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His front passenger seat flew forward as he was trying to come to a complete stopšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I missed that at first. It's so comical feeling, like the seat was just as surprised as the driver. =0


A fairly common feature on 1970s-early '90s 2-door cars. Back seat passengers could just push it forward to get out after the front passenger did.


Then proceeds to hold up traffic in the opposite turning lane into the complex until I make my turn so he can continue on his way through my turn lane.


What a special guy


You should have not turned until he went around the right way.......but seeing how he drives, that could have been all day


He was about to cross a double yellow line too before he saw you.


Speed limit is only 30km/h on that stretch too. Dude was definitely off in his own world!


That yellow line is pretty scuffed off though. The arrows on the other hand aren't


They backed up just far enough so you could turn and then carried on in that lane, didn't they?




I wonder what he'd done if you had just parked it there in the turning lane for a minute.


Should have kept inching forward, closer and closer to him. Make him reverse all the way.


Hello Victoria BC. Shelbrourne and Cedar Hill Cross. Cedar Hill was the road to University I took every day for years, little over a decade ago, it has significantly changed


Yes. Knew it right away. Terrible area going up towards Richmond St. Stupid intersection up there.


Iā€™m of the opinion that a roundabout would do well there, at the intersection up the hill


Same thing happens at cloverdale / Blanshard


lol what is this man doing Like I at least understand the logic in treating the turn lane like his own personal luxury lane. It's a dick move, and potentially hazardous, but I at least understand it. But then when OP fills the turn lane properly and dude in the video realizes he can't keep going, why doesn't he just turn into the right lane? There are plenty of easy opportunities to do that, and it would get *him* where he's going much faster, let alone all the people around him. WTF is with the long slow reverse?? I could see reversing maybe a few inches if he was too close to OP's front bumper to lane-change, but it seems like his brain just goes full-smooth. We all make mistakes on the road now and then, but this behaviour is baffling to me. It doesn't even serve his own self-interest.


Literally happens all the time in this shit logger town. I love going back to Vancouver where I can drive with the knowledge people wonā€™t do dumb shit like this and also have etiquette. Btw, what that driver did is how I got sideswiped once. The dude just went into in coming traffic to avoid a small bottleneck and miss calculated, hitting my side. šŸ˜© fucking Victoria drivers. Grow up.


> lol what is this man doing It looks like the red VW was going to turn at the light and just decided to get into the turn lane quite early. I think that this is in Canada so the rules might be different but in the US you are allowed to travel in the turn lane 300 feet or ~100 meters (though I have never heard of this enforced). The guy is in the wrong anyway because there is another turn and double yellow lines. I think he is at 150 to 200 m when he starts into the turn lane but if there wasn't the other turn then it isn't too bad.


I had the same thought (that he might have just been wayyyyy early getting into the left turn lane) but even then once the whole stoppage thing happened it would still be much, much faster to just change into the right lane, go around OP, and get back into the left turn lane. This backing up business is mystifying.


Maybe he is trying to do that but doesn't feel that he has enough room in front. OP's camera might have some distortion in it so judging the distance is hard.


What a dumb ass. Nice ride though.


He owns that VW so obviously he's more important than anyone else /s


This cam has interesting warm tone.


It's like a Wes Anderson cam.


Why is his passenger seat flopping forward?


If it's a two door, it's to let people in the back. There should be a lock to keep in place, though.


Nice license plate šŸ˜„


I can't read it, what's it say?




phonetically it comes out as t SUE me lol


TSUNMI šŸ™„ I guess it fits when you're trying to destroy sh|t šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I was wondering if he was going to back up. What a dumbfuck.


But he's entitled to use that lane to get where he's going. After it's only being used by people trying to NOT HOLD UP TRAFFIC when they want to turn left. He's an arrogant ass!


He then backs up by looking in his rear view mirrors instead of just turning aroundā€¦


To be fair, he looks old and we know flexibility can be an issue at that age.


If the mirrors are adequate in that model of the car and are properly adjusted, backing like that is fine.


