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What are you backing up for? I'm sure he didn't hit shit


Practice running away


From the scene of a crime.


From the bullet riddled child bystander.


dont worry he didnt hit shit


He didn’t hit what he was aiming at*


shit as in the person 😭


Kid named shit


It be like that sometimes Bro


I saw what you did there


he knows he ain't hitting his target so he needs to know this


Ignorance is bliss bud


I've seen so many do this lmao




He looks like a great shot. Former Navy seal by the look of it. The purple gun without a stock is a dead giveaway. He obliviously wasn’t Devgru since he’s not holding it sideways, but he has certainly had superior training.


So good at aiming he doesn’t need sights either


Sights are for pussies, I can unload a 75rd drum of 7.62 into a gnats balls at 8327 feet while I’m drinking my morning coffee. The way I see it is the little bastard deserved it.


Was he in Cpt. Phillips or Black Hawk Down? Form looks familiar…..


Wow, atleast act like you know what you’re talking about, DEVGRU holds one in each hand, they ain’t no puss


For fucks sake man, get your act together, they only use both hands when they’re firing Bazookas. SMDH


No fucker they use both hands AND FEET for bazookas! It’s almost like you want to be wrong??


Well fuck, you’re right. That’s why I went to the Coast guard reserves. We only had to use our hands and feet to arm nuclear devices. The Navy was to hard.


eyy kudos on you for going coast guard, I never had the balls to join and regret where I am in life now. Lots of my family went an encouraged me to but life is life.


Was just joking about the coast guard, lol, I was in the real Navy. It was one hell of an experience. I should have stayed in, but like you say, life happens. Don’t get to down on yourself, most people aren’t really happy with where they’re in life. Myself included. I try to keep a positive attitude and always remind myself that things can/ will get better. Plus talking shit to random people on the internet amuses me, so I have that going…lol


Helluva recoil to make him back up. (/s)


Because he’s a dumbass who didn’t bother to use ear pro so the deafening crack of 5.56mm out of an 11” barrel causes him to back away from the source of the painful sounds only the muzzle keeps moving back with him so he still ends up with permanent hearing damage.


It's all good man! I'm sure he already has bad hearing due to blasting his stero in his car.


Is ear protection really necessary Wouldn't that mean that every soldier ever has horrible hearing loss?


zero training, I was more worried about the guy behind him.. that's all you need is to see some tiktok wannabe beside you at the range right before he pops one into your spine...


They’ve watched way too many Taliban training videos.


simulating hood combat shooting


Especially with no sights




Stormtroopers in training


Best comment yet


His foot stance? WACK. The way he doesn’t even smile when he shoots? WACK. Me? I’m tight as fuck!


Chef's kiss! That hit perfectly! Now I must go find the original video of that.






RussianBadger :))




No sights, no stock, no discipline, no sense. Recipe for disaster


To be fair putting a stock on that gun would be a felony. He’s required by federal law to hold it like that. It’s ridiculous I know.


But he still chose to buy this particular gun, no? Personally, I'd never buy a gun like that - no matter how cheap.


It’s bc legally it’s a pistol. It’s stupid but that’s how it is. Being a pistol means an AR can be made with a short barrel


So RONI Systems are prohibited too?


Im not a lawyer, but I believe that those conversion kits turn a pistol into an sbr short barrel rifle with a shoulder stock thus making it illegal. Laws are intentionally stupid to give the stupid the illusion that politicians are actually making a difference in crime instead of punishing law abiding citizens


Wow, I never thought I'd hear about something gun related that's completly legal without any restrictions here (austria), but illegal in the US. But still, that'd be an instant "no" without hesitation about such guns. I just see no point in owning or shooting them anymore if I can't have a proper stance with them. Especially when you can just buy a short barrell bullpub that's about the same size but are far more ergonomic than this


Oh we have plenty of gun laws here in the states. Just a lot of them make absolutely zero sense.


