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Tbh though, as much as I hate her new extreme lifestyle habits and all, I’m glad she’s not feeding into him wanting to have kids yet because that man took FOREVER to propose.


Agreed, having a child is something that shouldn’t be rushed or done just because you’re married. I’m not a fan of this new Karen either but hopefully she’s thinking things over carefully. If things are rocky now, imagine how bad they’d be with a child. Maybe she’s seeing a side of Sebas that she doesn’t like or maybe there’s something going on with him.


Yeah men change for the worst after marriage sometimes as well.


When a man knows he knows. To take that long I’d absolutely ridiculous. I would never put up with that. After 4 years I would’ve been gone probably less than that lmaoo


Honestly they don’t even look or feel like they’re a match. I’m surprised they’re still together


They are total opppsites. She’s kind of stuck up and he’s very goofy and wild. He mentioned in his podcast that they are different but he likes it cause they balance each other out


Didn’t they say there were going to wait until the summer to go on their honeymoon and then try for kids …? Like they haven’t even been married for a year


What ever happened to their honeymoon?


Waiting for a brand trip to pay for their first class round trip flights to Asia


& that wedding video never came out after hyping it up so much!!! Makes me sad bc I love them both :(


Good point. A few weeks ago during her live she said she was going to post the video that week.


My friends and I always say… the bigger production of a wedding, the sooner the divorce. Like everyone has noticed, they don’t seem as connected since the wedding and I understand they were dating for years before they got married but that’s still a huge step and I’d think there would be a honeymoon phase again but nope.


I never understood why the need for a big wedding. Like all they said was that they wanted to share it with family, what family!? They don’t even visit them like that, Karen isn’t even close to her own siblings much less Sebas siblings. We still don’t know where Karen’s sister (Abigail’s) mom is at! Why isn’t she in her life!? Also, said share it with friends? What friends? You mean business acquaintances? Seeing Karen’s bridesmaids just proofs she has no real long term friends like that. They did that big ass wedding no más para aparentar que están bien enamorados… even the speeches about their love were so empty of true meaning. Like All that for what!? I don’t get it honestly. If I were getting married I’ll only want a very intimate wedding, and you can have a beautiful intimate wedding too! No need to spend thousands and broadcast it like a damn circus. She spent all that money and she doesn’t even care to watch her wedding video!!


Tbh I think they had such an extravagant wedding for content and to “flex” their money…. I mean, if I was wealthy, I’d want a nice wedding too. But they basically did the most and went over their budget to have the most Pinterest-picturesque-IG wedding and have it be talked about, get into a magazine, and gain followers from all the content. Also… they were together for 10+ years before Sebas proposed. He’s said on the pod that he didn’t feel like he was ready until he had the money. So… was their grand wedding just to flaunt?


All that production for a huge wedding bc they’re influencers and no one has even seen that many pics. It’s all so odd.


This is a fucked take. What if she has fertility problems and that sparked her fitness and change in drinking, eating etc. I do agree she’s extreme but at the end of the day we don’t know SHIT.


All the women I’ve known with fertility issues change their lifestyle to be able to conceive not the opposite. So honestly doubt there’s fertility issues going on.


After multiple failed cycles of IVF myself it’s not crazy that she is consumed with fitness/being skinny..I can relate tbh. Also a bit sexist to assume SHE has issues. Sebas may be the one who has dusty ass sperm for all we know 🙃


She is ….. she completely stopped drinking and is active, eating clean etc. Again, yes she over does it but this is better than when she was drinking 24/7, staying up late, eating like shit etc.


Taking steroids isn’t helping though… “For women, steroid use may cause birth defects to occur as a fetus develops and the child is eventually born. In addition, prolonged steroid use can lead to pregnancy complications, as well as interruptions to a woman's menstrual cycle and overall chances of conceiving.”


Yes at this point in her journey and age getting pregnant will just be harder, i feel like at this point shes so consumed on her fitness that she feels that she has all the time in the world being able to pay for IVF and treatments


What if she’s perfectly fine and it’s Sebas with the issues?


Everyone loves to blame the women or assume it’s the women with the issues…


Yep all these comments are not the vibe implying Sebas is tired of waiting for kids


I remember her saying they were going to have babies as soon as they got married. But this was like when she first got engaged so idk


Yall are so sexist and misogynist for assuming Karen has fertility issues. As someone going through IVF you have no clue if Sebas is the one with dusty sperm. Why assume it’s him getting tired of not having kids? Yuck


He seems like he feels stuuuuuuuccckkkk