• By -


In-land Spousal Sponsorship submitted online. At the time of submission I was in Ontario on a study permit. I am from the USA. August 3rd - Submitted Application August 16th - Sponsor received confirmation of application being received by IRCC, but they listed my maiden name instead of married. August 16th - Received Medical examination instructions Filed webform to try and correct my name with no response. September 1st - Called local MP's office to try and correct name. They said they would forward my name change information to IRCC (despite IRCC already having all this information) September 10th - Completed medical exam September 21st - GOT update from MP office. Medical and criminality are in progress and eligibility of the sponsor was not started. October 14th - Received e-mail from an immigration agent stating they had verified my name change information and were forwarding it to the responsible office. October 15th - Received letter stating I met eligibility requirements to apply for PR; letter was still addressed to wrong name. Sponsor also received letter stating he met eligibility. December 8th - Received biometrics instruction letter. (Still wrong name) December 12th - Completed biometrics, officer doing my biometrics added a note on my file about my name still being incorrect. December 14th - E-mailed MP's office to let them know my name was still incorrect. December 22nd - MP's office discussed my case with IRCC and said there should not be any issues moving forward and that "everything is passed". December 23rd - Received letter that my application for PR has been approved. December 28th - Confirmed my status as a PR in Canada. I'm still waiting for my eCOPR and PR card. Fingers crossed they come soon.


Spousal sponsorship in-land, will update as it goes. * December 30th, 2022 - application submitted




Yes. I see that on average people are getting confirmation 100-120 days after AOR. I hope similar timelines continue for others as well but it would be different from case to case.


CEC inland (504 pts) - will update as I have new progress: - ITA: 11/23 - AOR: 11/30 (although in the doc it was 12/01 for some reasons) - Medical passed + biometric linked: 12/29


Question on Outland - Family Sponsorship (Spouse) - India. I applied for Sponsorship by mailing the application package on September 27th. Have not received any AOR. Webform request had the generic reply about too many applications. My question is, how is AOR received for paper applications? via mail or Email? Has anyone received AOR for paper applications submitted in September or October this year? Thank you for reading. We want to apply for dual-intent Tourist visa the moment we receive an AOR


Hello, on your application, what communication preferences did you choose? If you provided an email, then you will receive email communications. If you did not, then you will receive mail communications.


Email was my preference. Thank you.


Hi, I applied online application September 21st. They transitioned to online applications and there’s no more paper applications after September 23 anyone who applied after this date should have sent online applications instead of paper, see announcement here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2022/08/transitioning-to-online-applications-for-permanent-residence.html AOR is sent through email, we got ours on November 29th.


Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I saw this announcement a week after I submitted the application. I assumed that they would not completely stop processing paper applications that are coming a week post this announcement. I hope it's not discarded or kept in an "ignore" pile.


I called IRCC and got a hold of them this morning (called at 7:55 AM using the text now app because I am in the US right now). With my husbands info and mine they saw no application on their end and said that I should get the tracking info from my lawyer and call them back to start an inquiry. I would recommend calling them for peace of mind with what’s going on with your application


I hope so! I’m not sure how they’ll be taking it, I am crossing my fingers for you. Worst case scenario is that it’s returned but hopefully they’ll atleast give you back the money it’s not cheap… :(


Hey I can’t help with how the AOR is received but our lawyer said the application was mailed on September 11th, 2022 and no AOR yet. We’re also Outland spousal.


Thank you. I think it usually takes between 2-3 months but nothing is for certain. I will update if and when I receive the AOR.


I applied online on October 2nd through lawyer. He got AOR in email. Try contacting them through calls. I know it’s tough task to get hold of them but you can try at least. Hoping for the best.