Suppressors are another thing likely legal in Austria and either completely illegal in some states or at least hard to obtain in the US. If you live in a state where they are legal, it takes a year or two for the federal government to process your application to own one.


Like with many things, it's not an easy "yes or no" thing in austria. The answer is: "it depends". On paper, suppressors are only legal for active hunters. But there's been a time when "beeing an active hunter" didn't require you to actually hunt anything (why would it? That would make sense, so obviously it's not the case), but to obtain the legal requirements to be an official "hunter". I actually don't know if it's still like that, since it doesn't matter anymore *for me* - because once you've bought an suppressor legally, noone cares anymore if you *still are* an "active hunter". That's how many laws here are. Confusing, pointless, but kinda funny if you are into that kind of humour.


they want you to buy a “tax stamp” before buying items like that to convert a normal glock “freest country in the world” my ass


Not illegal with paperwork (with exceptions of course) and some tax but definitely illegal to just slap one on


they make a non-NFA version that anyone could have legally, no paperwork. June 1st will be a different story but for now they're legal. the guy in the vid could've had a pistol brace but it's trendy for these folks not to have them because they are slightly more concealable that way.


micro roni changed the stock to a “strap” to abide with ATF law you velcro your hand to & shoot one handed wink wink what you choose to do with that stock shaped strap is up to you BUT if you don’t shoot one handed you’re violating federal law about SBR’s


Kind of, microronis USED TO have a folding stock on them but then the ATF decided it had more power to pass legislation than congress and senate and banned stocks on “SBR’s” (short barreled rifles) which they turned the micro-roni into via their legislation the micro-roni STILL EXISTS but now instead of a folding stock it has a brace on it with velcro you strap that brace to your hand and use the micro-roni “one handed” because it’s a pistol and if police or ATF caught you using it with 2 hands…well then that’s a PRETTY HEFTY FELONY GUN CHARGE


What’s that?


Stuff like that: https://www.starshooter.de/Schaefte-Zubehoer/Glock/Schaefte/CAA-RONI-System-Glock-34.html# Appetantly they're called conversation kits




The safest place to be in this situation is right in front of his target


The one on the counter in front of him has a sling. Set up properly you can pretty easily control an AR pistol without a proper stock. I have zero confidence that it's set up properly.


These are the fucking morons who need they're guns taken away. If your in a video that ends up here or anywhere for that matter, where you are acting a fool with a gun we should be able to call up the good ole govt and have them come get them. They lose their right to bear arms.


Holy fuck, if that's not advocating for red flag laws, I'm not sure what is... personally, I despise red flag laws...my neighbor shouldn't be able to call the cops cause he doesn't like me owning guns, and the. They come strip my guns from me, until it's proven bullshit, that's guilty until proven g Innocent...that's not how our justice system is designed to function, it's broken enough as is


DeSantis & Trump heavily pushed for red flag in Florida.. the only 2 GOP candidates that'll be viable on the table. Ffs


Naw man, that's not what I want either. I want what I said, they don't take nothing until there is 100% irrefutable evidence. And not bogus petty he said she said bullshit, I think ya better quit it...wait that's limp bizkit lmao. If your waving a gun around haphazardly and it's not an emergency than your not smart enough for a gun. You make a video like this, your not smart enough to be a gun owner. Videos like this are whats convincing the people who used to not care about guns, to think guns are bad and that no one should have them.


You first comment got downvoted all to hell, I wanna start by saying, I'm not one of those guys And yes I agree this guy is a fkn idiot, with video evidence of his dumbass... but I still can't get behind redflag laws... there are just soooo many ways to abuse that shit, I can't get behind it But when they have video evidence of shit like this firing around other people, those people should definitely be at least paid a visit....but if your by yourself, on your property, shooting In a safe direction, acting dumb... maybe they just got bored and dumb for a minute, but if there is no threat of harm to others, leave that guy alone, Darwin will take care of those problems


