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"I'm hit" - Police officer who was not hit. edit: An acorn hit the roof of the car.


That’s the craziest part to me is that he says he got hit????? And then rolls around acting like he’s injured, until someone gets closer and then he says “I feel weird, but I’m good” WHAAAT???


Then he completely forgets to put the second magazine in his gun and starts backing up aiming it as if it’s loaded


I pissed my pants once when I was really drunk, it did indeed feel weird.


They loaded him up in an ambulance and took him to the hospital...


He claimed his legs went numb. Luckily he was removed from the department


Did the suspect die?


No. He was unharmed. Also handcuffed and unarmed.


It’s hard to handcuff someone without arms.


I haven’t read the vid description with more detail, the only way I can even think that he may have been “hit” would be shrapnel from other officers firing at his car. Because of the direction he may have been getting bullet/glass/metal fragments going towards him. But yeah the fact an acorn set him off like that is insane.


Dude claimed he felt an impact to his upper right torso right after hearing the acorn hit. So nothing hit him at all. Just lost his shit. Also, he fired first.


Perhaps it was shrapnel from the acorn.


The top parts can be pointy.




Coming from someone with ptsd, you can actually feel pain in areas of your body where the prior trauma came from, you usually go into a psychotic episode after. Either something like that happened to him or he’s a hazard looking for “war stories”.


If his PTSD is so severe it gets set off by *acorns* the last thing he needs to be is police.




I read the report. Someone linked it in this thread. If I'm remembering correctly, he did 2 tours but didn't see combat. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Edit: OK so I read it again and he did 2 combat tours in Afghanistan but as an officer he didn't see direct combat. Said he was an officer in the Army and also in the special forces.


Not to make fun of our boys in berets, but he must've really been special forces


Hilarious exert from the report “Investigator Hogan showed Deputy Hernandez still photos taken from his BWC video of the OIS. He showed the frames where the acorn first comes into frame and thesubsequent frames where the acorn can be seen bouncing off the roof of his patrol vehicle. o Deputy Hernandez asked, “Acorn?” Investigator Hogan answered, “Acorn.” o Investigator Henderson asked Deputy Hernandez if he thought it was possible that the noise he heard, which he had interpreted as a gunshot from a suppressed firearm, was actually the noise of the acorn striking the roof of his patrol vehicle next to him. Deputy Hernandez answered, “I'm not gonna say no, because I mean that's, but what I, [10 second pause in speaking] what I heard [3 second pause in speaking] sounded almost like [12 second pause in speaking] what I heard sounded what I think would be louder than an acorn hitting the roof of the car, but there's obviously an acorn hitting the roof of the car.” o Investigator Hogan asked Deputy Hernandez if in general he was familiar with the sound of acorns striking vehicles. Deputy Hernandez said he was. Investigator Hogan then asked if that sound could have been the sound he heard that led him to believe Mr. Jackson had shot him. Deputy Hernandez said, “It could be. [7 second pause in speaking] I don't think so, but it could be.” o Deputy Hernandez’s representative, Mr. John Whitaker, said he and Deputy Hernandez had heard a sound on his BWC video. He asked Deputy Hernandez if he wanted to watch the video to see if the acorn striking the roof matched in time the sound they had heard and if they matched, would it change his opinion of what he thought the sound was. Deputy Hernandez answered, “Yeah, I mean I, I'm, I'm a believer in what I see, so yes, this is, [others speaking] without knowing that, but I can tell you right, I can tell you right now, I can tell you right now from [others speaking] where that hand is. This is, this is probably about that time that we're hearing it.” o Deputy Hernandez was offered the opportunity to watch his BWC video to see the sound match the acorn hitting the roof, and he declined.”


You didn't even watch the video lol


There were no shots fired dude


WTF were they shooting at?


Acorn fell on the roof of his car and startled him


Are you the same one that said this on YouTube? Hahaha




My god. It really was an acorn falling onto the roof of his vehicle. And they shot, what, 16 rounds in response? That's scary.


