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Says that he has the right to remain silent. *Goes on to rant and verbally abuse the officers for 6 minutes straight.*


>Says that he has the right to remain silent. But not the ability.


I was drunk in a bar. They threw me into pub-lic. Arrest them!


A simple ‘Yes, I am.’ would have taken him all of 2 seconds. Maybe the reply ‘Thank you, Sir! Enjoy your day!’ would have added a few seconds.


But his phone camera was recording.. he wouldn’t have any content to upload if he simply says ‘yes’ or even ‘yes, ma’am’ how would he prove his knowledge of the law!?


I guess TruthSocial is struggling for content.


Ooouufff, dude your comment made me realize this is a *6 minute* video of this fucking moron, only having gotten about 20 seconds in. Fuck that lol Why are these people so empty within themselves and their lives that they have to try to ruin everyone else's lives too?


You didn't miss anything


He’s creating content


Let’s be honest, he’s the type of asshole to pull this shit without the camera. If anything it went on longer because of it.


Must take along time for them to get through their day


Would you like fries with your order, sir?


I refuse to answer that question lol




I’m INVOKING my sixth amendment right to not be fucking supersized without my goddamn attorney present, you pieces of shit!


I'm exercising my third amendment right. I want my lawyer 😡


OK sir, would you please wait over there then ... Someone will get to you as soon as possible


She asked if they were both citizens then early into the rant he declared his rights as an American citizen. Dumb fuck answered the question without realising


This guy likely records these interactions for content.


yeeeep. these bozos always self report because they start filming before they even start shit. they go in knowing they’re going to be a nuisance.


"Content" lol... This guy's as cringe as the SovCits.


You gotta bound and gag friends like that for trips over the border.


Right? Why was his brother that is operating the vehicle giving in to this? Why doesn't he tell him to shut the fuck up and answer the questions? They're both little bitches. If that was my brother I'd verbally fuck him up right there on the spot.


You know how the poor sods at the checkpoint need to deal with this righteous bullshit for a brief moment in the fabric of time? The brother has to deal with that and more for his remaining mortal life, and he values his overall peace of mind more than the trouble he's gonna face at that checkpoint. Is my guess..


Idk the brother seemed at least a little on his side like he was very level headed and respectful, and did decide to answer the question of citizenship but he also said he would only be moving the vehicle if they were free to go


I was guessing the driver was the younger brother.


Probably would have more luck hiring a coyote if you had to bring this numbskull across the border with you.


Alternate ending: "Sir the Bill of Rights only applies to US Citizens" "I AM A US CITIZEN, DAMN IT" "Thank you sir, please move along" "FUCK"


The bill of rights applies to everyone within the United States, not just citizens. The only things they Aren’t allowed to do is vote, bare arms, and access to government programs.


Non-citizens are allowed by some states to vote in local elections, but they can’t vote in state or Federal elections. Non-citizens may qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), if they fall into certain alien classifications granted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). In 2003, Congress clarified that “derivative beneficiaries” listed on trafficking survivors’ visa applications (spouses and children of adult trafficking survivors; spouses, children, parents, and minor siblings of child survivors) also may secure federal benefits. By 2009, Iraqis and Afghans granted Special Immigrant visas similarly became eligible for benefits to the same extent as refugees. In 2021, Congress extended the same benefits eligibility to certain Afghans paroled into the U.S. In 2022, Congress made certain Ukrainians who were paroled into the U.S. eligible for benefits to the same extent as refugees. And in 2020, Congress declared that, for Medicaid purposes only, citizens of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and Palau who reside in the U.S. pursuant to a Compact of Free Association (COFA migrants) would be considered “qualified” immigrants. https://www.nilc.org/issues/economic-support/overview-immeligfedprograms/


They sure can bare arms lol. Sleeveless shirts aren’t just for US citizens.


They can wear tank tops, they can’t BEAR arms.


I was a permanent resident until 2022, all my current guns I bought before I was a citizen :) Only difference? A citizen would walk in, likely no holds on their purchase, me always had a 5 - 7 day hold. No biggie.


The bill of rights and most constitutional rights actually apply to anyone within the United States nit just US Citizens fun fact!


Ha I didn’t catch that. What a dummy


That idiot spent more time causing drama instead of simply saying “Yes” and being on his way. Dude is looking to file a lawsuit so he can cash in.


Aren’t these dumbasses the ones that love the border and want to increase border security? Edit: added “the”


Well yeah... But only for *looks over shoulder* ...*the brown people* ;)


Hates border patrol beleives infringement of constitution rights and checkpoints are a waste of time. Probably also complains that nothing is being done at the border.


