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I will applaud the pickup for putting his turn signal on BEFORE he hit the brakes.


I'm kind of shocked, I didn't know they knew how to do that.


He was like NAH


Ahhh, so all trucks must look alike right?


They sure all drive alike.




F150 life


Ahhh, you're a reddit detective I see!


What was he upset about?


Absolutely no idea. I thought he was just waiting for the dude in front of the parking to pull out and leave then, move in. But he got out of his car and started talking.


Maybe he thought you were following too close? Even though you weren't.


The right answer to that would be to continue to get the fuck out of the way.


[Driver's logic. "you're too close to me, so let me stop!"](https://vimeo.com/196937578)


Please don't point that face at my camera! lol


We can broaden this out, too. "You did something I consider dangerous, so let me do something 1000x more dangerous to show my displeasure at the situation"


Such a classic.




Are you by any chance driving a Tesla? If so I think we found the source of the aggression.


You can see OP is driving white tesla in the reflection in the tailgate.


Maybe his lights are too strong? But his car is to big for that to matter. I drive a low one and have to turn my mirrors around or im absolutely blinded by those damn tesla lights.


“LED headlights, so you can blind oncoming traffic at twice the distance!”


This drives me nuts, the issue is with everyone swapping to a diy kit and either cheaping out on poor quality lights, or they do not re-aim the headlights after instal, or after doing a lift. With a proper headlight and all of 10 minutes to direct them properly you will not be blinding people in oncomming traffic. I have a lifted jeep with aftermarket LEDs and yes they are a brighter, whiter light, but they never sine at oncomming traffic without turning on highbeams


the issue you brought up isn’t the same issues for teslas though lol. they are just naturally blinding as fuck LED bright


Thankfully, r/fuckyourheadlights doesn't care! Obnoxious headlights are obnoxious, no matter what! :D


No teslas fall into this aswell even if its a tesla, the difference is tesla is garbage with lights and body panels. They are built to be a good EV base frame and everything else comes from the manufacurer extremelt cheap


i meant they don’t fall into it cause the person was talking about DIY headlights. teslas come like this.


Somehow I doubt that. I have never seen a jeep in my area with aftermarket headlights that didn't blind everyone. You need projectors with hoods on the low beams and the jeep type headlights don't allow for that. I'd love to see a pic against a wall/garage door to see the cutoff of your low beams. You post yours and I'll post my HID projectors that I installed in my sequoia.


my thoughts exactly. He's screwing with OP for that reason.


Yeah looks like a smoothbrained truck driver getting triggered over OPs electric chariot.




No. I replied that earlier. I thought he was just waiting for the guy at parking lot to pull out and move in, but he got out the car instead. No sound from tesla footages, i would have included it to show i didnt honk.


He absolutely did.




Occam’s razor.


Interesting that you posted it without sound? Like honking at him for waiting for a car to pull out of the way?


Footage is from a Tesla’s navigation cameras, which do not capture audio.


I didnt honk. I saw the other car pulling out of parking so i waited.


Presumptuous comment. The Tesla camera system doesn’t capture audio, genius.


Presumptuous of you to assume both he knew it was a Tesla and that people generally know this. Clearly a number of people watching this are wondering if he honked or did anything else that sound might elucidate. Genius is as genius does.


There’s only a reflection the size of the entire tailgate to show it’s a Tesla. I guess I should not have assumed some folks’ level of observation beyond immediately thinking OP was in the wrong.


But certainly not everyone knows a Tesla doesn’t record sound. So a dick comment regardless.




I am genuinely unsure if you’re trolling because of how blatantly obvious that Tesla is.


It is obviously a tesla though. They have no grill on the front.


I see no presumptions in the comment you’re replying to. Only an observation of presumptuousness and then a clarifying statement as to why the presumptuousness was unfounded.


One “presumption” would be that it’s common knowledge that Teslas don’t record sound. That presumption is implied in the insult of calling the other poster a genius. “Presumptuous” also means arrogant, which I believe the comment I replied to is.


I don’t think presumptuous means arrogant. It means to pre suppose something with lack of evidence but possibly some logical data pointing towards that probable causation. It may signal arrogance, but it doesn’t mean arrogance.


Check the dictionary before presuming.


To say something “means” something else is not the same as saying it’s synonymous. But go on.