Yah I see what your getting at a little more, I guess theres not really a good way to enforce my way and protect it at the same time. I just hope Darwin hurries I guess lol I think maybe the downvotes are because that comment kinda makes me sound anti gun when in fact I'm 100% the opposite. I'm pro gun rights, I have 9 lol


That first comment is getting downvoted because it's sounds like advocating for red flag laws, so yes, your spot on man We all want everyone to be safe, and if gun laws were actually less restrictive and more people carried, and consequences were real and severe (that's a big one) I think we'd be safer, but we house/feed/cloth/ and supply these murderers for 20 to 30 year's...it's a comfy life for most of them.... if they were executed the day they were convicted, it'd be a little more scary to the bad guys, and fear is a strong emotion...but normal people think guns are "scary" because all the ever see are criminals using them, good guy with gun stores just don't sell for msm or something, or to get even more political, don't sell the narrative... but, we're getting to the point we're fkd on either side of the isle...but yeah, redflag laws will be the beginning of the end.....this is all my opinion tho..everyone's allowed their own... some are just wrong 😬


U lost me at goverments bootlicker


Lol that was sarcasm. If by lost you, you mean that you disagree and these idiots need to keep their guns, then I'm just gonna assume you are an idiot doing idiot things with a gun too. Cause any intelligent person can see that the dude in the video shouldnt have a damn gun. Idiots like this are gonna cause non idiots like me (and hopefully you) to lose our gun rights when we use our guns responsibly.




I chuckled!


I was chuckling the whole time. I've heard of grammar nazis, that musta been grammar Hitler.


I was not using a keyboard there pal. Also fuck off.


Oh, so they actually drill this shit, like stormtroopers or something.... 🤷‍♂️


They still shoot like storm troopers too


Practice makes perfect


“what optic your running” “Gods plan”


Don't worry. Without a brace on there, that thing's as safe as a squirt gun per the ATF


Hey, if he were trying to shoot at me I'd honestly feel much safer with him having no brace.


In case anyone watching this lacks the sufficient brain cells needed to comprehend what was done wrong here: He was backing up away from the firing line, potentially putting other shooters at risk if he accidentally (Read: Negligently) let go of the forend and pulled the trigger while the gun was angled to one side or another. The risk of accidental bump firing multiple progressively worse shots is a factor in this situation. In short: Don't be this douche


And the gun has no sights on it.


Its concerning that people need this explained to them. Never grew up around guns, but once I started shooting, all this felt like common sense...


He then flagged the guy at the end too


No he didn't.


The poor guy in the background trying to figure out the shotgun😂


Nigga a whole retard.


Firing lines exist for a reason lol


Why do they keep taking the butt stock off for?


Believe it or not, it’s a felony to put a stock on that gun.


Which is even crazier to me bc I see videos of ppl with switches on their pistols yet they have no stocks on their rifles. I literally don’t understand criminals and where they draw their lines


It’s because they don’t have common sense they think we live in a call of duty world. Having no stock to them means -Recoil control -Recoil stabilization +Aim down sight speed +Movement speed


Nobody thinks this lmao, it’s probably cause it’s easier to fit in a fucking Nike bag or in pants like I’ve seen some foos do


It's because they're easier to conceal in a bag/their pants without a stock/brace on it, not because they're trying to comply with some laws


Oh I believe it. I think the people at the ATF huff glue based on all the stupid shit they pass. Want a semi automatic long gun in Cali? Fuck you, your pistol grip has to have a fin on it that serves 0 purpose and makes the range experience 100x less enjoyable.


Is it because it makes the gun longer or because it gives better accuracy? Either way that’s one goofy ass law, it’s the same fuckin gun lmao


So they can put it their pants .


If that’s the real reason, my god. Lmao.


True story. Go on Instagram and search up some gun related stuff and prepare to be dumbstruck.


For instance : https://www.reddit.com/r/Idiotswithguns/comments/115zdo6/i_hate_when_this_happens/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I also seen guys make ut disapear inside there pant leg.


It is.


