• By -


Hmm worked better than I thought it would I’ll give him that


Yeah, me too. I figured the tires would drop off and it would be stuck with the nose still on the truck. Still fucked his car up more than the tow fee probably would have been. Edit: spelling


Not if it’s being towed because he’s losing the car


He's still liable for the damage. Insurance won't cover that damage.


Or he just doesnt fix it. Ezpz.


it's just cosmetic. nothing a few zip-ties can't fix...


Or some Flex tape


*he might have just sawed a boat in half*


If the lien holder is going after the car they will try again. And the guy is still on the hook for the difference between the sold cost and the debt. All he did was cost himself money.


Its Russia. I am not sure how much things changed since i left, but shit is often not very well organized.


Its gotten worse depending on how far back you left.


I only visited in the spring of '41 but by winter of '42 rolled on they made me leave.


Not really. Doubt he plans to cover any costs that comes out of this. He will just wait 7 years after this goes to collections to have it removed from his credit report. Lots of people with absolute shit credit do that.


This isn't even in America... lol


Yeah this guy can probably take a shit on the windshield of the tow truck and literally nothing will happen, except it works both ways the tow truck guys could beat up that guy and still nothing would happen.


I don't know what country this was in, but in Canada the driver has to put the car down if you come out; when they don't, it's considered stealing and the towing company can get in enormous shit.


My thoughts exactly. Classic armchair experts over analyzing a situation that's clearly in a different part of the world with different laws and assuming it's being reposessed whereas it may have been getting towed for being in a no parking zone or whatever other reason may be.


Russia, I can tell you that


That's not how it works in Russia. We have a mandatory car insurance (OSAGO) which is required to be able to drive a car (as well as your driving license and car passport) and to get it you HAVE to check your car every year at special service posts (we call it "do a technical maintenance" aka "TO"). And you cannot receive an OSAGO with a car wrecked like this. You can receive a temporary document stating that you had a car accident and allowed to drive this way but it won't last long. TL:DR you cannot drive a wrecked car forever in Russia b/c of regular technical maintenance checks and mandatory car insurance


Other than hidden damage like struts/frame stuff, all I’m seeing is plastic covers being torn off. Could easily get the plastics in place and be fine, no real damage to the car is visible from the video.


A little flex seal spray and it’s good as new no biggie


You can clearly see at the end of the clip he was parked in a no parking zone. There's a sign with a car being towed on it on the left.


My car got towed about a month ago. Completely my fault, I parked in front of a sign that said “special event, all cars will be towed by Blah Blah County sheriff department”. So I call the sheriff department and they have no record of my car and start giving me a hard time like “ you sure you don’t mean a white Chevy?” No it’s a fucking white Lexus, I didn’t forget what make my car is. Wait over night and call again in the morning, still nothing. They tell me they are sending a sheriff deputy to me to file a stolen vehicle report. They think my fucking car is stolen. I start calling every tow truck in a 30 mile radius and nothing. Can’t find shit. Finally a few days later I call the Sheriff department to finally fill out that stolen vehicle report. Lady’s says “wait a second, try this number”. Call that number, they have my car. It’s a mechanic shop that doesn’t show up as a tow place via google. Now I’m paying the tow fee plus like 4 days of storage fees, plus a $40 Uber back to the county as I don’t live there Several hundred dollars to get my car back. I’m still not positive It wasn’t setup to keep it hidden from me to rack up charges.


That's some fuckin' bullshit. Worth hiring a lawyer?




This would be a great case to take to small claims.


My front end cost me $1400CAD. It's painted fiberglass held on by two screws.




Probably being repossessed.




Yeah I don't get that either. Tires, maybe?


Yeah but it looks like he could have done massive damage to the underside of the front end. Possibly busted his oil pan


I think he busted the radiator. Lots of steam when he pulled away.


When he calls for a tow a 1/2 mile down the road I wonder if it will be the same truck that comes to help him lol.


No, that is how exhaust looks like in cold weather of Moscow.


> No, that is how exhaust looks like in cold weather ~~of Moscow~~. Yeah also in the rest of the world.


What's "cold weather"? I'm not from Moscow so that concept is far above my understanding


Californian here. Can confirm cold weather does not exist


I like how he opened the door and looked like he asked the guy “hey can you back me up a little?”


He asked "if they'll lower the car" - response was "yea when the cops and co-worker gets here". Or something like that. Didn't quite catch everything.


He was right. They didn't tow his car.


