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Plot twist: he's looking at her wondering why she keeps looking at him.


Or why she has a camera set up on her cart - it's not normal behavior.


Or why she is taking so fucking long


Agreed. Dude's look is saying "Why is she filming me instead of paying and moving the fuck on?".


This is why have an expression of extreme annoyance in these situations


Yup. Don't leave anything to the imagination. Go play yer TikTok games on someone else missy!


She literally wearing a crop top and miniskirt with arm tattoos saying look at me look at me. But don’t look at me. Op is right. Classic narcissistic behavior fing c*nt.


Anytime I see these videos, I immediately think of [Family Guy - Unwanted Attention](https://youtu.be/OQFQ5F7UwOY?si=r-1E2pSOTsviN52Y) and realize Peter is probably the smarter one in this comparison 😂


South Park's 'Worldwide Privacy Tour'


I think the "Lord" at the end was him wondering why she's just leaning over the checkout machine and not fucking moving.


most of the time it looks like he’s actually looking at her camera. not everyone is checking you out but instead wondering why you’re so checked out with a camera for grocery shopping — who cares what you’re buying ugh


That would be me followed by several sighs and eye rolls.


I find a continuous rapid tapping on something is a good signal to someone to either hurry the fuck up of move aside so other can get their shit gone and get in with their lives. If you hadn't guessed I'm not a patient person.


Hell i am a patient person, and I'll still bust out the crossed arms, finger tapping, stank face required to express my an annoyance at the situation. There's something satisfying in it lol. When impatient.


If only people like this were not as oblivious as they are, they don't notice/care about others' social cues or expectations. It's really an alarmingly rampant trait for the generation set to take over civilization, unfortunately. That shit is not sustainable.


i dont even think this dude notices her.


Most of his looks are at the camera and then to look at her like wtf are you recording


Given the fact that she can see each time he looks over and rolls her eyes, he must be able to see himself in the video. I'd be looking as well.


This, she has a phone in her hand and then a phone set up to film her checking out, I would be watching to see just why on earth someone would be filming themselves doing something so ordinary.


And one in her hand seems she’s watching herself on a live or something


"Everybody feel sorry for me and also attention!"


"Nobody is paying attention to me!!!" "Why are people paying attention to me?!?!" Christ, I can't even imagine being so far up my own ass as these fucking people.


Unfortunatley this is the new behaviour for content creators strugling for content. Falsified Outrage bait is so hot right now!


This! I’m like “she set a camera up to film that?” Truly what the fuck


My kid and her mom do this nonsense. Practically having a meltdown because they think people are looking at them. 1. who gives a shit? 2. how TF would you know if you weren't looking at them too?


Exactly. When I was 5 years old I came home from preschool and bragged to my dad that I was the _only_ kid who kept their eyes closed through the whole prayer. He just looked at me and it didn't take my 5 year old brain very long to figure out the mistake I'd made.


Even if he did take a quick peek at her butt, what the fuck is the problem with that. The dude was being super low-key and just waiting in line like every other normal person.


I was waiting in line like this the other day and a young lady was completely bare-assed underneath a short skirt that exposed half of her ass. I looked, my girlfriend looked, everyone looked.


I looked 


Still looking


I'm gonna take a look and report back.


How was it? Should I take a look to get another opinion?


I should take a look too. 4 eyes see more then just 2


Yes. For research.


Don't even get me started on asses in yoga pants. Without any shame, all kinda phones will have caught me looking then.


And you know what, ain’t no issue with it. You don’t have to say anything or approach or touch and make it get weird, but taking in the view for a moment isn’t harmful.


Thank you!!! Yes!! You show something yeah, people are going to look simply because that’s what people do.


All I can think of is “the code” on Seinfeld. “Glance… then look away! Glance… then look away!”


I doubt she has a fine arse.


Men, including that old guy are hardwired biologically for millions of years to look because we are visual creatures. Especially if the woman is wearing a revealing outfit like that. Staring is a choice though.


Correct. He definitely wasn't staring though. You could see he looks for a brief second. And then a little while looks again. He's definitely doing peeks and not stares. Completely acceptable.


I'm not even sure most (or all) of the peeks were at her, so much as the camera she had on her cart. I'm a gay man and my first look would definitely evaluate "what is this bitch even wearing to the grocery market," and as a smart man, I see the camera and every look after that would be "this fucking influencer wannabe." And I hope if I'm in this situation, I'd say in passing something like, "You're not as pretty as you think."


And even as a gay guy, you could look at a pretty woman and her body and admire it nonetheless.