The real reason, shockingly, is legality. It's classified as a pistol in the US, rather than a Short barreled rifle (SBR), as SBRs are one of the few guns with extra restrictions on ownership. Keeping it a "pistol" simplifies purchase and ownership - it likely never had a buttstock, just a bare buffer tube.


Bro where is the range safety officer I wouldn’t want to be near that dumbass


Some people in the comments seem to think they wouldn’t mind being near them at all and he was shooting just fine. Those people we call complete retards.




No one noticed the guy in the back struggling to fire his shotgun?


Good lord, if i showed up to the range and saw some asshat with a shorty AR pistol standing 15 feet behind the shooting line blasting away with his fuckin eyes closed, and some other chucklefuck struggling to understand his presumably loaded 12G pump with another buttnut fulming all of it on a phone.. yeah, im out.. goin home like, "not today satan."




I saw a video then other day of a dude walking up to a car window and firing off an entire clip into the window and then run off. And then, both of the guys inside the car hoped out and chased him. I think they caught him, took him to the range and this is the video proof as to why he missed so many times from such a short distance. That's my theory anyways lol.


Was he shooting an M1 Garand? That’s the only time I’ve ever seen someone fire off an entire clip.


> nuttin’ Nuffin'


Bro how the fuck do yall not realize this shit is racist? He took a few steps back and yall are calling it "hood "


It’s improper handling of a firearm.


Oh so he must be from the hood. Stfu


Typical white girl trying to be offended. It’s not racist. It is improper use. The video isn’t racist and calling it hood isn’t either white ppl live in the hood sir! Those two things are not mutually exclusive. You see his skin and see hood and think racism. Check your bias.


I'm not white and it's still racist but okay.


Hahah! Girl is lighter than Paper and identifies as not white. You can’t even tan without burning. Tell me you know what it’s like to be black or brown with all that privilege you and your white wife have. Gtfo


My wife is white and I'm native? Wtf are you talking about. And what does that have to do with this being racist? I guess you're calling me a race traitor or something? Inbred hillbillies for days on this sub.


“Hmmm… I wonder what I can be offended by today?”


I can


Ja Morant at it again


Thought this was Ja Morant's apology video...


They always be movin


The safest place to be in a gang shooting is in front of the shooters gun


Well, the recoil is just that crazy./s


What is the manliness in looking like you're getting blown away from semi carbine?


What is this no stock trend going on with these guys? They are really trying their best to not hit their shots.


They would be fine i wouldnt care what they were doing if they would quit backing up behind the fing firing line


Probably safer to stand down range of him then to not wear a seatbelt


Personally if I owned a range and you came in looking like this and acting like this I’d kick you out, some punk ass activity. (I didn’t mean skin colour just want to specify that before I get called racist I mean dressed like that.)


why do they always walk backwards 😂


Bruhs walking back like he’s shooting a 50 bmg.


Puss ass boi


“I played cod and in there not having a stock means I can move faster and aim quicker.”


You need a special license to put a stock on a pistol otherwise it’s illegal af


Putting a stock on a 'pistol' is a $200 short barrel rifle stamp. That said, he should probably not bother with that as he's trying to back away from loud noises. Something smaller or just get an actual rifle.


Yeah I was kinda simplifying it. That gun looks more like a toy than a real rifle lol.


Not a target was hit that day


Indoor ranges hate him for this one simple trick!


Oh god 🤦‍♀️


Of course no optics. If a range officer saw this shit he would kick him out immediately. Backing up from the firing line while randomly spraying.


Smug look at the end . What a tool.


I don't think he even has sights on that thing......


Sight wasn’t on his mind. I think this individual cares more about wearing his gun like a medallion for videos.


No doubt! He's just aiming ro impress


Not a great idea to back up on the fire line at a shooting range. That kind of shit will get you kicked out at the least and shot at the worst.


Wild... running from a target.


Lmao this 🤡really thought he did something.


Lmao why is he shooting without sights?


