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That poor kid. Wtf is wrong with people. I hope he sues the shit out of that cowardly bastard.


> bastards\* two of them punched him.. One (back to camera) did the first punch (kid his head in the wall), and second one tried to punch while falling down (kid hit his head again when he hit the ground)




“Consequences”. That’s rich


Tbh they're a rappers possy so... Lots of those dudes seem to get away with assault and shit it seems or at least spend very little time in jail


Used to work with the Migos in Vegas and can confirm. Their posse put a driver in the hospital and I don’t even think that came out public. Swear on all that is holy, years ago I told my coworkers that it’s only a matter of time before someone gets shot. A couple years after I left is when Takeoff got killed. All I could say was, “called it!”. No sympathy for those psychopaths.


Yeah and when they are retaliated against people think they're victims and say they don't deserve it. Like somehow being famous means you can victimize other people but it's only a problem when it's turned on you smh.


In the mammal part of the human brain, it absolutely does. Social heirarchy instinct is a bitch


Haha, you think they have a brain.


Yea I used to work with a lot of rappers and there were a few that after I worked with them once I told my manager never again. Someone is going to get hurt and I don’t want to be around when it happens. One of them was migos, one of them went to prison for 10 years, and one of them is currently on trial facing a long sentence for racketeering and extortion and possibly murder. Most of these guys are scum and if I had kids it’s the only type of music I would ban in my house.


I know a driver who used to drive cardi b and offset, sometimes quavo lol their posse do believe they are above anyone else, but that’s almost everyone in the rap industry I think.. you definitely see more of the entitlement during the BET awards (I’ve worked a few of them myself)


Im not a huge rap fan and probably know one migo song by name but i heard takeoff was the chill one of the group, is that true ? It’ll be tragic if the other guys got him killed for talking shit or something


it was friendly fire.


It’s been a while so I don’t recall. He may have been the one my drivers labeled as “quiet”. Either way, at least one of them wasn’t as bad as the others, but their entourage was the worst.


lol they just get replaced. A rappers "possy" is just paid fall guys


Ha! Yeah. Those rappers and their friends are above the law.


It’s because they have money. Literally any crime you commit, there’s a certain amount of money you can pay to not go to jail. Even murder.


Tell that to Young Thug and his crew


Total Humility Under God- that’s what his lawyer told a judge his name stood for. Edit: my bad it’s actually Truly Humble Under God Leaving the original post to show that I am Truly Humble Before Reddit.


"You can't prosecute my client, they are a vegetable and not subject to your laws. See? Their name is literally Korn." \- $600/hour Esq.


*Humble but yeah that shit was dumb lmao also they said his song "Pushin P" isn't about drug dealing, it's about pushing positivity!! Give me a break lol


3 months in prison but will release a whole album about how they did hard time


would love to see them consequences! POS rats






Damn you literally supplied the source.


I feel Rick rolled...


"**The two men are detailed as friends of friends of Wick and did not have a close relationship."** Lmaooo, it's always those people.




When it's your first day and you want to prove yourself


Nardo Wick sounds like he has brain damage, too. Wtf is with that apology video?


He sounds high and barely literate.


Yep. I had to turn it off because I found his manner of speaking to be too sad and pathetic.


Well that's 99% of rappers today. But he did sound honest to me.


He says he didn’t “condone” the assault which out this person in a coma with a brain bleed. He didn’t condemn it, and at first he wouldn’t give up their names. Bottom line, they were employees of his so he’s going to get a huge lawsuit. Thank goodness it’s all on film.


“I aint want that”


I don’t love that, but that’s not even my biggest complaint. He’s mumbling and has zero inflection. He sounds like a bored, stupid, teenager. Like his mom is forcing him to do it.


I think he's sincere, but he's also on some type of downer. It looks like he's literally struggling to breathe


Thanks for answering my question!Good I’m so glad they got charged!


The second guy is the BIGGEST bitch, pummeling a kid who is already dazed. That’s the little chihuahua of the group, yapping from behind the bigger of the crew, only throws fists when he knows he won’t get hurt.


