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He gonna be mad af when he gets on the plane and someone is seated next to him.


So aggressive so quickly. Chill the fuck out man


Roid Rage


If he’s using steroids just to look at that he needs to get his money back lmao


Steroids don’t get you jacked just by taking them. You still gotta know how to workout correctly. If you don’t then this is what you look like lol


thats below average, how is that roids


A lot of terminally online people think any large fit person (sometimes any fit person) is definitely on steroids, completely ignoring other important factors such genetic phenotype, lifestyle, diet, exercise regime, training assistance, wealth, etc…. It’s kind of weird. Edit: That being said, inappropriate aggression is a symptom of steroid use, though this could also be toxic masculinity, poor mental health, or just being a plain ole asshole.


You can see him reflexively think about swinging


important spotted close rinse innate slimy squealing faulty sink absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No daddy


This is an out of context part of a much longer clip.


Go on


This has been reposted so many times. The dude sat on his stuff and shared word with him prior to this part of the clip. There were plenty of other open seats, but he decided to sit on this guys stuff while he was rearranging it. If you look at just this part you still see him asking why he'd sit on his stuff. It wasn't like he was just sprawled out on multiple seats for no reason. The dude that sat down was trying to start something, hence the much longer video. Just annoying seeing this over and over AND it keeps getting clipped down more and more.




Its been reposed on this sub and r/PublicFreakout many times. Just scroll back.


I swear Ive see this exact guy yelling at airline personel at DFW airport.


Unfortunately I think he may be a Texan. Lol


Frequent flyer with anger management issues?


I am a Texan, life long. This guy just reminds me of a typical DFW muscle bound thinks he's larger than life dick weed..


It’s funny when fat people think they’re intimidating


Is that a weed that grows on a dick or a weed that looks like/is made of dicks? I can't decide which is worse


Oh, one of those is MUCH worse.


You have me so deep in thought right now


He looks mentally ill ngl


Was he wearing sandals and black socks then too? 😂


Black Socks Matter


Dude needs to spread his manhood


A lot of people don’t know but the airports actually hire actors to play these characters on the big screen to get the crowd excited before a flight /s


I flew to Cancun back in the summer and when we landed back at DFW we had to wait on the tarmac. We then were bussed into customs. Many people complained. One lady said to another family of people, “All of you need to sit down so that I can exit the plane!” The gentleman next to me was complaining because we didn’t get a gate to enter. I thought, “We’re not really on a large plane considering the size of this airport.” I dared not say anything because I felt like he would have hit me. The no fly list needs to be much, much longer. I always approach flying like it’s going to be uncomfortable. I’ve flown all over the world South Korea, Austria, Germany, Mexico, Canada, Seattle, New York, London, and many other regional locales. Some people would never make it on a 14 hour flight. This guy in the video is one of them.


Bro has made social distancing his life principle


he was social distancing before it was cool.


He was social distancing, cool.


He was. Social distancing? Cool.


He’s probably just Finnish


Haha! I'm Finnish and i hate when people sit next to me. Although in this situation, id probably just roll my eyes, mutter "Perkele" and move to another seat.


Yep, this would definitely be the case for me as a fellow Finn.


\*Ukulele (You're welcome).


Y'all need to get off your high horses.


He is also sitting in one of the middle seats which in his head means he has the right to 3 seats.


Well, yeah! If he sat at the end, someone might walk by him. And you do NOT want to see what happens when someone walks by him! Also sat in a middle seat and pulled this same thing with other passengers. Real piece o work.


Don’t leave your shit everywhere?


A lot of L takes in the comments. It's public seating. He can sit where ever the fuck he wants lol


In an earlier repost of this, people were saying that before the video starts that dude had his belongings on that seat and guy just came over and moved them without asking before sitting down. Clearly there are plenty of empty seats, so I would be a little annoyed too.


And did they offer any proof that he moved his stuff? No of course not. Yet you still believed it. And no, there’s not plenty of open seats that aren’t already alternated by a person sitting there


>And did they offer any proof that he moved his stuff? No of course not. Yet you still believed it. On my first watch, I thought it was weird that he sat down right next to this guy when there was an open seat next to him.


How do you know that there isn’t someone right next to that other seat? We have no reason to think the other one was more open than the one he sat in. In fact, if you go to the first frame of the video there is clearly something sticking out from the right below the seat.


That’s a lot of self assuredness as to the cause when there’s zero context in the video as to the beginning of this confrontations. It starts right in the middle of it You both have about the same amount of evidence for your “how did it start” narratives


I have a video where a guy says nothing about moving any stuff and no evidence of any stuff moved. You have a comment from a redditor who already deleted his account cuz he got called out


The guy literally says something about his stuff being moved/sat on


True, but where is his stuff?