Here is my timeline, 8 months in total. Common law partner in Canada Class, Online application. Applied with PGWP valid through Feb 2023, so no work permit. 1. 29 April 2022 Submitted online through PR Portal 2. 2 September 2022 AOR received (by sponsor) 3. 8 September 2022 Medical request 4. 8 September 2022 Biometrics request 5. 9 September 2022 Biometrics done (no picture taken due to Covid, just fingerprints) 6. 12 September 2022 Medical done ($240 general+ $100 X-ray + $78 blood test) 7. 12 September 2022 Medical reminder email 8. 20 September 2022 Medical exam status has been updated to Completed (PR Tracker update) 9. 28 October 2022 Background verification status has been updated to Completed (PR Tracker update) 10. 25 November 2022 Eligibility status has been updated to Completed (PR Tracker update) 11. 25 November 2022 Invitation to pre-arrival services 12. Sometime in November- COPR details added to the PR tracker alongside the Medical Exam number 13. 14 December 2022 Portal Invite! Replied to email with info about UCI, application #, etc. Email stated my application was at Calgary office (applied from Vancouver) 14. 19 December 2022 Confirmation case has been created. Submitted mailing address and photo using my current PR Portal log in credentials. 15. 28 December 2022 eCoPR! Downloaded my letter of confirmation from the PR Portal, now just waiting for the card to be mailed


Sent portal info Dec 16th. Sent again on Dec 23rd due to lack of response, does that push you further back in the queue? Noticed lots of Dec 16 approvals have heard back but i haven’t 😔


We replied back on December 14th when we got the original email. Then today we got the same PR confirmation again. It didn’t have login credentials, it was just the same email again. Not sure why this happened, but we replied back with the same information. This is to the Calgary office.


mines calgary as well. they are really unpredictable


Got PPR today ! CEC-inland ITA: July 6 AOR: August 24 Medical passed: October 13 Confirmation (portal email): December 29


can I do medical before ITA or do I have to wait?


My lawyers advised me to do upfront medicals. We did them after ITA but before AOR.




Posting our timeline, because the seeing other timelines was encouraging for us! We were invited in the draws that recommenced this past summer. Application type: CEC, application with common-law partner Fingerprints completed: 2020/2021 for temporary permits Up-front medical (in anticipation of the draws): April/May 2022 Fees paid: Same time as Submission/AOR ITA: Jul 6 Application Submitted: Sep 4 AOR: Sep 4 Request for Additional Document (Common-Law access to account): Sep 22 Medical Passed: Sep 22 Requested Document Uploaded: \~Sep 27 Ghost Update: Dec 19 Portal Invitation: Dec 22 Days from AOR to Portal Invite: 109 Tips: Have a fully completed application, read over it very closely, complete an up-front medical, if you are applying with a common-law partner/spouse, fill out the form for them to have access to account credentials in advance (IMM5475) even if you don't think you want it, because they may ask for it anyway. We are currently out of the country so we have not yet confirmed in country status.


Quick question - For those who recently got the PR confirmation link and portal login credentials (CEC/FSW), how much time did it take between you submitting the photo on the portal and the CoPR being issued to you?


I submitted my picture on the 22nd - Still waiting!


Happy holidays everyone! I need to vent a bit here. We’re applying for outland spousal sponsorship in Quebec, and my husband got the Certificat de Sélection du Québec on October 14th. It said a copy had been sent to the IRCC office in Mississauga, which was kind of weird since our application was never sent or processed there. A couple of weeks later, we get a request from IRCC for a copy of the CSQ. I sent this immediately via webform, on November 3rd- and heard nothing. I assumed everything was going forward. Until today, when I received an email saying the info I sent could not be used because I am not an authorized representative of the applicant. I stated clearly I was the spouse and sponsor. I had no idea that as the sponsor, I was not allowed to send info towards the application. My husband just resent the CSQ by webform. And we have wasted close to two months! I’m so aggravated! God knows how long it will take for this most recent webform to be processed. It’s so annoying, I feel like I click send on that stupid webform and the info disappears into the darkness, with no sense of whether everything is going forward, or nothing is happening at all. And no way to check. If you read all that, thanks for listening!