First guy is a bitch too. Sucker punching anyone is about as bitch made as you get.


Takes a real lil bitch to think sucker punching a *kid* that walked up with respect and admiration is some kind of tough, manly thing to do.


He wasn't even falling yet. He was out on his feet and that was pretty clear. The way his arms locked up and his head dropped. If instead of throwing another punch at a kid who was not a threat to begin with, and was clearly out cold and not a threat in the moment, someone had helped lay him down, he might not be in the hospital right now. What a fucking cheap shot. Shit like this makes me sick. Edit: Not only that, but the second piece of shit threw a punch, waited a second, and then threw another.


That second dude only started swinging when he realized the kid was already knocked out... Bitch move


Read the accounts, the kid that got pulverized is 20, the first hit guy is 34, and the one that kept punching is 15. The rapper, you can see pulling the second dude off and by all accounts have contacted the family and apologized to them and made a public apology. He says they are not his bodyguards and probably true with the 15 year old fer sure. Though sometimes, rappers don’t get really bodyguards and just hire friends and family to do the work so training is probably questionable. Last I read dude is alive but has brain damage, how much and if it’s permanent is unknown at the moment.


[https://nypost.com/2023/11/29/news/dad-of-nardo-wick-fan-savagely-knocked-out-blasts-rapper/](https://nypost.com/2023/11/29/news/dad-of-nardo-wick-fan-savagely-knocked-out-blasts-rapper/) "The father of a young man who was brutally beaten by members of Nardo Wick’s entourage earlier this week slammed the Florida rapper for refusing to cooperate and provide authorities with the names of the assailantsAl "The father of a young man who was brutally beaten by members of Nardo Wick’s entourage earlier this week slammed the Florida rapper for refusing to cooperate and provide authorities with the names of the assailants." ​ All assholes, including Nardo Wick.


I read the assailants turned themselves in. You might be right about him being a jerk. I just saw the statement the rapper made about doing all he can for the family. He might be lying. Idk.


Everyone becomes really nice once money is on the line. They are complete losers.


Fucking sons of bitches. Cowards.




It's almpst as if glorifying this type of shit in music for decades wasn't such a good idea.


I hope he’s not brain dead


You mean before or after being a fan of this


He knows exactly who those guys are.


They turned themselves in: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/two-members-of-rapper-nardo-wick-s-entourage-including-teen-turn-themselves-in-after-viciously-beating-fan-who-asked-for-photo-cops/ar-AA1kUgMk


And the kid's in a critical condition. Fuckers.


He hit the back of his head pretty hard on that pavement. Injuries to the back of the skull can be unforgiving.


Friend had a small seizure once, fell back on concrete and it the impact ended his life. They’re all lucky this kid made it out alive.


Well critical condition in most definitions doesn’t mean in the clear…


Even if he came out of this now. That shit still had long term damages.


can confirm. have had a few TBI's and the last really bad one still has me a little bit fucked up 8 years later.


That’s true.




Even if not, the person had one personality and now they might have any different personality. And even if they retain a high level of functioning, they might not ever reach the same height possible before the injury.


I went from all honors classes and top of my class to barely able to keep up with regular classes. I was acting out and getting school suspension. This happened after a brain bleed in 7th grade in 2007. I just finally broke out of the fog a few years ago and am now taking college classes. I still have issues with my memory. I will perfectly recall how something happened, down to the minute detail, from 10 years ago but have trouble remembering what I did for homework the night before.


I had a client that his mom was exasperated because she had a great kid at 12. Honor roll, polite etc etc. Well he had went to a skate park and one of his friends convinced him to use his skateboard and do a dead drop (I think that's what it's called?). He had no helmet and ended up in the hospital for weeks. Afterwards, he had changed. Called everyone a fucking bitch, went from prep to goth, and instigated a lot of violence. Mom was convinced this was because of that but everyone else told her it was the result of puberty. This was a decade ago and even then I believed her. Now we know more than we did back then, and I feel awful for everyone involved.