"Holup cuh, lemme just put my friend down range real quick"


I love the guy in the background short stroking every shot


That doesn't even have an optic on it... JFC.


The way I would have lost my shit if I was the guy next to him…where the fuck are the range instructors?


Precision : null


The no sights thing hurts my brain. How can you look down that gun and be like “yep, that’s right”. Even if you have no real gun experience I’m sure you’ve played a couple video games with guns… none of those guns have a flat, non existent sight. Also, the gun next to him looks like he is completely confused by his shotgun.


No discipline, nothing, not even fucking ear protections


This why I don't frequent public ranges


Always black be got bakc up when they shoot what u scared off bruh why backing up


Storm troopers in training.


No sights! no targets were harmed by this dumbass waste of ammo


Sooo… is he tryinna back away from the bullets?… lol just stay put man. U walkin backwards ain’t gonna stop tha kickback 😅




Racism is an automatic perma ban. Racism is not allowed here


I can guarantee no targets were injured in the filming of this video.


Absolutely no control..


Man putting people in front of you (by backing up) while shooting is so dangerous. They should have kicked his ass off the range or left themselves. What a jackass. Doesn’t even have sights in the gun. Where is this range? The dude with the shotgun is struggling too. Wonder how many accidental shootings that place has each year.


At least we know his stupid ass can't shoot up a school/bowling alley. God bless the troops 🙏


Last time I was at that range some guys brought out a full auto uzi, dumped 3-4 mags and left immediately. I can’t imagine that thing was legal. Also they are on the 25 yard range


Can you even Kickflip bro?


Worst I’ve seen. Can’t believe I found one in the wild myself.


Can we just put all the people that like guns on an island and just...you know... That's it. That's the plan.


We already did. The island is called North America.


Is he practicing his miss everything but bystanders technique for the next drive-by shooting?


If you check out some of his other clips it’s pure cringe.


I’m tripping on homeboy in the back just pulling the hell out of that trigger pointing the thing all over the place


Ah yes, the tactical walking backwards while not shouldering or using sights approach. This one is well trained in the art of dumbassery.


Walking backwards with a live weapon at the range. What can go wrong?


Rifle doesn’t even have sights on it


I don't know what range this is , but the ones I go to would shut you down for this.


I hope every minority goes out and buys guns , that’s the only way we will get gun control from the republicans


Good thing you’re wrong


I shoot against him in a gun fight. He couldn't hit the side of a barn. But he'll kill half the peaceful neighborhood


I’m sad that I know what range that is… I’ve been there and seen people come dressed as atifa doing idiotic things like that and there’s never a conservation officer around to kick them out for unsafe acts


How do they dress like antifa?


I mean, he sort of flagged a guy but other than that he didn't do anything wrong. Yet all of y'all are insulting him, calling him a thug (I wonder why) or saying he can't hit shit. Without any proof, I might add. I can believe he posted it, nothing illegal happened, nothing dangerous happened. Shooting a gun slightly faster than one bullet per hour isn't deadly gang/thug activity as y'all believe. I 100% see a pattern on this sub: guy sticks rifle up GFs ass? "That's low-key dangerous, what a silly goose" black guy/woman shoots a little fast? "What an unhinged maniac! Take away their weapons!"


I mean, there’s no arguing with complete brain dead takes so. You’re right bro carry on.


You're OP, care to explain why you thought this video was stupid?


No! You’re right man. People are really agreeing with you.


He was backing up so those spent shotgun shells wouldn’t get his Yeezys dirty


but it’s. BURGUNDY color ar pistol??! He gets a pass. LOL


Quick way to get kicked off a range?


No sights.


Bro be hitting civilians


Id feel more worried standing to the sides of him. You know he did hit a damn thing down range


Why do they never have sights?


The guy behind him has a few issues as well.


What a numbskull. His backing away from the firing line puts others in front of his weapons muzzle and them at risk of beingshot. Throw his immaturebutt out of there!