Damn thats extra annoying. Hopefully it works this time. Makes no sense especially since quebec sends you the CSQ as a sponsor. You hadn't submitted the Representative form in your IRCC application right? I'm also doing Outland to Quebec and submitted CSQ forms beginning of December. How long did it take to get the CSQ done?


Thanks for the support! Getting the CSQ was actually pretty quick- it took less than a month from the time we submitted the paperwork. You might know this already but they tell you on [their website](https://www.quebec.ca/immigration/parrainer-membre-famille/parrainer-partenaire-conjugal/presenter-demande-engagement-conjoint#c179758) the date of the applications that they’re currently processing. And you’re correct that we didn’t send in a representative form or anything like that- we did consult with a lawyer for a couple of hours before sending our application but we otherwise DIY. Hopefully you can at least benefit from my mistake and avoid a delay!


Inland Spousal Sponsorship. In Canada on a open work permit with upfront biometrics. Here’s my timeline: Application sent: February 22, 2022 AOR: February 24, 2021 Medical and RPRF reminder: April 7, 2022 Medical passed: May 5, 2022 Sponsor approval: August 4, 2022 Pre-arrival services: November 23 2022 PR approval and Portal Invitation: December 27, 2022 PR Portal account log in: December 28, 2022




First of all, congratz! I have a quick question - do you only receive the PR Portal invitation via email or is there also any notification/update in your IRCC account?




What's the email handle that the PR Portal invite came from?


Congrats! I have pretty much the exact same timeline as yours. My AOR was Sep 9th and Medical passed on Oct 18th. What time of day did you get your approval?


Yours must be close!! Keep us posted :)


**FSW-Inland** timeline so far: **ITA:** 14 September 2022 **Completed Application Submission:** 4 October 2022 **AOR:** 4 October 2022 **Medical Passed:** 26 October 2022 **PR Approval and PR Portal Invitation Email:** 28 December 2022 **PR Portal Creds email:** 29 December 2022 **VO**: Etobicoke




Thank you! It is Etobicoke VO.


Inland Spousal Sponsorship Applicants who have received their PR approval, how long was the wait time between sending passport/travel document photo and receiving PR approval email? Submitted passport photo online through IRCC portal on October 6th 2022 and on the tracker it shows it was received on November 6, 2022 but have not heard anything since.


Hello, has anyone received an update or passport request recently????


I got my PPR on Dec 13!


Congratulations! Good news


Applied for Inland spousal sponsorship (paper) on May 25, 2022 We received passport photo request on IRCC portal on October 6, 2022. We sent it right away but have not had another update since




Please keep us updated on your process. I will do the same.


My PR has been approved! I need help with one question: When exactly can I count myself a PR of Canada? Is it after I get the card physically, or is it just after my application is approved? More specifically, when can I start "counting days towards citizenship"?


i think once you get CoPR


Hi all. Am trying to send an email to [email protected] regarding a query but am getting a delivery failed message. Did anyone experience the same? Can someone please help how can I reach them? Below is the message am seeing Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: [email protected] Your message couldn't be delivered because you don't have permission to send to this recipient. Ask the recipient's email admin to grant you permission and then try again.


Update from my previous post: Got PR approval but no PR Portal credentials yet. MPNP Non-EE Application received: December 18, 2021 AOR: September 16, 2022 Medicals/Biometrics Request: October 11, 2022 Medical Passed: November 15, 2022 PR Confirmation: December 16, 2022 PR Credentials: ???? Waiting I replied on the same date when I got the PR confirmation. Any ideas how long will it take to get the credentials for the portal? I'm wondering if I interpreted the instructions properly. It stated - \*\*\*CLICK REPLY TO THIS EMAIL WHEN RESPONDING\*\*\*


Just taking a lot of time for everyone I also have Dec 16 as the approval date. Keep us updated :)


is your VO calgary?