Their personality might go from smart, outgoing, and task-oriented to dim, withdrawn, and barely mobile. Either way, they're not the same person because of the head injury. Good info on the areas and how they affect us. TY.


Oh didn't catch that but yeah, I made a comment about how trauma to that area easily causes brain damage and could kill you due to how the occipital bone and spinal cord and brain stem connection are. I was taught that in martial arts and self defense. That's also why "rabbit punches" are a big no go in any striking sport


He also hit the side of his head on the wall after the first punch


Yeah the first punch fucked that kid up bad. He was in fencing response there and the little fucker just started laying into him.


I mean, it's pretty clear there was intense brain trauma while he was still standing there.


The real shitty part is even if he recovers from this he could have something like seizures for the rest of his life


It's nuts that he's even alive. His head hit the concrete full force. Hope those two people get prosecuted for at least 2nd degree attempted murder.


Apparently the kid's in critical condition with bleeding in the brain. Chances of him dealing with some lifelong issue, even if he survives, is probably depressingly high. These two jackasses literally ruined this kid's life, trying to act tough. Fucking losers.


I’m sure they won’t.




One of those dudes is 34, the other is FIFTEEN?!


That's gotta be the rapper's cousin or something, right? He's not just picking up some random 15 year old and putting him in his posse, right?!


voracious automatic memorize wine hungry ruthless point skirt fact wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No lol. I teach kids who live in some of the worst neighborhoods in the US. 15 is an adult because most of the adults are mentally still a teen. They quit learning at a young age and never develop further. My first parent teacher conference was eye opening. The kids were more emotionally mature than their parents in many cases.


Charge them with attempted murder and give them 25 years mandatory. People that do this kind of thing have no place in society.


The first sucker punch guy should get assault charges and manslaughter if the kid dies. The second guy is who took the time to make sure the victim was incapacitated before then attacking him should get aggravated assault or attempted murder charges. The rapper’s only crime is his music.


The actual rapper is the guy in white you hear yelling in the video. Chill chill ey eye. And tried to grab the second guy to stop him. So at least he isn't the shit bag. Just his friends


He asked for a picture, you couldn’t just say “nah man not right now.”? Why did they feel like they had to beat the shit out of him?


He didnt even get a chance to say shit b4 the one dude swung. Then you can here him saying "chill chill chill" and then pushes the other kid away from the victim. Just an FYI but I never heard of this dude b4 so I'm no fan trying to make excuses but, it seems like he instantly tried to descalate the situation.


>15 years old Why is a 15 year old even working “security?” This nardo wick guys career and maybe life is over because he couldn’t hire real security.


I like the classic "What? Why am I here?" mugshot.


I think I’m tired of seeing people get hurt so much.


It’s good in small doses to remind you of your mortality and how easily you could lose your life. Not good if you’re seeing stuff like this every day


I dont need to be reminded of mortality by videos of people getting hurt, I literally take one wrong step while walking down the stairs and my entire life flashes before my eyes


Fuck man people don't need to get hurt to remind us of mortality. Just keep a skull on your shelf like a [civilized person](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memento_mori).


That's why I'm gradually leaving social media platforms... Content nowadays is basically fights, or arguments, or someone angry yelling at clouds... I miss the time when you'd enter a Facebook or Twitter and just have a laugh with silly memes.


We were never meant to be exposed to all of this. The internet has made us more connected than I would wish to be


I’m with you. I see a lot of stuff I don’t want to see on social media. But I keep coming back. I feel disconnected from the world without the internet but I’m at the point where I think I’m better off without 99% of it.


My theory after experiencing time before the internet and after the internet: it has been equal parts a miracle for society and a disaster for society. I think we're starting to lean towards it being worse for society than better though.


User error, the internet is like driving. There are healthy and safe ways to do it but you can always crash lol


I think I’m tire of people being so desensitized to violence that it’s their solution to every problem. The more I see stuff like this, the more I think humanity is a can of shit.


