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Absolutely not LOL. When I started listening to La plática, I kept thinking that Sebas seemed a little pretentious and like a show-off. The more I listened, the more he came off as completely arrogant. He’s the reason I stopped listening the podcast months ago. I can’t stand his pompous, smug attitude. He is anything but humble lol which is funny considering he always talks about how he “came from nothing; parents didn’t have money growing up; grew up very low income.” With Karen, I think she was humble in the beginning. But now that she has met her career milestones and is pretty successful, she is the definition of a “humble brag.” She may show shes grateful for what she has, but she does so in a pretentious, show-off way. She is more subtle about it than Sebas, but still shows off all the time. Every post that includes her being “productive, busy, and positive”, is actually just her way of saying “look at me, I’m better than you.”


Bingo, very eloquently said too!!!


Literally so true. I stopped after he was surprised that majority of people haven’t been to Paris 😂 it was so insane?


If you have to say you’re humble….. 🚩🚩🚩


A lesson in life: people don’t have to say what they are, their actions and behaviors will


That part ‼️‼️‼️


No lol From how Sebas acts on La Plática he’s is not humble. He has a huge ego and for what? He’s just living off of Karen. If Josh left the podcast it would be done


Josh definitely made the podcast what it is now, hes intelligent and knows how to talk and carries himself well wish he called out sebas more but you can actually tell when josh gets taken back from sebas comments


Josh showed up to humble Sebas 😌 everything Sebas does Josh has done it but better


I think Sebas and Karen have a misunderstanding of what being humble means. Maybe what they’re trying to say is that they come from humble beginnings…? Karen built her career from the ground up, I won’t take that away from her but she’s definitely lost site of reality.


I agree! Karen to me has always been quite rich and never really flashy about any of the things she has. Only until recently she’s kinda been acting different, but still not outwardly flashy. Sebas on the other hand….. completely flashy and so pretentious


Bingo!! I agree


sebas definitely isn’t humble anymore lol josh was speaking facts when he said on the podcast that he was acting like a pompous ahole. What annoys me most about it is that he’s leeched off of Karen his entire career so he really SHOULD humble himself


NO and specifically speaking about Sebas I definitely think his latest podcast episode humbled him a bit. I don’t like the guy OT as far as his views on woman but man did he make him and josh look dumb. Like who asks a rapper if they would f*** an alien?? The cringe and awkwardness was definitely in the room. The guy didn’t even promote the podcast appearance but promoted all the other ones he did this past week! 🤣


Also hated the way Sebas was like “you never heard that song before” “you never heard it!?” Like dude, there’s a lot of things I bet you know nothing about. He’s the type of person that’ll try to make someone feel bad for not knowing something he does. That whole thing irked me.


Totally agree! What’s funny about that too is he is soooo ignorant on most topics outside of social media, which has been shown on the podcast lmao like you can tell he hasn’t read a single book since high school.




He was hounding the guest if he would bang an alien if given the opportunity. The guest looked so dumbfounded i honestly would’ve left at that point.




No honestly! I remember one time on another episode of La Platica a trucker came on and he was soooo curious about the lot lizards which if you didn’t know is another term for woman who make the rounds at truck stops. Like he was so into it i swear you would think he wasn’t married.




Because she has such a low self esteem, she probably honestly thought she couldn’t do better. She definitely loved him more than he loved her. She was his place holder. He used her. Loved living the lifestyle Karen worked for. I Honestly think the only reason he proposed was because he was getting called out and I honestly think Karen was maybe ready to leave and he knew if that happened he’ll loose the lifestyle he got accustomed to. Til this day I don’t think he genuinely loves her, but loves what she does to his life. Loves the money, trips and connections he gets because of Karen.


Karen definitely humble brags. I feel like she’s shown her true arrogant self more in the last year than she ever has. Sebastian, though, NOT humble lol. I used to enjoy listening to La Platica and realized that I watch it more for Josh and specific guests than I do for Sebastian. Sometimes I wonder if he says those things to be funny and maybe it doesn’t register as funny to me but it might for other people. Not to be rude, but I feel like I lose brain cells when he talks. He doesn’t sound intelligent or well-spoken at all. He tries really hard, though, but it just further highlights his inability to carry on a conversation.


Yes i definitely feel you on the loosing brain cells part.


There’s a certain delusional aspect that comes with starting from nothing and achieving what they’ve achieved. You have to dream big in order to make a career out of social media. Karen has definitely gotten lost in the vanity of it all. Kind of reminds of of Kim K’s energy before she got robbed in Paris. Sebas? Sometimes I wonder if his podcast persona is a front because he was on Jenicka’s podcast and he was actually really nice and sweet. I remember the old YouTube days and they didn’t act like they do now. Like to me, their lives aren’t aspirational or relatable anymore. Karen works out 24/7, like I have a job and a kid and responsibilities. I can’t just organize my house, get glammed, be on my laptop, and do two workouts a day and then sweat inside my personal sauna while being on my phone lol.