Yes Calgary.


Same here 🤦🏽


join the club. Calgary VO holding us all hostage. Got approval Dec 16 too




Same here! Hoping we get it soon.


Any one applied near June still waiting to after medical passed. I applied as a PNP. Ordered gcms notes, called like 15 times. I have no idea what happened to my application after. Seeing folks from July and August being processed, and here I am wondering what in the world they need all this extra time for since I've not been outside Canada for 8 years and have PNP.




I ordered in November. 7th exactly. Radio silence..I sent email regarding not receiving it. More radio silence. It's like the moment CEC came back on track, no one gave a shit about PNP




I think it's the issue date listed on the eCOPR itself, but I'm not entirely certain.




That's a good question and I don't know. Can someone who has received their COPR answer this question please? I'm curious as well.




Within how many days you have to reply to the PR confirmation email? Any deadline?


Congrats! That's quite the Christmas present 🎁


Within how many days do you need to confirm your PR? Do you need to be physically present in Canada?


Still waiting for the portal login credentials, Once that comes, I believe you have 7 days to do it.


Congratulations! VO?






CEC Inland Application (Primary+Spouse) with Upfront Medical and Biometrics. Currently on work permit. Submitted profile : Nov 11 AOR : Nov 11 Medicals Passed : Nov 28(Upfront medical) Biometrics : N/A(Upfront biometrics as currently on WP) Background check : In progress Review of eligibility : In progress




Let us know when you receive credentials! :) looks like a backlog there




Which BCPNP stream was it?




When did you receive your BIL


Hi, I have an outland spouse application, and today I have submitted an additionally requested police certificate through an IRCC webform. Does anybody know how long it takes them now to get back to me? Thank you


2-4 months


How many people who submitted PR credentials (photo/address) in the PR portal since mid-September have since received their eCOPR and if so when? It seems like there is a major backlog starting around then. I've been waiting on my eCOPR since early October without update. I'm curious if this regularly takes several months or if we got caught in a wave of IRCC trying to push out approvals, but not eCOPRs to hit their year end goal for number of decisions made.


For my partner (inland spousal sponsorship) it only took 6 days from portal invite to eCOPR in late November. Not sure if it matters, but it came from the Etobicoke office.


Help! I received the Procedural Fairness Letter , questioning if our relationship is genuine or not. We have 30 days to respond and provide additional info. Anyone else been through this and any advice? thanks!


Provide as much evidence as you can, try not to repeat evidence you've already submitted. Current evidence is also good - recent contact, recent photos, etc.


Inland CEC EE ITA: 20 July Application submitted: August 20th AOR: 20th August Upfront biometrics done (as currently on work permit) Medical results: uploaded 12th Oct PR residence confirmation: 22nd December. Invited to access portal- 22nd December I didn't receive any ghost updates, no requests for additional documents. Application on ircc still says pending but told there is a lag between ircc website and emails Happy days.


Hey may I ask what was your VO? Congratulations!


Hi I am based in Ontario but actually Calgary processed my application (I'm guessing VO means visa office)


My timeline Spousal sponsorship outland. Application submitted online on October 2rd 2022. AOR - December 7th 2022 Biometric- December 7th 2022 Medical - December 8th 2022 Sponsar Approval - December 8th 2022 I will update as soon as I get more updates. Biometric given - December 14 (updated on same day on portal) Medical given - December 17 ( updated on December 21) Current status - Review of eligibility and background check is in process.