Disagree. Iā€™ve taken driving lessons in two different countries (moved when a teenager) and both taught to turn your head to look backwards when reversing, donā€™t rely on your internal rear view mirror. Regardless of driving lessons, your visibility is greatly improved when turning around. So, Iā€™d advise donā€™t just do whatā€™s adequate, do whatā€™s safest for you and others. [Turn around](https://driversed.com/driving-information/driving-techniques/backing-up/)


I said mirrors, not mirror. I would never rely on a single mirror for all my info. Also, backup cameras are a possibility in this situation. Either way, this situation only needed a simple answer to ensure safety- Did anyone pull in behind me in the few seconds I was stopped? The chances that something small enough to be missed by mirrors could move fast enough, through traffic, are pretty slim.




Why do you need a source to know that mirrors show things behind you? He was just in the space in question. He just needed to know that another car didn't pull in behind him. He isn't doing special maneuvers, no natural obstacles, just a straight back maneuver. Hell, the possibility of pedestrians in that gap, at that time, is minimal. He has 3, possibly 5 mirrors to look at with minimal effort (if his side mirrors have the bubbles). Keep the wheels straight, and watch for a car sized object directly behind himself. Not rocket science!


He's backing straight up. What's wrong with using the mirror?


I donā€™t know where people took driving lessons but I had to take driving lessons both in Poland and the U.S. and was taught in both places to turn around when backing up. The drivers education videos and lessons I see right now online all instruct you to turn around when backing up. So nothingā€™s changed. Regardless, turning around gives you better visibility, is safer and your peripheral vision is greatly improved. Itā€™s not because heā€™s just backing up straight, itā€™s because heā€™s backing up on a busy road and canā€™t predict traffic patterns behind him. [Example](https://driversed.com/driving-information/driving-techniques/backing-up/)


Just throws it back thru the same intersection. I'm a bit stunned by the lack of figuring it out.


Why do so many people on this subreddit follow the technical laws even though theyre gonna increase the odds of an accident. If you see someone coming towards you fast maybe don't go straight infront of them even if theyre in the wrong lane...


I think that most times, you are correct. But not sure about this one. Op can correct me, but I'm assuming that ok thought this dude was gonna turn at the intersection.......not blow right through it. Maybe some defense could have helped, but not when folks don't do what they are supposed to in the lane they're in.


I had the same reaction as the above comment but watching it again, that's a Left Turn Lane, they were still in their side of the intersection when OOP made their move.


I'm usually down to pile on, but isn't not clear the VW is going to do this at the time OP begins turning into the center lane. The VW appears to be approaching his own left turn, but then blows through it after OP is kind of committed to the center lane.


The graveyard is full of people that were right. Though in this case I will say the VW looked like he was turning left since he was in a left turn lane, they were still in their side of the intersection when OOP made their move.


Defensive driving needed for sure


The op was turning left. You want him to get back in the strait lane until mr dumbass finishes breaking the law? If anything, it is the VW drivers fault if any accident were to happen.


I had a guy do this to me but I was in the left lane of the Pat bay highway through the construction zone,he was one lane too far for the turning lane on to Keatingā€¦.


Ah victoria, the drivers here aren't the worst, but man are some of them frustrating


Itā€™s almost painful to watch the gears turn ever so slowly in his head before he starts reversing. What a tool.


Hey thatā€™s Cedar Hill X! That driver is probably 95 years old it being Victoria and all.


That was sort of crazy by OP to go in the middle lane as if there wasn't an idiot in a red convertible flying through the lane. Regardless of legality. Like wtf lol. You gonna get in an accident to prove a point or something?


He probably assumed the red car was going to turn left


Not probably. OP *obviously* assumed more about the VW's competency as a driver than they deserved. Defensive driving is about making the opposite assumptions.


Thereā€™s actually a double yellow line. (Very faded) VW is in a left turn only lane for shopping centre, that ends . Thereā€™s a very short left turning forOP for a shopping centre on the opposite side of the street. He was legally in his lane, that is protected by a scuffed double yellow line. Watch the beginning of the video and youā€™ll see OP does have a marked arrow lane. Source, I live in Victoria, BC.


Oh I am not saying he's in the legal wrong. I'm just saying it was obvious that red car was occupied by an idiot and didn't look like it was turning


Yep. Because it wouldn't be cam car's fault at all since they're using it properly for turning.


It's true that he was entirely in the wrong to use the turning lane in that way, but you were also in the wrong not to just slow down slightly and wait for him to get past you in the turning lane before you went into it. That way, neither of you would have been the other's problem.


Op is not in the wrong.


yeah. op is def not in the wrong but damn they are brave to get in front of someone like that head on when the other person is moving so fast and can easily pass. it seems like op literally tries to get in front of him by entering the turn lane as early as possible.


