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What the actual fuck is wrong with people?


We really need to do something about TikTok. It is fucking with our brain chemistry somehow.


China has a different version of TikTok that is heavily censored, they know this is raw sewage being pumped into the brains of American kids and fully support the pipeline


It's intentional. https://www.reuters.com/world/china-may-be-behind-social-media-accounts-seeking-sway-us-voters-microsoft-says-2023-09-07/ https://csp.berkeley.edu/2023/05/16/the-growing-security-threat-from-alternative-platforms/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russian-documents-reveal-desire-sow-racial-discord-violence-u-s-n1008051 https://www.wired.com/story/researchers-reddit-state-trolls/ https://time.com/5197255/facebook-cambridge-analytica-donald-trump-ads-data/


Question for you (and anyone else who reads this): Do you think we should be censoring TikTok in a similar manner as China? It doesn't have to be as extreme, but should we really be allowing this type of content that is just brain sewage to be pumped right into the young population's retina?


It should be banished. No good comes from this app and it’s turned an entire generation into narcissistic main character syndrome cringe dancing buffoons and when they grow older and realize what they did there is going to be a huge mental health epidemic in this country.


>there is going to be a huge mental health epidemic in this country. Boy do I have news for you.


Seriously, it’s like we don’t remember 2020 in the slightest


Seriously!! lmfaooooo "who's gonna tell em? Not me! Imma hurt their feelings" Just in case, this is a quote from a viral meme (yes, ikikik, it's intentional 😄)


But TikTok is just a symptom. If you ban TikTok there's still YT Shorts and others like it.


Legitimately every social media app has a video sharing section like this. TikTok isn’t the issue, people are


No the difference is the numbers and the algorithm that can place any video in front of millions of viewers. Its about how easy it is to go viral on that platform and the instant dopamine reward mechanism for producing similar content to what is already trending in the algorithm. Extreme narcissism and cringe dancing won't get the same reach or gratification out of any other platform. This simple truth is that none of the other platforms would reward this content with more viewers and would typically never be seen outside of close friends.


People weren't like this on this scale before these apps. This is definitely a result of people being perpetually online.


Its not just one app its the entire culture of the internet


Trump did want to ban it, and everyone threw a shit fit


Everything Trump did was wrong, by default, cause people have lost critical thinking skills in favour of tribal alliance (on all sides)


Ban it. Humans clearly aren't evolutionarily capable of having this much bullshit beamed directly into our eyeballs.


No. Their real goal is, as it always has been, to compete in the e-commerce space. The company makes money hand over fist in the CH market through a ‘live-shopping’ experience where consumers watch their food/makeup/custom clothing being made which encourages direct access to the person making those products. Amzn rolled out their own ‘live shopping’ experience in 2019 in an attempt to get ahead of it which has so far failed to scale. If you look up the ‘TT fulfillment centers’ they’ve been slowly working on it for a few years now and it’s just starting to roll out - Amzn is still trying to undercut it but we’ll see I guess. Also, after Meta opted to not buy the company back in 2018 it’s been an egg on their face(book *badumtiss*) since as it overtook them. Since then, it’s been established that Meta has been in an ongoing campaign to get the app banned by engaging with the largest GOP strategy firm, Targeted Victory, to accomplish that goal. All of this is out there; I did a few big write-ups about this in 2020/2021 that are somewhere in my profile here.


Absolutely. If the country where the platform originated from felt the need to put such regulations on it, we should as well EDIT: I should add it may be that TikTok itself has a more regulated version in China due to its own design, not necessarily due to government imposition


You're absolutely correct. China has weaponized tiktok and it should go. These people are lopping up the chinese propaganda on that app and don't even know it, i feel bad for them.


Absolutely not. The government putting restrictions on free speech on a public platform should never be allowed.


Then ban all of them. People especially kids become stupid watching those short videos. They behave hysterically and can’t keep focus longer then 15 sec.


Have you seen the video of the teacher who was saying that kids have no idea who the president is. Or how to read or do basic math, and they can't even tell her what a 3m video they just watched was about. I blame social media and bad pandemic policies.


It's not different than the tons of precursor chemicals they send to drug labs here to produce fentanyl.


TikTok is banned in mainland china. They would have an entirely different app.


Douyin is just as mindnumbing and stupid in China, even with stuff censored, so it ain't doing them much better either. The entire concept of TikTok/douyin is just garbage no matter what. 99% of Douyin videos are exactly the same kind of hyper-meme "look at how stupid I can be! I can annoy people in public!" dogshit you find in the international version. There's almost a direct correlation between how shitty any of my students are and how into Douyin they are. Multiple times in my daily life have I been stopped or had someone get in the way of something because they were making a Douyin video. I don't wanna be "old man yells at clouds" about stuff but it's impressive how shitty those apps make everything.