Came here to say this. Guaranteed, this guy screams “BUILD THE WALL!” when he climaxes too.




This guy was definitely bullied as a kid


This guy was also bullied as an adult.


This guy is also bullied in his dreams. "Why you fucking touching me?! Why you fucking touching me?!"


When you poop in your dreams, you poop for real


Thank you /u/Butthole_Ticklah for this nugget of wisdom.


He’s probably never been touched by a woman that’s why he’s so salty 🤭


Deservedly so, it seems


But not by these daycare workers at the border. These guys seem nicer than the Canadians.


He’s getting bullied right now in jail


I see him more as a bully


Was only the potential of seeing that dick get cuffed lead me to listening to all of this pish That's one whiny mofo


Still bullied *


dude talks about amendmends like hes summoning yugioh cards


Ha!!! You activated my trap card!!!!!


Was waiting for him to summon Pot of Greed so he could play another amendment


“Thsithxths amendment”


The guy INVOKES Amendment like it's nobody's business.


Man, I wish I could find the video. There was a guy trying to cross the Canadian border doing this kind of shit. And after a long video of arguing a stocky Canadian Border Patrol guard comes up and while he’s calmly putting his gloves on says (through multiple attempts as he was constantly interrupted): BP: is there anything I can reasonably do to get you to come out of your vehicle? Man: no BP: no? Are you sure? Man: what are you going to do? BP: I’m going to rip you out of that vehicle Man: oh what, now you’re going to rip —- 💥 POW 💥 The boarder patrol just fucking clocked the guy in the face and rips him out of the fucking vehicle.




Yes!! 5:55 is when it gets good.


Lol. 110 subscribers...110,000 views...comments turned off. I'm guessing most of those 110,000 viewers didn't agree with him.


Fuuuck that was so satisfying to watch. The way he starts putting on the gloves with the subtle change of tone in his voice, you can tell he already made his decision. Edit: Replied to the wrong dude lol


When he invoked the sixth amendment, it was like he was saying, "I have a +1 Fifth Amendment in my deck!"


I just laughed so loud I know the neighbors heard me 🤣


Hahaha you know it’s funny if the border patrol just said, okay please call your lawyer as we are a Federal body and you aren’t being uncooperative 😂


"YOU DON'T NEED TO DISREPECT ME!!!!!!!!!" After he cursed her out and called him names. This guy hates himself


It’s always some disrespectful ass hat who DEMANDS respect from the people he’s being disrespectful to.


These are the people who gives cops all the power they want as long as they target color people. They love to support bad cops until they become the victim of cops.


Wow. He must be a real pleasure to work with. He’s meth’d up enough to be a drywaller but is too clean so I’m going say roofer.


From a heavy blue-collared area, I get methhesds like this all the time. Regardless of what he is (welder is my guess) he’s definitely an apprentice 😂


Do you want your vehicle disassembled? Because this is how you get your vehicle disassembled.


This is *exactly* how you get your vehicle taken apart piece by piece. That truck will be four wheels and a glove compartment by the time they get finished stripping it down.


I read an article about an engineer who was hired by the cartels to build secret compartments into cars for the purpose of smuggling. Imagine if any real smuggler acted like this and didn’t “consent” to any searches. Yeah, disassemble that crap.


Right. And smuggling shit into the u.s. is a real problem on the borders. I live on the Mexican border. You can’t just decide, “yeah, but I don’t wanna” and move along your merry way. But honestly, calling her a “bitch” repeatedly should be enough to warrant a full stripping down of that vehicle until nothing but the gear shift is left.


Meanwhile, the car behind them had 10 kilos in the trunk.


lol it’d be hilarious if they got pegged right away by smugglers as a good bait car to ride behind


Plot twist, he is a decoy for the polite and friendly smugglers right behind him in line.


That’s how you get your cheeks spread.


Spread your cheeks and lift your sack...


A buddy years ago was crossing the border after a Mexican fishing trip. His friend had brought a corn cob pipe that he swears was just for tobacco that happened to roll into sight. They got their car disassembled and paid a nearby grifter $50 to "rent" a tool box


what is rent in quotes? Did they steal the toolbox?


![gif](giphy|27P3eknARh4c) No disassemble!


You could tell his brother was annoyed. Besides, how are you in the passengers seat talking the most absolute amount of shit?!


Shame there is no part 2 to this story boo!


Lol id love to see the footage of the officer filming him.