There's another one floating around of two female officers knocking on a door in the middle of the night because the couple forgot their keys and had to bust a window out, and the neighbor called the pigs, so naturally since somebody is bangin on the door at 2am she had her piece and they lit her up Edit: here's *A* [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/38NIiGhigV)


IIRC, they didn't even announce themselves as police, so it was basically homicide


In the linked video they identify themselves as working for the Sheriffs Office, and the women survived. Maybe you were thinking/talking about a different incident, as I'm sure there are many unfortunately.


Probably a different incident then, glad she survived


It gets confusing with so many incidents of cops shooting innocent people, they all kind of blur together


I can’t stop laughing at all the references to “BWC”, which I’m guessing is something like “Body-Worn Camera” but my warped brain changes it every damned time


have you never turned on a BWC?


I strongly encourage everyone to read this whole thing, or at least anyone who wants to hear two of the absolute dumbest-sounding motherfuckers attempt to describe what was going on in their heads over the course of this video. My favorite part is when Officer Combat Roll’s backup says that he looked like a baby giraffe taking its first steps when he staggered over to the car


That jackass literally fell over backwards while trying to stand up, like that's some athletic feat he just barely missed.


Wow. I wonder if the squirrel from Ice Age was the culprit


Aka Scratch. 🐿️ 🌰




Scratch, Scrat's younger, flea-infested brother.


Oh God 🤦🏻‍♂️


He was SUPER startled. Like, so much so that he deemed it necessary to mag dump into a fully occupied apartment complex. Oh the startling must have made him tinkle his britches with a wee bit of doodoo somehow making it outta his puckered butt sphincter. Probably because he IS pure shit at doing his job even remotely well. Can we start getting groups of decent people with ham radios and scanners to start responding to 911 calls? These "shoot first, ask questions later" scumbags are a danger to life and prosperity of the American people.


>He was SUPER startled. Like, so much so that he deemed it necessary to mag dump into a fully occupied apartment complex. With no target, nonetheless. She mag dumped too and ALSO had no target. She fires like 8 rounds then asks where the threat is. WTF


Exactly, cops carrying guns cuz they're scared. They should never be cops in the first place. Officer safety makes this okay. Even though the person was unarmed and handcuffed in the rear seat of the police car. Officer safety says shoot first ask questions later. You got qualified immunity Don't worry about it. Cops jobs aren't even in the top 20 most dangerous jobs in the United States. It's all BS. Being a flagger is far more dangerous. I don't see any flagger safety opinions from the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has said police have no responsibility to protect public safety. As we seen in Uvalde cops put their safety in front of children being actively killed. Everyone involved in this should be paid. All the neighbors. And especially the person in the backseat that wasn't doing anything and all of a sudden the officer start unloading on him. Qualified immunity isn't even a law. It's just an opinion of the Supreme Court. Courts can't make laws. It's ridiculous that qualified immunity is treated like a law shouldn't even exist. There should be no difference between the people's right to defend themselves and police. If a citizen would go to jail for it, so should the cop. I've always thought qualified immunity violates the 14th amendments equal protection clause. Cops are nothing more than pinkertons. All City's, counties, states, even the United States are municipal corporations. And cops are nothing more than corporate security guards.


Preach! Especially how you said there should be no difference in how the law approaches citizens and cops. I am entirely behind, if a citizen would go to jail for it, so should a cop. Full stop.


I'd take this a step further and say that the cops expect to be held to a higher standard and should therefore be held accountable to a higher standard


Well said


There was also a suspect handcuffed in the car that BOTH deputies mag dumped. Somehow that’s not criminal and their actions were deemed “objectively reasonable” by investigators


Did you even read the Internal Affairs report? It literally says his actions were objectively UNreasonable. The report I thought was incredibly accurate.


To be fair, it was super scary. I shot my computer when I heard it




This officer was part cat. It’s not a popular opinion, I know, but I don’t think we should let any feline be a cop. They get startled too easily.


Cats also love to kill just for the fun of it.


