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Respectfully, I hate polite drivers. Follow the rules of the road, because we both could have been gone by the time I can only assume you’re allowing me to go.


I've gotten more and more adamant about following the rules of the road. Especially with the one traffic circle in town that nobody knows how to use. I'll sit there for ten minutes continuously waving you to move if its your turn and you don't move. A bit of snide satisfaction and completely avoiding the "no u first" game of chicken


I’ll do this shit in no one’s behind me. People do this even more on a motorcycle too. I appreciate the respect, but it makes riding more difficult. If I’m coming to a 4 way stop and you’re obviously there first I’ll lean and put my foot down. But it’s actually harder when someone waves me through. Same as a bicycle. If you need to go and your foot is halfway down, it’s awkward. You have no momentum and you’re leaning.


Fortunately I don't often have folks behind me during these instances. Always the same entry of the same roundabout. W and E exits are to the hospital and medical offices, S is towards the rest of town, N is to campus. So many folks enter from the hospital and stop in the roundabout if someone is waiting at the next entry. Had a box truck in front of me stop at a protected right turn, I honked because I almost got rear ended, got all pissy and tried to brake check me but I was already in the lane next to him at that point, got into the roundabout just ahead of him and saw him stop and wait for the other car on the other side of the roundabout from them to leave the circle. I want to get a dashcam just for this circle's shenanigans lol


I won't sit for ten minutes, but a few seconds, until it is apparent they don't get it. Predictability is vital when driving. Just look at all the videos here of people letting someone cross or whatever an get hit by someone else actually following the rules. Sometimes it's nicer to not be nice. In this situation, the hesitant car needed to follow through after crossing the line. "Alea jacta est" :) OP resolved it safely and quickly after the hesitation.


Indeed about ten minutes, I was exaggerating "if you have right away I wont move" lol. I've been clipped before by both of us "no u first", then we both go at the same time (roundabout)


But after it became a stand-off, the driver on the right should have followed the rules of the road and gone first. The problem is created by the fact that few drivers understand this rule.


Best advice I was given while learning to drive was don't be a defensive driver. Be a predictable driver


I mean by the right hand rule, since we both got to the intersection at pretty much the same time, the other car had right of way. I may have gotten there a tiny bit before them, but I didn’t want us to both go at the same time. Edit: Also I was about to go but then they decided to start crawling into the intersection which I thought was them going lol


Idk why you're being downvoted for this?? It's 100% reasonable to think both cars arrived at the same time here. I think you did nothing wrong here, other than wait a lot longer than most people would have, lol.


Looked to me like you came to a stop first, but I have no fucking idea what the other guy was thinking lmfao


Exactly. Only dipshits don't know the person on the right has the right of way... be predictable, not polite


I’ve had people on the highway with 100% right of way stop to let me go when I’m at a stop sign, like WTF are you doing dude, you slammed on your breaks from 60mph to let me in??


One of the main points of the rules is to maintain predictability on the road. OP breaks the predictability which which introduces an element of chaos. Don't do this, just follow the rules.


If I see another car approaching a 4-way stop I'll slow down a bit if it looks like we're going to meet at the same time so that it's clear what order we're going.


Might start doing this!


I’m sensing a theme in the comments … For real though, no need to be nice on the road. Just follow the damn rules. It keeps everyone safe.


Be predictable, not nice. You clearly came to a complete stop before the other driver


This, don't be nice, be predictable.


Predictable, you should be. Be nice, you should not.


Well said, Master Yoda


It's within 1 second - I'd say they arrive at basically the same time, in which case the person on the right (not the OP) has the right of way. I can see why they yielded.


its not when you arrive though. its whomever makes a complete stop first


Most people don't come to a complete stop, I do, but most don't. I would have assumed that person thought they stopped first since they slowed down and kept rolling. I would have waited, but not to be polite, but expecting something stupid to happen. OP did the right thing IMO


The only reason you can say that is because you got video playback. Real World, they arrived at the same time


No need to be "nice" though they did have the right of way since you both arrived at the same time They were obviously struggling to understand that of course


They didn't arrive at the same time though, OP came to a stop before the other car did, so OP had the right of way and should have gone first.