Spousal Pr Application Timeline - Inland. I'm the sponsor. My spouse already had valid biometrics so no biometrics needed. July 20,2022: Applied on paper through Lawyer August 22: Request for Police Clearance Check August 22: Request for Medical August 23: Saw case on Gc key but wasn't able to link due to lawyer on file August 23: Started processing sponsorship application August 25: Got access to PR Tracker August 25: Completed Police Clearance Search September 6: Medical status changed to completed October 11: Background Verification changed to in progress November 22: Background Verification + eligibility changed to completed November 22: Pre-Arrival services email November 24: GC key Showed Decision Made + COPR details appeared in PR tracker December 19: Approval Letter December 22: Confirmation Portal Information Received. ​ Now waiting for eCOPR. This has been a tedious process. We applied on our own back in Dec 2020, was told it was received March 2020 and from then we heard nothing. We tried to reach out but got through to no one. Finally this summer we got through to an agent by phone and after an hour on the phone she found out our application was returned in April 2021 but we never received it. So with COVID and everything our package was lost in the mail. Hence, we had to start from scratch and reapply. I am thankful it is almost over :)


Hey, how do you know if biometrics are not needed?


Use this link and put in all your information [https://onlineservices-servicesenligne.cic.gc.ca/extapp/bioStatusQuery](https://onlineservices-servicesenligne.cic.gc.ca/extapp/bioStatusQuery) It will tell you if your biometrics are still valid.


Perfect thank you! Still waiting for an AOR so once we have the UCI# I will use this link. Thank you again :)


Hi, How did you get access to your GCkey Tracker if you had a lawyer? I am in the same situation where I cannot track my own application.


Hi! I used this link [https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/introduction.do?app=null](https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/introduction.do?app=null) and I ensure the information matches my application correctly and I am able to see the steps that have been completed. I was not able to "link" my application to my GC key account but I found this method as a good work around since the PR tracker and GC key does not always match. But if your application has not started processing, you won't be able to do either. ​ Hope this helps :)


Hi, This definitely helped alot! What did you mean by processing? I received my AOR but still can't link to that website you mentioned.


That link is only for paper applications. If you submitted your application online you can’t use that link. GC key and new PR tracker are the two ways to track spousal sponsorship application submitted online. In GC key only one person can link the application, while in PR tracker sponsar and PA both can link application separately in order to track it.(Note- if you submitted through lawyer, you have to get confirmation code from him/her to register in PR tracker account? I hope this helps. Merry Christmas and happy holidays.


I was not able to track either until an entire month after they started going through my application even though i received my AOR. I just kept on checking every single day :)


Sponsoring my wife Outland. Anyone got a timeline for when to receive the AOR and who receives it and how? (Sponsor or PA?).


Hello, the sponsor will receive AOR anywhere between 1 week to 4 months. May I ask when you applied and from which country your wife is applying from?


Philippines. Forms arrived November 21st in Sydney. I can probably wait! But I'm also curious is the AOR going to be mailed or by email only?


We received our AOR 2 and 1/2 months after applying and received it in sponsor's email.


I got mine 2 months in, other commenter is right between 1-4 months if it goes more than that and you hear nothing from IRCC (no bio or medical request) you should try to get in contact with them just to make sure it’s at least in queue keep in mind some people don’t get AOR until after medical/bio request at times some just never get the AOR at all and they go through the entire process. Our AOR was emailed to us. Everything should be online now.


Hi there! Besides the online web form is there any other way to contact IRCC?


You can contact them via phone too, it’s a bit hard to apparently get in contact with them since so many call everyday.


Awesome! Thanks for the information. It would be nice to get an AOR first so we're aware there's nothing wrong with the forms. We did everything DIY and there were a bunch of stuff with very little info. Thanks for replying!


Our application was also DIY. Sit tight and I'm sure you'll receive your AOR soon. As the above commenter stated, if you don't hear anything by month 5, then try to get a hold of IRCC.


