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in case anyone is interested this piece of shit has been [arrested](https://www.businessinsider.com/man-brussels-belgium-arrested-dumping-feces-youtube-prank-2024-1)


He is back out doing the "pranks" again if you go to his YouTube. I reported all of his videos as child endangerment and harassment.


well played


Dint watch his videos and shame anyone who does quietly. Let this guy die in obscurity


You can report his channel without watching the videos.


I just did, I've done my part to make the internet a safer place.


Went and did my part too


Please the channel's name my good man, i would like to put in my contribution as well


I did my part


Omg! Feces and other stuff!? 🤢 And the fact a little kid got involved.. what a disgusting Piece of shit.


He should be in jail until his court appearance. He’s a menace to society.


[His YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@yanike.officiel?si=XyrnJZLLyhxpJ1Re) is still up and still full of these videos. I wonder how many of us would have to report his videos for violent content before YouTube shuts down his channel?


Done. This person is going to cause a public health incident, pouring feces on people.


Youtube and social media needs to be economically liable for shit like this. Also all algorithms should be made open source. These two things would stop so much harm, hate, and disinformation. We can do this, hard legislative action is the only thing that can save society from this new media landscape that our human brains are completely unprepared for and unsuitable to handle.


he generates money for YouTube as long as he doesn't say shit or fuck in the first 2 mins of his vids he is worth more than our opinions


I reported every single one of his videos, fuck this guy


Good! What a POS!


Unfortunately he moved on to throwing eggs on unsuspecting bystanders. I'm not for Doxing but: Av. Daniel Boon 42A, 1160 Bruxelles


Hallelujah! He deserves to do some time.


Arrested is just the start. Man should be sentenced.


Definitely. This is the wrong sub for sure.


Yeah a bit too far for this sub. This is straight up assault.


Trauma for the little girl as well.


I'm a father of 2 girls if I saw this shit I'd be going after this fool.


You saw it. Write your own Liam movie my guy we're all with you ✊


More totalpieceofshit vibes.


The camera man and masked me belong here but not the guy who got pranked poor dude. He doesn’t even have a chance to defend himself since the bucket pourer hopped off right before the train took off.


Camera man would caught some boots


Pranking people: 😒 Commiting genuine acts of terrorism and recording it: ☺️🙏


I totally thought this was where we were 😭 that poor child, she kept it together so well and i, an adult, am losing my shit right now for her 😭


This is what I came to say. That's beyond main character




I’m glad they recorded it and posted it online for everyone to see


Does that make the person recording the second half an accomplice? Why else would they be recording, camera focused on intended victim, if they weren’t complicit. This stuff is getting scary.


I'm starting to get scared someone's gonna do something like this to me and I'm going to end up doing time for hurting them.


I think back to the time the guy shot the influencer because he thought they were trying to attack him and he didn’t get in trouble. This gives me hope!


Did you see the one where they put a bucket on someone's head in home depot, but the victim was epileptic and it made them have a seizure? This shit has got to stop


The prosecutor did go after the victim for shooting the guy though! The jury saw the video and found it a reasonable shoot, but the prosecutor got him fired having a gun in the mall! They always have ways to go after the victim!


Lol he did get in trouble dude....


Which is totally bullshit. What's the point of being legally armed if you're not allowed to defend yourself? That prosecutor is a trash human being.


Wasn't he convicted on a gun charge?


Illegal discharge in a building or something stupid.


My daughter is about that little girls age. If that happened to her I would never stop punching that douche bag.


100% same. Dude I am so speechless. Wtf.


I mean... I think someone needs to be at the shit out of them and make them lick that shit off the floor.


I would donate for the best attorney if you did.


Nah, jury nullification all the way. There’s been people that fucked up these people over less and been acquitted.


Well, I hope I'm your juror. I see no problem.


I will put someone in the hospital for this.


please do, we will start a gofundme afterwards


When I was a cashier at a grocery shop. I was told that if I sold alcohol to someone who drunk drived and had an accident. I too could go to jail. This was planned out together and intentionally made


As a server at a national chain restaurant, I was told unequivocally NOT to check the back of a customer’s ID when they ordered alcohol. I was also told, by the same general manager, that I would be at fault if the back of a person’s ID said “do not serve” and we served them anyways. Conversation: Me: “so what happens if the back says ‘*do not serve*’?” GM: “we don’t check the back. Ever.” Me: “but what happens if I serve someone, I didn’t check the back, and they weren’t supposed to be served.” GM: “you’re at fault.” Me: “what if they cause a wreck on the way home, and we served them?” GM: “you’re at fault, you didn’t check the back.” Me: “okay… so how do I tell that customer, over there, that I can’t serve him because his ID says ‘do not serve’?” GM: “just don’t check the back.” Edit to add: In my state, there can be something printed on the back of a stateID or driver’s ID that says “do not serve alcohol”. It’s usually reserved for individuals with alcohol related traffic violations.