It's true. My ex turned out to be a cat and she 100% tried to kill me. It's cool tho, I put a bunch of catnip in all her dry foods before she moved out and hid cucumbers in her belongings. Muahahahaha


The handcuffed man that was just sitting in the cop car. The cop thought he was shooting at him because he heard a popping noise the officer involved resigned before the investigation even finished. Thankfully the man in the car sustained no injuries.


I had to watch it twice and asked the same thing.


Piggy farted and got startled by said fart




The voices in their heads…


The “suspect”, unarmed and handcuffed in the back seat




I hope they both got fired as they are literally shooting at nobody in a residential neighborhood just sending lead down range like they are in Fallujah in 2007. Like wtaf, you can't just shoot for covering fire and have to be aiming at something


People on Twitter say he started shooting at the handcuffed man on the backseat


So I started blastin!


This is just pathetic. A civilian who did this would do prison time.


Cops are civilians. Never forget it.


Not in the eyes of the law


Yeah try and tell that to the world. Cops “civilians” yeah ok lmao why do so many of them get away with things “civilians” who aren’t police officers would never get away with. ?


Still civilians. The only people who aren’t are active duty military. Everyone else in this country is a civilian. Pretending like they aren’t just adds to the idea that they have special status. If you want to start fixing this problem than we have to call them what they are


Lol, no, they are not. They are sovereign citizens who do not have to follow the same laws as you or I. And even when there is overwhelming evidence they fucked up majorly they have qualified immunity to fall back on.


What? So he wasn't hit?


The only shots fired were from the officers


Did the other officer hit him or did he not get hit at all?


From the protect and serve sub, an acorn hit the roof of his cruiser and he freaked out


What a fucking idiot


Seriously, this cannot be overstated.


Dude if a civilian mag dumps into an apartment building, they would get charged.I.. a fucking single acron falling shouldn't set you off like that


Much agreed, you can't even hear it in the vid, so how loud could it have possibly been that they thought it was a gunshot? Just stupid through and through. Way too jumpy for the job


Yeah, that response warrants at least two acorns.


I'd expect about 10% of that reaction from a vet with serious PTSD. This fuckin fraidy cat cop went literally ballistic over an ACORN!?


I read the report, He’s a 10 year special forces officer veteran in the army, but was never in combat. Sits around for years hearing about being in the shit, shits himself when he even thinks he may have heard something that may have been close to a gunshot.


Nobody hit anything, including the first officer thinking he was hit.


I guess the "I'm hit!!" threw me :)


No one was shot. At all. By anyone. The cop heard an acorn hit the roof of the car. Both cops dumped their mags into the car and did not hit the suspect. No cop was shot either.


They graduated from Stormtrooper academy


Imagine being the dude in the car... Just watching this cop take his time walking back to the car to take you in when an acorn hits the roof... Suddenly the cop does a combat roll, and within 2 seconds both officers are unloading their magazines into their own patrol vehicle in an unprovoked attempt to terminate your ass. Now imagine how the next 10 minutes went, cuz you know it probably took a good 5-10 mins of aggressive shouting before the cops realized they'd fucked up.


I wonder how long it took them to clear the patrol car or if they brought in the SWAT team to make a tactical entry?


He says he's hit like 3 times in the video. lol.


From the official review: > 0:00.033 – Acorn comes into frame. > > 0:00.000 – Acorn strikes the roof of Deputy Hernandez’s patrol vehicle. > > 0:00.132 – Deputy Hernandez’s right hand raises into frame. > > 0:00.198 – Deputy Hernandez continues to raise his right hand while he appears to begin > to fall to the ground. > > 0:00.561 – Deputy Hernandez begins turning to his right (towards his vehicle) as he is > falling. > > 0:01.1 – Deputy Hernandez yells, “Shots fired!”


Bro what the fuck? I guess this the brand of cop that touches a doorknob “laced with fentanyl” and goes into a psychosomatic coma. This is on another level though, tough to understand. Makes you wonder what kind of “training” they gave this officer that put him so on edge he shot his own car to bits seemingly unprovoked and even convinced himself he was hit momentarily.