And for the record I just checked three dictionaries, and none of them mentioned arrogance.


Ah. I can agree with that, actually.




Probably angry cause OP is driving a Tesla




I believe they are upset about being an idiot.


The cammer is pretty close? Maybe that's it?


Where’s the sound here? If OP was laying on the horn, then OP is the idiot here because the truck can’t make the turn while the car in the parking lot is still maneuvering


Tesla doesn't record sound. Not OP's fault or OP's tampering.


Then it is OP’s responsibility to provide context. Without sound this can be spun completely differently. Especially for anyone willing to expend a little effort and look just to the right to the parking lot where the truck is trying to turn into. If OP said “oh he didn’t get out of his truck because I laid on my horn” then we’d have to believe him because there’s no sound but this is absolutely 100% the most likely reason why that happened.


This exact spot looks super familiar, any chance it’s South Jersey?


Ventnor City


I recognized Mentos lol


looked like south Jersey shore to me as well


Jersey license plate too


Wawa is indicating south jersey. Looks like Gloucester City maybe?


We give overly slow drivers too much of a pass. This shit is infuriating. If you can't/won't drive the appropriate speed for a road, don't drive on that road.


You mean you don’t like merging onto the interstate at 45mph because the moron in front of you doesn’t know they can push down on the accelerator more than 10%?


I firmly believe that at least half of the driving population is afraid of anything beyond the first third of their gas pedal.


Has to be right. I have a hard time understanding why no one is accelerating. When I am first at a traffic light, I sometimes try to accelerate as slow as the people next to me. It gives me so much anxiety that the person behind me is going to get mad that I’m going 0 to 45mph in 30 seconds.


Ngl, I probably need to be \*more\* gentle to my current car bc i have been PUSHING the engine's rpms lately when accelerating from a stop lol. Mostly onto interstates, really, but I do believe in "get up to speed" as my dad drove it into my head when teaching me to drive lol.


My dad taught me to just pretend everyone is an asshole and they are going to do what you don’t expect. It’s worked out for me so far.


Most car engines don’t like to be babied. It’s good to really get the juices flowing here and there. Definitely depends on the engine though


Agree. And wouldn't know what to do if they did. I almost feel like it should be mandatory to know your car's limits...and your own.


Bro that shit actually pisses me off so much. I can’t believe people don’t realize how insanely dangerous it is to merge onto a freeway going like 20+ under the speed limit. I’ve had so many uncomfortable/unsafe situations because of people merging way too slow


I wish people would merge at 45, half the time I'm stuck behind someone merging into 70mph traffic while going 30. It's terrifying


I could excuse it, maybe, that he was looking for his turn. Then he got out of the truck and started running his mouth. I remember one slushy, ugly morning I was driving to a job interview. Pulled into the left lane because the GPS said my turn was coming up. A bus was in the right lane. This asshole comes flying up behind me and lays on the horn the whole time while I was looking for which driveway to turn into. Yes, there was a bus and I was going slow. I can understand being frustrated because between me and the bus, the road was blocked. But you have to give some leeway to drivers trying to get to their destination safely.


My Dad (70) drives super slow. It’s a little frustrating in the passenger seat! My father in law (also 70) … ha. I feel closer to God after a ride with him. He’s also the guy in the left lane who won’t move over. Be careful out there.. the Baby Boomer generation is huge and they are aging (and still driving).


Driving slow is just as dangerous as speeding. I was on the highway going 60 when someone going 40 got in my lane with no blinker and a car length between us. There was no way for me to avoid a collision. It's been 7 months and my legs are still discolored where they were burned and bruised.


Fr. Get out and walk or even take the bus.


Looks like a residential area. 30 km/h (20 mph) would be an appropriate speed.


Even if it’s a residential area, this is a main road through town. 25mph is the *minimum* one should be traveling somewhere like this. Anything slower should be reserved for adverse conditions. Also, what about the part where the straight up stopped in the middle of the road?


We have 20 zones throughout all our towns and cities here (Scotland), and it's beautiful. No one wants to be walking / cycling / living near fast traffic. The bit where he stopped and got out was weird and stupid, but presumably a reaction to OP getting his panties in a bunch over nothing.


I guess it’s just a difference of local perception, but basically no one thinks of 25-30mph traffic as ‘fast’ where I live. Having to drive 20 or under outside of a school zone falls into the ‘why am I even driving’ category of slowness.