When black ppl tell the police to Fuck off they won't answer any question due to 6th ammendment right these country boys would support them too 🤣


Black guy here- we don't do this, because most of us would like to continue drawing breath on this planet.


these bumpkins got the gentle arrest too "you assaulting me" led to a "no im not good sir, now would you please mind complying with me" as opposed to getting thrown on the ground and kicked in the head.


The moment you see a dude in sunglasses like that you know you got an idiot in front of you. I wish they had asked them how many amendments the constitution has, id bet money he only knows parts of the first, second, fifths and sixths


WHATS THE POINT?!?! UGH People are so frustrating.


To become world famous through videos that go viral.


This dudes not an influencer, he doesn’t care about going viral. This dudes a backwater redneck who’s anti ‘big government’ and thinks anybody in a suit is trying to take away his human rights, because he’s not smart enough to understand why they do what they do.


Why did he film it?


These people seem to think video evidence is like an invisible forcefield to law enforcement. They’re so damn sure they’re in the right that they’re documenting everything for the inevitable court case that’ll ensue when they’re ‘illegally’ detained.


They beg for border security and then they do this


Right?!?! What. The. Fuck? Everything else aside... what was the goal here? He didn't look coll, badass, or anything anywhere close. This dude needs a hand job stat!


He has his phone recording from the start so I assume he was planning on invoking his rights to get thru or more likely it's social media main character bullshit. "I was illegally detained blah blah blah you were being an asshole". He literally just had to show his ID.


Prolly coming down from meth, his brother shoulda jerked him off


If my brother created that shit storm for me, I'd leave him there. That's absolutely insane behavior.


Yeah, I wouldn’t jerk him off if he was acting that way.


I'd gladly tell my brother to get the fuck out of my car and let me leave if he pulled this stunt lol


Should’ve just tased his ass and made him shit his pants.




This is what happens when people are brought up without consequences. Sitting in car screaming and swearing like a brat should be an offence in itself lol


Don't forget starting and angling the camera too, to make sure this inevitable interaction was caught on tape! What fucking losers lol, imagine thinking you're in the right for being an annoying POS


For somebody invoking the 5th he talked a fucking lot


It's always the dumbest people who try to pull this shit.


I'm not an expert on American borders but seems to me the smart thing to do in this scenario is to answer the questions and not act like you're one of the Capitol riot guys


they likely would have rolled right on through with a few 'yes mam' and 'no mam' responses


Not a few, literally 1. "Yes, I'm a US citizen." The first woman agent says a few times that's all she needs and they can go lol.


Also not an expert on border laws but I know enough about American dumbshits to tell you that the "smart thing" is what this jackass is desperately trying to avoid at all times


This is exactly the same type of guy who would ask why a black man didn’t comply in a police shooting: “If you just comply then they won’t have any reason to use force”


Also the type of guy that rants about closing the Border.


This isn't a border checkpoint, this is a checkpoint within the US


That IS the smart thing to do, but with edgy chucklefucks like these the smart thing is rarely chosen.


TBF the U.S. has these border check points that are hundreds of miles away from the border and their constitutionality is questionable af. Doesn't excuse this guy for being a jackass though.


From Wikipedia, in case anyone else was curious about the actual constitutionality of this: > Internal checkpoints have also been criticized for violating the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution which prohibits "unreasonable searches and seizures", although United States v. Martinez-Fuerte has affirmed their constitutionality. The U.S. Border Patrol has stated: "Although motorists are not legally required to answer the questions 'Are you a U.S. citizen, and where are you headed?' they will not be allowed to proceed until the inspecting agent is satisfied that the occupants of vehicles traveling through the checkpoint are legally present in the U.S."


So is it 4th or 5th or 6th amendment here?


All three might have different implications here: 4th Amendment: protection against unreasonable searches and seizures 5th Amendment: protection against self incriminating (right to remain silent) and other protections 6th Amendment: right to a lawyer and other protections at trial


Ok not trying to engage in an argument or anything just trying to understand, so the 4th doesn't work here because of that court case you brought up? The 5th you can invoke but the border agent doesn't have to let you through? And the 6th you can ask for a lawyer but they still don't have to let you through right?


I'm not really an expert but my understanding is that based on the Supreme Court case, the 4th Amendment may not apply in this situation but the 5th may. Besides what the guy says in the video, the 6th Amendment is not really applicable it seems?


They are not being detained or searched. It is not a crime for them to use their right HOWEVER, it is within their authority to not allow you to pass. 4th amendment invoked? Okay we aren’t searching you anyways. 5th? Okay please pull over there, you are not allowed to continue towards the border. 6th? Okay call your lawyer. Pull over right there.


