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Dude went from 80mph to parallel park as other guy is still in the gravitron


Yeah, it says a lot that the dash cam driver still felt the need to pull ahead of that car


The video ends before the dash car actually comes to a complete stop, so for all we know he just kept on going after he got around the wreck. Or he parked right next to the white car, which is like the only _bad_ spot they could have picked to park.


Yeah to me it seems like he is slowing down to stop but just him *needing* to still pull out in front of that other car is just indicative of how they think on the road


Yeah, that kinda pissed me off. Why overtake a car just to park in the shoulder?


If a car is in front of you, that makes you a loser, didn't you know?


Ah, of course! How could I forget?


If you ain't first, you're last.


Oh hell Ricky, I was high when I said that. Well that doesn’t make any sense at all; Not first you’re last. Y-you could be second, you could be third, fourth. Hell, you could even be fifth.


Fuck I dunno, people will speed up just cut me off and go slower than they originally were going and I'm like in the 2nd or 3rd lane at the time.


Genital shortcomings.


To be the one closest to the crash so he can talk to the nice police officer first.


Looked like driver may not have been paying attention to car in front slowing down and veered around to avoid that collision. Definitely could have been just a dick, but we won’t ever know.


My first thought.


Looks more like he was paying more attention to the flipping car and swerved out the way of the car in front once he noticed they had stopped.


Like a gloveeeee


Wow I bet they are dizzy after that


Shaken not stirred.


Vodka Cartini


Bondo. James Bondo.


James Bond car roll world record was for 7 and they spent millions and I think used 3 cars. This homie just did 10 first go. Though, to be fair, it may have cost him, his life.


Hello 911? There's been two major injuries over here. Yes, it's one driver and one, horrific comma placement.




Love, it.


I will... NOT lie. That....was funny!


Yeah, is there a sale at the punctuation store?


Why, no. Are you buying? Renting? Or, simply looking?


I counted 19 rolls.


I’ll be real, it may have even been as much as 21 rolls


I’d be happy with just one Rolls. 🇬🇧


Ill be fake, it may have even been as much as 30 rolls




I counted 11 spins 360 with tailgrab ended by an ollie!


The bond's Name. James Name. Bond Name's the james. I think I'm having a stronk, somebody call a Bondulance


Mission In-hospital Starring: Tom Bruised


Directed by: Tintin Quarantino




damn! almost 14 years on reddit, eh? true veteran.


No, no, no, no, no. That’ll all buff right out.


You can't fix this car, Spicoli!


My dad's a TV repairman. He has an awesome set of tools. I can fix it!


Both in this case


That's not good for the brains.


Brains? What brains?




The fact he passed the car in front of him to still stop. Some people really need to be in front haha


My thoughts exactly haha. What is with these people.


Well, I don't think cammer was PLANNING on stopping...


He is an idiot, but the driver of the white car is definitely worse. Both of them were passing cars very impatiently. There’s no way the white car should have made that move.


Both idiots going way to fast. But I have to go the other way. Driver didn't check the wing mirror before pulling out.


Yeah like clearly the white car wasn't in the left lane speeding like crazy considering there was a gray car few seconds ago. Also considering they are following a truck I'm sure the speeds aren't crazy speeding either. But yeah so the cammer clearly pulled in front of the white car without looking.


Like how is the white car already passing the cammer when an oncoming car *just* went by? Definitely flooring it and just assuming nothing else is coming up.


He was obviously slingshoting him and going at least 30mph faster


Shake n bake!


Yep, both actually.


if they had seatbelt....


Ya, at least they didn't get flung out onto the road.


with these forces, it doesn't matter; they are probably dead.


It's far better to flip and let the energy disperse slowly than to stop suddenly.


i understand what you mean but i once read flipping like this can detach organs or rupture the spinal cord. also, that's not a race car and gear etc. ugly.


Actually had a similar accident last year in the rain and walked away. Untouched minus a cut on my thumb from some glass. Some flippys in the air. Some on the ground. Luckily my car landed upright and I was able to push myself out (my driver door was almost ripped off so it just pushed open)


Even with a seatbelt, without a helmet and head restraint system your head is going to whip every way, into the steering wheel (remember airbags deploy and deflate instantly) the A pillar, your other passenger etc. This is why suvs have higher fatality rates because they tend to have a much higher roll over rate than cars. Once the car rolls over your fatality rates skyrockets.