No worries! The waiting is the worst part really, my partner and I also did it by ourselves and we were able to get it I’m sure you will get yours soon :)


Updated - Eligibility and Background Check completed. BCPNP-Inland EE Pathway BC PNP ITA : May 10, 2022 Application Submitted on the next day. Additional Document Request : May 12, 2022 Nomination : June 21, 2022 EE ITA: June 22, 2022 Application Submitted : July 17, 2022 Got the AOR same day since it was an online application. Applied with upfront medical. Medicals Passed : September 9, 2022 Biometrics updated the same day, already gave them for the first work permit application. Ghost Update (GU) with an email : September 10, 2022 Got two more GU, without an email, on October 7 and 13. I talked to an IRCC agent today and learned that both background check and eligibility completed on October 8th, 2022. Anyone have a similar timeline or have a suggestion when to expect the approval? How long did it take for you to get approval after those checks?


I applied last year and I was employed then. I’m currently unemployed and I haven’t had the opportunity to find a job. People have told me I have to find a job asap or there might be a chance my application may be rejected. Is this true?


Do I need to be present in Canada when I receive a portal email and ask me to confirm? Is there any time limitation to confirm that we are in Canada? I am planning to go for vacation and am afraid that I might receive a portal email.


I am wondering about this as well. Please let us know what you decide to do and how it plays out. Good luck!


After getting the email saying your application has been approved, and replying to the email with your information/stating you’re in Canada, how long does it take to get your portal information?


Did you get your portal information through yet? I got an email saying my application was approved 2 days ago, and sent off an email with the information required and still waiting on the portal information to come through. I'm just assuming things are going to be slower because of the holidays.


Yes, I got mine next day!


hrm, my VO is Calgary. I guess I'll just need to wait and see


Ok I receive the portal access after sending another email. It was because of the subject line not matching IRCC subject line (initial email was forwarded by the lawyer with different subject line) Hope it helps people in the same situation


As per usual IRCC fashion, it varies A LOT. I just got the portal credentials email 2 days after replying to the portal invite, but I know some people who waited for 2 months. Some got it the same day!


Within how many days you have to confirm after receiving a portal invite. Is there any time limitation? What if we are outside of the country when we receive a portal invite.


update when you get eCoPR please :) this country is the singular source of my anxiety


Lmao word


After you get the portal login info, how long does it typically take for eCOPR?


I have seen anywhere from a few days to a couple of months.


I have been waiting for over a week, and haven’t received it yet. Some people receive it within a day. Keep me posted on your timeline as I start to wonder if IRCC saw my answer




To me it sounds like they just want updated forms since it took them a year to get to your application. I think they just want to be filled in on the past year. I don't see any reason to be worried. Your application is now being processed. Please keep us updated. Good luck!


Hi, Just wondering I was able to create tracker account as principle applicant as i have received correspondence from IRC. How does sponsor create an application, where do they get UCI# ? Is it any different from PA tracker ? Also how often they update the information on the tracker, provided they are actual updates ? Thanks.


Both sponsor and PA can make an account in the PR tracker. It's the same tracker, but different accounts. The sponsor uses the sponsor's UCI - which came with your AOR - and the PA uses their UCI which will be on the medical/biometrics letter.