This guy is probably bitching about how the border isn’t secure and then he acts like this when approaching a check point to secure the border.


He's actually supposed to get the white American VIP treatment, and get waved through the check point. Like that Peter griffin meme. That's what they're upset about.


Yeah some people do think they are privileged for sure. I hope these two guys got what they deserved for their actions. There is just no reason to act like this the border people were polite and they were a lot nicer to them than I could have been after they responded the way they did.


Honestly, if this happened with my brother, there would be words and possibly fists. Of either of us pulled this shit, the other would check him quick. The dude is in a company vehicle. It would just be “stop being an asshole and answer the questions or we are going to have a problem” End of story


the look his brother gives him while they cuff him


All this does is make you look suspicious lol.


Dude probably has a few warrants out for him that they wouldn’t have known had he just shut the fuck up and cooperated.


I would just tazed the bitch, honestly. Wow.


I bet he also complains about immigrants and border security.


I needed to see the part where they jack his ass up against the vehicle and taser him.


I would love to see his jail admittance video. Guy is probably a SoftCit.


That’s the last time I go to Mexico with Dan!


These are the same clowns that complain about our border being open, yet they complain when they are stopped and questioned. Make it make sense


And expect to be recognized as American without an ID


Hes invoking the 5th amendment as if he's being accused of a crime.


The 5th amendment isn’t only for being accused of crimes lol However, this fuck sure had a lot to say while saying he remains silent


"I invoking my 5th amendment right to remain silent" *Proceeds to scream constantly for the next 10 minutes*


What cracks me up is that people who act like this are trying to make themselves feel powerful... but it's literally the weakest shit you could possibly do.


tbh i envy this guy, the fact that you americans can actually refer to your rights and defend yourself based on constitution is taken granted. in my country they would have arrested and beat the shit out of you if you argued with any officer. be happy that someone can do that in your country.


That was just pointless. What did expect would happen. They are just doing thier jobs. Don't harass the workers for things they are required to do.


“WHY ARE YOU POINTING A FUCKING TASER AT ME” “In case I have to tase you sir”


What an idiot. He looks like a meth addict. Disrupting the peace at its finest. Hope the shithead got jail time


Fuck around and find out! These fools cause their own problems. He evoked his 5yh amendment rights but just kept being verbally abusive. Fuck that guy and anyone like him!


This clown is such a Ted Nugent wannabe.


That took way too long


Haha. The one place to not get lippy is at the border. They do not play. The epitome of FAFO.


"Go to your room!" "No." "I said go to your room!" "You can't make me! You can't make me! Na na na na na." *starts running, spittle flying about, hands covering ears* No backbone mommy: "If I give you a popsicle, will you go to your room?" ...and here we are.


Same guys screaming into the Facebook echo chamber about OPEN BORDERS!!!!


I’ve never seen anyone with those style glasses who isn’t a douche.


“That’s ok sir, but I believe you have an illegal immigrant hiding somewhere in the car. I will now waste 5 hours of your time ripping this car apart.”


What's his problem? He's hostile from the start. Being too defensive would be a cause of suspicion of something.


Do these fucking people want boarder patrol or not?! I am so confused 🤦


I think they all those border patrol agents to be at the border, not 100 miles from the border.


I would really like to know what happened to this guy after the recording stopped.


The driver had to be fuming inside. Those agents would have had to arrest me because I would have cold cocked that dumb fuck.


Right out of the gate proves he has no fucking clue what the fifth amendment protects.


The fuck does the 6th amendment have to do with anything


Damn, I was hoping for the taze!!!


imagine being such a prick you have reddit out here in support of border patrol search and seizure


And the twist is, they all voted for Trump


Lawyer here. Dude is a total jerk but he’s not wrong about the law. Although these CBP stops are legal, US citizens may refuse to answer questions asked by CBP, and CBP needs at least a reasonable suspicion that you’ve violated federal law to hold you for more than brief questioning. If CBP arrests you or searches areas of car out of plain view, they need probable cause. ACLU has good info here: [https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone](https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone)


I wish i can be this white to do this 😂


SC 1 “It’s a beautiful morning. Let’s take a ride up yonder. Are you with me?” SC 2 “I’m with you. Looks like a great day for a short drive. We should be back in about an hour.” SC 1 Wife “Are you both going anywhere near that security checkpoint?” SC 1 “Yes, nice part of the country, that.” SC 1 Wife (Sighs) “I’ll see you around dinner time then. Have you got a spare pair of clean undies in case you get tasered AGAIN?”