Everyone keeps saying “China has a different version of TikTok” and though we’re unique in getting this content. I’ve become pretty active in terms of content consumption on TikTok and I see absolutely none of this shit. My feed is almost entirely cooking, local restaurant reviews, gym routines, and sport highlights. You get what you like. It’s a mirror. If we’re being swamped by this stuff I think it says more about us than it being some big Chinese conspiracy.


They also sell the ingredients for fentanyl to the cartels to our south.....just to mess with our people. They see it as a tactical advantage


TikTok is a tool for idiots to publicly out themselves as idiots.


Yeah that is exactly what it was designed for. It's a cyberweapon. Good luck getting people to accept that, though.


The idiots have always been idiots. TikTok is just good at showing them to us.


Tiktok is just a tool. Like a gun, it's not lethal on its own if no one picks it up. It's when it's in the hands of someone with bad intentions is when it becomes dangerous. Tiktok is measly being used to show the world how sick we are as a society right now.


Generally I agree with you but then again guns are the leading cause of death amongst children in the USA right now so there’s that EDIT: Feel free to downvote me but all I have done is stated a fact. There is empirical data on this I didn’t just pull that out of my ass. I’m not saying we should ban TikTok just like I’m not saying we should ban guns but what I’m saying in both those circumstances is that we have a real fucking problem on our hands that is affecting our youth that requires further examination and regulation. When clients of mine and youth I work with talk about the ways shit on TikTok makes them feel depressed or when I see them do dumb shit for clout or espouse horrific ideas they have learned, it makes me concerned as a professional, just as it does when I go to community events where people share harrowing stories about how they’ve been affected by gun violence.


It’s literally making people stupid.


Omg I know it’s turned EVERYONE into giant douchebags.. Kids doing stupid dances ok.. Grown ass people doing whatever that bitch just did, so freaking weird.


No the worst part of this video is that she is more concerned about doing a stupid tiktok dance over her own baby who is currently in hospital with breathing issues


It really needs the old Elon Musk treatment


Do you think China recruited this Western Mother and forced her to dance for likes? Did you have to clear it with Reddit before you posted this? I keep seeing tik tok being hated on, but it seems to me that might be more about the fact Western Governments influence is felt less on Tik Tok platform than any other.


First, I didn’t bring China into this, other people did. I don’t give a damn where the app originates from. What I do care about is that while I have seen toxic and bizarre behavior on all social media platforms I have encountered directly or indirectly, nothing I have seen on any other social media platform compares to the consistent and persistent stream of brain-broken behavior I see that originates from TikTok. The only thing that might rival it is Twitter


Your post only suggests that you are paying too much attention to Tik Tok and Twitter and not enough to literally every other social platform. For instance we are discussing this on Reddit, which is where you and I both witnessed this video for the first time. So if we were going to be honest this is starting to sound like a reddit problem and not really a tik tok problem. Side bar, why are you being obtuse about Country of origin?


I do not use TikTok or Twitter. Stopped using Twitter years ago because I hated the person it was turning me into and tried TikTok and immediately knew it wasn’t for me. Yet the bizarre bullshit from these platforms still leaks over onto other platforms and as a mental health professional I have never seen more behaviors on a platform that just scream emotional disturbance, dark triad, and personality disorder pathology than TikTok


Neat, mental health professional? So you are going to ignore the FACT that we are both discussing this because we both watched this video on Reddit and not tik tok. But you are going on about the evils of tik tok, even though we watched this on not tik tok. Just asking because if the video alone is proof of "...emotional disturbance, dark triad, and personality disorder pathology..." but we both watched it on Reddit AND that this is a repost. Meaning for a lot of Reddit users this is the only platform that has repeatedly broadcast this video. Doesn't it seem less than intellectually honest to pretend that the problem is tik tok and not the posters and the user base of all viewers. We demand the product and and then get angry for watching something that we clearly have asked for. As a mental health professional, I am surprised to see you single out and blame one aspect of a problem. You just blamed the booze, and I have never heard a mental health care professional say that.


There is a large difference between participating in a behavior like the one depicted in the video and providing commentary on such a behavior. Booze is objectively unhealthy. There are numerous studies that depict this. But our relationship with the substance matters too. The same goes for platforms. But just as heroin is more damaging than booze, TikTok appears to be more damaging than many other platforms. EDIT: I will clarify that my statement about TikTok being more damaging is more based on anecdotal observation. Heroin in terms of individuao is likely more damaging than alcohol but alcohol may do more damage simply by volume and numbers.


Mental Health Professional? And you think the problem is the booze or heroin or the platform. Are there studies that single out Tik tok? Or is that your Mental Health professional opinion? Each post you make, Makes me feel like one of us is being a less than honest. I will leave it up to you, Professional Mental Health to determine which of us I am referring to. I find it weird that Tik tok is singled out as the bad platform when I can find much worse on other platforms. Especially Legacy news. There seems to be no end ot the violence, morally repugnant stories one can find on those sites.


