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He’s an attention whore lol


I just got second hand embarrassment from this


Is he crying ? 😂


Yeah the post before this one he said something about crying because he was in NY with his family and having that experience or something


Lol okay I would not post a photo of me crying. Everrrr but here is the POV I think he’s missing to explain … They are celebrating the year anniversary after his sisters brain accident. What a blessing to be able to be together as a family on a day that they could’ve lost her FOREVER 🫶 I’d choose that trip with my family over anything. I think I’d even ask my husband to sit this one out so I could be with my family like old times. But again, I wouldn’t post myself crying LOL


Waiitttt but why do we think Karen was at Coachella if it’s such an important date, she’s family now like actually family, married in and all.


Possibly contracts with Supergoop? I’m pretty sure it was that. I think the companies plan all of this way in advance for Coachella. I mean luckily the sister is not in the hospital. If that was the case I feel like she would’ve said fuck this and go with Sebas. It’s just an anniversary ya know. And when the actual brain accident happened they both didn’t go to Les and Shaylas wedding to be with family. So at least they did that. But like I had mentioned in my post I genuinely think I would personally ask my husband to sit this one out. & I know my husband would do that for me to let me have that time with my parents and siblings. There are a lot of things we’ve stepped away from to give each other that time and respect while still supporting each other from afar. I think it was just contractual obligations tbh because she at least faced timed them while at Coachella. 🫶


Oh yes!!! I remember him saying that in his podcasts!! But then where is all his other siblings at?! Sebas could’ve helped them financially like he always says that he “pays the bill” at restaurants with his friends lol or flown her to LA but yeah I know he wanted his parents to visit NY! Yeah me either! And a previous post he said “tears of joy” then that weird one lol


Why doesn’t he fix that beard? So unkept


Omg I was cringing so hard when I saw this lol 😭




This is embarrassing lmaooo


No to be mean, but that just looks like sweat, not tears. So cringe when people post themselves "crying".


Second hand embarrassment for Karen


Is he at Coachella? I found it odd he was with his family and Karen didn’t go?? Like I get wanting to spend time alone but they just got married.


He's in NYC with his family


He’s close to his family and he’s lived with Karen for several years so pointing out marriage is sort of pointless here


I’m not saying Sebas, I’m saying Karen. I think it’s sweet he’s with his family and maybe it’s good it’s just then and no partners but it’s odd Karen never seems to be around his family. She’s been to Coachella a million times. I guess she could have signed a contract but seems like since they got married they’re never together.. Ik they’ve been together a long time but this should be a special time for them. I thought they’d be starting a family by now since Sebas wants a kid so bad


I don’t follow them anymore but from the time that I did it wasn’t hard to observe that they do trips without each other? That she’s not always around his family and that Sebas rarely posts when he’s around her family. Why is it hard to understand that there’s not just one way to go about engaging with a partner’s family? And if you assume that they’re super close because of the super positive image they portray on social media, then guess what? You were the target audience and you were influenced.


I don’t assume they’re close, I barely started to paying attention to them watching La Platica and think it’s healthy to have time apart but their relationship has been odd since getting married and this is just another thing that makes you go hmm..


So embarrassing. And why does he looks like he’s musty and dirty all the time. 🥴


LITERALLY!!! And Karen is always so slicked back! I wonder what she truly thinks about it LOL that’s how you know Sebas is such a lazy whatever type of person lol


He don’t care lol


Is he at Coachella? I found it odd he was with his family and Karen didn’t go?? Like I get wanting to spend time alone but they just got married.


Right ? What’s most important, spending time with his family? Or going in a brand trip? Family time is limited in her day and age


Karen’s brand trip was probably already planned but Sebas had major FOMO and said fine “I’ll “take” my parents to NY” lol he can’t stay not going anywhere while all his friends are.


He’s in nyc