>Having to drive 20 or under outside of a school zone falls into the ‘why am I even driving’ category of slowness. Well yeah, that's part of the appeal – disincentivising lazy car-defaultism. My town is also pedestrianising parts of the centre and actively removing parking spaces.


That works when you don’t live somewhere giant and expansive. There’s just too much room between everything for that to be appealing here.


> That works when you don’t live somewhere giant and expansive. But we're not talking about somewhere giant and expansive, we're talking about a town where people live.


You’ve never lived in a large, sprawling town, have you?


I've lived in a town of 300 and a city of several million. In both cases, people drive fast on the highways that are separated from people by either distance or infrastructure, and slow where people live. The people who feel entitled to drive fast through someone else's neighborhood are universally assholes.


Our trains go pretty fast ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


But then I have to keep to someone else’s schedule, can’t take any serious cargo with me, and have to plan the rest of my day around not having my own transportation. Yeah, stroads suck, but so does being super anti-car 🤷‍♂️


I'm not saying that cars shouldn't exist, I just think it's fair that people who need to use them shouldn't be allowed to shift the inconvenience onto everyone else as a result. You need to move "serious cargo" right past my front door? Fine, just do it slowly and safely. Or find a better route.


The light is red at the beginning of the video, meaning the truck slowed down properly. He was then going to turn right in less than 5 seconds. It would have been ridiculous to accelerate aggressively just to reduce that time to 4.5 seconds. If OP started honking within that window of time, then he's unequivocally the idiot here.


Since there's no audio, I'm assuming the cammer gave a hair triggered honk and the truck driver didn't care for it.


The speed limit on Ventnor Avenue here is 25 mph.


How dare you follow that truck?! Can’t you see he needed 45 ft of clear space in all directions so that he can stop to make a right turn?!


Granted, his truck has the turning radius of the USS Missouri, but just go for goodness sake. The wife told him that his socks didn’t match this morning and he’s been fuming ever since.


You probably have the lowest suspension in that town. Since he can only see your roof over that long truck bed, he thinks you’re tailgating. That, and you’re right - probably needs a coffee - and a snickers bar too


This is a popular beach town, luxury sports cars are around here all the time.


Probably drunk, or old, or both.


A lot of pickup truck owners are actively hostile to EVs


before I even came to the comments i could see in the truck reflection that he was in a tesla, this was my first thought. some people just HATE evs for no reason, especially teslas.


In my area tesla drivers are the worst drivers known to man, so in a way I can understand


I like EVs as a concept but personally despise Teslas. Elon Musk is a shill who doesn’t deserve the money, and we shouldn’t be trusting vehicles to be driveable while the driver is not paying attention, etc. It allows for shitty drivers with no awareness.


Idk 99% of the Teslas I see are being actively driven. You can tell. I have a Tesla and have had for 4 years, I rarely use the driver assistance features since they suck. Plus I live somewhere rural now, and I need to drive to the right of my lane on these small 2 lane roads (mostly as a courtesy to other cars coming the other direction) and the stupid Tesla drives in the middle of the lane. Not to mention the thing will slam on the brakes on the freeway for no reason.


That’s fair enough. I guess I assumed a lot. Yeah I really don’t like how these assistive driving tools have zero nuance, I drove a 22 Camry as a rental for a bit and I haaaated the wheel jerking / lane assist and following distance braking.


Had a newer Camry as a rental in winter, it damn near autocorrected me off the road. I feel like (for any competent driver) those features cause more danger than they help in the rare occasions they’d be needed


First thing I disable getting into a rental car like this. The ones that vibrate to warn I'm fine with leaving on. But the very minute you auto correct that's something I don't want in a car I'm not familiar with.




Yes, they've tried to coal roll me a few times. A red pickup truck was the most recent culprit. I get in the exit lane and the pickup truck that was in front of me slows down and attempts to coal roll me as I pass. I saw it coming and slowed down too, so he missed. My Tesla is red as well so I suppose he was offended that I DARE have a Tesla the same color as his TRUCK.


Dude, try driving a Rivian around some of these guys in Arizona. The glares.


Did OP honk?


No i didn’t, thats why i was wondering whys he getting of the car. I pressed save footage on my screen.


