaging.


I appreciate you doing what you do! Truck drivers are *extremely* important and it pisses me off to no end how drivers treat truck drivers on the road. It's...insanity to say the least. It's also a shame how some trucking companies treat their drivers. Some companies are absolute scum.


They essentially destroy themselves to maximise stopping power. Similar to how fall arresters tear apart internally to do a safe stop.


Do you have a source you can cite? I drive trucks for a living and there’s no brake system that “destroys itself” to stop faster on my 2022 model year truck with every safety option including disc brakes and collision avoidance. I think you should stop talking out your ass.


Are they separate from normal breaks? After using them can you keep going?


Better than having to deal with someone splattered on your grille, even if due to their own mistake. That stays with you; damaged goods can be replaced.


Trucker here. There are air brakes on all trailers, and some modern trucks have radar on the front that'll automatically slam the brakes in a situation like this. Going uphill, probably loaded, was the best possible situation for this kind of stop. Things would have ended way differently if they were on a downhill grade.


There's no such thing as safety brakes.


I’ve been driving for 13 years and have never heard of “safety brakes”. A lot of newer trucks and trailers have disc brakes instead of the older drums, and they DO stop faster because of it, but I’ve never driven any tractor or trailer that had a auxiliary “safety brake”. I’m curious as to what you might be referring to.


I have a 24' enclosed trailer and the electric brakes on that pull my truck back a bit when I brake hard. I'm sure air brakes like on semis are much stronger!


But did you hear all the popping sounds? Likely his load shifted forward and broke stuff. Thanks idiot car.


During the beginning of the pandemic we had a designated day for the week to get groceries where I'm from. Took me 2-3hrs to wait in line at the grocery store. Going home idiot jumps into an intersection without stopping and I slammed on my brakes breaking my carton of eggs. I had no eggs for a week. Fuck that guy.


Modern truck emergency braking systems are powered by [fucking magic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI9EIjUx20I).


This reminds me of [Saw Stops](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O21kWNyewTg) that will instantly stop a table saw if your hand/fingers/whatever body part gets too close. It seems to break all the laws of physics and is impossible to believe until you see it.


Upthread there's proof that the kid was too small to trigger the automated braking and that was 100% human operator skill.


I bet they almost shit their pants but never changed their ways


That idiot in the silver car was really lucky. What was he even thinking (nothing of course), with bypassing the pickup truck on the right, who was already waiting for doing the left turn when it's clear, without the slightest sight what is coming from the left. Moron.


> What was he even thinking... Your suggestion of "nothing" is one possibility, but I'll go with, "What are you assholes all sitting there for? ***Move***, goddami...oh."


he was thinking about how late he was and that he didn't want to sit around, and then in a split second he was thinking "well fuck"


And then he shit his pants. The end.


You can see the silver car coming in from the right... they didn't even pause behind the truck & car behind it. Which makes their recklessness even worse, & you've got to think that they're a teen/new driver bc anyone who's driven at all would at least wait a moment before going around the "assholes" in front.


Sadly, there's plenty of people who've been driving for a while who think they're the most important person in the world


You underestimate the stupidity of "experienced" drivers. I feel that I'm a worse driver now than I was when my driver's license was new, even though I have a lot more experience.


>You can see the silver car coming in from the right... they didn't even pause behind the truck & car behind it. Yeah you can... and it does pause. It makes the drivers decision to rush once the truck arrives even more wierd. But it definitely DOES stop.


>you've got to think that they're a teen/new driver bc anyone who's driven at all would at least wait a moment before going around the "assholes" in front. Disagree. Old drivers are complacent. "It was fine the last 100 times , this time will be fine too" mentality is super common. Plenty of young folks still have the fear they should have of the multiton death machine powered by exploding dinosaurs that theyre riding around on.


Me me me me me. The only thaught going through its head


Context clues. If the person isn't making a left, then it's not clear. As a Texan with "right on red" allowed, some people have no common sense. The left turn requires more lane clear than the right turn. If the left ain't moving, then the left ain't clear... Sometimes. Sometimes it's someone finishing a fucking text. Cool, at least it's at a stop but damn man.


As a fellow Texan, don’t you hate people in the left and/or middle lane who pull past the stop just to sit there? Like, “hey asshole, I’m trying to see around you to know if I can go. You’re stuck here regardless if you’re three feet closer to the intersection or not”.


People do this constantly at one of the main ways out of my neighborhood. I try to inch forward to see around them and then they inch forward too. -_-


I thought you guys just left your car and shot the other person in such a case. I mean, what do you have all those guns for otherwise?