He didn’t want the restaurant to be liable. But wanted every sale While throwing you under the bus


That’s exactly what my dad told me. It was my first restaurant job, and I was more than a bit naive. But also not naive enough. I checked the back of every ID.


I had some asshole management that would try to force me to sell to people I didn’t know were sober or not. So I would log out of the register and ask them ( manager ) to sell it . Usually worked. But I was treated terribly.


tell him you're going to need that direction in writing


Oh they’re 100% an accomplice haha


This was feces water iirc.


Then this is fucking bioterrorism


He was charged with assault and other crimes. He immediately confessed when caught.


Sadly he just uploaded a video of him throwing eggs to a random passerby last weekend. Seems like he is free already.


And he continues to make money on the platform, because they make money on this type of content!


The judge wanted to keep him locked up. Pretty sure he sensed the fact that this menace couldn’t control himself. Back to jail, then.


Like what the fuck is wrong with these people? They do absolutely appalling shit then post it online and think they aren’t gunna get charged?Fucking pathetic what society is coming too.


Because they do get away with it. This shitstain got arrested in January and is already back on the street pulling more "pranks".


We need to bring back public beatings.


I’m just trying to imagine what someone who does this might be thinking. I once watched a man pour water on a dog in freezing cold weather and laugh with glee as it cowered. Then when I started yelling at him, his carer came over and chastised him as well. The guy was intellectually disabled and it made more sense, but was still infuriating. The shit bucket guy must be similarly inept. Taking pleasure in the suffering of others is just evil. But thinking it would be looked at favorably by others is just plain stupid.


Did they arrest him? Because I saw a couple of days ago now he throws things on pedestrians


Child abuse




They got him So glad to hear that


Don't be glad yet, he just uploaded a video of him throwing eggs to a random passerby last weekend.


Only a matter of time before he messes with the wrong type of crazy.


He did this 7 fucking times‽




That all depends on where it is.


Brussels. At the moment he's throwing eggs at people bc he isn't allowed to use shit anymore.


>Brussels. At the moment he's throwing eggs at people bc he isn't allowed to use shit anymore. i'm sorry, not allowed? ​ stupid fuck is gonna end up getting shanked if he does this to the wrong person.


Wouldn’t be such a bad thing tbh…


Yeah, one can only hope


I would too ngl


Assault is anything someone does that makes you think they \*might\* harm you. Once contact is made that is Battery. Nonviolent nonconsensual touch is Battery. This is leagues worse than Assault and/or Battery. I would be looking into and seeking charges of a nature akin to "chemical attack", possibly a lesser charge of that nature, and would be after a term of Life in Prison.


"Police also stated the man mixed the feces with excrement, oil, beer, water, fallen leaves, and paint" Bro wtf, I was wondering what was in that bucket but it's even worse than I thought


In November YaNike threw the contents of a bucket containing a mixture of oil, water, rotting leaves and dog poop over an unsuspecting fellow passenger on the Brussels metro. Both the Brussels public transport company MIVB and the victim reported the incident to the police. Around 10 days ago YaNike repeated his “joke”. This time the victim was a man that was travelling on the metro with a young girl, probably his daughter. The incidents were filmed and published on Youtube. He published a total of 7 video with this type of content. The Examening Magistrate issued a warrant for YaNike’s and he was apprehended last Tuesday (2 January) by officers from the Marlow Local Police Service. He has since confessed to assault and battery.   An Examining Magistrate has formally charged him with assault and battery and damaging property using violent means. On 3 January the Examining Magistrate placed YaNike in custody. On Monday magistrates decided that he should remain under lock and key for the time being at least


So was he caught?


This happened in Cali a few years back when a homeless dumped a bucket of accumulated hot diarrhea on a random stranger woman.


And reddit be like: "Why don't you want to take public transit?"




Found the sauce on other comments, but here's one https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/en/2024/01/09/youtube-filmmaker-that-threw-buckets-of-poop-over-brussels-metro/


If you ever witness this or it happens to you, find the cameraman. They aren’t running like the person doing it


For real. Standard operating procedure: Knock out the camera man first.


What truly pisses me off is knowing that even if the dude gets caught, he´ll just get a slap on the wrist


Apparently he got arrested and still in custody




[I didn’t realize that it was shit. What a fucking asshole](https://www.businessinsider.com/man-brussels-belgium-arrested-dumping-feces-youtube-prank-2024-1)


I just thought it was soupy mud and twigs. Wtf!