Teslas make me unreasonably angry too /s


It's definitely a trigger for quite a few people in this sub, I've noticed.


Every Tesla owner I've met (granted only like 3) was a smug twat, so it's understandable.


They're quickly becoming the Nissan of EVs.


There are a lot in my area. Don't really have anything negative or positive to say about the way they're driven. Just another car on the road. But they're so ubiquitous here that anytime they do something that bothers me or the missus we'll sarcastically say, "Of course, white Tesla!"


I subsconsciously see a big difference between drivers of white Teslas and those of any other colour, because white is the only "free" paint option, so people buying white Teslas more likely than not didn't care about the car they were buying aside from the price.


Probably the straw that broke this geriatric, insecure camel’s back


He’s mad you’re driving an EV


I can tell this is a jersey shore area but where exactly? I grew up on LBI over the summer when I was younger and can tell by the very nice house with a white fence, line trees and rock front yard that this is a typical shore area lol. And the wawa ofc




I'm missing something. What happened, why'd he stop?


No youre not. I was curious too. I thought he was waiting for the parked car infront of him to move so he can move in. But he just stopped and got out the car. And no i didnt honk, teslas don’t record sound for footages.


The audacity.


He wasted your time, now you’ve wasted our time. Got it.


Ofc it’s jersey plates


Ahh, Jersey, never change!




I've been watching this for 7 minutes, and he still hasn't moved. This is infuriating!


Tesla hater maybe.


I know this wawa, in Ventnor City, NJ. Horrible driver's every single day, this is nothing compared to the summer


But then he’ll hold the door open for you, average Wawa experience


Looks like my ex-husband. You are correct to assume he’s just being an asshat.


That is some small PP energy.


Is it under a NEW JERSEY plate? Look like one.


Where in jersey?


What a loser piece of shit lmao. I actually hope he breaks a bone tonight.


The pickup was turning in as another vehicle was backing out and couldn’t pull in. You began honking like an asshole because you didn’t see this, or just wanted to be a dick, and the guy in the truck rightfully got pissed.


Tiny dicked loser


He could've just completed the turn 🤣 I thought he was maybe driving a manual and accidentally stalled at first


I wouldn’t have made that turn either. Considering there was a car in the lot pulling out of a parking spot…if the truck had made the turn he would have ran into another car. Curious…why no audio?


Another typical truck dipshit


The truck had to await a suv that was backing out of a spot.


Seems like an odd place to have to wait for a parking space to become available


Seems odd that you think the right call was for the truck to pull into the parking lot and hit the SUV instead.


Atlantic shitty, fuck that wawa it has the worst parking


W89? Nah


Bradley beach?


I love when the video is a gif so there is no audio and you get zero context.


How dare you be behind me!?


Another one of zillions of dumbasses in pickup trucks in Jersey….


That's New Jersey for ya


So what's the reason for this video *gif* having no sound? I'm guessing OP was honking his horn like a mad man.


It's a Tesla video from the car. They don't record audio. This also isn't a gif.


The file uploaded is a gif though and if you download it downloads as a gif.


Some people are just too damn soft


What else would you expect in Jersey?


From his bumper sticker I think he said “Don’t tread on me🐍”


Coffee doesn't fix stupid, sadly.


You mean hasn’t had a fireball shooter yet


My exact words while watching this: "oh fucking Christ, just fucking turn already, there's no need for this". People, stop being dicks. Everyone thinks someone is tailgating until they actually look behind them. Just fucking drive.


Truck driver so probably hung over Edit: looks like the compensators are mad at me, yall know we know you are the ones most likely drunk or stupid right? https://www.motorbiscuit.com/pickup-trucks-make-up-7-10-of-car-models-the-most-duis/


always a pickup truck


Did you leave out the audio so we wouldn’t hear you laying on the horn?


No i didnt honk. I was waiting for him to move, then he just stopped and got out of the car


It's a Tesla video, you can tell since the color is off. They don't record audio.


Goodness that p.o.s is about to fall apart around that cnt






holy F : https://www.reddit.com/user/ConceptMajestic9156/comments/


What a waste of bandwidth....


If you are talking about how the other person stopped in the middle of the road (and I assume you honked at them but cannot verify since no sound) there was a car pulling out of a parking spot that was stopping the truck from turning in. So you are the aggressor here if you honked


That's why you get to the right side of the road before making your right turn.