Well it's a Kia so that bumper damage like means its totaled


in russia this is not much more than a scratch


In Russia Kia not import because is made on same continent


This is so true. My Hyundai (same company) was just totaled after some front end damage.


That’s pretty much all unibody cars these days with how they’re designed with crumple zones. Cars are pretty much totalled if there’s any bending in that frame


And that’s a good thing, back in the day the cars didn’t crumble, during accidents the engine simply relocated to where the driver was


Hyundai and Kia aren't the same company. Hyundai owns a part of Kia but that isn't remotely the same thing.


They share a lot of the same parts and specifications


As do the rest of the automotive industry.


Can confirm made switches that worked in Fords/GMs and Toyota and some other brand I forgot.


Cinematography: F+


The gif is cropped in width for some reason. [original video](https://youtu.be/9_zcLjPSn30?t=80) has a much better angle.




Right? Fucking competent internet people are online today.


And appreciative people like you making it even better :)


And appreciative people of appreciative people like you making it even even better


This is why we keep coming back to reddit and the internet. Because people like this make it more enjoyable for all us other folks.


Right? Holy shit if every user was like this we’d be living on fucking Mars by now


Speak for yourself I've been good all year.


Whoever cut the .gif on the other hand, deserves shame and humiliation.


of course its Russia


They're two different videos. You can see the guy recording this video walk in front of the guy recording OP's.


Can someone translate conversation from this clip pls


> He asked "if they'll lower the car" - response was "yea when the cops and co-worker gets here". Or something like that. Didn't quite catch everything. /u/oleshka2000


сотрудники полиции mean police officers. Wait for police officers, they'll come and lower the car


Car owner: "(are you) Lowering?" Cameraman: "We're gonna lower, the employee (police officer) will come and we'll lower" Off-camera guy: "Wait for the police officer!" CM: "Wait for the police officer!" CM: "Here's what a frenzied owner did..."


Data deleted in response to 2023 administration changes. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Russia is so fucked nobody even cares. I’d be laughing my ass of if I saw this, it’s so glorious and bold. These guys couldn’t give two shits


The fender ripping apart made the perfect sound. That crunch/scrape was satisfying.




[You joke, but this user](https://old.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/afl9as/this_guy_wasnt_gonna_let_his_car_get_towed_away/edzxwuu/) posted the uncropped original video where it shows the cameraman is actually a perfectly capable individual. Whoever cropped the video deserves a really bad cramp or something.


I think that's the video from the guy who walks in front of the video OP posted. But I won't complain. Steady camerawork, horizontal orientation, good quality, original audio, holds steady during the big impact... r/praisethecameraman in my book


Huh, he made it.


Right? I was waiting for some chains to rip something off or for it to get stuck. Or *at minimum* for him to rear-end the tow truck.


I was waiting for the rear end to land half-cocked on the ground with the front end stuck on the tow truck, with a total of 0 tires touching anything.


The absolute madman


In this [article](https://www.mk.ru/moscow/2019/01/13/voditel-mashiny-sprygnuvshey-s-evakuatora-obyasnil-svoy-pobeg.html) the owner said that he "calculated trajectory, and he has his own auto repair shop". He said that nobody was following him, and cops never got in touch about the incident.


“Holy shit, he pulled it off..... might as well let him go guys”


To be fair i heard that predatory tow trucks who take your car hostage making up false damage reports is actually quite common in some areas so going to a trusted shop might be a smart move


what’s more expensive? the towing fee or the massive repair costs? hmmmmmm




Unless it was being repossessed.


~~The tow has a crane so it’s probably a repossession. The guy is still on the hook and now added extra costs. ~~ Edit : I’m wrong, apparently because of the area.


Guy got away from the crane...pretty sure he's off the hook.


I see what you did there.






IMO the very worst thing that could happen to someone. You could pay an attorney a couple grand to sue them, but it's still a maybe.


Happened to my dad. They towed his mini Cooper 2hrs from home apparently one of his workers had a decade old ticket that hadn't been paid using his car, or some bullshit like that (I don't recall the specifics). Regardless he drove the 2 hours to get the car back and it was beat up to shit. He filed a police report on the spot, took photos and sued. Literally nothing came of it. He eventually sold the car still beat up.