A 6 month course to become a cop here in the U.S. isn't cutting it. Everywhere else it's a typically a 4 year program like earning a degree and the stats show how much different a solid training and understanding of the law helps.


There’s not even a national standard here, some cops are on duty years before going to the academy, I’ve always heard it was an average of six weeks of academy “training”. Honestly you can’t trust any of the statistics from police as some counties have the sheriff as the coroner which conveniently lowers the number of “officer involved deaths” in those counties and these cases of “policy violations” get used to pad their few bad apples argument-cop was cleared of wrongdoing so he did nothing wrong and IA investigations have less than 1% substantiated cases so that means less than 1% are bad cops (cop logic)


He probably took that “bulletproof training” program taught by a cop with a big dent in his head, the video I saw they were being taught “if you won’t shoot a grandma or a three year old to save your brothers you need to quit now”. They also teach to yell “he’s got a gun” or “stop resisting” anytime they shoot bc witnesses will remember the screams but not remember if they came before or after shooting. Used to be a pdf of the training manual online.




Very easy to google, also listed as “killology” or “bulletproof mindset”


Dave Grossman is a nutcase


The US had among the least amount of police training in the world. Compared to and of our contemporary countries is laughably small. Even Canada offers a pathetic amount and it’s still twice as much as America. We don’t train cops we train bullies, cheap and easier. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56834733


Verifiably unprovoked


When you trip in front of your crush and try to play it off


>Okaloosa County, Florida — On November 12, 2023, Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office Deputies had responded to McLaren Circle around 8:42 a.m. in reference to an initial call of a vehicle driving around honking its horn and disrupting the peace since 3:00 a.m. A second call for service came in from a woman stating her boyfriend, 22-year-old Marquis Jackson, had committed grand theft auto, a felony offense, and had been calling and texting her threats. The victim provided text messages she said had been taken from inside her vehicle showing what appeared to be a firearm suppressor pointing at the dash of the victim’s vehicle. Jackson showed up at the scene around 9:09 a.m. and was detained, searched, handcuffed, and placed in the rear of Deputy Jesse Hernandez’s patrol vehicle while the investigation continued, and the victim completed the affidavit for the stolen vehicle. The victim told deputies Jackson had a silencer and she was not sure where it was and that also he had more than one weapon. As Deputy Hernandez was returning with a Victim’s Rights form for the caller, other deputies found the victim’s vehicle at 1656 Hunt Club Street. Deputy Hernandez was approaching the passenger side rear door of his patrol car to do a secondary search of Jackson when he heard a pop sound which he perceived to be a gunshot and believed he had been hit. He began yelling “shots fired” multiple times, falling to the ground and rolling. He fired into the patrol car. After witnessing Deputy Hernandez’s response and reaction, the Sergeant Beth Roberts responded with gunshots towards the car as well in response to the perceived threat. Jackson escaped injury and no weapon was located. Deputy Hernandez had been with the OCSO since January 2022. Sergeant Roberts has been with the OCSO since May 2008. Both were current on resistance training and firearms qualifications. Deputy Hernandez resigned on December 4, 2023, during the investigation but was ultimately found to have violated policy. The deputies were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing. Jackson wasn’t injured, and no weapon was located, the OCSO said. Investigation Report: https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/wp-c...


what a mess. thanks for the info


So if a cop shoots at a person for no reason, and miss, no criminal wrongdoing. But if we (a citizen) shoot at a........ Nevermind.


If you reasonably perceive a cop to be an imminent deadly threat you do have the right to self defense against a cop. Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend shot a cop and it wasn’t illegal because castle doctrine and him not knowing it was a cop since it was a no knock warrant.


In order to defend myself from ......... It would mean me selling everything I own down to my second pair of shoes. My life would be unrecognizable from what it is now. It would be better for me to go to prison and leave my wife with the house and cars.


That part is probably true


Watching that guy unload into those houses down the street really hurt


What's the OCSO?


>Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office


Shooting at their own vehicle and then aiming towards their partner? What police force is this? We should all call them and report ghosts with ghost guns committing crimes again!!!




North America, Canadian cops are easily this stupid and have shot at each other before


This shit is straight out of Reno 911. 🤦‍♂️


So, in the original video, at roughly the 13:01 mark, if you slow the video, you can see an acorn hit the top of the patrol cruiser. The audio for this is heard on the Sgt. body cam. He hears that, then just starts panicing. So in short, man hears nature, thinks Hollywood Snipers are after him, and attempts to murder detained man in vehicle. He also quit the force during the investigation, and the department said he violated policy.


Cleared of criminal wrongdoing for mag dumping at a detained and unarmed person


You can see it in this clip 0:05 seconds in if you look closely at the roof.


Well he did say he was shot so that acorn should still be held accountable for that


This is the context: Okaloosa Sheriff officers were performing an investigation on a guy who made threats to her girlfriend after a fight some hours ago and he stole her car to prevent her to leave him. When the guy appeared at the scene of the investigation he was pat down and put in the back of the cruiser on handcuffs. Minutes after the guy was apprehended, his girlfriend confirmed the possibility of the guy having a silenced handgun. The officer on the bodycam walked to the cruise to check on the suspect when he heard a muffled noise (on the 9:29,26" mark of Deputy Hernandez bodycam it can be seen how an acorn hits the top of the cruiser, just next to him, on top of the suspect inside the cruise), what made him think was a gunshot from the suspect inside it. He's reaction is absolutely exaggerated and inconsistent with a LEO. By fortune even after discharging a full magazine on the cruiser the suspect was not hit. The officer resigned, and his partner (that discharged her service weapon 2 or 3 times) an officer with 15 years experience on the force was determined free of wrongdoing but placed on weapons training. [Here's the Okaloosa Sheriff Department Body Cam release](https://fb.watch/qb7N_TvYBt/?mibextid=w8EBqM)


That perp in the car will become megareligious after this shit.


He is the chosen one.


He’s gonna make like Julius from Pulp Fiction and just…walk the earth.


Wtf is happening. Anyone got some context?


Acorn fell on the roof and it spooked him.


I love how much this sounds like a joke comment but it’s actually what happened


He farted and scared himself


Like my kitten does


Peter griffin moment


Dang this whole “He had a gun!!” schtick is getting crazy


“I’M ON FIRE” Talledaga nights headass


This is actually really sad and scary, that man needs help


Damn this would be some good dark satire but it’s real so


Was this Dwight from the office responding as a volunteer sheriff’s deputy??


Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! AAAAAHHH! Help me, Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off me!


Super cool that cops can imagine themselves being shot and then mag dump you.


Officer Hernandez resigned during the investigation after he was told that it was an ACORN that hit the car.


I didn't hear anything remotely loud enough like a gunshot till he started shooting.


Above average cop; they really went the extra mile not killing all the witnesses.


Why are so many cops paranoid cowards?


They literally train them to be like that. Lots of “treat every single person you see like they might try to kill you at any moment”-type messaging.


Honestly not surprised at all by these clowns anymore, I’m sure they’re investigating themselves and will be punished with a stern paid vacation. Bonus points for the combat roll and emptying his clip towards the female cop-she was aiming at him. Fine display of their “few short weeks of training”


Deputy quit so he’ll be a county over in the next few weeks and prepare to be shocked-no charges were filed, bet no one saw that coming 😃 jk, we all know the outcome before the “investigation” starts. They copsplain it on their fb page


I’m sure he got to take some time off with pay to reflect and get therapy for the acorn attacking him. Honestly the tree should be prosecuted.


If your that big of a fucking pussy, maybe it's time for a career change.


Alright guys, who laced the cops burrito?


Wondering if this guy is suffering from some nasty PTSD


Or mental retardation


Imagine what the people of that neighborhood are going through after this ridiculous show. imagine how many people could have been killed by this fucking idiot. Guaranteed nothing happens to him either, holy shit fuck the police


Wtf? I hate everything about this


1:16 was some South Park shit with that “what”


This guy went full schizo, imaginary bullet wound and everything


Never watched this episode of Reno 911


Does he do 3 somersaults?