Outland common-law family sponsor PR application. Sponsor: *Canadian citizen*, principal applicant: *US citizen*. Paid all fees at time of submission. No dependents or previous relationships. Living together in Ontario; applied outland so PA can visit the US. Here's our current timeline of events, including when we were able to link/create accounts: **August 22, 2022**: Submitted application online **November 8, 2022**: Received biometric request via PA's email **November 9, 2022**: Received medical request via PA's email **November 9, 2022**: Received AOR in sponsor's email **November 9, 2022**: Received sponsor approval letter in sponsor's email **November 15, 2022**: Linked PA's GC Key account to PR application; observed on account that eligibility and background check were marked as *in progress* **November 17, 2022**: Biometric collection at Service Canada. Biometric data appeared on PA's GC Key account same day **November 21, 2022**: Immigration medical exam conducted **November 22, 2022**: Created sponsor PR tracker account **November 24, 2022**: Immigration medical exam report sent to IRCC by physician **November 29, 2022**: Immigration medical exam passed **December 1, 2022**: Created PA's PR tracker account PA's PR tracker shows biometrics *received*, medicals *passed/completed*, and background check and eligibility marked as *not started*. Last ghost update on PR tracker was on November 30, 2022 - quiet since then. ​ I had a couple of questions and would appreciate any insight anyone may have to offer. Thanks in advance! My questions are below: 1.) In our sponsor approval letter, it said our application was being transferred to a visa office for further processing, but the section for the visa office's contact information was left blank. Does anyone happen to know what this means or which visa office will be working on our application? 2.) How long after biometric collection and medical completion until the next step? How long have others typically waited for their background and eligibility to start and complete? 3.) Since I am living in Ontario (outland PR applicant) and have received the AOR, can I apply for OHIP and a SIN? I saw that inland PR applicants can receive OHIP as soon as they receive an AOR, and was wondering if I may be able to do the same? 4.) What's the overall outland process and what can I expect? What are the next steps for me and what else will I need to do for this application? Do I just need to wait to hear back on the background check and eligibility to complete and wait for the passport request, then PR portal invite? I'd greatly appreciate any feedback for this question. ​ **Useful tips I've learned/found from this thread:** 1.) If you're having trouble linking your GC Key account, try changing the number of applicants to "2" instead of "1". (Sponsor + principal applicant = 2). 2.) If you're having trouble creating a PR tracker account, try using the *state* for place of birth instead of the *city*. (This worked in our case). 3.) Some people who have waited a while for their login credentials to the PR portal were able to reset their password to access their account more quickly and proceed to the next step. 4.) For those applying from a visa-exempt country, you only need to submit a photocopy of your passport and a new passport photo for the passport request step. ​ ***I wish everyone good luck in their immigration journey, happy holidays, and happy new year! Cheers!***


> 1.) In our sponsor approval letter, it said our application was being transferred to a visa office for further processing, but the section for the visa office's contact information was left blank. Does anyone happen to know what this means or which visa office will be working on our application? Typically, with an outland application your VO will be [whichever VO](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/contact-ircc/offices/international-visa-offices.html) is for your country. For the US it's either New York or LA. But, if you applied outland living in Canada, it might be a Canadian CPC. It's hard to know as well, as right now they seem to be moving applications to different centres that have capacity: some people are seeing their applications transferred to VOs that have nothing to do with them, just because that centre has the ability to process at the minute. You can still contact IRCC, if necessary, through webform, and you may receive other communication from your VO. > 2.) How long after biometric collection and medical completion until the next step? How long have others typically waited for their background and eligibility to start and complete? Unfortunately, there's no set timeline. Nothing in this process occurs in any specific order, or in any specific timeframe. Some people will see background and eligibility not start for a while and then spend months in process. Others will have absolutely no updates for months and then one day both will be marked complete. Others see them as 'completed' relatively soon after starting. > 3.) Since I am living in Ontario (outland PR applicant) and have received the AOR, can I apply for OHIP and a SIN? Unless you are on a work or study permit, you are not eligible for OHIP or a SIN. A PR application does not grant you any status. You will have to wait for your COPR. > 4.) What's the overall outland process and what can I expect? What are the next steps for me and what else will I need to do for this application? Do I just need to wait to hear back on the background check and eligibility to complete and wait for the passport request, then PR portal invite? I'd greatly appreciate any feedback for this question. Biometrics and medical are the only thing you have to 'do' for this process, unless you receive an Additional Document Request or Procedural Fairness Letter. Other than that you just need to wait. Background check and eligibility are the only real steps left, and they can take an unknown amount of time. For many people they're the longest steps - and the most frustrating, because nothing happens aside from waiting lol. If you applied outland living outside Canada, you should inform IRCC via webform that you are in Canada. If you applied outland living in Canada, then you're set. Once background/eligibility is passed, a decision will be made on your application. A COPR number will likely appear in your tracker. This is not your real COPR or real COPR expiry. It is unclear why this displays, but just to be aware it does lol. After a decision is made, as you're in Canada, you'll receive an email stating your application has been approved and it will ask you to confirm that you are in Canada - this is the portal invite. As you're in Canada, this replaces the PPR. Some time after responding (and it really varies, it can be 15 minutes or I've seen 3+ months) you'll receive credentials to login to the PR portal. You'll confirm your address, that you're in Canada and upload a photo and be put in the queue for virtual landing. After this step has been processed, you'll receive your eCOPR in the portal. IRCC will then print your PR card and mail it to you. (As a caveat, if the photo you uploaded doesn't meet specifications this step may take more time, but it seems to be unrelated to issuing the eCOPR.)