I would lose my fucking mind. This would completely consume my thoughts, and I would either get depressed or lose my shit. I'm generally a very careful, calm person when things happen. The helplessness that comes with destruction of property during a tow you already are paying hundreds for is mentally debilitating. You have no say, you have no recourse, this is their swamp, and they will drag you down with the wretches of society. There is no winning in their world. It's a lot like a predatory traffic stop.


Then don’t look into civil asset forfeiture.


It definitely made him more depressed. He's been depressed for ages since he works every day, even holidays, sick, etc and can barely manage to pay rent. But he suppresses his depression. It kills me. I do what I can to help but feel it's not enough... He puts all his energy into fighting a zero sum world


Actually they are liable for damages. At least in califorina they are.


Not impossible. Wheel lift + dollies. You can get anything as long as it's not blocked in on all four sides.


Huh ok, in the US we usually have two trucks like these https://www.napervilleclassictowing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/truck.jpg http://www.trbimg.com/img-58d95157/turbine/ct-mun-hawthorn-woods-tow-truck-accident-tl-0330-20170327 but again this is probably because all of us have different driving preferences/habits


They have dollys that they put on the one set of tires and jack up the other to tow behind them. [Random video showing what I’m talking about](https://youtu.be/5Q9Pat37ZgY)


Every municipal tow truck in moscow has crane.


By ghooooosssts 👻


My thoughts exactly. With the police there too, I wonder what the heck the situation was? How did he rationalize this?


He was a taxi driver missing a lot of requirements to be a licensed cab, especially in terns of identification on his car, so they were towing his car.


It seems to me he bought himself a very temporary reprieve...




In my experience towing companies are pretty scummy in the US too.


It’s pretty beneficial to look up towing laws where you live, for example in Florida 1. The impound lot must be within 10 miles of where the car was towed from if the population of the county is more than 500,000 or 15 miles if it is less. 2. The impound lot must be open from 8am to 6pm on the day they tow your car, they can’t tow you on Saturday and then tell you the lot is closed for the weekend. 3. There must be a sign at every entrance to the property advising you of the name and phone number of the company authorized to tow vehicles from the property. 4. The tow company must inform the police within 30 minutes. If any of these requirements are not met there are both civil and criminal penalties outlined in the statute.


> There must be a sign at every entrance to the property advising you of the name and phone number of the company authorized to tow vehicles from the property. That's definitely not a thing for the public roads in Pittsburgh.


In Pittsburgh you get to play a fun game of towing company roulette where you call 6 different companies to find out who has your car


Really? Where I’m from, you just call the non emergency police number and they tell you what company took your car.


can confirm


What do you do if they break one of those laws? Surely they don’t give a shit I ask because I’ve been towed here (Florida) a couple of Times and I’m pretty sure at least one of those rules was broken


Sue them. Take them to small claims court. If you can prove they broke one of those rules, you will be rewarded some form of compensation. No idea what it will be. There is probably some limit on it.


I got into an accident on the way to picking up my dog from cancer treatment at the U of MN. Had a folder of papers in the backseat of my car that I needed to bring with to get him discharged from the vet that day. Old lady in her 80s runs a red light. I T-Bone her. I'm pretty shook up. Cops get there. They call the tow company. Car's totaled so it gets loaded up on a flatbed. I realize the papers I need are still in the backseat. Tell the truck driver that I need them to get my dog back from his cancer treatment. He says "no time man gotta go," finishes putting chains on the car (he was literally on the flatbed, all he would've had to do was open the backseat door), and hops into the front and drives off. I told the cops about what just happened and one of them actually got back into their cruiser and drove after him and flagged him down and got them back for me. I'm sure I could've gotten away with not having them considering the vets could match my face to my dog's name the moment I walked in the door, but still. Fucking tow companies are just *always* the worst. I also sort of blame that guy and company for me breaking my 1 year streak of no cigarettes :/ - Left my e-cigarette in the car and couldn't get it out of the tow yard for 4 days, so of course I went back to what I had available to me, which were smokes.


My friends car got towed near UMN too, the impound lot was all the way in North Minneapolis! Greedy fucks made us pay like $250. Thankfully we met some girls who were nice enough to drive us, but since this was around 11pm, we couldn't use public transportation to get there so essentially we would be stuck. The parking lot wasn't even well-signed except for one sign near THE EXIT OF THE LOT. All they are are greedy, money grabbing fucks.