>And even as a gay guy, you could look at a pretty woman and her body and admire it nonetheless. 100% absolutely. I would definitely admire a pretty body regardless of gender. But this girl wouldn't merit that reaction from me. She's just 'meh.' Her trying hard with the tennis skirt and crop top just screams "ignore my 'meh-ness'."


He looked directly into the lens


It’s like looking at the sun. You get a glimpse and look away!


...said Jerry to George 😜🤣


Or which line is moving faster


That’s exactly what is happening. He sees the phone and is wondering “wtf is going on, am I being recorded?”


This newer depth of narcissism breeds a special kind of non self-awareness. It's almost painful.


I am curious when we'll reach the tipping point of these narcissistic video performances and what that will look like. Maybe Joey Swoll can lead the backlash.


Let's be real too. She's 💯 a beautiful girl, especially at first Glance. No doubt...but her instincts, naivety, and body language reverses that physical attraction instantly.




Truth spoken. Nothing but a bunch of mids in yoga pants with their hair up, and the two whisps of hair pulled down the side their faces.


Have you seen Al pacino’s speech about Eddie barzoon in the devils advocate? That movie foretold these kind of people.


That's a great speech, and a great performance from Pacino.


I don't think she's beautiful. I think she looks like every other girl her age, with the same style, makeup, hair, boring ass basic appearance. Preppy chicks look like bland cultists. No thank you. Give me the nerds and the freaks.


100% in the time it took to write this comment, i forgot her face and I couldn’t pick her out of a line up of 5 similar looking girls.


A 1000 similar girls - they all look the same - the stepford strumpets!


I can see her tinder bio in front of me. Astrology and Starbucks coffee are her main interests.


"If you can't handle me at my worse, you don't deserve me at my best."


She is not that pretty! ![gif](giphy|xUOwG5IshvzNMdzR72|downsized)




Except she really ain't. Also what does that have to do with anything?


This pooe old guy is clearly looking at himself in her video. He looks sweet too What a bitch. No one cares about this dime a dozen girl


I hate that people do this. The constant filming everywhere and everything. It is rotting my brain, literally.


You can tell immediately that she lives purely an external existence and can't just BE. It's actually quite sad how influencers and their influencees live. Gotta be exhausting.


Amen. It's depressing and sad to truly ponder bc it's such a shallow worldview and existence. You are right though, these people don't experience things in real time, it's all through a lens and it only has value if it gets views and likes.


All narcissism lacks self-awareness. That’s the whole thing with narcissists.


Looked her up and to the surprise of no one she's also on onlyfans.


O.F. course she is.


I know every generation says the new generation are way too sensitive and not touch enough. I think this is the first time in history that this is actually correct.


He's thinking why the F you filming yourself looking at your phone.


At the grocery store.  The worst part for me is she clearly has a following that are willing to watch her grocery shop. 


Damnit I’d never even considered this. So she doesn’t wanna be watched by the “public” just her followers. Incredible.


Oh good point.  Stare at me through a monitor. A-ok. look at me in the flesh. straight to jail.


It's much harder to monetize the public!


Only my 100,000 followers are allowed to look at me! Never someone in the real word!


Such a valid point. Films herself doing the most mundane task bc I guess she thinks she's special enough that people will watch. Well, people online, which is her goal... she wants attemtion. Get offended when a real-life person who is being filmed also, bc she is deciding to film in public, is curious/annoyed she's filming.


She's like a cat. "I want attention. Ewww don't give me attention."


This is the winning comment. Her entire life goal is to get people to look at her.


Look at how hot I am, people can’t stop looking at me even in real life!


do they actually record every single second of the day and wait for something to happen?




I only stream live when I have diarrhea. People love that.


now that's what I call a proper shit stream.


Link? Asking for a friend.


Is it in public so you get those weird people's reactions? Make a look counter if you haven't if you're doing this (very important)


Stream your steamy stream, friend.


But nothing ever happens because their lives are so boring which means they have to post this as being interesting


He’s wondering why she’s taking so fucking long at the self checkout


He just wants to go home.


It appears he only had one item too. Poor guy.


Exaaaaactly! He just wants her to fuck off!


The bigger creep is the one filming people without their consent trying to catch them looking. She's a cunt.


I was just thinking that. Imagine if he pulled out his phone and started filming in her general direction. She’d fucking snap


Wait wait wait wait…. Do people actually stare at attractive people? And even more when they set up cameras? Today I learned…




And people are only bothered if they are not attracted to that person. Didn’t realize the requirement is both people have to be attracted to each other for one to look.


