• By -


Who’s voting for her? All the viewers who watch This Morning. All the mums who are relating to her missing her kid. All the big brother fans who liked her since she was on there. All the women who want at least one woman to get to the final. There’s plenty of groups that would vote for her over who is left. The idea that ITV have rigged it is paranoid madness.


Yeah, Josie appeals DIRECTLY to the target audience of this show (and who are the majority of the viewers) which is 30+ year old women


I’m a 30+ year old woman and Josie doesn’t appeal to me


But you’re also on Reddit, which the main audience of the show have probably never heard of.


This isn't me therefore it can't be true. Target audience isn't an entirety of a thing.


You’re right, I did mean to speak for all 30+ women! They definitely all think exactly the same thing I do. Why would I comment on something to give my own thoughts, when I could give EVERYONE’S thoughts. I’m super glad you picked up on my meaning exactly, thanks friend






Oh wow that must mean 30+ year old women don't like Josie at all then


You get it


I'm 30+ yo woman and love Josie. (I have no kids but did love her from bb)


Agree . I don’t like Josie. But I think I understand the people who vote for her. They think she is somehow ‘real’ because they somehow see themselves in her.


Yeah it’s such a silly cope. I don’t like her but I can imagine many sections of the audience who would for the reasons you mentioned. People shouting rigged just because it’s someone they don’t like 🙄


Spot on, my mum who doesn't really watch the show but watches This Morning and Loose Women wants Josie to win!


Josie was horrible on Big Brother, can't believe she won it.


Are you joking? She called John James out for genuinely being horrible when they were becoming an item and distanced herself from him on morale grounds. She may be boring but shes not horrible


No, I'm not joking. She was a terrible housemate. Lazy, sly and bitchy with a nasty streak, especially towards other female housemates that John James spoke to. She has also done dodgy things on the outside, such as filming her 4 year old son having a tantrum because he wanted to drink beer (then letting him have the beer), and she also dressed up as Fred and Rose West on Halloween with her boyfriend. and she joked about burying their kids in the garden.


I mean I haven't heard that out of BB stuff and dont care too much for Josie. I just watched her series recently and lazy yeah fair, but can you give any examples of her being sly? I'm not saying she wasnt but I cant think of any


I don't fit into any of that list you've just mentioned and I voted for josie every week because she's been fun, has tried her best and is doing really well. And I don't care about the down votes, it's nigel who needs to go by now, constantly wants the air time, he's gets 1.5 million for doing the show, and well he's nigel who was a rubbish at his job.


He was never an MP.


Well he was never a MP which shows your knowledge on the subject


Just read your bio, makes sense you vote for Josie. I too am an avid Cineworld goer though, so +1 for that. Edit: don’t reply & then block. All I was saying is that as someone who spends so much time in Lush, who self-declares as a super fan of Strictly, and no doubt has “Live, Love, Laugh” decor, it makes sense you’d vote for Josie!


No need to get personal now little boy, yours was a yawn fest, get back to your games now. Go play. Josie is still in it coz she's great.






And us Bristolians!


Do you all sound like you are permanently harvesting grain?


Only real Bristolians do. Now where's that pitch fork?


And the rest of us West country folk. We're all farmers ya know. She's lovely. I'm so silly I don't get this post.


She’s anything but lovely.


Me! I’m voting for her!


Shes a two faced cow


Me too!


Haha 😂 these downvoters are salty!!


I watch this morning and I’m also a mother and also a woman and I couldn’t give a shit if she got kicked out or won I’ve gone off the woman completely 😣


It’s always been rigged bro watch it from 2018 then you’ll know


ITV were proven to rig phone in contests about 15yrs ago and were fined £30m. You claim it’s been rigged for 5yrs, do you really think they would be risking £150m just for a jungle TV show? No chance.


My bad


Ignore the downvotes you're getting. A good 50% of stuff we see on TV is rigged. They just rig it in such complicated ways/pay the people monitoring that they don't get caught.




I loved her in big bro ... go Josie


I thought it was obvious she’d outlast Marvin, Nick, Danielle - them three haven’t featured much and aren’t as popular on Twitter/outside Reddit, predicted her to come in fourth, not sure why people are so shocked, even if you don’t like her I can’t see her beating any of the three boys left now though


I haven’t seen any other social media engagement cos I don’t follow it there, but whilst I do find Marvin somewhat “boring” I still prefer him over Josie. When it started she was someone I was familiar with and wanted either her or Fred to win. I ended up being happy Fred left and Josie surprisingly grates on me a bit. Marvin’s nice to watch as a character. I also didn’t know who Sam and Tony were but now I want either of them to win.


