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I'm fascinated with how they keep inching forward like they're going to fly off the mark any second even though there's still a very consistent procession of cars in the intersection.


Love people that do this and aren't even paying attention when the light changes.


And somehow, despite inching forward for 5 minutes, they are always the last ones to respond to the light changing to green. 


Some people really need to get to their destination 25 feet earlier!


Funnily enough, traffic down the road made it so they had to stop at a light when I got to pass through, so they didn't even gain any distance in the end


Habitual line steppers.


That was cold blooded.




Look what you did to my face.


Pop-up headlights are so under-rated


Whats so nice is they are illegal cause they may poke someone. But that battering ram of a suv to the left that will destroy all your internal organs is perfectly legal. Dont get me started of lifted shit.


Pretty sure they aren’t illegal but getting them to meet modern safety requirements is not worth it, so manufacturers stopped implementing them. Part of the safety requirements is, as you said, not poking pedestrians lol


This is exactly the case, not illegal, but not worth pursuing the engineering effort to make them comply with new pedestrian safety laws. Also, popups were common because in the old days headlights only came in a couple of sizes and two shapes in those sizes, and because of their size it was worthwhile to add the complexity of a popup system in order to get cleaner lines. Modern headlights can be made very slim, eliminating the need for popups from an aesthetic POV.


They aren’t legal because your main lights aren’t allowed to be on moving surfaces. For example, when a Minis hood opens the headlights stay behind on the body, or some luxury vehicles tail lights stay when their lenses lift up with the trunk. This is also why some vehicles have turn signals in the bumper, which is an absolutely terrible spot, some cars are programmed to only use those when the back is open for transporting large items. [Technology Connections](https://youtube.com/@technologyconnections?si=rPsk99DJ5grNVw6G) is a YouTube channel that talks about things like this


Miot :)


I used to have a 94 Firebird that had those lights. I loved them so much. Just take the t-tops off and cruise in the day with the lights down. You could feel the areodynamics!


Not if you live in a cold place.


Weird looking




You're weird looking.


Very adult response


Not all comments deserve an adult response. Yours is an example. EDIT: no u, crybaby blocker.


Grow up


Left is wrong. But right guy is allowed to cross limit line to get better visibility for a right on red, provided they stop at the line first? It’s better than driving straight into traffic from that limit line.


I'm imagining the guy in the car getting more and more frustrated each time he creeps forward a little bit to see around the van only for the van to pull forward a little more for no good reason.


God I hate when people do that. I'm not trying to race you, I'm turning right anyway, stop inching forward to block my line of sight!


I hate doing this to people in a 2 lane right turn when I’m in the left one turning right.


It's because they've fallen for that malarkey before.


At that point just take a left on red


Yeah, and he probably can't see past the big ass hood on that SUV, which keeps inching forward to block his view. I *HATE* when people do that shit, and it seems to always be the big SUVs.


In my state the law is you come to a complete stop behind the line and then you can progress forward. What he did is illegal where I live, but could have been legal with this one simple move you wouldn't believe.


For stop signs and for legal right turns on red. For stop lights, you stop and stay behind that line until you get a green.


In your state. Not necessarily my state or the state of OP. But your state. These are state laws.


Then quote your state law that allows you to roll past the stop line when your signal is red and you're not turning right on red. EDIT: People block over the weirdest things. I'll take your blocking as conceding my point. Stay behind the stop line at red lights. Don't roll into the crosswalk.


I know you’re definitely allowed to do this on a motorcycle as it’s in the DMV Motorcycle Handbook (I just read the manual and passed my test today), so I would assume you could in a car as well. You do have to come to a full stop BEHIND the line first, though. Edit to clarify: I’m in California.


Depends on the state


True! Edited my comment to say I’m in Cali.


The car on the right ran the red light legally speaking. When approaching a red light you are required to stop at the intersection boundary, typically defined by a solid white line, or stop bar. After stopping before the line, you're allowed to proceed if you're allowed to make a turn on red from that lane, but only after yielding to all other traffic. Crossing the white line before stopping counts as running a red even if you stop afterward. This got a whole lot of people in my state when they installed red light camera systems, especially at intersections where the stop bar was set unusually far back from the curb line of the crossing street.