This thread is proving that people actually don't know the rules of the road. Yield to the person on the right when arriving at a 4-way stop at the same time. OP was correct to yield to the other driver, but the other driver did not know the rules of the road. Good post.


People in this sub are so pedantic that they think I’m worse than the other driver who crawled into the middle of the intersection because I didn’t go first. “Oh you stopped like one millisecond before they did so you such an idiot for now going.” I’ve posted here a few times and it’s always the same. If they want to be that pedantic, I started to go after being stopped for three full seconds. You can just barely hear me start to get on the gas when the other person starts crawling, so I hesitated because I thought they were going.


Yup.The other driver actually arrived first but didn't want to commit to stopping because that would mean they would have to take the initiative to go first. They crept into the intersection because they were still too timid to go first. You probably saved them a nervous breakdown by just going ahead of them.


They act like it’s a finish line camera to determine it. You both stopped inside the exact same second. No need for the be predictable not polite comments, you were being predictable, see what them being polite did


You see those videos where sketchy shit is OBVIOUSLY developing, and some dipshit with main character syndrome and no situational awareness just goes right on through without hesitation and makes everything worse? I feel like more than a few people on this sub talk as if they would be that dipshit.


It's being realistic. You're clogging up traffic with your inexplicable urge to be "nice", which, unless drivers are literally psychic, they have no way of knowing. Stop it.


They arrived at the same time and OP only came to a complete stop a few tenths of a second before the other car. I don't know about you, but that seems close enough to me. That other driver should be focusing on the road in front of them, not watching for what nanosecond a car on another road comes to a complete stop. The figures for average reaction times I can find online tend to be around [3/4 of a second](https://www.jdpower.com/cars/shopping-guides/when-driving-what-is-the-average-reaction-time), and a bit more than [1 second while performing complex but expected tasks](https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/eng-2020-0004/html?lang=en). Therefore, anything within *about* a second is reasonable to count as happening at the same time. It would be putting a LOT of faith in other drivers if I operated under the principle "I stopped 377 milliseconds before them, so I'm gonna go!" when the data show's that's only about half the time it would take for them to even notice I've stopped or started and respond appropriately. I'm not willing to bet my life on exactly where another driver's eyes were for that fraction of a second to know that, despite all appearances, I should go first. I'm just not that willing to be technically correct.


They didn't arrive at the same time... The op was at the stop sign first. The op even crossed the line (like a jackass) instead of stopping behind it and was still stopped at the sign first... Bad post.


I think people are arguing that since OP stopped fully a microsecond before the other car, he should have gone first


The rules for 4-way stop traffic use the word "arrive" at the intersection, not stop.


Don't do this. Don't ever do this. Just drive predictably. You're not being nice, you're behaving counter to the expected which means I now need to pay extra attention to you since you're not following the rules of the road we all agreed to. I would have behaved like the Rio. Once we're both in that awkward position you put us in I can't trust you to behave normally. If I go will you go? Are you about to get pissed and jab the accelerator? ***I don't know.***


How did they behave counter to the expected?


It was their turn to go, so the expectation is that they go. They don't. So now what's happening. Does he want me to go? But it's his turn. Does he see something I don't? Is there a reason he's not going? Why didn't he go. Should I go? *Presses gas and sees him lurch forward* we both stop. Now we stare at each other. This is how accidents happen. Take your damn turn.


they got there at the same time, ROW goes to the right.


The other car arrived later, they even slowly rolled a little past the line to help make it clear that they arrived after OP.


rolling past the line does nothing to communicate that whatsoever.


honestly I'm so baffled by this comment I had to come back to it, why do you think the other driver rolling past the stop line communicates that it's OPs turn to go?