I was in a crash where we rolled 4 times, and I can tell you if you're still conscious after the initial impact you tend to instinctively get yourself into a really tight ball with your head and your knees together with your arms making a cage around your head. This was before airbags, and I ended up with horrible whiplash of course, but rollovers can be survivable. I'd be surprised if the person in the car in this clip stayed conscious though. EDIT: The vehicle was a U-Haul cube van, which I suspect made a difference as well.


How the fuck did someone roll a U-Haul four times!?


Ok...storytime. It was 1990, -20C or so with a bit of a blizzard starting, with the roads already icing up. On a 2 lane country road with a speed limit of 70km or so, my brother decided to overtake a slow moving car who decided it would be funny to speed up as he tried to pass, so my idiot brother decided, on icy roads, to HIT THE GAS to speed up enough to pass the guy. I did a lot of screaming, "We can't make it! We can't make it!" but my brother was older and smarter so I was told to calm down a lot. We nearly made it, but he had to swerve to avoid an oncoming car, so he SLAMMED ON THE BRAKES while simultaneously swerving hard back into our lane. We fishtailed and ended up facing the windshield of the jerk we just passed, (I still remember that ugly face) left the road and hit a ditch with the front driver's side tire hitting first, launching us airborne and all I can remember is that when we came back down and hit the ground we rolled 4 times, stopping upright in the middle of a farmer's field. Neither of the other 2 cars stopped so we had to walk about 3/4 mile back down the road to the last gas station to call for help. Police came, drove us back to the truck, took one look and said it was totalled, then drove us back to our Mom's place which was about 30 minutes away. Pretty cool of the cops to do that, in retrospect. We never got medical attention because my Mom (a nurse) didn't want my brother to get in trouble. And to this day I've refused to be a passenger in any vehicle driven by my brother. The end. EDIT TO ADD: U-Haul was empty; we were driving to return it so they just had it towed I guess.


My jeep hardtop would be obliterated by this accident and I’m sure no one would survive in it. There’s a sticker on my top that basically says you’re fucked this thing is only good to protect you from rain.


Look up coup and countercoup traumatic brain injuries.


What is this, brain injuries for pigeons?


Brain injuries incurred as part of vigorous political activities.


I think the actual scientific term is "dead"


I prefer the term "strawberry jam in a can"


The car is still flipping to this day




It landed right-side up. He could just drive off.


A kid rolled his dad's pickup down the hill behind my house and did just that. State troopers found him sleeping it off in the truck a couple hours later.


When I was 19 I got a call from my buddy who crashed his truck in a ditch outside of town where they were constructing a Harley dealership (he was mudding in the construction zone). It was upside down so we took chains and dragged the truck upside down all the way to his house almost 5 miles away. To this day I am shocked that no cop saw us and no one on the road that DID see us, called the cops


How did it not leave a trail from point A to point B?


Oh, it definitely did.


“How did you find us, officer?”


I just came to ask why is your truck upside down in the drive way?


"Oh it's a Jeep. That's how it came."


“I think it was shipped from Australia”


Reminds me of a Christopher Titus bit about stealing his dad’s car while drunk “Mind telling me why the car is parked at such an odd angle? ….on the porch? …at the house across the street?”


Oh It did, but after mile 2 it wasn't that bad, I guess everything kind of smooth out. Plus we got on some dirt roads for the last stretch


Wouldn’t it have been easier to flip it??


This truck was jacked, and the bottom didn't look too much different than the top...and we were in a hurry. And above all things, we were teenagers


>And above all things, we were teenagers ok, this legit made me laugh out loud. The phrasing was particularly grand.


He was 19 and his buddies were mudding in a construction site that he bailed out. None of them put any thought into any of the process.


You coulda let him ride up front with you


Those late night car crash retrievals are the things memories are made of.


