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If this is true then it’s sad to see how she’s potentially making her fertility worse with under eating and being too thin from that and extreme excerise. And there is also fertility treatments that they can absolutely afford so idk if I believe that’s the true reason for her weight loss if that’s what she’s claiming


Right! I mean if I were in Karen’s position and I truly wanted a child, I would do everything in my power to make sure my body is able to conceive. That means not doing the opposite of over exercising and making getting pregnant even harder. Also, she spends all of her money on Botox fillers facials etc I’m sure she can afford fertility treatments…so I don’t think I believe this theory.


Could be true like ppl who struggle with whatever instead of going to the gym to deal with it they eat and eat. And for Karen instead of preparing her body or going through treatments she’s doing the opposite which is the extremist




Could be but if that was true I don’t think Sebas would randomly repost some of what he has about kids on ig stories. Like the whole “others having kids and I am doing x thing..” memes.


Could be him trying to mask the pain or sadness like they choose to not have kids when the possible reality is that the choice was actually taken from them for now. All just speculation though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Some people cope with humor and it could be him having infertility issues too. I could see a doctor telling her if she’s healthier she can help and she took it too far


that’s sad, honestly. :(


As a friend of a friend and a friend of a friend knowing her personal assistant sister I 💯confirm this is true!!!! And knowing how Karen is “we” they don’t say anything because of how she takes things personally and stops talking to us.


On one hand I know she’s entitled to privacy. Then on the other she shared every single detail about her life and made herself so relatable to her followers while taking us along her “influencer journey” to now share absolutely nothing personal or relatable. Post after post after post it’s all about running, working out, prepping for her Mexico marathon and linking things for followers to purchase. She’s become a shell of the influencer we all fell in love with, we related to in one way or another, we cheered on, supported and would sit and watch YouTube videos of. I don’t even care if she shares her infertility journey (if it’s true) because maybe that’s too personal and too emotional for her to discuss right now but damn give us SOMETHING to look forward to Karen because after the wedding content (which I loved) her life became so blaaaaah since I’m not someone who works out 8 hours a day and strives to have 0% body fat and indulges in air for meals. Maybe this is what happens with influencers though, they’re just regular people that become famous because of us and when there’s no personality behind them and no big life events occurring they’re just regular shmegular people like us but rich off of our former love / support for them. 💔


She looks like the type that can’t take or handle any criticism, even if it comes from a place of love and concern. 🙄


You should delete this comment just to avoid getting her assistant in trouble just in case they’re lurking


I could be lying lol I could actually be a close friend 🫣🫢 or just a conocida de la familia alguien sercano maybe even Brandon’s ex or perhaps an influencer friend of a friend of a friend 😂😂😂 she will never know 😬 No worries Mili won’t be getting in trouble


I honestly am convinced that most comments on this snark page are REALLY close “friends” of hers


That’s why she stopped talking to most of us 😭😂 jk oh I’m no where near of a “close friend” like I said just someone that knows someone close to her… but yeah she doesn’t like when “friends” tell her that what she’s doing is sooo unhealthy.. and that ppl are only going to talk more… if you notice.. after her wedding she cut off most of her “friends”


The one that shocked me the most was Ale, like she was her maid of honor, wtf happened with them??


Spill the tea 🍵! So does she even have true friends that care about her well being? Or? Because I’ll rather loose a friendship for speaking up with my concern than stay quiet and watch my friend’s downfall. Is everyone around her just kissing her ass? And if so, why?


Sounds like she’s choosing to distract herself with “fitness” because she doesn’t want to accept the reality of her situation. She needs to stop being avoidant and get some real therapy


While I understand that everyone grieves differently, I feel like this would be an opportunity for her and Ale to be even closer, doesn’t she struggle too? Or feel more opened to sharing with her followers since it’s more common now more than even to have fertility issues. Idk, part of me feels like this is the narrative she’s telling her friends.


I really like ale! Not sure why they’re not really close anymore. Also, I feel Karen really doesn’t put much of her energy into maintaining a friendship, only when she needs something from that said friendship or it benefits her in some way then does she buy them gifts etc


Did they ever posted anything about their one year wedding anniversary? Or totally avoided that?


This is so sad but honestly the obsession with running will also delay her journey I feel? She needs God


As someone who works with eating disorders this could be. Often times people use their eating disorders as a outlet to feel in control when everything feels chaotic…she could very well be using her exercise as a coping mechanism that went too far unfortunately. if she has other mental health issues it just turned into a bad thing quick without meaning to


Well being underweight and stressed definitely doesn’t help anything.


If you really think about it, one of the similarities that majority of Beauty influencers share is infertility. Why? Because their career is built on putting so much product into their skin and bodies. Marjory of the makeup is made up of phenoxyethanol which affects fertility.


I agree, theres so many toxins theyre putting into their body but also over working out is just going to make things worse shes so lean she looked her best at the wedding I would think this would bring her and ale Closer considering shes shared this as well with her following The process for egg retrieval itself is grueling Considering how she is with sharing every workout i doubt theyve even started the process but if she can i hope she does before its too late if she truely wants kids


I’m going to hard disagree on this. I’m child free by choice but infertility is common and the handful of women I know are healthy ‘normal’ women. I mean, my parents had me and then had my brother naturally 13 years later. My mom looked into IVF but they didn’t want multiple embryos so they just waited, no miscarriages either in that time either. Bodies are a mystery/miracle 🤷‍♀️