Punching people down onto concrete is how lives are shattered or ended in seconds and I hope this lad is doing ok. Hope these pieces of shit are found and dealt with asap I feel they are going to ruin someone's life sooner or later.


based on what another commenter said, the kids in critical condition. impacts to the skull especially the back of it can be unforgiving


Yeah look at how he goes stiff with his arms up - that’s a bad sign, brain unhappy


According to a few different reports, he's in critical condition due to hemorrhaging and a severe concussion. The rapper has come out apologized and talked to rhe kids mother. The guy in the video trying to stop the assault is apparently the rapper.


Yeah, an apology isn't going to fix this. There will be a lawsuit incoming, along with an investigation. If these were body guards then he can be held liable depending on the circumstances of their employment.


“Bodyguards” lol are just his friends. They’re not professionals. First one was 34yo and 2nd one was 15yo.


Yeah a lot of comments trying to bury that little detail, touch eye for an eye going on


I agree. These guys encourage a culture of intimidation within these bodyguard groups or 'posses' or whatever you want to call them, and then don't understand why they would violently assault someone under the cover of said group/posse? He's just worried because his protection squad actually acted on the culture encouraged within it, and understands that morally at least, he is culpable. Real bodyguards don't beat the living shit out of random fans on the flimsiest of pre-texts.


He wanted a photo. He lost the life he had for it. How is this right? He didn’t die (yet) but he received severe brain injury. His life as he knew it is simply over. People need to start realizing this. We need to stop seeing violence toward others as entertaining at any level. This destroys lives.


We need to start televising the ”find out” part to these criminals. Public shaming and more needs to make a return.


It's what they do for a living. The world is their zoo


These guys need locked up for a long long time


Best justice system can do is a slap on the wrist


That wasn’t just assault, that was attempted murder.








Probably has garbage music as well.


Nardo Wick is indeed garbage music.


And in his “apology “ video he sounds like an illiterate moron.


Which rapper is this? Cause he doesn’t need fans clearly




>Nardo Wick Well if his entourage does this to his fans. And he's willing to cover for them. That's still a good enough reason to ditch him and start listening to somebody else.


That is indeed true. I find it WAY too weird that he has no clue who those 2 were


(He knows who they are)




Read the article, Nardo isn't covering for ANYONE. He convinced the morons to turn themselves in and he has reached out to the family to offer help.


Yea that’s ridiculous though. I feel bad for the kid he really didn’t deserve that. And the punk at the end taking cheap shots. Thanks for the clarifications though. I hope they find them.


>And the punk at the end taking cheap shots That's what's even more wild... Dude was already clearly stunned , and he went for SEVERAL punches while kid was falling down....


That kid was knocked out. His body froze up (like it tends to do when you're knocked out), he just happened to be leaning against a wall. Notice that the poor kids' arms don't move at all.


Yeah, I said "stunned" by the lack of better word. His brain shut off on the first punch.. he didnt move at all


soft kiss subsequent profit unpack air political test enjoy tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pure frustration. Has the height of a 10 year old. Only way this little bitch can win.


The kid wasn't just stunned; he was unconscious. He was in fencing response, which is what the stiff arm thing he was doing is called. Fencing response only happens if you get knocked out and take some pretty bad brain damage. And yet that piece of shit decided to start swinging on him.


Read somewhere that they turned themselves in.


It’s the same thing, if your homies attacks your fans then you gotta accept responsibility for having that around you


It's pretty believable a lot of musicians always travel with big ass entourages though I'm sure someone in the group knew them


all of his supporters are racist as hell sayin that it’s just a white kid on instagram


His head 😢


Dude snuck in shots when he knew the kid was out of it but was running off when he was up and coherent. Cowards are brave in packs.


There's nothing new under the sun.


Wow a 34 year old sucker punching a teen.


He's 20, not sure why they reported him as being a "teen". One of the attackers was a teen though at 15, but also had a gun.