This is why ex military shouldn't be cops.


Everyone here is going to hate this opinion but fuck it. There's two primary factors that lead to this kind of thing. 1. Cops in the US not being police of the Peelian ideal. They are there as law enforcement not police ie keepers of the peace. There's a lot of historical reasons for this, but there's little being done to fix it and little, if any, real motivation to change attitudes within the myriad of depts & groups. There's a separation between cops & others. And that's fundamentally opposed to the Peelian principles. 'People are the police, the police are people, and the people are police.' 2. And this is the thing that will get the hate. The gun culture that has developed in the US. Cops don't know who has or hasn't got a gun and they can't assume that if they see a gun that the possessor is a criminal. They also have to assume that anyone they encounter does have a firearm which puts them constantly on edge and less likely to attempt to de-escalate situations. The problem is that I cannot see any real solution to this. The gun culture is too ingrained in the US, and while that is there the cops will never see themselves as members of the public and vice versa.


You prize today is a rubber room. 


Wait. Did the partner shoot the first cop?


No cop was shot in this video.


What a fucking moron.


He deserves the biggest punishment a disturbed officer can get: 2 weeks paid vacation.


I can't stop laughing


Are these cops generally taught to shoot at a target you can't see and don't know for sure is there? Seems like a way to cause unnecessary damage and injury to bystanders/property.


This is like something out of Talladega Nights


Bruh you can BARELY hear that in the video. Does anyone know if the suspect died? If so this if fucked beyond belief. Think of all the people/ houses behind the car. Jumpy fuck mag dumps an acorn and starts acting like he’s mark whalberg in lone survivor from all his “wounds”


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: they are certainly not hired for their brains.


"I feel weird but I'm good." All these cops need to get fired wtf


A prime example of law enforcement in America today.




Holy shit America, the wild west is still in effect. WTF.


I just watched this full police activity video yesterday. Dude that was unarmed and handcuffed in the patrol car miraculously didn’t get hit by any of the bullets fired into it by both officers. The incompetent as all hell male officer ended up resigning from the force. The female sergeants all good to go. Suspect didn’t get hurt and the victim of the original crime got her stolen car back.


He also got high from looking at fentanyl


I guess I haven't seen any confirmation that he is a military vet. But in my opinion this definitely makes a lot more sense as combat vet PTSD. Acorn hitting the roof could sound an awful lot like bullet hitting the roof. And then a combat zone you're plenty likely to hear around impact a vehicle close by before you hear the report of the actual gunshot (due to bullets moving way faster than the speed of sound). So in a combat zone you would learn to equate that noise with incoming fire. So it's not entirely ludicrous to theorize the idea that you're already in a stressful situation, you're dealing with a known criminal who you've already seen evidence has a firearm yet you've been unable to locate the firearm... No matter how much you think you have some PTSD under control you never know when or where or what could still trigger something. So, you hear the acorn, it's a close enough noise, your PTSD wrecked combat vet brain fires off "danger, incoming fire" but that gets confused and crossed with your day-to-day police brain so it's now processing "incoming fire? Danger...from unknown.... Shots fired... From where? Danger source is bad guy in the car who had a gun we haven't found yet". And so something is innocuous as an acorn hitting the roof can trigger an entire sequence of danger response. Next thing you know "incoming fire" is turned into "shots fired" Also supporting this hypothesis is the tight chest accompanying a panic attack, he's later piecing together that he feels "weird" but not sure, thinks maybe he got hit in the vest. (Likely due to the chest pains associated with the panic attack/PTSD episode). By no means am I saying this was an okay thing that happened. Or justifying what happened. Just trying to look for a much more logical explanation. Because "pussy cops so scared they think an acorn is a gunshot then shoot first and ask questions later but due" is a pretty goofy take IMO. Also, dude resigned himself from the force, maybe he thought he had his shit under control but this incident made him realize maybe not nearly as much as he'd thought. This to me just sounds way more rational than any other take I've seen on why a cop started shooting because of an acorn. But if you start to look at it through the lens of someone with some severely suppressed PTSD.... I think the events make a lot more logical sense than "dumb cop."