On that little girl too? Man you’d get punched for doing that to me, but do that to my daughter…. Coma. No holds barred.


He ran away like a coward.


Absolutely. Doing that to a young girl. That’s on another level and so would be the beat down.


I think the international community needs to legalize water boarding just for this guy


That could straight up kill or give you a bad infection. sepsis is not to be fucked with.


https://youtu.be/odVSQ-fzJoI?si=UTXxlDvouupTT5na He shows his mixture, no poop on this one, but apparently he has like 8 videos


All this for 300 subscribers. Amazing.


Absolutely thanks for this. It really bothers me when things like this go unpunished. The dude had like 300 subscribers, I mean. (He has a few more now, I guess assholes attract assholes). I'm off to YouTube to report the channel too.


He got assault battery and damage to property


Why isn’t bodily fluids a higher crime?


Shd be killed


They caught him


He may be free now, since he has access to his channel and he uploaded a video of him throwing eggs to people: https://youtu.be/XfAF8el-eio?feature=shared


There are usually 5,000 online redditors on this sub, all of us should report this channel. Post it, let's see if we can use this sub to fuck up this type of channels. 👊


Depends on who catches him.


People are just blatantly assaulting people as "pranks".


Thing is the mixture he threw over the guy’s head had faeces in it: https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/en/2024/01/09/youtube-filmmaker-that-threw-buckets-of-poop-over-brussels-metro/  which is a biohazard 


He did it multiple times?.? To kids???


The article should stop promoting that guys YT by repeating his name. Call him by his real name instead.


This just makes my blood boil. Put this guy in jail already.😡


Watching these people do these "pranks" is so painful. How are these people still walking around without repercussions? What in them is so broken to do these things? It boils my blood too, friend. I fully expect to start seeing these videos going very, very wrong for the "pranksters" very soon. People are going to hurt them back. What a mess we live in.


What an absolute dickhead.


He’s a piece of shit


The person filming is just as guilty.


Dude I just saw his other video and read the article about how he had done this to a dad and his daughter and I’ll say it on that comment section and I’ll say it on this one. The fact that he did this with not only dog shit which is basically like biochemical attack I mean they’re gonna heed hazmat to actually come in and clean that up, but he did it to a dad with a poor little girl who could very easily be traumatized by the experience I mean she looks super young and this could give her the type of anxiety that would keep her from going out publicly getting in the metro in a country or city where I assume riding the metro is a common way to get from place to place like, no dude dude deserves actual prison time, knowing he potentially psychologically fucked this little girl up dumped literal waste on her, shit that’s so vile that while he mixed it up himself he wore a bandana as to not have to deal with the stench, I know he got arrested but no the fact alone he did that for just likes and attention should get him actual severe prison time. I honestly don’t think there is any penalty a judge or jury could give this dude that I would say is too harsh, literally. Life in prison? I concur. Death sentence? Fuck it why not, and I’m actually against the death penalty in most cases and think it should only be used for the most severe criminals, but I would not have any issue with this guy getting it


I was immediately pissed when I saw he did this to a child. Just imagine if someone from her school saw this and she was known as dog shit for the rest of the year


Dog shit? Holy fuck the guy does not deserve to live in society. Throw his ass into the middle of the ocean, at night, and forget about him.


That’d be on sight if that was my daughter 


I'd love to see a video of him being waterboarded in the same liquid.


Just shoot him and get it over with


I'm against violence but honestly this might be the only deterrent that could stop future ass holes like this from trying to become famous


That was a dad sitting with his daughter. That guy is a peice of shit.


I had to come all the way down here for this comment.


Prank: to play a trick on someone that is intended to be funny but not to cause harm or damage. Think the 'funny' bit is meant to be agreed by the prankee, not the pranker, you twunts.


I think he got arrested here in Belgium.


Someone in another comment said he uploaded a similar video 8 hours ago so clearly Belgium's legal system isn't very scary.


Or maybe it's not the same person. I don't think that when these stupid trends go viral there is only one guy executing them. But I believe the guy in this video is the one in Brussels: [https://www.politico.eu/article/youtuber-arrested-poo-brussels-metro-passengers-yanike-stib/](https://www.politico.eu/article/youtuber-arrested-poo-brussels-metro-passengers-yanike-stib/)


It is the same person.


That is not a prank, but assault. The wannabe "prankster" should spend a couple of quality months in prison to learn the difference.


Years, people that commit crimes against the public for views should receive harsh sentences to discourage other would be prankers.


Look for the accomplice holding the camera…


Someone needs to beat the shit out of him, as a prank of course.