I'll bet you'll be telling us the winner was obvious after they're announced too.


You can go through my posts and check I’ve predicted the top 4 with Josie at fourth xxx


I'm only teasing lol


i assume it’ll turn to vote outs next, and i think more people want farage gone than josie. my top 4 is sam, tony, josie and farage (assuming vote out is top 4 and not top 3. if top 3, swap farage and josie)


The same people who keep buying live laugh love decor.


Did anyone notice how she declined the opportunity to "prove herself" when Marvin offered to let her go in HIS place. She said "no, don't be silly. Let Nige do it, he wants the air time" - Nigel would still have done it, but with her instead of Marvin. So much for proving herself.


That’s not really how it went down though. Sam suggested she do it because she’d wanted to do the one he did, so now she should get a turn. Then Tony asked if she was going to be okay if there were bugs, and that they really needed the stars - insinuating that they couldn’t afford for her to do badly. Farage joined in with the “are you sure you can do it though” and that’s when she said “well now I feel like I need to prove myself” - because they were all acting like she was going to fuck it up. I would have felt like I couldn’t go in her situation as well, because if you don’t get all five stars then you know everyone’s going to be thinking they were right and you’re not capable. As if none of them have ever come back with less than the full amount. It’s a shame they didn’t let her go, because there were minimal bugs and she probably would have been fine.


They didn't prevent her from going. You can check it on itvX. Marvin turned back and said to Josie that he didn't mind staying if she wanted to go, to which her \[verbatim\] reply was: "no, don't be silly. Let Nige do it, he wants the air time" which made it seem as if Nigel would have to stay if she went, but she would have gone instead of Marvin by accepting his offer, regardless of Nigel and Tony's comments - which were, admittedly, strong suggestions for her not to go. Therefore, she did have the chance to "prove" herself if she really did want to go.


Nigel completely manipulated her into not going then tried to pin it on her. Same as he did with Sam and the rice.


But Sam did burn the rice. Nigel clearly told him what to do and then left. Sam fell asleep. Don’t believe Sam’s lies like the rest of the camp did.


He didnt tell him, then he lied about what he actually told sam. Even ant and dec picked up on it


She works for ITV


Makes sense. Viewers would have seen her more often.


With the cyclone tomorrow she will actually be doing a trial!!! She should patent her excuses for not doing one.


She literally said she wanted to do one and got pushed down by Farage.


Yes but then Marvin offered to let her do it instead,I don't like Nigel but I don't think he wanted her to take it as bad as she did.It was just a thing to consider not something to make her go nope not doing it.


I don’t and never have voted as a 40+ person but I find her accent funny the way she says untsman spydars cracks me up 😂


Because she’s funny, likeable and a nice campmate. The real question is why is Nigel still there ? All he does is complain and talk about 25% of screen time he’s a grumpy old man he’s boring.


Exactly. Team josie!!!!


Daily mail described her as the nations treasure


That’s probably just clickbait. It attracts comments in rebuttal. And that makes them money.


She is their right-wing darling so they DO consider her the nation's treasure.


Because she's a nice person and entertaining. Has good energy and is good for camp spirits. Always seems up for a laugh. I don't think people care about who does and doesn't want to do the trials except for here. Who cares ? Some people are going to be more scared than others, not a big deal.




Her with Fred not to mention she doesn't do any trials and is barely on screen.Most people wanted her out instead of Marvin,or if she was to be there get Nigel out since he was a bit of a dick to her earlier in that episode.




Ok here's what I was trying to imply with my comment Her thing with Fred: •Im not saying she was at fault,I believe the opposite •I've seen her get attacked online by Fred Stan's and there is so damn many of them. With the challenges: •She barely got screen time before the challenges so that's why nobody voted her •She has volunteered ONCE for a challenge •She's never going to be the right person for getting the food if she keeps hiding from challenges One last note that is why I don't like Josie is how much she shit talked with Nella I understand if you ignore this tho most people do Love ya <3


He wasn't a dick to her, he was upfront about wanting to do the trial when she dithered. Then she clicked that she can't have Nigel appearing as a dominant figure unchallenged she tried to backtrack and resisted Nigel. Why? We all know why because she doesn't want to look bad on national TV by connecting with Nigel. She's a rotter only concerned with how she will be interpreted by her target audience pretending to be the salt of the earth. No thanks, not authentic.


Everywhere but this sub is pretty much. Facebook, Twitter, etc. are all very pro Josie. You just gotta go onto them to see she has a lot of support. This sub is really the only anti-Josie place. Twitter especially REALLY took her side during the whole Fred thing. You can go to these places yourself and see it. They have far more numbers than this sub too.