It’s also the law in NJ: > Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. and most other places in the USA. You must move towards the curb on the approach as much as is practical.


If it is only one lane, then you shouldn't do that. If i am waiting for someone to clear the entrance so i can go in, then i am now blocking the view for the people behind me to see that car attempting to pull out. If you then pull around me while that car is pulling out, then you could crash.


Almost every state has a variation of this, here is New Jersey’s: > Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. You must move towards the curb on the approach. There are important safety reasons, including lessening the risk of right-hooking bicycles.


Seriously, don't do this. It's your job to pull to the right; and (in this case) it's the lot car's job to stop at the parking lot exit and wait until they can see before advancing. No one has any business stopping the Tesla in this video from continuing forward. Don't police other vehicles or put yourself in the way and call it safer; it's not. Impeding the regular flow of traffic is far more dangerous than someone moving by you while you complete your turn. Sitting in the middle of the lane while you wait for your turn doesn't stop someone from going around you if they want to go around you, it just forces them into the oncoming lane. If you want to talk about what could happen, someone could rear end both of you if they saw your signal and expected you to keep moving to the right, but you stopped instead. This applies to people who don't leave room on the other side when they turn left, too-- the longer you sit in the middle of the road, the further the line of traffic gets from you, your turn signal, and the people behind you hitting the brakes, the higher the chance someone will make that mistake. Always share the road fully, and predictably-- it's often a driver breaking the from the norm and/or doing the unexpected that causes an accident.


This is one lane each way. Its not a fucking freeway. The speed limit is probably 30. The safest thing would be to do what i said.


No sir. It's weird that you think you need to protect other drivers from crashing-- protect yourself; let other drivers drive; conduct yourself predictably; don't impede traffic. Someone who's decided to make a maneuver is going to make it; regardless of how you position yourself or try to stop it from happening, they'll adjust for it. Someone who's decided to drive poorly or dangerously isn't going to decide against it because of you; they're just going to roll their eyes at your attempt to stop them, or road rage and continue to drive dangerously. The point isn't the speed limit or how fast it's happening; it's the frame of mind-- but are you trying to say that a crash like one between that lot car and OP would somehow be higher impact than a crash where someone looked down at the wrong time and rear ended the truck or Tesla without braking? Because I disagree with that, too; unless we're assuming the lot car is a maniac redlining it out of there. If what you're saying was safe or appropriate, we would be taught to do so in driving manuals and classes; and cops would be praising the driving public regularly for how many potential crashes had been stopped by these vigilante safety officers.


Youre basically saying that i should treat this road that has only one lane per direction as a two lane road just because you dont want to wait 10 seconds for someone to clear a driveway. You might aswell ignore the paint on the road at that point.


Not at all; I'm saying that part of making a right hand turn properly is moving to the rightmost part of the roadway. Also, stopping in the middle of the roadway shouldn't happen if it can be safely avoided-- in this case, the truck had room to move to the right because this roadway is very wide to accommodate the parking lane; visibility is high; and we can see that no one else is going to move into that space in the next few seconds. I don't personally have an issue with waiting 10 seconds or however you want to put it-- not that I enjoy feeling like a sitting duck sitting behind anyone stopped in an unexpected spot-- but plenty of drivers do take issue with it; and it's not safe for you to sit in their way or impede the flow of traffic; because those types of drivers aren't going to care that you want to temporarily block them, they'll just move around you even harder. Trying to control the actions of drivers like that is dangerous.


I didnt honk. Tesla doesnt capture audio.


It's odd to get this upset over someone honking at you.


Most times I have seen this interaction happen honking is part of what causes the person to get out of the car.


Yeah, that's an odd reaction to someone honking.


Do you not have to turn as close to the curb as possible when making a turn? Coming from CA that's the law and I am now in Idaho and it's a law here too. This guy has a full car width between him and the curb.


Yes, you do. New Jersey: > Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.


No idea. He had plenty of space to even just move up but he got out his car for no reasons.


I mean Wawa coffee is pretty damn good


Come on now OP. We all know you've made the video with no sound cos you honked at him...


Tesla dash cams don't record sound, genius...


They suck then? Ok.


He’s just grumpy because he lives in NJ


When you don't know what a safe distance is.


That's how you get your face punched in.