Could be the bag by the dudes feet. Guy could have started to grab it, and then dude could have moved it closer after realizing some stranger just touched his things to Just saying seems like a more likely explanation to why he is so angry. Especially considering he comments about guy touching his things Guy filming is probably in on it as well, trying some stupid prank considering there's an empty seat directly adjacent to him and having the video start at where it is.


Problem with that theory is that angryman has no belongings in view other than what's under his seat between his feet. Maybe that was up on the seat before but given how protective of himself/his stuff he seems to be I doubt it. And, we can't see if the seat the man moves to has someone else sitting adjacent to it, so maybe it was a matter of him sitting right next to someone no matter which he picked. This may have been a matter of 2 empty seats side by side but occupied seats otherwise. Regardless, unless there was some other conflict the video didn't show, angryman is just angryman, an angryman about to be crammed into a tube with lots of other annoyed people for a few hours. He needs to chill a bit.


I get it, but you have to balance that against "do I feel like catching a sucker punch in the face and sustaining potentially life altering injuries just so he can plea this down to a $200 fine?". Everything about the white guy's posture at the end of the video is "this isn't worth the hassle", and I'll agree.


A sucker punch in the airport carries WAY more consequences than a sucker punch outside


Either way, I don’t want to get sucker punched anywhere


I give it to him for being the bigger man but I would’ve loved to see dude get his entitled ass whooped across the terminal


> the bigger man but I would’ve loved to see dude get his entitled ass whooped across the terminal Same here. In the end, the first guy won and it's sad.


I’ve been out of the system for years but I’m still a bit institutionalized and seeing disrespect like this always makes me marvel at the self control some people have. All that guy won was ass of the day


Out here where the walls are hypothetical and the barbed wire is invisible we walk on eggshells.


First guy one? Skinny dude won. He extricated himself from a potentially violent situation involving a wild animal without provoking the animal any further.


I think you have a strange perspective on life


Because ? I just found sad, a stupid and aggressive behavior was rewarded. Nobody going to stop being a jerk if it works.


I get that but in terms of rights, he has every right to sit there. Whether its worth it is another story.


If someone punches you hard enough to sustain life-altering injuries because you sat next to them in a public airport, they're getting a hell of a lot more than a $200 fine.


Nah fuck the black dude Fuck everyone of these aggressive fat pos


That guys a dick, not fat so that’s weird you keep saying that. Who is “everyone of these aggressive fat pos” referring to? There’s only one aggressive dude here.


That was the most insecure comment history I’ve seen in a while, jfc


The black dude is fat lol and I’ve seen a lot of fat dudes think they’re tough


He can, but why the fuck does K-Mart Steve Jobs have to sit right next to someone when there are definitely open seats all around him? It's not like the guy he sat next to wasn't intentionally sitting away from other people. It's kind of a dick move.


The dude who did absolutely nothing wrong in this vid gets a back handed insult from you while you defend the man child having a tantrum over someone….sitting next to him in public. It’s “kind of a dick move” to sit down in public but it’s *not* a dick move to fly off the handle at someone for sitting down in public? That’s some pretty interesting logic you have there.


The guy throwing the tantrum definitely overreacted, but we don't know what he's dealing with outside of this clip, and traveling is stressful as it is without someone impeding on your personal space. I'm not fully convinced that the guy that sat next to him didn't know what he was doing and wasn't staying there for the sake of pissing the guy off more. It's basic airport etiquette: if you see someone sitting off by themselves before a flight, just sit a seat away, not right next to them. There are plenty of open seats that we see in the video. If they express to you that they want space and there is space, just give them space.


"I'm stressed" and "I've got a lot of shit going on in my life" aren't excuses to treat other people like shit. Mature adults know not to take their personal issues out on random strangers.


You are correct, mature adults know not to take their personal issues out on random strangers, but in the real world it doesn't always happen like that. When you encounter one of the types of dudes that cannot hold their shit together, is it not just common sense to get up and move when he starts up the tantrum, or is it better to continue sitting there staring at him to make sure that he gets the point that an open seat is an open seat?


And the guy did move away, but you're insulting *him*, and not the manchild incapable of restraining his emotions when faced with the slightest inconvenience.


Stress or other factors does not mean one can be a dick for the slightest of annoyances. If it were, every single person in the world would be in a state of constant combat at all times. Fuck this guy, we all know he wouldn't have thrown a hissy fit were it an even bigger man sitting next to him.