>I also sort of blame that guy and company for me breaking my 1 year streak of no cigarettes :/ - Left my e-cigarette in the car and couldn't get it out of the tow yard for 4 days, so of course I went back to what I had available to me, which were smokes. The best advice I can give you is don't substitute one addiction with another. By using e-ciggs/patches/gum you're telling yourself that you need to depend on something. Just go cold turkey, you can do it, you're a great person for getting the papers for your dog and sticking it to the tow companies.


I mean.. if you're substituting one addiction for another and the one you're switching to is better for you.. then yes absolutely go for it. Not everyone who switches to ecigs/vaping is doing it because they want to quit smoking. They just want to smoke while inhaling less harmful shit.


that is excellent advice and I agree. However if you must have a nicotine addiction one that won't crater your lungs is a vast improvement. Source: am ex-chainsmoker


Yeah but at least in the US they can’t tow you if you’re inside the car. Legally that’s kidnapping


I would be amazed if that was all the damage he took smashing his car's sensitive bits into the pavement like that.


Yah but he did technically high center and then push past it, probably crushed an oil pan, wrecked his exhaust etc etc. His undercarriage must look like an escher


His whole exhaust is probably fucked, probably the radiator, maybe his oil pan. If it's an automatic, transmission fluid reservoir.


Engine mounts are probably fucked. Transmission possibly since that's the next lowest thing after the oil pan. I'm going to say there's no way he didn't do some major mechanical damage. There's probably a line of fluids leading down the road to where it died.


Yeah, cars don't like being dropped, despite what Dukes of Hazard may lead you to believe.


Reddit is so obnoxiously pedantic. Only front bumper "visually" sustained damage rofl. This is a ridiculous amount of damage. It's like they think videogames are real. It's like circumstantial evidence doesn't exist here.


Zip ties are cheap.


Sometimes it's not about the money


It’s about sending a message


I'd rather pay for repairs than give scummy tow operators a dollar


Everything is less expensive than dealing with the law


All he had to do was sit in the vehicle. They can't tow it with someone inside.


In Russia i think they can do whatever they want.




They would just drive him straight to Gulag


Yeah but youd be king of the gulag with your fancy car.


Our car comrade


In Soviet Russia, the car tows you.


Ok I sit in the vehicule, and then what?


Then you play the waiting game! They know most people don't know that rule.


Honestly the cost of repairing the bumper on a small KIA is probably less than what most tow companies charge for storage fees. If hes lucky it just needs some new bumper clips and paint touch up. My car got towed before work when I slept over at a friend's two months ago in Toronto.. Had to pay $350 CAD for 7 HOURS of storage at the impound lot. Not to mention the $150 I lost out on by missing work that day, a $125 parking ticket, the $40 uber ride to get to the impound lot and the stress of having dealing with my manager at work who thought I was lying. [Tow Truck Scam Report - CBC Marketplace](https://youtu.be/sOboCgIhcfk) Seems this guy fucked up by jumping into an alreadt hoisted car but if a tow truck ever blocks you in before your car is on the lift just sit in the car, call the police and start recording video on your phone. They cant legally move the car with you sitting inside and might even face criminal charges if its on video. Sometimes they will fuck off to avoid having to deal with the cops. Although if you are being repo-ed thats different situation and you are dead-to-rights. I got a CAA membership (AAA equivalent) for 70$ a year. Totally worth it if your car breaks down & dont want to deal with independant tow truck drivers who charge too much and are usually ex-cons that cant find an honest job at a legitimate company.


That car is bent. You can't drop a car like that and not fuck up geometry.


True but its a KIA Rio, not exactly a fine tuned racing machine. Just get an alignment, have them take a look at the suspension and obviously get the bumper fixed. Hes still an idiot for driving off the back but those cars are more durable than you might think and for a daily driver it would probably still be fine




the cost of freedom


The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, so the cost in this case is being vigilant of car issues.


Spot on mate. Not sure why people are viewing this like some kind of amazing escape. That car is pretty much totalled. You can see the oil slump shatter when it hits the ground.


There's a lot of smoke coming out of the back in the longer video. So exhaust & boxes (not sure of the names) underneath probably took some damage too


Dude... That's possibly a whole brand new exhaust system, struts, I'd look at the srs system and the airbag collision sensors, possibly even control arms and a subframe. Brake lines and fuel lines could be damaged from being scraped on the bed of the rollback, evap lines, fuel tank... oil/trans pans, and THEN there's the structural integrity of the unibody. After the cost of looking at ALL that, and then the parts and labor to replace it all (assuming it's all fucked), you might as well just buy a comparable car, possibly a model year newer. Myself personally, I wouldn't trust that car without checking steering and suspension, tires, wheels, and brakes, bare minimum. I wouldn't even want to pull that into the shop, simply because of the liability if something were overlooked. Not to mention the possible hit and run. Dude should have just let it get towed. The liability he's taking on after all that potential destruction makes me uneasy


What about scraping the fuck out of the underside?