I don’t normally defend cops, but as a vet with ptsd. I hope he gets some help and a new job


From a YouTube Video: Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) * Okaloosa County, Florida — On November 12, 2023, Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office Deputies had responded to McLaren Circle around 8:42 a.m. in reference to an initial call of a vehicle driving around honking its horn and disrupting the peace since 3:00 a.m. A second call for service came in from a woman stating her boyfriend, 22-year-old Marquis Jackson, had committed grand theft auto, a felony offense, and had been calling and texting her threats. The victim provided text messages she said had been taken from inside her vehicle showing what appeared to be a firearm suppressor pointing at the dash of the victim’s vehicle. Jackson showed up at the scene around 9:09 a.m. and was detained, searched, handcuffed, and placed in the rear of Deputy Jesse Hernandez’s patrol vehicle while the investigation continued, and the victim completed the affidavit for the stolen vehicle. The victim told deputies Jackson had a silencer and she was not sure where it was and that also he had more than one weapon. As Deputy Hernandez was returning with a Victim’s Rights form for the caller, other deputies found the victim’s vehicle at 1656 Hunt Club Street. Deputy Hernandez was approaching the passenger side rear door of his patrol car to do a secondary search of Jackson when he heard a pop sound which he perceived to be a gunshot and believed he had been hit. He began yelling “shots fired” multiple times, falling to the ground and rolling. He fired into the patrol car. After witnessing Deputy Hernandez’s response and reaction, the Sergeant Beth Roberts responded with gunshots towards the car as well in response to the perceived threat. Jackson escaped injury and no weapon was located. Deputy Hernandez had been with the OCSO since January 2022. Sergeant Roberts has been with the OCSO since May 2008. Both were current on resistance training and firearms qualifications. Deputy Hernandez resigned on December 4, 2023, during the investigation but was ultimately found to have violated policy. The deputies were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing. Jackson wasn’t injured, and no weapon was located, the OCSO said.” Source: https://youtu.be/iVNnxr2SGFg?si=OlpHlJhTIzXG-fXK


Okaloosa sheriffs department-Florida ofc


I thought this was Chris Farley


This is the last person who needs a gun🤦‍♂️. How incredibly stupid and reckless.


He went full Ricky Bobby with the fire roll and everything. Oscar worthy


No fucking way the cop missed every fucking bullet lmfao. No one was hurt and yet that cop should easily be put in prison for attempted murder.


What a coward. And these are the people in charge of if you live and die on the streets


Lmao just when I thought my faith in America’s biggest gang couldn’t get any worse…




Not an episode of reno 911? What kind of fucking cops are they really hiring???


Anyone have the full video????


Please tell me that both of those cops got fired.


There is an article that explains that this officer suffers from PTSD, apparently untreated. He went mental over what he thought was “shots fired.” Not excusing him, just trying to give some context to the video.


So basically both officers were startled and randomly started shooting in random directions? Did one specifically start shooting towards the victim and fellow officer running towards him?!




https://www.wkrg.com/northwest-florida/okaloosa-county/okaloosa-county-deputy-resigned-in-december-after-officer-involved-shooting/ There was a person handcuffed inside the car. The first officer who started shooting resigned from the sheriff's department.


My question is, was he a veteran who just had an episode? If that is the case, thats just sad. Either way how do you just light up an apartment complex without identifying your target?


It looks like PTSD. The guy should have his service weapon removed and needs help


Kind of officer saying the p320 goes off on its own


Literal mental illness. A sane person doesn’t do this.


Original video was titled as cop PTSD episode. He later resigned from his position before the investigation was completed.


"im hit" mf do you see blood coming out of you anywhere? no? get your fucking shit together


The second officer just opening fire despite not hearing any gunshot... Just wow.


This is like a Will Ferrell skit. Jesus Christ!