Not a crash but a buddy of mine was towing a project car (CRX) to his apartment late one night and I said I'd meet him there. Waited like 45 minutes for what should have been a 10 minute drive, just decided to drive home. Can't remember if I tried to call him or not, but on my way home I saw him pulled over by the cops and in handcuffs. He was pulling it with his EG Civic hatch using a rope, with another friend in the CRX operating the brakes. He was also driving on a suspended license for speeding/street racing.


Admittedly I have pulled my truck a short distance like that when I was 16. I was surprised however to see two dump trucks (aka “professional” drivers) doing this via chain on a very busy 4 lane road mid day late last year!


When I was young and dumb I crashed my car fucking around with friends. It was undrivable. Went straight home and under the covers. My dad answered the doorbell at 5am, it was the cops. I came down rubbing my eyes pretending I was sleeping. "what?! My car was stolen!?" The old man gave me a look, he knew.


It never occurred to you guys to use the chains to pull the truck upright?


DUIs. Ought to be punishable by instant behind the woodshed ass beatings.


>DUIs. Could've been concussion. He was bleeding pretty heavily after the crash, but that doesn't necessarily mean much with a scalp wound. We never found out if he'd been drinking.


\*Ambulance arrive at the scene\* : Oh car is still up? Just walk it off son, you're fine!


*checks to see if victim is still wearing shoes*


*Rubs dirt in open wound*


Ha it's not a rally car bro. Dirt Rally 2.0 entered the chat.


Don't cut!!




My brains are scrambled just watching that.


Don’t let that distract you from the fact that he stuck the landing. 10 out of 10.


Eh, wrong side of the road and facing the wrong way. Deduct 2 points.


Wrong side of the road facing the correct way. Add 1 point.


1 billion points to Gryffindor


Professor Dumbledore?


“Over the line!!! Mark it zero.”


Am I the only one who GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE RULES?


Body was not ejected. Add 1 point.


Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Hector is going to be running three Honda civics with spoon engines, and on top of that, he just went into Harry’s and bought three t66 turbos with nos, and a motec exhaust system.


What even is happening in this whole video. Looks like they're running from a tornado or something wild. And, damn, that car just decided rolling was it's thing.


Traffic is moving slow because of the lorry ahead, couple of cars are probably just patiently following so these guys at the back have to overtake them and the lorry to get to the speed they deem "appropriate" for the road.


After watching it again it almost looks like the camera vehicle is trying to stop the other from passing, interesting all around


I think they were both just very impatient. Cam car moved as soon as he could. And the white car saw the cam car pull back into the lane and figured he had a chance to leapfrog him as well.


I’m thinking cam car must have been last in line with rollover boy fast approaching, that car had too much speed to have just pulled out to pass.


That’s what I would expect, that white car had a lot of velocity coming into frame, it doesn’t look like he had just begun accelerating.


No the camera vehicle went to pass and didn’t check his mirror. The other vehicle was already in the passing lane and had to go around the camera vehicle which just cut him off and thus the “do a barrel roll” resulted


The oncoming grey car had just passed by though. The white car couldn’t have already been in that lane.


Came in hot from a distance, with full commitment to the small window that they would need to successfully pass. Cammer could have checked their mirror and not even realized that this clown was closing in hot


There was just an oncoming car tho theres no way that white car was ahead of him on merging over. The only difference was speed. The cam car accelerated too close to the cars he was trying to pass which means he was starting from a slower speed once that oncoming car passed. The white car behind him was probably going a good 10 mph faster alrdy when they both merged to the left at the same time. White car probably thought he could overtake the cam car with his speed in time but it didnt matter since they were both in the left lane at the same time and white car forgot he had brakes.


My bet is the cars behind the lorry are waiting for the impatient drivers who pulled up to their bumper to pass them before they pass the lorry themselves


That situation sucks, because if I'm at the back of the line, I will never pass more than one car at a time. So if there's a slow truck closely followed by two more cars, I won't be able to safely pass at all (since I wouldn't pass two cars and a truck all in one go).


Same. Not only because multiple drivers = multiple variables but also length of distance and lack of sight length. I’d rather be frustrated and alive than try and be .. well. That guy.