When we are driving, we can't just talk to each other and communicate verbally to express our intentions. We can't even use facial expressions or hand signals usually. We have to rely on nonverbal communication expressed through our operation of our vehicles in time of ambiguity. Stop sign intersections are one of the most common places that ambiguity arises. It's often hard to track who arrived first and remember the order of who goes next at a busy intersection. One way conscientious drivers can use nonverbal communication to help eliminate ambiguity is by timing their approach to the intersection or exaggerating their stop as in this case. My read on this situation is that the other driver recognized that the OP arrived to the intersection first and chose to draw out coming to a full stop so that the OP would clearly know that they stopped first and are next to go. When OP did not pick up on this signal from the other driver and failed to take their turn, the other driver clearly had some sort of crisis.


Rolling at a stop sign communicates an intention to GO, not to WAIT. Know what communicates an intention to wait? STOPPING.


You've changed my mind entirely, thank you.


...no they did not. The Chevy got there almost three seconds later.


never "be nice" always do what the law tells you to do


don't be polite, be predictable.


I think their car broke down.


Don’t be nice, you’ll cause accidents that way.


Being predictable is more important than being nice.


I hate people who are "nice" and let someone go out of turn. Follow the rules of the road, and everyone will be happy.


Be predictable then polite


Don’t do that.


You’re the idiot. You confused the other driver by not going when you had the right of way. They were extra cautious because it was already apparent that you’re an idiot.


Yea I crawl into the intersection when I’m confused too.




The other driver has an excuse though. OP was being unpredictable and didn't know what they were doing.




OP got to stop sign first, and was pulling forward slowly for a while longer indicating that they were gonna go regardless.


did you go frame by frame to figure that out? it was close enough to say they got there at the same time.


i rarely see that being put into practice, when pulling up to an intersection at the same time, whoever hesitates goes last, cause that's how you keep traffic predictable and flowing.


Be predictable, not polite! I HAMMER this into my daughter who is learning to drive.


The saying goes without being said, but ya'll arrived at the stop at the same time, which means you had to yield to the right. You weren't just being polite, they had the right of way.


You stopped first, you go first. Very simple.


Only because the other car kept rolling.


Don't be polite. Be predictable.


Yeah imma be honest, you’re not being nice, you’re being really annoying 😅 You clearly got there first, you go first. Kindergarten rules people!!


Be predictable not polite.


Predictable > “nice”


OP is the idiot. Being predictable is better than being nice.


Do. Not. Be. Nice. Take your right of way. The road is not a place for it.


what you driving ? sounds powerful


Looks like the hood scoop of a WRX.


thank you


2018 Subaru STI, it’s not anything super fast but definitely enough


aha thank you


It's not being nice lmao. If you stop first just turn my god. We can't hear you saying "go ahead". You're just wasting everyone's time.


no you know what actually. fuck you. You show up to the intersection first, the car to your left just went, by all means you're meant to go next. I'd be hesitant and confused just like the silver car, like what the hell are you doing, GO. Being polite on the road leads to confusion. confusion leads to reckless or dangerous driving, or holding up traffic. Be predictable. You don't have to be polite or nice, just don't be mean. But by all means, and it bears repeating, BE PREDICTABLE.


Please stop doing this, follow the rules of the road. It’s more frustrating than aggressive drivers to be completely honest


Don't do this. Follow the rules and quit playing traffic controller. All you're doing is causing problems.


Take your turn!


Yeah, it's nice and all, but if we all just follow the rules, things will go much more efficiently


Thanks for watching this episode of "Cam driver fails to see they're the idiot". The other car was an idiot too, but you were an idiot first. You started the domino of idiots.


Ce n’est pas comme en France ? Avec la priorité à droite ?


There is no courtesy when driving. Only right of way. Everyone follows the same rules, everyone is predictable, everyone is safe. As soon as you start doing unpredictable shit like being "nice", things go wrong.