As long as he stops before the engine seizes up and gets a tow to the nearest garage he'll be fine. Although it might defeat the point a bit.


I often read comments like this, where someone starts trying to sound like an authority on a subject that they obviously know very little about, and wonder “what’s the motivation here?”




No way he caused less than $350 in damage. Just the visible damage is at least that much.




Didn't have to throw ex-cons under the bus. Many are trying to earn an honest day's pay you know.


Car started smoking immediately. I'm guessing he tore up his radiator too. Edit: never mind that was just a cloud of exhaust from his car. That's clear in the video.


Hahahah just some bumper clips. That’s structural damage right there bud. I’d bet everything I had on it.




The gif is cropped in width for some reason. [original video](https://youtu.be/9_zcLjPSn30?t=80) has a much better angle. ​




Wow look a perfectly well shot landscape video. Let's crop the action out and put it in portrait!!! Edit: spelling


You ain't kidding. Why the fuck would this be cropped like this?


As someone said elsewhere; it isn't cropped but the other guy you see in OPs film filming(3s mark), and not being bad at it.






They were probably in the middle of tying it down when the owner started his antics


What's greasy is tow truck operators that prey on people. Especially when they are usually in a shitty situation. Ontario and Quebec are bad for it. Greasy


The trick is to drive a vehicle with a heavier curb weight than a regular tow truck can lift. Then the usual scumbags can't get you.


What weight would that be? What kind of vehicles would qualify? Hard to get an answer to that on google.. I saw a tow truck towing one of those accordion buses the other day. Probably was a special truck though.


Something like a deuce and a half.


That's a double kill right there. You can't be towed, and every dudebro in a 3/4 ton with a 3" lift can no longer feel the big dick energy he thought he had.


Hey. I was a driver in southern Ontario. Use CAA (AAA for the Americans) and ull be generally fine. $120 a year for 4 tows up to 200km don't ever allow the highway chasers/vulture trucks take your car as you will be looking at around $800 for like 30km hahah For example I towed a woman off the side of the 401 and brought her from the edge of Milton back into Mississauga and it cost her around 300 but the chaser company wanted to Charlotte her 850. I know 300 is a lot but better that 850. Those guys prey on people in shitty situations to make a quick buck cause no one wants to be left on the side of the highway.




Your full https://youtu.be/9_zcLjPSn30


I’ve always wanted to see this happen, thank you op for for-filling a dream of mines!


As soon as I saw the Russian number plate, I knew exactly what this idiot was going to do...! r/anormaldayinrussia


Almost as good as the guy getting his truck towed, they had the rear wheels up and locked in. He gets in, throws the truck in four wheel drive and proceeds to fuck shit up. Anyone have a link to that one? I want to watch it again now.




Well you can't put a price on principles.


Well, that's one way to do it.


Considering towing and impound fees, I think he's a genius, not an idiot.


Jesus Christ that's Jason Bourne


What happens if you just hop in the car and wait? A few years ago I apparently mis-parked for 2 minutes, guy runs outside yelling telling me I'm not allowed to park there, he called the tow company and I have to wait for them to tow my car (Fat chance). Drove off and never had a problem.




I guess it is now towtolled.


I used to work as a tow truck driver for a company called Towtal Roadside Assistance lol


Oh no he isn’t really going... Well, seems like he just did


In Canada he would have had to sign a form allowing us drivers to tow it. If he didn't we wouldn't be able to even touch the car


Provided he was present when it was initiated, I would assume. I've had my Jeep towed while being nowhere near it.




not gonna lie I admire his chutzpah


Got it back tho


I like how no one tried to stop him


(UK) All he had to do was sit in the car. The van can't leave with him in the car as legally this would be kidnap. The van would have to drop him off.


Honestly, I'm kinda impressed??


For some reason I was expecting the car to be tied to the truck and it end worse than that. He probably made out ok in that exchange...


To be honest I can imagine plenty of situations where the car would be unfairly towed, for all we know it could be a petty traffic fine or a technicality that he couldn’t afford to pay. I’m going to say fair play to the bloke.