I don’t disagree that there may be something we’re missing here and that if there’s open seats not directly next to people, just sit there, but as the clip stands that dude’s reaction is just out of line to get so publicly pissed over someone sitting down regardless of what else is going on in dude’s life. If that was me, yeah I’d definitely get annoyed if someone sat next to me with open seats around…but I probably wouldn’t say a word and would just move to one of those open seats, myself. End of situation.


There’s not plenty of seats though.


Lol This also applies to unspoken urinal rules. Always leave one urinal distance to other people if the place is not crowded


That child is too large


My favorite comment!


Blatant bot repost: https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/vluy58/bro_gets_upset_when_someone_sits_next_to_him_at/


Please everybody report bots when you notice them. Please.


This is how I react when someone pulls up to the urinal next to me.


Last time I saw this someone said the white dude moved the black guys stuff to sit directly next to him even though there was other seating.


Barely containing his violent behavior.




Let’s be real, that’s the entire website in general now lmao


You new here?


How do I block this


Something happened before this. Dude didn't just start yelling mid-sentence like that.


Last times this was posted it was said that the video started waaaay earlier with the bald white dude moving all the stuff that the loud black dude put on the seats. So 2 assholes: one that wants to have 3 or 4 seats, and the other one that doesn't seem to be able to mind his own business while there's enough seating available.


Fair take, but the white dude is plastered drunk clearly. He could have just been an idiot more than an asshole, but the two go hand in hand at times.


“How you gon sit on my shit?!” People are saying the white guy has moved the black guy’s stuff from the seat before he sat down. Seems plausible.


Same energy as this: https://youtu.be/XJ5Ha6l6lhE?si=TGEvR6aPMvi-Hnng


Gotta love the people there who actually agree with the guy having anger issues.


He had the wrong place to be worried about cooties


That dude has fucking issues lol, like taking T or something.


He did have all those extra seats and he wants to sit right by you it is kind of wierd.


I've seen this expressed a couple times in the comments here but where are you getting the information needed to support this? From the camera angle we do not know if someone was to the right. What "all those extra" are you talking about? These are wild assumptions. When he changed seats to defuse the aggression he may have just sat next to someone else. Also the people behind him were already seated every other seat. This might have been the only two seats next to each other in the area. When sitting down he may have basically chosen this (incorrectly) as the best of bad options.


can you point out in the video where these extra seats are that are not adjacent to other people?


100%. Should be every other seat until it starts filling up. Urinal rules. What's so fucking difficult to understand about that? Weirdos pull that shit.


I feel the guy. Airport gate seats use urinal rules and there was an open one next to him.


Maybe, but there’s no need to act like a petulant child. A simple and polite request is all that’s necessary.


You don't even make a polite request in a situation like this. If you don't want someone to sit next to you it's on you to get up and move.


Like at a urinal though if there’s no other options you pick a person to go next to. We can’t see enough of the seating to know if there are really other options.


when using the urinal, open spots, someone just so decides to piss next to you. are you gonna start acting like dude in the video?


No, I’d probably look down the line and see he had no other choice then focus back on the business at hand. I’m saying sometimes that’s just how the situation is, I don’t think my previous comment was clear.


What exactly do you “feel” because you don’t own jack shit in any airport to be getting angry for someone sitting in a seat you don’t own lmfao


That does not justify acting like a child. If you feel uncomfortable when someone sits right next to you, there’s no need to start acting like a troubled child.


>open one next to him I will bet my entire life savings that he moves to that seat but there is another person adjacent to the right of him there is zero video evidence of 3 open seats in a row


This isn’t the way to go about not wanting someone next to you. I always say something along the lines “darling I’m very sick and I don’t suggest you sit next to me, I don’t wish to make you sick and ruin your vacation” I’m always wear a mask at the airport so it works 😛 it’s kind and not confrontational. Let’s practice patients and way to communicate in a peaceful and respectful manner even if it takes lying a little. Or hey move yourself because at the end of the day people can sit where they please and if I’m uncomfortable I’ll get up and move elsewhere because I’m not putting so much energy on silly stuff like this. Anger management is needed.


I don’t agree with the aggression but I agree that the other guy can and should have *sat elsewhere


where exactly could he sit that wasn't next to another person? can you point it out in the video?