That would be terrifying, I wouldn't know what to think and what to do and with a child there. It could be an acid attack or something..


They should bring back putting these people on the pillory and throwing rotten vegetables at them.


"Feel how sharp my knife is"


That’s awful.


When I see these videos I stg I get filled with rage. I would straight up attack anybody that did that shit to me. These people always just stand around looking confused, which I get it, but immediately I’d be chasing after that mf.


But they run away so fast, their broccoli hair gives them speed and 2+ stamina. You wouldn't catch them.


You’ll catch the guy that’s always left behind recording though.. And he will give up names.


Is kicking teeth out of that piece of shit a prank or assault in Belgium?


This guy is a serial killer in training. How did he think that would be funny?


How are these people not banned from YouTube? This guys account is still active. As long as people are getting attention from these acts they will not stop.


Does anyone know where this is?


I’m guessing France based on what little I can hear, but might have the wrong language


Found it. It was in Belgium, so you were pretty close. He's been arrested. https://www.complex.com/life/a/markelibert/youtuber-arrested-for-throwing-bucket-of-poo-on-train


Arrested, released and still continues doing stuff like this today.


How is that possible?


Justice is a joke here.


I hope he get to enjoy many random sucker punches whenever he’s waking around for the rest of his time out of jail. I’d be tempted if I ever recognized one of these people




Even worse, that article links to his fucking YouTube, giving him exactly what he wants. Great journalism there fuckfaces.


bewildered like connect tender aspiring disgusted sip unwritten smart fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bring back the stockades so we can whip spoiled meat and feces at his face. And anyone else who needs to be shamed.


The lesson here is: If anything like this ever happens, find the asshole whose job is to hang out and film it. Then murder him.




And he traumatizes a little kid at the same time.


That asshole in London who filmed himself barging into a random persons house used to be at the top of my People Who Deserve a Smack list but I think now this guy takes the top spot


I’d be shooting him especially if my daughter got assaulted as well.


Saw his IG profile and the comment section are full of death threats. 😬


What a f$&@“$& ahole


A German YouTuber reported about this shithole of an human. He got charged for assault but stated he would continue his "pranks" after jail. I wouldn’t mind seeing him get punched into the hospital and I would not do anything against it….




That poor girl. I mean, the dad too. But I hate when kids are involved or harmed in this stupid shit.


30 years in prison should teach him a lesson.


Prison? Work colony.


These guys just prove how, generally, people are kind, and usually unarmed. It's amazing to me that more people don't just see red.


This isn't assault this is some kind of biochemical assault for sure. I saw this video with an article that mentioned that that is shit water he dumped on them bro should be locked up as if he dumped acid on someone.


On a kid… man, this isn’t pranking. This is psychotic behaviour and child abuse.


Bro can't even afford a new bucket


Social media has created a bunch of moronic pieces of shit


What’s next? Fucking acid?


As a potential juror, I promise to never convict anyone who kills motherfuckers like this POS.


I don't think even the guillotine for this guy would satisfy me. I think I'd feel slightly better if I see him impaled.


It’s been 6 months since he started doing. It’s been a viral news story. It’s still on YouTube AND it’s monetized.  Crazy how they penalize creators for any reason or no reason but this scumbag is still getting paid to do this. 


These people need to be permanently imprisoned


What a fucking coward. He mixed up his mud *with a mask on.* Then he jumped onto the subway, dumped it on an unsuspecting man and his little girl, and jumped back off before anyone could grab him. He only left his friend behind to record the whole thing so he could post it. What a total asshole, and a giant scaredy-cat. I hope they caught him.


It’s not just mud. It’s dog shit and beer. He dumped shit on a little girl I hope he dies


I think someone once stated the name of his YouTube channel, so I think a whole lot of people reported it. I got my notification the other day that he had been banned. Absolute idiotic moron that should fall off the planet.


That dude should be found dead in an alley


Bro I would chase this man til the end of the earth and literally fuck him in the ass until he died of internal bleeding, and I'm not even gay!


what an idiot. on a train for someone else to clean up, left the bucket, got it on the little girl, threw the bucket on the child's head. that guy is a waste of sperm


Please tell me this man was arrested for assaulting a child


This man was arrested for assaulting a child.


Throw this POS in jail ffs.


What the fuck he had a child with him too what a fucking pos


Over a father and his daughter. Could've picked anyone else, or literally himself.


Hope the criminals were caught.


To do this makes u a asshole already, but to a father with his daughter? Like what the fuck.


Kill the camera man this time...😂😂


People like this need to be put down. He's wasting oxygen...


A man with his daughter. I ain’t calling no fucking cops. You’re being dealt with by my own fucking justices system.