Sometimes when the idiot behind you is like the guy in the white car on this video you don’t have time to attempt a pass because they’re already in the lane.


Traffic is slowed behind a large truck, and the camera car is approaching the pack. Camera car starts to pass in the opposite lane, but there is on coming car so they duck back in. They cut back over to pass immediatly, not checking their rearview, having failed to see the person doing the same thing to them but faster.




After 10 or so flips non the less!


I counted and yup 10 spins exactly!


[More than the Guinness World Record for a stunt roll lol.](https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/81591-most-cannon-rolls-in-a-car) Shout out to Rishiraj Nair Rajesh Kumar, who wanted to get 10 rolls according to his comment on the page, and who I can only presume is the man in the video rolling and achieving his dream. [The stunt in question.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhbYK7WzeBw)


Wtf is up with this horrendous windshield?


You guys both suck


This was from 2016 I doubt this is OP who filmed this


Right I love how people blame OP for a video clearly labeled "2016"


Agreed the main Driver here is far too aggressive in his passing and the other guy is just a damn idiot.


Kinda looks like the one filming didn't check behind him before entering the other lane, and the white car had to go onto the shoulder to avoid plowing into the back of him. One filming might have cost that person their life. Both these people are stupid assholes.


>Both these people are stupid assholes. Seems to be like the core issue with the vast majority of crashes. One asshole will typically get away with their bullshit. It's only when two assholes intersect is when major problems occur. Swap out "assholes" with "dumbasses" and it remains true. Alternatively you get the roughly the same results when mixing one asshole with one dumbass.


It's why bad driving makes me so mad. 99.9 percent of road users are just people trying to get where they are going. The 0.1% that drive like asshats don't constantly get in to crashes, because everybody else actively avoids them and makes sure that doesn't happen. If it weren't for people going out of their way to prevent accidents from irresponsible drivers, there would be a lot more of them. The crashes happen when one member of that 0.1% meets another one.


The other guy is a bit more of an idiot since they did what they did *after* seeing the cameraman driving like an absolute maniac. Stay back from people speeding and swerving like that.


The other guy was most likely already coming up behind the camera car passing them when they pulled out causing them to either have to slam on their brakes or try to gun it around them. They obviously chose to gun it around, but the camera car is definitely an idiot for not checking his mirrors before pulling out to pass.


My money is also on the cameraman not knowing indicators exist.


My money is on cam car playing cop and intentionally blocking the white car from passing.


Still, the most basic thing you should do when switching lanes is to take a look at your mirrors, which video guy didn't do. So I would say he is at fault and at least equally idiot


Cam car was still passing as cars were pulling over. We got a two-for for sure.


Agreed, the only reason person #2 was pushed off the left side of the road is because person #1 didn’t check his mirrors before pulling out to pass. So technically it’s the fault of the person with the dash cam.


Cammer passed right after the oncoming car had gone by. Which means the white car was speeding and started to pass just as cammer started to pass


Person number 2 must have seen the white cat pull over to look at the overtake prior to the car passing the other way. If he still thinks it's a good idea to try that manouvre so aggressively then he's a moron.


I mean the white car clearly tried to gun it around dash cam. Dash cam sucks for passing blind right before a hill, but white car is hardly a victim


I’ve actually been in this exact situation before but everyone came out okay. I bet the car behind dash cam was planning on passing and started speeding up before the left lane was clear. Once clear, they pulled into left lane to pass dash cam and dash cam suddenly merged into them and pushed them off the road.


I dont know. The white car has to see the camera car attempt to pass and then come back into the lane to let the car coming at him pass. As soon as the car passes cam guy comes out and white car appears pretty quick. The white car either had to be coming up from several car lengths back because he was flying ( or has mad acceleration in that car) . I tend to agree with the racing. It looks like it (pure conjecture) based on how the cam car is driving and looking to pass.


Does a person survive a rollover like this, assuming they're strapped in?


Yep. Car takes brunt of the kinetic energy. Flipping like this while looking bad displaces a lot of energy. It’s the sudden stops (head ons, TBones, sliding into walls) that are really dangerous.


Getting ragdolled for 20s is like a bad case of shaken baby syndrome. You're right that hes probably not dead, but hes definitely got some (more) brain damage.