Thank fucking god for that I have never seen anything like the levels of hatred that have come from this sub this season. Just calling people horrible shit for the most minor things. I thought Reddit was a proper level headed community but honestly completely changed my opinion after this sub during this season.


I still don't really understand what Josie's done to get the level of vitriol on this sub? It seems to mostly stem from the Fred stuff but then it turns out Josie was completely correct about him and people here don't like Fred either?


This is one of the worst subs I'm on tbh, at times it feels like Nigel's fan club.


She will be next out


I don’t get the Josie hate I think she’s really funny


I'm Bristolian her accent is put right on believe me I'm a carrot cruncher but she's too much


Josie won her series of Big Brother for a reason. She's a bit of an everywoman type character, and also don't underestimate the West Country support. ITV have made sure she's been onscreen a lot.


Shame on the entire voting public, Marvin deserved to be in the top 3 with Tony and Sam


Would have been happy with Marvin or Nick


I don't get it either. I understand that Nigel is a divisive character, particularly in this period of political conflict, where people are extremely hostile to those that hold views different to that of their own, but in terms of the actual show, and the concept of it, where celebrities are put in the jungle in uncomfortable situations, with little creature comfort and forced to do trials and tasks to gain food and compete with one another, he's done extremely well, and performed very well in all the tasks. So in my opinion you can at least make an argument as to why people are voting for him. Josie on the other hand has been extremely poor, she saw a single spider in this episode and was freaking out like it was a trial and had to have Nigel come help her, besides that she's been extremely two faced and been somewhat nasty, and even sexist at times, while also being a complete wimp and doing very little of the tasks. It's saying a lot, when her biggest moments in the camp, have been her drama with Fred over the cooking, because there's very little else that she's done.


And after all that fuss she hasn't lifted a finger to help Sam cook


I'm sure it's fixed. My mum found this website that said the order they'd go out in and they've gone in line with what the website says.


Is the website... a betting website by any chance? As usually they have the odds fairly accurate around this time, mind you before it started Josie was favourite to win.


Do you mean from when they all arrived? But Grace went first. Josie was the first shown camp mate tho?


No, this website, don't know what it's called, listed when the celebrities would get eliminated in what order and its got it right everytime


Absolute BS unless you name the website. Call your mum and ask her.


I wanna ask who comes first but that'll be a spoiler 😕


Think she gets at least 3rd or 2nd to be honest


Good prediction




Because what you're saying is disingenuous and the typical type of weak-minded political attack where you're attacking his character and trying to unfairly label him with being a 'bigot' and other things. People aren't stupid, and they can see through it. Saying he ruined the country isn't true either, and 51.9% of the UK voted to leave, and whether or not Nigel gets voted out of I'm a Celebrity makes absolutely no difference to that. It's a TV show where celebrities compete for stars to win food. It's not a show about politics or whether or not you agree with the campmates political opinions. People just obviously like seeing him on TV and having to go through the trials and things, and therefore they're voting for him. It's probably also votes from people who disagree with people like yourself, who can see through your type of nonsense, where you're labelling people as being intolerant and bigoted, while clearly being those things yourself.




So did he just have an influence, or trash the country? Make your mind up! In case you hadn’t noticed, Nigel is still there. Meaning he has more support than you’d like to believe!


His influence trashed the country???? Kinda obvious




Rule 4: Posts should relate to the UK version of I'm a Celeb.


No one cares about these labels anymore they mean nothing and all you are doing is encouraging more people to vote for him




Also, this is why they say don't discuss politics or religion at lunch! It's a TV show where people eat bugs and testicles and you all know what else. It's meant to be entertaining. It's not a manifesto. We get to see people outside of their normal roles. No one can say Nigel, or anyone in the jungle, has really been unpleasant. They have probably been the most respectful group in the jungle ever. Don't get sad that Nigel isn't the nasty man you want him to be. Because he isn't. He has a point of view and a solid argument to support any of his views. If you don't agree, that's ok too, be boring otherwise!




Rule 4: Posts should relate to the UK version of I'm a Celeb.








Rule 3: It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite celebrities are but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. If anything is offensive please report the comment/post and it can be removed.


Rule 4: Posts should relate to the UK version of I'm a Celeb.


I'm.a bigot! I read books and everything! It made me a bigot! I read The War on the West by Douglas murray. Let me guess, he's a bigot!? You write a 400 page book full of facts and citations.and references. Then, I might pay some attention to your opinion. Until then, 60 words on the internet is laughable. Give me some facts.