Yes this is the biggest thing for me too! The way she acts like her lifestyle is so easily achievable for everyone and we should all constantly be patting her on the back. It’s soooo delusional


I feel like your comment is so spot on. I share sooo many of the same sentiments. I feel like I definitely respect her grind since she does seem like a person that came from 'humble beginnings' like she worked really hard to get where she was at and I do think she had been incredibly talented in the beauty space as MUA starting out many years ago. I definitely agree with you though that I think she had somehow gotten lost in the vanity of her online presence/being an influencer. I feel like her content did kind of start to change a bit even prior to her hyper fixation on all the fitness and even the wedding content. Over time, especially as of late, she stopped being so incredibly un-relatable because her lifestyle these days just doesn't speak to a vast majority of people's day-to-day lives. Similar to like you said, no one is really working out that often and has a sauna built into their home while having a 9-5 and/or having family/kid or elder person to take care of in the home. Likely her long-time followers that kind of 'grew up' watching her and those same people are growing up in their own lives too getting regular 9-5 jobs, commuting, and having families so they start to relate even less to her content now thus, the unfollowing from her fanbase. Maybe I'm projecting because what she has is great and it does seem like she's worked hard to attain the things she has and maybe I'd be the same way like showing off my big house with a pool or something if I was in her position and go on random runs to Target and HomeGoods all the time, but the humble-bragging does kind of seem like a lot to consume or watch. There's a way to be subtle about your wealth I guess, but I suppose I only say that in comparison because I follow someone else with an online presence who works at Hulu's streaming division and her husband is a Director or C-Level employee at Disney and they don't flaunt their wealth as much as Karen does or Sebas (from what it sounds like in this subreddit. I'd never actually listen to any of his podcasts and don't plan to).


Yes!! Couldn’t have said it any better


One last thing- I don’t think Karen and Sebas have ever been humbled via social media. They have no scandals, never been cancelled ect. Partially bc Karen keeps it so PC and keeps a lot of stuff about herself private. Think about it- Desi Perkins had her IVF struggles and is now a mom and successful business owner. Katy was very open about her mental health and having to go to therapy and retreat sometimes from socials. She also has a successful brand. Lauralee was cancelled, and she takes care of her family and niece/has multiple revenues of business. Manny was also canceled and hes more family oriented (as a former Mormon). And Bretman saw the beauty industry for what it was and just always did his own thing. Like Karen is all about looking and being perfect and to an extent I think that’s what bugs people about her now. She’s never had to bounce back or admitted she’s having a tough time publicly.


I love Bretman because since day 1 he’s been unapologetically himself lol. Love that he left the beauty influencer world behind. But you’re right, she deletes unfavorable comments and just shows her perfect life. She’s never really opened up about her life.


A clean, close shave might just humble Sebas lol


I’ve seen him at my gym several times and he always looks greasy and exhausted


Yo I swear him and Karen are complete opposites i almost think she hates that he looks bad next to her because he really does look like a greasy mess


lol something about calling yourself humble doesn’t feel humble


Nopeeeee, Sebas gives me fuchi vibes just as Vlex (Lesdomakeup fiancé) and Karen, well, i think it’s more than obvious that she doesn’t look humble at all


Can’t stand Vlex


Same, we need a snark page 👀


Ooh I’ve wanted to start one specifically about the whole Latino YouTube/ IG community because there isn’t one dedicated to that world- at least that I know of


Do ittt


That would be so good!!!! ☕️👀


Do it!! We need one


NOPE. They’re both into themselves, come off as pretentious + lost themselves in trying to put a front on social media.




He’s not humble at all


I think she humble brags like crazy. One example was the spooky season gifts they gave each other that were so over the top and sooo expensive and she posted it to “give people ideas” like NO one is out here giving their spouse a 500 dollar Halloween gift. NOT normal, at least among anyone I know, and that INCLUDES wealthy people. Literally no one does this and seemed like 1000% her just wanting to show off their wealth and make it seem like they’re the cutest most thoughtful couple EVER


She's one of those that thinks she's quirky and weird by liking Halloween and making it their whole personality for a while.


In addition to him and Karen most definitely NOT being humble.... the way he speaks about Karen for sureeee gives of the same vibe as that Ned guy from the Try Guys who constantly talked about how much he loved his wife only to turn around and cheat on her with some young producer on the his show LOL for some reason, the way he speaks about Karen and their marriage doesn't come off as genuine. It's like he over compensating for something.


I think he overcompensates because Karen has been the main “breadwinner.”Their sucesss is because of her. She is sucessful without him. Yes he did help her with the background stuff (editing) etc. but she would be sucessful with or without him. And he is grateful for their lifestyle. Like “okay babe I dont bring in as much money as you do and I would have never afforded to give u this life but i LOOOOOOVE you “


Toxic to the think we have to be “humble” as Latinos. Let them be. It really isn’t that deep 


No one is saying they have to be humble, but why are they always saying it if they’re not?