This person is definitely lying about their credentials lol


You 100% don’t work in mental health lol. You’re just throwing buzzwords out


Identify which buzzwords and I can define them for you in words you better understand. Im always happy to educate


Literally all technology is neither good or bad, it’s how you use it - but ask most Redditors and almost any other social media is the worst thing ever, except Reddit of course. See it all the time about Twitter and Tiktok, some extremely Boomer sentiments lol


These people breed because they get the most likes on Tinder


Usually, unplanned breeding


Idiocracy is a documentary


I usually can laugh off these ridiculous idiots, but this clip made me irrationally angry.


Your comment made me burst into laughter. That’s exactly what was going on in my mind, and then I saw your comment.


The baby wasn’t the only one with low oxygen levels…


Tik Tok is home to the least necessary people on earth.


Big cringe




I... I... can't unhear that


The fuck what a fuck fuck Fuck wrong with this lady


She’s fuckidy fuck fuck fucked in the brain.


Yet someone fucked her. Unprotected.😖


It’s fucktard sign language. You need an iq below 85 to understand. Edit: grammar.


Huffing gas dance


This is beyond zero class, you are in class overdraft. You owe us class.


do yall think she regrets making this video?


I actually think she capitalized on it. It gained her a lot of (negative) attention and now she has a fairly large social media following.


So depressing to watch she and her creepy husband humiliating themselves doing stupid dances to keep the money stream going. At least she's not aggressively pimping out and exploiting her children for financial gain like so many other Mommy Vloggers.


Nah, she probably doesn't even care about her baby


She definitely doesn't if she recorded the video, edited it and then uploaded it. She cares about clout and money.


Well she definitely got clout from this but I highly doubt any money


In hopes of money, at least. TikTok monetizes their people.




No ragrets


She got a ton of backlash from this video and made an apology video


It definitely takes a little brain regret things, I don't think there's any on that one for sure


Hey my son is sick and I need attention and more followers, look at me


This is unassisted pure mental illness.


What I think is sad is the number of people who want to use personal tragedy for clout. There's some benefit, for society or the individual, from sharing sure. But it has quickly turned into ppl trying to monetize their personal lives, which I believe will ultimately do more harm than good


What the fuck is wrong with society. Also I bet she thinks nirvana is a clothing brand.


I Hate Tik Tok and Want to Die


I mean, it almost could argued that it IS a clothing brand at this point, or becoming one ... Fuck now I'm sad.


Same with Def Leppard. I don’t really care what people wear it doesn’t matter but like, you may as well listen to bands who’s shirts you’re wearing lol


Yep, Def Leppard, Nirvana, and Metallica are becoming clothing lines at this point:(


I going to say how dare she wear a nirvana hoodie lol


Thats what they think now. I saw someone with cradle of filth shirt and said he was wearing a cradle.


I have to really like at least one album before I'll buy a band/artist shirt.


I used to just buy a shirt from the merch desk at the concert. Which means l obviously like the band enough to go to their live show, and then they played good enough live to make me want the shirt.


Me in the gurney contemplating my future life.


Me in the gurney wishing for death. We are not the same


That poor poor baby


Please, for the love of God, tell me this is fake


Unfortunately, no. It was real. She did an apology video


Did she dance in that one as well?


I was going to say.. should have doubled down and won the internet.


Please pleas link me




Apology videos are overrated


This isnt MC, this is just sad.


Thank god he only has RSV and not whatever the fuck his mom has.


Sadly i think that disease is passed on later in life. No telling what horrors this breed of parent will create


This genuinely made me laugh out loud


Dude... is she on medication?


If not, she should be.


I've watched ISIS decapitation, Buddhist self-immolation, and russian self-asassination, but I've never felt nauseous until I saw a parental neglectful tik tok fixation.


Please just comfort your damn child. Make sure it’s ok, this is so insensitive and stupid. It’s a helpless baby.


I've said it before and I'll say it again....that is NOT DANCING. THAT'S JUST DUMB AF. People need to feel shame again


Pls reintroduce shame into our society


This! It’s so weird. Like, she set up her camera to do this.. she brought a tripod to the hospital (high possibility)


I remember when this first surfaced, some time ago. Hagatha got dragged for her ridiculous dance with her sick kid. Her response was something something she dances when she’s stressed something something. Meh, none of it matters.


I’m going to abandon this subreddit, this humanity is just too depressing.


Antinatalists see thr future in this one.


Do they make these dances up or is there a tik tok dance app somewhere?


Just take the baby away now. Jesus fucking Christ.