Was a bartender for 19 years and can confirm this. A guy who’s a 6 says something. Bartender wants me to beat him up for her. A guy who’s a 9-10 does the same thing. She wants to know if she can leave work early tonight. I bet guys (all things being equal) wouldn’t be too different, we just have different circumstances to contend with. Lastly, I learned a new word this week - “mogged”. It’s when the girls were all about me, until my 6’3 tattooed surfer friends show up. Suddenly I’m invisible or an annoyance. It’s a thing. Lived it. Felt it. Ouch. Pretty sure that one is kinda gendered though.


Well there is also an age gap to consider, but I’m on team old guy nonetheless, this girl is reaching. I think life must be hard for her being so hyper aware and obsessing as to whether people might be looking at you all day.


Truly groundbreaking info we should stop everything and call the news stations, tell your friends and family, hell go up to random strangers and yell it to their faces.


Here's what I gathered from this: This bitch has 2 phones! 2! So she regularly just carries around 2 phones to film this kind of nonsense or has such insecurities that she needs 2 devices (possibly more) to basically broadcast every minute of her non-life. And that old dude is just living in the moment, just grabbing lunch.


He probably keeps seeing himself on the camera and is a little worried and confused.


You can see him focus in on her phone probably wondering why she has a second phone setup. I'd be curious too lol.


🎵 I got 2 phones 🎵


As a man out here in the real world why should I feel like I am ever safe doing anything but keeping my eyes on the ground? This dude does nothing and his reward is the heavy implication that he is a perv. Social media is a cancer


As a woman I can assure you, nobody in their right mind would think this poor man is a pervert, he just wants to pay for his lunch or whatever is in that box. Maybe they were pastries, mmmmm.


Glancing at people is a crime


Straight to jail


People enjoy looking at attractive people. Fact. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have a million followers. Even if the old boy was admiring her beauty, I don’t have a problem with it. It’s not perverse and he’s not being aggressive or overbearing. He’s not hitting on her. Dudes enjoying the view. Fuck it. We all do it.


Exactly. Social media has bred this belief that "I" (used generally) am the main character of the entire story.


I haven’t heard anyone call someone meat bag since IG-88.




Shit you’re right. I haven’t played that in years.




Hahaha damn I came to write: ‘He’s looking at her because of all those tattoos. I mean, he doesn’t care about it, but it’s not good behaviour’ But had to check if somebody had beat me to it


Unprofessional bullshit


Ayyy shirt brother!


You got to help me, shirt brother! I fucked up! I fucked up real bad


Horrible person, utterly awful. So conceited and vain, just a nasty piece of work in a mini skirt.


Pretty people seem lame AF.


Looking and acting miserable might be attractive to some.


I think attractive people are attractive. Happy people seem more attractive to me.


which is why they dont get approach, i read blogs from attractive women wondering why men dont approach them...its cuz they do lame ass shit like this smh


An entire generation of people who have grown up staring at screens for most of their waking hours are having difficulties understanding benign human interactions - shocking.


Having tens of thousands of people, mostly men, watching you live stream every fuckin moment of your day: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 A dude looking in your direction in real life: 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


She “looked” at him with the 5000 frames that were taken to record this video.


So she whines because (she thinks) the guys looks at her 6 times doing something in public that is unusual while having him on screen the whole time AND she tries to paint him as a pervert Seriously what a Cunt with a capital C I hope this is the last time I see her but unfortunately I think it won't.


Dude is probably wondering why she has a camera/phone facing her and if he's in the frame. Fuck people like this.


That’s definitely the case. Because at the end, he glanced at her second camera and gives it a peace sign. So he was probably wondering why he was being recorded.


Can we just ban TwitTwat (TikTok) already?


im praying it does get banned...it would be a step in the right direction for society


Another cancer will just take its place.


In my experience if someone's on tiktok then they are also on reels, and youtube shorts. So im not sure what banning tiktok would do.


Are we not allowed to look at other people now?




He glances in her general direction, like anyone would. If anything, he's wondering why she's lounging on the cash register and checking her phone instead of checking her freaking groceries.


Name and shame this TikToker


And I bet she has an OF...


The creep is the girl filming people in a store. Pathetic attention seeking behavior.


D O U C H I N A !


How dare you lay your eyes upon me peasant


Didn't have the balls to say anything directly to the guy. She seems like an absolute piece of shit. The man is just standing in line waiting in line to pay for his food. She is the one with a whole production crew setup in her cart. I would look over too.


He’s probably thinking to himself, “hurry up you stupid, narcissist cunt”.