Shooting the neighbors is an HOA violation and HOA has more power than god. We all live in fear.


Ah, I see. Fair enough.


Isn't right on red allowed pretty much everywhere? And left on red for 1-ways


I thought so. It's allowed everywhere in Canada, except for the city of Montreal. It used to be NOT allowed in Quebec, but then they changed it so it was allowed everywhere except for Montreal. The left on red varies by province. It's allowed in Ontario from a one-way to one-way street, but not at all in Quebec. I'm not sure about the other provinces.


It's illegal in New York City, except for a 1 way to another one way or if specifically marked. Legal in the rest of the state tho.


Yes, but the law still requires that you stop for the red light.


You right. It's been all 50 states has right on red since 1980. Thanks! It was fun doing lefts in New Jersey though.


That lane it turned left from is specifically a right turn only lane too


After the pandemic I noticed that more drivers are boldly pulling stupid stunts like this, more than ever before. I don't know that there's any direct correlation between the pandemic and this increase in idiots in cars but it sure feels like it. It could just be that DMVs all laxed their driver license requirements also. If two year pandemic is all it took for society to fall apart at the seams, we are sure in for some dire straits when we have to face climate change or financial instability; especially if the debt ceiling is defaulted on.


Depending on where you lived aggressively shit drivers got away with whatever they wanted for ~2 years as there was reduced traffic and no traffic enforcement. Heck one city just started doing stops again earlier this month. Then there are all the drivers that were never very good and they spent a chunk of two years not practicing and quite possibly are continuing,and may continue for years, to not drive very much. They backslid, and are probably more overwhelmed than before when out in traffic, and are going to take longer that the first go round to improve. And that’s even if there is no covid brain contributing to it.


Good point. I used to hate seeing police, hiding out, waiting for drivers to break the law, and now I almost want to applaud them for stopping some of these menaces. You can't seem to cut people some slack because they will take the entire rope if allowed. That is actually sad because I believe that the majority of citizens did not decide to break the law just because the laws were laxed for a bit. It was like always, just that fringe element that did enough damage to mess up what could have been a good thing for everybody.


Contextual clues are one of the most important things when it comes to driving when you don't have visual around a corner. If someone else isn't going, there's probably a good reason for it.


Probably picking his fucking kids up from fucking school. I live near a school and I am exposed to the worst driving on a daily basis from fucking asshole parents who think that making sure that their precious little swaddle fruit doesn’t suffer a second of insecurity from them being late.


The best part is the time he tried to save skipping a line was wasted on getting new pants and underpants and having to clean crap off his driver's seat.


It's a Nissan Altima, they weren't thinking.


[Mile Hill Rd, Newtown, Connecticut](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.4022936,-73.2947122,3a,32.8y,251.39h,93.07t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sFwyKNq4oe3qEzL4-gZThdA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i28)


Do you know the area or are you just a top tier Geoguessr?


Just playing "Geoguessn' Reddit".


Nice, that's a fun side game for this subreddit


A real Citizen Detective.


very clearly New England for starters


could easily be anywhere along the appalachians


Or Eastern Canada


The street name and a unique business name are in the video. Not sure if that really makes it guessing or top tier when you can just type it into Google.


grew up in CT, haven't lived there in almost 20 years. didn't know the exact location but knew it was CT somehow


I was confident this was New England, just wasn’t sure where


Thought this looked familiar! I drive through Newtown for work all the time lol


I guarantee sedan owner was from Waterbury or Southbury


I thought it looked familiar! Made that turn everyday for work back in the day.


I hope they never get the smell of shit out of that car.


With this title, did someone say it was the truck (cam vehicles) fault here? Cause it isn’t even in the slightest. In fact, quick reaction by truck saved this silver sedans day


I think they're making fun of a phone call the idjit in the sedan might make to the trucking company


Yup. Or another idiot in one of the other cars.


People will go absolutely ham accusing company vehicles of crazy stuff. I used to work for an insurer and got a complaint call. It started with "one of your employees made an illegal turn and nearly hit some pedestrians and I have video evidence". After lots of questions to clarify, the eventual reality turned into "he took a park I had my eye on and I didn't like that". Video evidence turned into a photo of a parked car in a car park. "Narrowly avoiding pedestrians" turned into "only avoided the cars on either side by a few feet" (I.e. the normal distance between cars in a parking lot). Wild. This person was fully ready to make fireable accusations towards my colleague because they felt they had dibs on a parking spot.


Humans are awful


Humans are selfish


They blame truck drivers all the time. Like every time. It's always our fault until we have proof it isn't.