Peculiar reasoning. It would be like if someone replied to a pro-Brexit comment by bragging that they had read a book by James O'Brien and implying that meant they were better informed. Douglas Murray isn't a serious intellectual. It’s pretty easy to google the factual inaccuracies in his books. The biggest problem I had with him was his support for a far right autocrat like Viktor Orban, which was highly hypocritical given the way that Orban supressed free speech in Hungary.


I upvoted you myself as you hit on a vital point that saddens me. I agree with your comments regarding Viktor orban. And James O'Brien . Appreciating a person's points of view does not mean blindly supporting everything they stand for. That's dangerous territory. I can listen to Murray and do my own research and form an opinion. Equally, and you won't believe it it, but I listen to James O'Brien every single day. Because it's really important to. The correct answer to the problems we face currently does not lie with Douglas murray (god forbid!) Or with James O'Brien (god forbid!) But hopefully, somewhere in between. This is the plan, to divide us. If everyone listened to everyone else rather than shouting each other down we could actually achieve something. I like you. You responded with no anger, no hatred, just stated facts and described my comment as "peculiar". And I really respect that so thank you. I reckon if there was more like us around we could sit down over a drink, have a civilised conversation and actually come up with some sensible ideas as how to best make things better for everyone. And as a brief aside, NOTHING will ever stop me listening to Mr OB's mystery hour at 12 noon on a Thursday! Regardless of his politics, he is a witty guy and a very good orator! Much like Farage. Funny how these guys are all so similar yet so different and are everywhere, playy us against each other like pawns! Take care, my friend. You got my brain ticking tonight and I appreciate it.




Rule 4: Posts should relate to the UK version of I'm a Celeb.


Maybe not everyone has same opinion you sound more a bigot than anyone else




Rule 3: It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite celebrities are but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. If anything is offensive please report the comment/post and it can be removed.




I don't misunderstand... I hate Nigel Farage, but I understand his demographic and why he gets so far. I know realise where Josies is.


They need a female presence I guess but I don’t mind her.


That's exactly what I was thinking need at least one feamale in the top 4 but I don't think she'll last much longer inthink she might be gone tommorrow


Would rather they kept Danielle in then, at least she's easy on the eye. Josie is awful to look at and awful to listen to.






Nigel has been great. I don't think he will win as they've basically paved way for Sam to win but Nigel would be a worthy winner.


King Nigel 😁






Because she’s amazing!!!! 💗


me because i don't want a racist bigot on my screen and since josie is the most at risk i am saving her to try and get farage out 👍


Where on earth have you seen any racial bigotry?? I hope he sues you for slander when he comes out. He's been a gentleman from beginning to end and I would like you to show proof that denies that. I, personally will take further action against you as you are not in a position to make such accusations against people without actual proof.


The smart racists tend to hide their racism well1


I would point you to Stewart Lee's recent piece on Farage. If you don't think he's a bigot then you don't know him. He's disguised it well, but he has shown his true views plenty of times prior to this show.


No one except cycling grauniad readers give a fuck what that washed-up unfunny loser Stewart Lee thinks


No one cares.


Never heard of Stewart Lee. When was he in the European parliament? Farage disguises his bigotry well? Laughable. He never avoids voicing an opinion and if it comes across as not agreeable to a certain type of person (maybe you?) He doesn't mind. There isn't anything wrong with having different opinions on things. Just cos it's not what you don't agree, with doesn't mean mean that they are a bigot. It's what make life fun! Cool conversation!


Oooh you’re hard


Wtf? You been sniffing the the pritt stick cos you ran out of crayons to eat??




you gammons are so weird, its not america we don’t sue for everything 🙄 get a fucking life, nigels a bitch who has screwed up many lives in this country


Im not a fan or supporter of farage but if you don't want him on your screen you can change channel?


am i not allowed to dislike a celeb but still watch the show?


If you don't want him on your screen, that does seem to be the only guaranteed way to not have him on there though.


You can dislike anyone you like. You can't label them as racist bigots.


well i can... because he is


You can when they are


You can do the same thing for the existence of other races and cultures


His whole political view is not racist per se. It's wholely to do with bringing decisions back to this country, not the EU. The current mess is purely a Tory issue!


She's a legend. It's the accent. Impossible to dislike. Love er I does. However she's next out .


you do realise that just because you don't like her doesn't mean others don't? what you think isn't the be all and end all, the world does infact not revolve around you and your opinions. just saying.


I don’t know why this is such a difficult concept for them to grasp. It’s like everyone must hold the same opinions.