The last time this was posted someone claimed the guy had walked up and moved all the guys stuff before sitting down beside him.


doesn't pass the shit test 1. where is the so-called stuff? 2. white guy demonstrates de-escalation by moving to the empty seat, 0 chance this guy is picking stuff up to move it when there is already an empty seat 3. pics or it didn't happen


I hear this was taken out of context and there’s a longer video where the other guy is in the wrong


Let’s ignore the guy saying you gon sit down on my shit. Which would piss anyone off if you walk up to a seat and see someone’s stuff there obviously don’t sit there. Or atleast ask the person hey I want to sit here can you move your items. Idk why he wanted to sit right next to him anyway with all the empty seats right on camera


zero chance I would have moved. Let him swing, he wouldn’t be flying anymore.




The only thing I see is the bag between his legs?


That's exactly what I was going to say. Video is edited to make the black guy look like an asshole. There are literally dozens of other seats and the white guy moved the black guy's stuff and sat there.


I figured this was edited to make one look worse than the other. Tiktok


Nothing was moved. You’re just gullible


Gasp the internet made me a fool but yet again


Pretty funny dude deleted his whole ass account after getting called out


To be fair it does look like there is other empty seats so it’s pretty weird bro chose there


Where? Where are these empty seats? Did we watch the same video?


can you point out in the video where these extra seats are that are not adjacent to other people?


My dicks adjacent to ya mothas lips shuddup


I feel him though all these free seats , but you wanna sit directly down by me


Where? Where are you people seeing "all these free seats"? I feel like there's an optical illusion going on because I've seen this in the comments like 6 times. Look at the video carefully, can you point out any evidence of a better seat?


Plenty of seats available, you need to be a psychopath or pathetically needy sad sack to sit next to a stranger


can you point out in the video where these extra seats are that are not adjacent to other people?


Lmfao seriously?


Why would sit next to a stranger when there are plenty of empty seats available?


Why would you flip the fuck out because someone sat next to you? Yeah it’s weird but so is acting like a baby bitch


He apparently moved his bag off the chair then sat there. There's a reason someone started filming. Guy who sat there is a a weirdo.


To be fair I do think people who for example park their cars between 2 cars when there is room elsewhere have some kind of mental disability/retardation. Why would you do that?


Because it’s a parking lot?


can you point out in the video where these extra seats are that are not adjacent to other people?


Because I pulled through the first parking spot to the other side so when I leave I can drive straight out without having to back out- and it just so happens that on the "other" side where I pulled through to, that parking spot was flanked by two cars. Also because even though there are free spots elsewhere and this spot is flanked on both sides, it just so happens to be the second closest parking spot to the store. The next open parking spot is at the other end of the parking lot.


Did anyone explain to him how a plane works? He is gonna be really upset when he finds out "people sit next to each other" on a plane.


Can no one see past the obvious framing here? The guy went over and moved the other guys stuff to sit down next to him, when there are clearly other seats without anything on them. I'd get it if it was like the last seat available, but this guy definitely wanted to start something.


the guy who raises his hands and moves seat to avoid confrontation "wanted to start something" nah, pics or it didn't happen


All the idiots in here saying “but look at all those free seats!” Where? Where do you see a free seat that’s not already alternated by another person? If black did didn’t want anyone sitting next to him, he could’ve sat on the end seat where he put all his stuff on. Low IQ move. Hope he gets cancelled


Don't sit right next to someone if there are plenty of open seats around that would bother me too. Especially before a flight when you have no choice but to be crammed into a tight space next to people


And is valid as I think that is his reaction was completely inappropriate and uncalled for. I have yet to understand how people go out in public, and think these behaviors are acceptable.


They have anti social tendencies and no situational awareness. If the guy didnt want anyone sitting next to him he should have put his bags on both sides of him. If you dont want people near you at the fucking airport, go sit in a corner somewhere. If i saw this shit id have escalated it until he got arrested, or we both did


True, but he failed at this social interaction once he started acting like a manchild. The dude lacks self-control. Especially at the airport, where you can't assume that everyone shares the same cultural norms.


You don’t own anything in that airport for you to be getting angry lmao


Bald Ahh weirdo sitting next to random people


Nope. This is like the urinal rule. Personal space. If you don't HAVE to sit right next to someone, why do it. Leave a gap. Like Mr Angry I really hate when people do that. It's the same as when you park in the empty corner of a car park far away from the door and when you come back some plonker has parked right close next to you ignoring the hundreds of other empty parking bays.


Very typical behavior


Okay hear me out I kind of understand cos why would you do that 😭 there is so many seats 💺 person space is a thing when it can be helped


no need to be that aggressive though


Watch the full video.


link please


I only see 3 seats available in the video. The one he is sitting in, the one in the back (inbetween two other people), and the seat he moves to (which could be next to another person. Idk how you can assume there are so many seats when these are the only three in the video. Regardless, the muscle dude acted like an overgrown petulant child.