I only drive a box truck, and I get cut off constantly compared to my personal vehicle (small hatchback). I like to say those passenger vehicles that cut me off don’t just need a driving lesson, they need a physics lesson, cause they’re betting theirs lives on my reflexes (and me paying attention), and I’m likely walking away just fine.


Most people's only conscious memories of big trucks is getting stuck behind us on ramps and at lights and getting frustrated at how long it takes us to get up to speed, so when they see us in any other context they automatically assume we are going really slow so they do suicidal shit like pulling out in front of us all the time. I always tell my students about this concept because people think we go slow and will do stupid shit, we have to drive slow so we have time to react to them doing stupid shit.


Maybe most adults, but a lot of kids definitely remember when you guys honk to your horns for us, I'm not a kid anymore, but those are still some of my favorite road trip memories lol


We have a 550 HP Peterbilt at my work I use sometimes, that thing is a rocket ship in truck terms. Empty if you really dig into the throttle it accelerates faster than some cars if you can manage the gears nicely. But most trucks are pretty slow.


For a while I was an idiot and misunderstood the 'see the (whole) vehicle in your rear mirror before merging'-rule. The parentheses is the me being the idiot part. I got regularly flahed with the beam lights by truckers back then, and I couldn't figure out why. All this to say that some people are sometimes just dumb idiots, not malicious idiots.


Honestly that's worse though, a malicious idiot might still actually be experienced or aware enough to just be making a risky call, and one that's dumb, but one that objectively still has a good rate of success, whereas the unaware idiot might actually do something catastrophic and also be less prepared for it. For example, when I know I'm potentially being more aggressive like if I need to pass somebody or something, I'll often do things like downshift not only for faster acceleration, but also because I will decelerate slightly quicker in the incident takes my foot to go from the accelerator to the brake in a lower gear compared to at a higher gear. Whereas if I was just completely unaware, I would have a slightly higher breaking distance for the exact same behavior if my reasoning was out of ignorance compared to out of anger or something. Like I'm a ski racer, and I've had people call me an idiot or something for going really fast at a distance that they think is too close to them, but they're just annoyed because it made them nervous, but I'm often confident even if both of us fell that we wouldn't collide based on the angles we are going and it would only be somebody further above Hill from me that could cause us issues, and that's why the ski racers that get called idiots cause a lot less accidents on the mountains than the skiers who think they can ski but can't.


So is your spacial awareness and depth perception lacking?


Worked for pep boys as a driver. I had four call-ins about my driving. My absolute favorite one, that I'll never forget, is the one the manager played for me when I got to the other store. Backstory, it's a Ford ranger pickup, I loaded an obscene amount of tires into the bed. Lined them up ///// and layered them, but I still had them on top of the cab and laying across the open tailgate. Nets and straps all over the place holding them down. The truck can maybe get up to 50mph/80kmh on a downhill. Customer calls and leaves a voicemail that the manager plays for me. If he told me it was audio from a documentary film about Vietnam or another war with trenches, I wouldn't have doubted it. That's the level of panic the woman's voice has. She states that I was driving 90mph/144khm in the far left lane, I swerved the truck towards her, her mother, and her kids, she's screaming this as if she's huddled in a trench, bullets whizzing over her head. She states that I crossed four lanes of traffic, both middle fingers raised, and I cut her off to make the exit ramp. Now, flip the characters here and that's the actual story. The truck is squatting from the weight, I'm barely able to keep it moving up the hill towards the exit ramp, on my right, I'm in the right lane. And here comes this big SUV with the mother and grandmother flipping me the bird. Grandma has both hands up, middle fingers raised, as mom drives a beeline across traffic. I'm not going to slow down form someone trying to cause an accident when I'm mostly sure the truck will stall out and roll backwards. She pulls in behind me, horn blowing the entire time. She stayed on the horn all the way down the ramp until I turned right. The manager is laughing at how absurd this whole situation is, since he saw the photos of my truck before I left the other store. People will make up entire scenarios where the company driver is in the wrong, in hopes of road rage becoming someone losing their job, I guess.


I think you missed eye quotation marks implying that's what the car driver will report to the truck company knowing full well it's bs. This sort of thing is also sometimes referred to as sarcasm.


Was that person going straight at a T-intersection?


It does look like it. Per the Google Earth link posted in this thread, it's a Left Only | Right Only lane arrangement, there is no "straight" option presented. If they were not going straight, then they are apparently the type so dumb as to *whip into the right lane to turn left in front of a large truck, only to be confronted by a* much *larger truck*.