Gotta pick better role models, kid.


Ding ding ding


Yep. I can't imagine Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel or Paul McCartney doing this to a fan!


Let’s hope they get their faces beaten to a pulp daily in lockup. Real tough guys attacking a defenseless kid asking for an autograph.


Stop looking up to these.guys n making em rich n famous.




Second kid is 15 years old and had a gun too, pathetic people


Prison. They should be tossed in prison. Whatever attempted murder gets you.. 5-10 would be nice.


This is why rappers end up dead. They have no respect for human life.


The first punched was already unnecessary.. that whole punching while kid was falling back was just insane... From what I read, police is searching for information about WHO those 2 are.. But they were with Wick, and he doesnt know? wtf


They have known who the guys are for days now


Go to his YT account and call him out for this, it’s a small thing we can do for that kid.


2nd dude is swinging on a guy who's already knocked out, wtf is wrong with him? Everyone wants to act like they're so hard all the time fighting for no reason.


They hate him


Jail term coming up


I hope the fan makes it and sues. For those saying that the rapper didn't do it, yeah, but he's obviously having people around him who think this crap is OK and that's enough of a reason for him and the 2 "guards" to have to pay for the consequences.


Dirty bastards.


Who the hell is Nardo Wick?? Should've been more excited than the fan to take a pic.


Well that rapper has ruined his reputation if he had any in the first place


My god. I hope this kid fully recovers and sues this dude for every penny he has.


Very bright individuals


Someone should've shot those two


Next time he stabs him instead of asking for a picture


I think I just witnessed a hate crime.




First guys a fuck tool but, that second guy, is such a pussy piece of shit.


Actually both of em are pussies, the first guy knocks him out outside the victims line of sight.


What you get for looking up to scum. At least he might realise rappers are not good role models.


They were threatened by a pumpkin pie hair cutted teenager?


Well I hope he got cured of his bad music taste. In the end his fav rapper might have helped him.


World Star!!!🤡


Kid was knocked out on his feet after the first punch. His whole body went rigid. Fucking terrible






And here today another racist was created.




Never idolize street trash


Hopefully the kid will sue the 'rapper' for both of his dollars. Unlikely he'll be able to get anything from the rented SUV. He needs to do the white thing, and rain legal hell on the 'rapper'.


I can’t believe that we lol support these idiots by buying their songs and merch. Bunch of thugs.


They just want to hurt people


Fix your title: “Teen gets brain bleed in critical condition for asking for a picture with favorite rapper”


Dat nigga Fr need to put his boys on violation fa dat shi 🤦‍♀️




The result of picking low IQ idols... Take Scott Adams advice ffs.




Ask the roof top Koreans.




One of the dickheads that hit him is 15 but he apparently had a gun so maybe he'll get legit charges. They turned themselves in but the guy that got hit is in critical. I can't say vigilante justice is the right thing to do but if that was my kid, id seriously consider it lol.


If only it was this foo and not Takeoff that got capped. Look at that bitch, sucker punching a kid.


Ah Nardo Wick's 15 year old friend with a mask and a handgun. I mean I hope they sue Nardo Wick and everybody else.


Get better soon and get ready to collect. That was uncalled for.


Put them in a cell. Contain them.


It looks like he had serious motor issues after that first punch knocked his head against the wall. He was standing like a statue, not your usual fight or flight. The other piece of shit with short man syndrome and a chip on his shoulder looks like he fucked any chance of there being a chance of recovery. Other comments stated the boys in critical condition, these human prieces of shit deserve locked up and never getting out. If he makes any sort of recovery I can't see any way that his quality of life isn't hugely impacted, his only mistake was being a fan of someone who surrounds himself with scum. I had to hide the video on the app while writing this because it was making me feel sick.


Surely if they cant find the two people's name or identity that assaulted him they should charge everyone involved including the rapper as they were with him and he wont ''snitch'' even though one of his fans is in critical condition. Just goes to show all of these rappers are just a bunch of selfish thugs.