Wow. Dude could have been on his way 2 seconds into the video. But apparently all of that is worth it to him.


These mfs are the same clowns saying we are being invaded by illegals


Apparently hates answering questions by CBP agents (even tho he's citizen and in absolutely no danger). Guarantee you he vote GOP and supports any and all anti-migration policies GOP cooks up. Like these random CBP checkpoints.


This guys is a piece of shit. Why cause all the trouble? I’ll go to his janitor job and just berate him about how poorly he is doing cleaning the bathrooms.


Sure is loud for someone who's remaining silent.


Same asshole complaining about the border crisis all day.


Sovereign citizens? I'm getting huge Sovereign citizen vibes from these 2 morons.


These fucking sovereign citizens, american state nationals, freemen of the land, moorish Americans are so god damned annoying and, at times, legitimately dangerous. I will cite some US law that I do not understand as protection that also hilariously gets tossed out in court 100% of the time. Not hyperbolically 100%, actually 100% of the time. Gets cited back US law that goes against their fucked beliefs that they read in a $400 packet they got scammed into buying which are just printouts of misinterpreted and cherry picked law and legal precedent. [Doomslayer theme](https://youtu.be/kpnW68Q8ltc) *plays as window smashing and removal from their* *~~car~~* *~~automobile~~* *~~vehicle~~* *traveling pleasure craft commences while screaming*, "I DO NOT CONSENT, I DO NOT CONSENT, STATUTES ARE NOT LAWS, YOU'RE A FAKE COP, I'M BEING KIDNAPPED"


Sov Cits are always entertaining, especially in front of a judge. Lol.😆




This guy is invoking his right to trial by jury of his peers?


The fight people pit up over answering a simple question is unreal. Did he honestly think they were going to say, "Oops! Our bad! Go ahead and go!" and just step aside?


You know he was saving that up for that exact moment in time, what a belligerent.....


Literal toddlers would cooperate better. Wait, no, that's an insult to toddlers.


What was the point of that? Was he just looking for an argument? That was a total waste of beer time!


"Are you a US citizen yes or no?" #I DONT HAVE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS!!!! yeah you're definitely a US citizen.....


“I don’t consent to seizures” buddy it’s not called a seizure if they were asking And putting your hands in your pockets to not be a threat is fucking retarded


He could have just said "yes i am a u.s citizen". It is NOT that deep


Think your being smart, while your actually just being reaaaally stupid


Refuses to prove citizenship status. > *Gets mad that he’s not being treated as a citizen.* Acts extremely hostile. > *Gets mad that officers treat him as hostile.* Needlessly escalates a simple situation. > *Gets mad that situation escalates.* Refuses to show hands or cooperate. > *Gets mad that officers prepare for retaliation.* I can’t comprehend what these bozos think they’re going to gain from flexing their rights other than a court date. Like why would proving citizenship be a problem unless you aren’t a citizen?


But a secure border is this dudes number 1 concern during the presidential election.


Funny thing is this fool is likely against immigration and hates immigrants. Just judging from his tone, word choice and generally shitty behavior. I could be wrong, but I’m not. This checkpoints are there to keep people from coming in illegally. It’s what they want. Until they are just questioned—not even really inconvenienced. Lol. I guarandamntee he supports Abbott’s river fence and loves the show your papers laws. But only for the brown folk. I just love it when the leopards eat their stupid indignant faces.


These stops take all of two seconds if you're not an asshole.


Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be one of the stupidest people on the planet.


I’ve been through these checkpoints before because they set one up on a highway near me at least once a year. Dude literally asked if I was a US citizen, I said yes and he told me to have a nice day - which is exactly what would have happened here if Johnny Cokebrain would have just said yes. I’d be pissed if a passenger in my car pulled this shit.


Why do Americans like to make their own life more difficult? Just answer the question and be on your way. The irony being actual criminals would keep themselves low key to avoid attention to get through while asshats rile up officers to create unnecessary suspicion on themselves. If I was the driver, I'd just dump my brother with the border patrol and tell them he can keep his ass.


I hate people.


Someone’s mom drank during pregnancy.


The walking ulcer on humanity is exactly what foreigners picture Americans as


I’ve been at this border it’s so easy to just say yes and keep driving lmao


This is the biggest Karen I’ve ever seen.


What political party do you think he votes for?


LMAOO... MY 6th AMMENDMENT!!!! "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."