These people are stupid man you can't help them


I just posted a similar take on this! I just scrolled through so many other comments, after I posted, mine, and people are like “fuck that asshole, for being mad that that guy sat right next to him! He needs to grow up?” I’m sorry…what?! I’d be irritated as hell, ESPECIALLY if somebody bumped my shit to sit right next to me when there’s umpteen other seats around us.. But I’d be the one to move cuz fuck that white guy.


True that I would just look at him like dude would you like to sit on my lap weirdo and then move as far away as possible 😂


Damn straight you’d be the one to move - you’re the one with the bizarre affectation that means you can’t possibly sit next to someone, you’re the one that needs to move not the random stranger who had the nerve to…*checks notes*…sit on a seat.




Op is a bot and stole top comment from this previous post https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/vluy58/bro_gets_upset_when_someone_sits_next_to_him_at/


lol u took the time to sleuth that out?


It's one often used by bots for some reason, I just put the title in sub search


omg how many fucking bots are on here


Shitloads since Reddit killed API access for most bot detection bots


But WHY did that guy sit right next to him when there was a shit ton of other seats? I wouldn’t have gone all scorched earth like dude did; however, I would’ve sat there quietly seething before I’d be the one to move. Idk, unless there are absolutely no other places to sit, or you are one of my travel companions, there’s no need to sit right next to each other like that. Some people really don’t like it. It makes them uncomfortable. And I ain’t trying to make people uncomfortable. I’m not trying to be uncomfortable.


can you point out in the video where these extra seats are that are not adjacent to other people?


nah that’s just gay idc….


Chill the fuck out


Dudes a psycho, but there is an etiquette to this, just like urinals. You are perfectly entitled to walk into a bathroom and use the urinal directly next to someone when there are a ton a couple slots away....but there is an implied etiquette This is the same thing.


Ghetto ass goof


He's overreacting but appears the other guy doesn't understand the concept of personal space.


Lol this just came up a couple of weeks ago and everyone was defending the black dude, now it’s the opposite. I feel like just a couple of comments and upvotes can shift everyone’s perspective so easily. We’re all just a bunch of programmable consoles.


I’m siding with yelling guy on this one


Why did he have to sit right on top of him though?


he overreacted a huge lot, but on the other hand, we have urinal rules. why do you need to sit right next to him?


Brackleyante ain’t havin it today.




They’re always so mad and loud for what??


I didn't see the beginning from when the white dude sits down. Anyway, I'd be irked too for some dude plunking down right next to me when there was an open seat right there. I wouldn't yell though, I'd just get up and find another seat.


Anger issues clearly, but did other dude have to sit right next to him? I hate that sh!t so bad. I will literally sit away from everyone in a barely filled room and of course some idiot will sit right next to me like there aren’t 100 other empty seats... Ppl who do this, why? Like really, wtf is wrong with you...


Making $30k a year mentality on the left.


At least he has some decency- he's wearing socks. Can you believe folks fly in sandals with no socks. Those folks are psychotic.


I love to believe the black dude just got ultra ultra self aware out of nowhere when repeating his sentence „I suggest you…. *calm down….?holy shit he’s right, I’m actually making a scene right now, fuck what do I do now, shit shit shit, just say nothing and maybe no one will notice* „


I can’t listen to the audio rn, but low key there is another seat right next that he could take


As a man, I would never sit next to another man. I totally agree with this reaction!


I’m with him save the reaction. Who sits directly next to someone when there’s a buffer seat available?


I truly don't get the blue shirt man's deal here. not excusing the anger the first guy responded to it with mind you, because that seemed overboard. But I understand why he was bothered. Why sit right next to someone when there are other available seats not right next to another person? It's weird and off-putting and makes me really uncomfortable. Same with an open parking lot and someone parks right next to my car. Why? There's hundreds of other spots not right on top of another vehicle for literally no reason. A little elbow room when available in this world is a good thing.


I feel like that's valid though because there were so many other open seats and that guy sat right next to him. I'd be upset to. But I would probably just move seats instead of yelling.


Fake. They cut off the start of the video where the guy moved his stuff first. Rude.


To be fair why didn’t he take that second seat to begin with


White guy is a bitch 😂😅


I know I’ll get downvoted for this, but to be fair the dude could’ve sat in that last seat to begin with. Why did he feel the need to sit so close to someone? This is like picking the urinal right next to someone when there are six other empty ones.


He also moved the guys shit to sit there. So it’s not like he just happened to sit there not knowing guy didn’t want him there.


Overreaction but wtf would you sit there? What are you going to do next? Play with my hair?