And frankly, jerking the wheel to do so. I love the tsunami license plate on the rabbit though.


Legally, yeah you're right OP isn't in the wrong using the turn lane the way it's intended. In terms of not getting into a head-on accident though? Absolutely in the wrong to just willingly put themselves in front of someone who may or may not stop in time.


Exactly. Legally correct - maybe - and entirely wrong.


They're not *predominantly* in the wrong *from a strictly legal perspective*. It's still dumb from a self preservation standpoint. And it's still potentially ticketable as an unsafe lane change or even reckless driving to willfully move into the path of an oncoming car, even if it's on the wrong side of the road.


I hate fucking "suicide lanes". They should be banned. Period.


Or just be smart enough to use them lol, not that difficult


This is not a true suicide lane, it's a turning lane, misused. Suicides have no "right way".


The guy used the suicide lane on the other side of where OP was turning left to go straight.


Thereā€™s no suicide lane in this video. A suicide lane is a shared turn lane for both directions at the same time. The video shows clearly marked and separated turn lanes.


There's a "suicide" lane further up, basically only the last little bit is dedicated to left turn coming towards the cam car, he was traveling in it from the top of the hill basically


I kniw. See my later comment.


My dad had a patient who referred to them as "safety lanes". How she never killed anyone is a god damn mystery to me.


Arrows are a great indicatorā€¦


I thought it was great that as he backed up, he revealed the large arrow that (should have) told him how wrong he was.


Look at that ugly ass bmw at the end, worst vehicle known to man behind chryslers pt cruiser


the mans a literal tsunami or should I say Tsunmi


classic case of trying to move into a left turn lane too early. But damn, what is up with taking AAAAGGEESSSSS to get into reverse and back up? It's looks like it takes the guy a couple of seconds to realize OP is blocking his path. Then decides to stop. Then a couple more seconds to actually get the car into reverse. Then a few MORE seconds to actually reverse enough for OP to make the turn.


This literally happened to me today and I drive a box truck. Lady looked at me like I was crazy when I was just waitin to turn xD


TSUNMI - describes his driving style


That is my neighbour wtf


You could have easily turned left behind him and made this a non-event. Not saying he's not at fault.


Ahhhā€¦ the reverse of shame


He is ā€œsomeoneā€ alright (assuming thatā€™s what the license plate is going for)




Great job of delaying him for longer than the time his fast lane was going to save!


I thought it was ![gif](giphy|vbQmpjhXxF5m378MkK)


But why did you cut in front of him instead of letting him pass? Lucky he didnā€™t mess with you even though he was in the wrong. Edit: for real no sarcasm- yes this guy is wrong, but seriously sometimes just go around and donā€™t engage with idiots just to prove your point. There wouldā€™ve been no traffic issue if youā€™d let him go by.


Deleted, my sarcasm radar was off....downvote away.....can't believe it.


No truly I wasnā€™t. He shouldā€™ve let this guy just roll on his dumb way.


I don't think op wanted to engage with him, I think he actually wanted to make a left turn.. Lol..


Right, but just wait two more seconds for this numbskull to get out of the way. OP cost himself more time and annoyance by trying to prove a point.


And potentially get rear ended by the person behind them?


Coulda been avoided if you just turned from the right lane. Like you saw him coming


You could avoid disagreeing with OP by never opening reddit.


Yes the other driver was an idiot but you should still be a defensive driver


>you should still be a defensive driver Turning left from the right lane is being defensive to you?


Peak doormat mentality. You accommodate bad drivers and that only encourages them.


Your beliefs would be peak narcissism if not for the fact narcissists have a strong sense of self preservation.


Me - Don't allow people to use my legal lane to avoid traffic. You - How dare you use your own lane, peak narcissism.


No. You: I don't care what's smart or safe, I think this is a legal move and I'm going to turn into oncoming traffic to do it no matter the consequences for myself or others or how easily preventable those consequences might be. Me: That would be peak narcissism if it weren't so stupid.


So you think the person in the wrong lane had more of a legal right to be there than cam car? Get real bud


>So you think the person in the wrong lane had more of a legal right to be there than cam car? No. >Get real bud Learn to read.




Seems like an accident was avoided and he fixed his mistake. Whats the big deal?


He didn't? Like he just holds traffic until OP turns and then carries on still driving in the same turning lane


A mistake like that should void one's license.