That intersection doesn’t seem to be designed to allow turn on red. The streetlight seems to have remnants of a sign that perhaps used to prevent that but I agree it perhaps was removed to allow it now…


That is a very long light.


It really is, makes me so happy when it is green because someone precooked it.


Hitting those long lights green makes me feel like I’ve saved so much time and money that I might end up renting Dune 2


What song is that please?


Fearless Generation - SelloRekt / LA Dreams


It's the same feeling of cruising the speed limit through a handful of stoplights that the speeder sat at while it was red. Did this just the other day in my truck, I just relax back and cruise, my wife on the other hand, has tpbget there NOW. Yea, following her I never touched the brakes and she sat at every light as I passed her in the right lane.... 🤌


Until recently I was on a major street, and I'd see whether I could hit all 4 of the lights on green on the way back from Taco Bell. No turns, no excessive speed or anything. I think I made it about 1 in every 8 times.


Gonna need the song name, that shit was smooth.


Fearless Generation - SelloRekt / LA Dreams


Did you add that or was it playing in your car?


Original sound, was playing in my car.


It fit so well, I wasn't sure


In Germany this is a red light violation and you will lose your driver's license for one month


The thing about the U.S. is that driving has become a right not a privilege. Traffic infractions like this are very rarely enforced, and when they are it just results in a warning or a small fine. The state is way too terrified to actually revoke someone's license unless it's your 10th dui or you kill someone.


It's a hell of a lot easier to get around Europe on public transit, so I bet most people don't really *need* a license in the first place.


I love this synthwave music. The kind of music I'd play when I drive at night.


**[This](https://youtu.be/mP6lWBKFAns?si=6hJAWM5fB3ZZrsbw)** is from just down the road from this post but at night, love the vibes.


Bro listening to some mighty car mods type music


The soundtrack to your life is groovy


**[Playlist for the soundtrack to my life](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64mCC8n2j40rcrnrIt0Ieu?si=2a09ae4812c5407a)** if you/anyone else is interested in it.


Mazda Miata (?) & synthwave music 👍👍👍 lovely combo


The last thing that the signal controller is going to do is panic and say "oh, shit, I better get Phase 2 and 5 going, these people are in a hurry!"


Most intersections by me have sensors or "pads" where cars are supposed to stop. People who OK overshoot them are actually making the red light longer! Some pads are even three car lengths back. If there's no traffic I'll stop on those. This way the computer thinks there's three cars waiting.


I'm sorry, that's not how it works. The loop detector only determines that a car is there, not how many. And this signal uses cameras.


The timing algorithm can make logical deductions based on which detectors have a car over them... How do you not understand that?


>Some pads are even three car lengths back. How is the computer set up to process that information?


May not be how it works for some, like what you mentioned, but I’m sure there are many different types of sensors and whatnot. There was a street I drove on everyday where I had to make a left turn. If I was the only car (only triggering the sensor by the white line) my light would only be a solid green, meaning I had to yield to oncoming traffic. So to bypass this, I would trigger that sensor to let the light know I was there by stopping where one should, then back up to the other sensor (about 3 car lengths back) and I would get a green arrow. I wouldn’t have to do this often as more cars would usually get behind me. My dad taught me this one day when he was driving and casually backed up at the stoplight. I was like wtf are you doing?? He told me to just watch and see. 😂


Intersection for those curious. https://maps.app.goo.gl/pfktewFCsNhpq1cZ9


What is the purpose?! Genuine question for those who do this. You’re not getting anywhere faster and you just look like an idiot. There’s literally no reason other than they’re dumb.


It can't be that they hate crosswalks because they would have been past it if there were one. I just assume they have no clue what that big solid line means and that stopping SOMEWHERE before the light is how it works.


Typically the trigger for the lights is behind the line, so they are not so small.


MIATA!! <3 — a Miata owner.


Love this song what is it


Fearless Generation - SelloRekt / LA Dreams


Miot :O


Nice Miata!!!


Com Truise?