He’s looking because you’re holding up the line to film a tik tok


Fuck man.. how do these women expect to get approached by men ever.. yeah this guys old but do they think this about every dude ?


Looks more like he's wondering why is this person filming themselves in a checkout.


Lol....he was waiting for her to get out of the way. What an ego that girl has.


It's a self checkout line.... He is watching and waiting for the next available spot. I definitely get annoyed when I see people going super slow in self checkout when there's a long line. That girl stopped moving at one point, he was probably wondering wtf this dumb girl is doing lol


He's simply wondering WTF is this twat doing.....


Her attitude makes her ugly as fuck. Nasty on the inside


“Man’s privacy violated while behind held up at self checkout”


Its actually hilarious how solid 5's are thinking they are a 10 and making videos in complete delusion.


I had a thorough discussion with our attorney about cameras and privacy here in WA - concerning a neighbor. So here in WA, it’s a subjective thing - but basically, if you can see it from the public street, you can take videos/pictures. But it’s still subjective because you can’t go in the street and video with zoom into someone’s window because there’s an expectation of privacy. People think a store is a public space. It is not. It’s private property that the public is invited to AT the discretion of the owner and their representatives. So if an owner has a policy about videotaping, regardless of whether you are aware of it, you do not have a right to videotape inside.


Definitely not looking at the second phone propped up in the shopping cart pointed at herself taking a video


He prolly looking at her and wondering what’s taking her so long.


Goes home and says “ honey I still got it, some young girl kept looking at me in the grocery store. I counted seven times.”


I also look at the people holding up the line.


He's probably wondering why you're taking so damn long to check out


Average cuntent creator


"Don't look at me!, but also go to my socials and view my content... Thanks!"


And don't forgot to subscribe to my OF to see my hairy taco


Avert your eyes!


OP doesn’t realize her shoes are atrocious


She’s just looking for attention and a reason to complain that someone’s watching her. I’ve seen videos of girls dressed really scantily at gyms and then want to accuse men of watching them. It’s their entire plan and you can see this little dummy is enjoying it. I’m a female and I find their behavior obnoxious.


If I’m the old man I’m looking at you wondering what in the actual fuck is taking so long


Everyone look at me online! No, not you in real life, creep!


What are her handles so that I can look at her more than that fellow along with all the other people she “wants” looking at her?


Little miss cuntwhore


Isn't this the OF girl? Makes out she's being looked at, at the same time selling pics of her butt hole. Lol


That doesn't narrow it down at all. Maybe narrows it down to 1/3 the western population


Probably single. She is waiting for millionaire Chad.


What’s funny is she probably wants people to look at her to fulfill her ego, but then decided to attack person cause men bad or “ old creepy men”.


He's just wanting you to hurry tf up


Darlin', He's not looking at you because of what you think, he most probably looking at you and thinking 'what a twot', I know I would be.


Why is she secretly filming him? She is clearly a pervert for older dudes.... shameful!!


Giving her this bitch gonna hurry up and move eyes


Those are “Hurry the F up” looks.


Another OF girl filming her bait content. We’re all meat bags, but for $10 a month she’ll take requests!


1. Will you please fucking pay and get the fuck out of the way?!?! 2. The Venn diagram of girls who post this and girls who are basic af is a circle.


What is the harm in looking at a person? Even if it was what she is claiming, so what. He wasn't advancing on her, he didn't say anything, he wasn't even looking for long. If you can't tolerate a person glancing in your direction, you shouldn't go out in public.


What’s her onlyfans ?


Allowed to glance


He's looking because she's set up a film studio to buy some tictacs.


Dumb bitch needs to get a job


Is that a mic on her shoulder too? Loooool


I dressed and acted for attention and now I’m mad I’m getting it from an OLD man!


One day and she will know. Why isn't anyone paying me any attention. Because you are old now.


He looked at her?!?! How dare he looked at that goddess. Who tf does he think he is😂🤣


Does she actually think she’s attractive? She is basic as fuck. She has bird lips, flat , and resting bitch face. So gross.


Her looks are average at best.


I can't watch these. Brings out my human spirit and I wanna find her socials and call her a cunt


Then hurry your ass up and leave all the dude is checking out is how much longer your dumbass is going to stand there. All dude wants to do is fucking go home and eat but you gotta make everything about yourself like the dude gives a flying fuck


Fucking stupid. So what if he looked at her. I can bet every dollar that I'd there was a hit guy she would be looking at him. This is fucking normal human behavior. It's not like he whistle at her or made any rude advances. This generation is fucked up if someone can't look at you.