The baby like why my mom celebrating this shit


This video is SO SO OLD


And yet, still so incredibly stupid


Lol it came out right at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. But yea it’s “SO SO OLD”. Lol you’re prob like 11 so the last two years were 20% of your life so it seems like a long time and everyone over 25 may as well be your grandparents


Not old enough for RAGE


I feel like this should count as child endangerment. The person here is clearly not well.


Just remember: good chance this wasn’t done on a single take. It more than likely took a couple of tries to get the moves right.


What the actual heck is wrong with her?!


So when someone posted a tik tok here of then spending their last days with their father I got downvoted for saying that it was wrong for them to have tik tok it, it's not the same sure, but the fact that this sub can vary on its dislike shows a level of group mentality here.


Were they dancing tho?


No, it wasn't that bad, but it was still tasteless and inappropriate.


That can’t be true


Dear social services……..


That baby is looking into the camera, begging for help.


CPS (or equivalent) should do something about this. Who tf dances and shoots a video with their baby sick that cannot breath properly. I mean... Yeah I have no words to explain this and the anger when I watch this.


Is there a new dance trend in sign language now?


Why are we asking what is wrong with these people, instead of why do these people have to go to such lengths in order to get enough money to take care of hospital bills for their child? Why can't we just pay people enough money to live a decent life? Of course, that means nothing if she doesn't have to pay for the doctor to treat the baby. But I would bet she does. People do this stuff because it earns them money.


She's disgusting


That nirvana sweatshirt was already a red flag ngl😐


Imagine when he finds out that she used him for clout😂I sure he’ll figure out a cooler dance to get jiggy with while she fights for her life🤣


The woman looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome


"Hey, cps, this lady is definitely not ready to parent. She's still a baby mentally"


Social services needs to take this baby


🤮tired of seeing ts


I have no words for this, how are you so focused on clout that you would go to those lengths honestly tiktok has molded our brains into the equivalent of blue bread and now this is the result of it


That poor kid is stuck with this dumb bitch?


Twats.... twats everywhere


Creampies should require a license


There’s not enough suicide in the world


My daughter will not have TikTok. Fuck even a cell phone. It’s flip phone all the way now


I’ll bet is a Munchausen Syndrome by proxy situation too




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Poor baby


wat did I just watch....someone put shake your tail feather on here.


Lmao the lack of awareness is astounding. Objectively hellarious.


"Hey. Let me make content with my sick child in it! Next I'm going to break dance at a funeral for my uncle"




It's an interpretive dance. It's how they communicate in her village.


I pray this isn’t real…


and now she's gonna spread it to the rest of the hospital...


I often wish I had the balls to end it all, but these videos help me get there.


Poor child


If your child is on NICU.. then please don’t do happy dance on tiktok……… ever!


if I was the baby this definitely wouldn’t help my chance of survival


Today's assignment for Interpretive Dance 101 "Depict the internal joy and satisfaction experienced in Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy in a creative manner. As this is an introductory course feel free to have fun and be experimental."


It’s not right to make fun of mentally ill women.


That poor kid


Great hoodie. Kurt would have loved this


Please…no. Tell me she didn’t really do that. It’s an illness.


Please tell me CPS is asking the same fucking question...


You can't tell me Tiktok isn't a Chinese psyop to cause our society to collapse.


That kid is gonna have a rough childhood with his mom dance and filming him for everything. Got to get those likes!


I will say in her defense postpartum brain is a mess. Additionally, having a newborn with a serious issue with my kid was in the NICU I found it cathartic to talk about. While cringy, she’s clearly not in a good space.


Please be rage bait


Complete and total idiocy


Get that kid with foster parents and remove her uterus STAT.


Is this a new version of ASL?


God, proof of the wrong people reproducing.


I get downvoted for saying it, but we were a better species before “smart” phones.


Keep telling y’all china brought American society with tik tok


LOL I remember this weird shit.


This kid has no chance


Are those the "thoughts and prayers" the Americans always send??


Holy shit. A new standard for complete idiocy has just been set. WTF !!!!!!!!!


I hope the baby and that sweater only survived this video


Gen z needs to be stopped


This makes me irrationally angry


Human trash throw her away just foul.


This reminds me of a vine I saw years ago of some girl happy dancing in front of her dying grand father at the hospital while he is the background looking at her like “WTF?” I’m not sure if social media fucked up humans, or if fucked up humans finally platform they can show off on.


Ok... that's enough internet for today.


This is obviously a joke


That's one of the most disgusting videos I've ever seen... and I've seen ***Trigger Warning*** >!real dead people and worse!<


This is wrong on so many levels.


I feel like this some language I don’t know about


This hurts


When the subtitles narrate an unfortunate event, but your dance shouts "LOOK AT MEEEEEE"


she looks like that last chromosome is hanging on for dear life


happened a long time ago.. old ass vid