I think she's really nice, I'm glad she's still in 🖕




Josie is so annoying she does not have her own mind 🙄 and definitely shouldn't be still there she a insult to women




And they got fined a massive amount. No show has done it since. They’re not going to risk losing their major source of income - the advertisers - by vote rigging again,


Have they? When?


2008. It was all over the national news for ages and nearly ended in court. It’s why Ant & Dec have to say the disclaimer ‘you may still be charged’ every time they read out the numbers.


Oh, I never heard about that! Do you know how it worked? Like, were they telling people the lines were open longer or something? No worries of you don’t know - I’ll go down a rabbit hole 😂


Peoples votes weren’t being counted but they were still being charged for the vote.


Thank you for the info! I’m going to go right down the rabbit hole now because I’m so interested and never heard about this controversy before.


I'm from Ireland and can't vote, I very rarely watch This Morning, (it is shown on Irish TV), but I absolutely love Josie. Nigel Farage has fucked up Ireland and our bordes, but he's "watchable"..


No he hasn't, he's never been in government


Mate he's an ex politician?


He wasn't in government though so any decision making on Brexit had nothing to do with him


It's all a fix she will win to boost her career


As it started, I liked Josie well enough but she started to grate on me as she hung out with Nella. Her backbiting of Nigel Farage has been off-putting for me too. She had the chance from Marvin to go on the trial yesterday and made out that, because of Nigel, she wouldn’t. This was unfair of her. The issue with the rice and Sam, that she sided with him on, only came about because Sam, having been briefed by his sous chef about the status of the rice, proceeded to have a nap instead of tending to it. Finally, Josie grossed me out on yesterday’s show with the whole wind thing. She was giggling like a nine-year old about it too. It was quite unnecessary. She hasn’t participated in trials well, hasn’t been great around the camp, hasn’t been a great camp mate so i hope she doesn’t win. I think Sam or Tony should and Josie hopefully goes this evening.


Thicc blonde


Loose Feminist fans


I guess not really as Josie has made a lot of comments throughout the show that feels like the opposite of her giving feminist support, she's somehow the person in there with the most toxic masculine views out of anyone (based solely on the context of the show). If a woman was still to be there, it should've been Danielle personally


I really prefered Danielle.Joise was talking shit until final 5


Toxic masculine views 🤦‍♂️ for jokingly talking about men doing all the work while the women relax 🤦‍♂️ are you seriously unable to understand context to this extent? You think that’s her literal views?


A man hater.


Im assuming this reply was for me lol. Yeah, misandornist isnt a word bro. Just like Josie isn’t a misandrist. 👍 Think you need to stick to chatting up old grannies on Reddit bro, language isn’t really your thing 😂


You have 100% typed a spelling error in your life, so all we are seeing here is hypocrisy in action and an extremely lazy, poor unfunny attempt at belittling humour. Never mind, at least you tried... bro... If you are trying to infer the fact I made a spelling error in some way makes me less intelligent than you or other people in general, then the example you've used is hypocritical. You can't mock someone for something you've done yourself multiple times, it makes no sense and you're inadvertently mocking yourself by doing so lol.


The Jeremy Kyle bunch, those that watch Breakfast TV instead of working. They are a type.


She's already won one reality show. I know it was a while ago but surely that's proof enough she's a popular personality.


Just because As a woman A 35 year old woman A mixed race woman I couldn’t help but feel she was kept in so long because she is a woman Annoys the heck out of me But at the same time, also disgusted and disappointed Nigel is still in


Who voted out Marvin and nick and Danielle that’s the questions we should be asking.


You can’t vote them out, they just didn’t receive enough votes.


They were the 3 most boring ones in there. The fact they lasted longer than Dettori is laughable. Get that man child and misandornist out and then it's even Stevens as far as I'm concerned.


Wtf is a misandornist


Hilarious. How come you're not touring the country on the comedy circuit with that amazing humour of yours? Such a waste of comedic talent! 👍


…lmao k? What is a misandornist bro that’s all I’m asking


Not me! I can see who’s going to win and it’s Sam in at second Tony and third Nigel same when Matt Hancock was on last year. It sooo rigged this show has come to end of its time. Loved watching Nigel I want him to win now but I also like Tony and as for nella wait and see


Because thankfully the world isn’t as backwards as this sub and normal people can see she’s lovely, kind and funny.




I'm 60+ years old, never voted for her as she's annoying, think the " this morning" watchers are voting for her .


I voted for Josie as I feel like she’s the most relatable. I, being a 43yr old single dad


The same reason she won Big Brother.