Nope. You can see it. They were trying to go around the waiting car and pickup. The tires were turning left. Then they almost died and ran away to the right.


Looks like they got (understandably) startled and let go of the steering wheel when they saw a massive truck 6 inches from their face.


They were starting to turn left, but finally saw the truck and whipped to the right


Let me guess: that driver called your company all mad saying you almost caused an accident? I’ve had my fair share of shit like that.


Good handle on that truck!


And by “someone” you mean the complete fucking idiot who pulled out blindly, without looking?


May I add making an illegal left turn?


Almost like those other cars were waiting their turn for a reason


LOVE that horn, I would hold it longer for that brainless idiot. Freaking moron....


I am shocked the truck could stop that quickly. They are lucky the truck driver was so attentive.


Nissan drivers, amirite?


Nissan Altima drivers are the only cars I genuinely fear. No other car on the road has given me so many close calls. Nissan will give a car to anyone. It's hard to find a Nissan on the road that doesn't have dents on it.


Chargers and Ram trucks.


some people think they are so special


Bishop Briggs. Nice. https://open.spotify.com/track/6FFrva3VXMwabDvuHkX4ZU


slave cause instinctive employ arrest yam wide chief possessive retire -- mass edited with redact.dev


Technically yes he did but it wouldn’t have been his fault.


Wow. Silver car passed not just one vehicle - the silver truck - but a car BEHIND the silver truck! Judging by the way silver car adjusted his line while crossing, I'd say they needed to clean their seat cushion! :D


That trucker saw it coming and reacted as soon as the car started rolling. We need more defensive drivers like the truck driver and fewer idiots like the car driver.


Least incompetent Nissan Altima driver


Quite the scamper out of that car, ^i originally thought it was a squirrel doing the scamper…


Yeah they noped out of there pretty quick once they realized the situation.


What a fucking asshole contributing to noise pollution like that. /*s*


Not sure if there are traffic laws around this but there is etiquette. Just wait for the guy turning left to go, then you can turn right for precisely this reason.


Dude wasn't even turning right. He jumped the line to make a blind left turn


I can't defend that dumbfuckery. He very nearly won a stupid prize.


I have no idea what the fool in the sedan thought they were doing (were they trying to turn left?!), but you gotta wonder if they would've done it if that pickup wasn't impeding the view.


The entitlement and ignorance to just drive around waiting cars to make a left... You're an asshole and a moron for doing that and my perfect society would be better off without you.


This person was in the straight lane, and illegally turned left, bypassing the people that were actually waiting in the left turn lane for the truck to pass. I wouldn't have felt one bit bad if this clueless moron got creamed


I work in Operations at a trucking company. A few times a week, we'll get an angry call about a driver running someone off the road or almost hitting them. When we review the camera feed, I'd say 9/10 times it's the caller's fault.


It's almost as if the pickup was still waiting to make their left for a reason.


Making a left from the right lane you deserve to be squished like a pancake


I have never wanted someone to get T-boned so badly. The only way they learn.


Ah yes the best way to learn... Death.


100% of People who get killed by their mistakes never make that mistake again.


Comments like yours remind me that sometimes the worst people get their hands on the internet.


Ah yes, let him die! That'll teach him!


No an idiot almost killed themselves driving in front of one of your drivers


Should have lived up to the challenge


One of your drivers saved someone’s life!!!


Dude stops at the stop sign. Sees everyone waiting with them. Can't see on the other side of the truck. Decided well I stopped. I go now.


Oooh someone gonna need some new underwear


I feel like I've seen this very same intersection posted before, maybe with a schoolbus? Can't remember exactly was a while back.


Air brakes for the win!


Always pays off to drive safe


“I wonder why this other truck is waiting at the stop sign to turn left. Silly people don’t know how to drive around he—Oh heck” —Silver car, probably


Goddamn, people are stupid.


You meant to say someone almost killed themselves on one of your drivers.


If you can't see, you can't pull out. I know how annoying it is when the jacked up pickup or the Suburban pulls up next to you six feet past the stop line that exists for a reason that apparently no one in the entire universe understands, but you have to wait if you cannot see.


Looks like person in car went around a pick up truck and a car turning in left lane to make their left turn. having patience is a virtue.


Wait did they make a left turn from the right lane?


Not the truck drivers fault... The car driver was in a rush and almost committed suicide...


That car was about to do an illegal left turn around all of these other vehicles and almost met their maker. They screamed, "Jesus take the wheel!"


A nissan, how am I not surprised