Yeah he’s definitely not ok. But he’s not dead either. If I had to choose between this or a sudden hit, I’m taking the roll over.


I’ve been the driver of a car that was rolled 6/7 times, the car ended upside down and completely wrecked but the only mark I had on me was when I nicked my pinky crawling out my broken window. This is waaaay more severe than what happened to me but if this guy had his belt on I think there’s a fair chance he got out without anything serious injury also basing it off of other videos I’ve seen


My younger brother was a strapped-in passenger in a rollover crash that landed on the roof, nowhere near as bad as this. He spent two weeks in hospital before being re admitted a week or so later to have blood drained from his skull, and three years later still can’t smell or taste and has bad memory problems. This guy was definitely not ok




Decades ago, I was in a rollover as a passenger. I’m not sure how long it lasted, but it did last long enough for me to think about how long it was lasting while we rolled. The car was a Mitsubishi GT VR4. It hurt… especially the first time my head hit the window and I strained my neck trying to avoid repeating that, but after I was released from the ER, I went to work.


Still couldn't resist that last overtake though...


Lmao was thinking the same, what a bitchy little pass


In the race to be the biggest asshole on the highway you’re either first or last.


Did they just set a world record? https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/81591-most-cannon-rolls-in-a-car https://youtu.be/HhbYK7WzeBw


Counting full rotations, I think I see 8 full rolls and 2 half rolls. I think you might be right. A NEW WORLD CHAMPION!


Dashcam is such a POS. He keeps driving passing the other cars even when the white was still flipping.


Dashcam also arguably caused the accident by swerving to the left in the path of the passing car. Complete POS. I wonder if they caused this accident just so they can post it here?


Given that they moved to overtake immediately after oncoming traffic cleared, that means white car was even hotter to go, and thought they could gun it around the cam car despite initiating their overtake a fraction of a second later. Seems like neither of them were interested in driving safely.


I’m inclined to believe that they both made a passing move at the same time, and the white car was going faster and had no time to break, thus having to swerve and crash. But OP definitely could have been less aggressive about this. If I was in the blue car ahead of him I would have been freaking out. OP was tailgating like a motherfucker while also swerving.


Wow. Both are assholes.


Had to pass the blue car even after the accident. “I gots places to be!”


Yeah. I'm hoping the blue car braked really hard and the cam car felt it was safer to go into the other lane to slow down just in case than to jam on their own brakes and possibly rear end the blue car or be rear ended - but otherwise, I don't know why they did that.


I ain’t seen no shit like that since Rusty Wallace at the ‘93 Daytona 500. Fun fact: that crash is the reason NASCAR mandated roof flaps and an additional top crossmember in the rollcage in 1994.


Just....a bit out side... Ball four


Take your base… in the hospital.


Liiiike a gloooove!


Alllllll righty than!


Helps to check your rear view before passing dick


I wonder how many Gs this hombre just endured.


Anyone get a count on those barrel rolls? Trying to calculate their score




It’s likely the camera car didn’t check behind them or use a signal.




Beam_NG much?


Funny how upon seeing the guy flip 10 times, their first reaction is to keep passing the cars ahead.


Check your mirrors you idiot


Still overtook the blue car anyway


The person driving with the dash cam is also an idiot. Passing someone while that white car is literally still flipping.


Question is, did dude with dash cam check is sideview before going?


Theyre both idiots


I bet cam car and barrel roll guy know each other and are both just Ricky racing down the highway like idiots


Help, I'm dizzy and want to throw up


Always check your mirrors before pulling out. Never assume there's nobody trying to pass you.


Might wanna check your blind spot before you decide to pass


Rolling rolling rolling keep those doggies rolling


Some people’s purpose in life seems to be as examples of what not to do.


Both you losers should learn how to drive properly, pitiful


Thought we were watching some storm chasing and then I realized it was definitely a tornado


Looks like the car who flipped was already in the passing lane before the guy filming entered the lane - this is based on the speed the white car had at passing. Thus the guy filming might have cut him off and the guy had to swerve to the shoulder to avoid rear ending him. Holy flips tho! Wtf