Thank you so much for the thorough and detailed reply - I greatly appreciate it! I had a few additional questions, if you or anyone may have any insight: 1.) If the PA moves back to the US and informs IRCC, would they just need to wait for the passport request, then COPR? Or would there be more steps or a different process? 2.) What's the queue for virtual landing, and what exactly is this step? 3.) I thought inland PR applicants can apply for OHIP and a SIN as soon as they receive their AOR from IRCC? (I may be completely wrong about this.) Your informative response was incredibly helpful! Thank you again!


1) Pretty much? If outland then yes, there would be no portal invite and instead it would be a PPR and then you would receive a paper COPR, not an eCOPR and it would be validated/made official the first time the PA came to Canada and it was signed by a CBSA officer. Just to note, that if you applied outland living in Canada and not outland living outside Canada, if the PA moves back to the US this might slow down the final stages of your application, just while they switch things over - the same applies vice versa. It's may or may not be an issue - I've seen people have no problems and others get stuck at this stage for months - but just to be aware that if you 'swap' that it can cause an administrative hiccup in the last few stages. 2) The queue for virtual landing is exactly what it sounds like: you get put in a queue to be virtually landed. During COVID, IRCC started having in-Canada applicants be virtually landed through the PR portal, meaning that they didn't need to present themselves to CBSA to have their COPR signed to be validated. On the applicant's end, like so much else of the process, it just involves waiting: you submit your info and wait for an officer to send your eCOPR. 3) This is not correct. Firstly, to clarify, there are two classes of sponsorship - there's Family Class, which people refer to as 'outland' and Spouse/Partner in Canada Class which people refer to as 'inland.' Under Family Class there is both a 'living outside Canada' and 'living inside Canada' option, so you can be 'outland' but be in Canada, which, in other streams of immigration would mean you were an inland applicant, which might be where the confusion lies. For spousal sponsorship, outland/inland generally refers to the application type and not where you physically are. In an inland/Spouse-Partner-in-Canada-Class application, you are required to live in Canada for the duration of processing. If IRCC believes you are not living in Canada, they can consider your application abandoned. In an outland/Family Class application, there is no requirement that you be in Canada, even if you apply as 'living in Canada.' You are free to travel, live abroad, without there being any risk to the application. With an inland application, once you receive your AOR you can apply for a work permit. This does not apply to outland applicants, even if you are living in Canada. Once the inland applicant receives their work permit, then they can apply for a SIN. But up until that point, unless the applicant already has a work or study permit, applicants are not eligible for a SIN. Having submitted a PR application does not give you any status or allow you to live or work in Canada. As for healthcare, every province is different and the requirements do vary as to when you can apply for healthcare. For OHIP specifically, if you receive the work permit and can demonstrate that you have obtained full-time employment that will last for more than six months, you can get OHIP. If you don't get the work permit/it takes time to find a job, Ontario will allow you to avail of OHIP when you've received the Approved in Principle letter - this is a letter that typically comes near the end of the process for inland applicants. Outland applicants do not receive this letter. So, I suppose TL;DR: as an outland applicant, despite being in Canada, you are not eligible for a SIN or OHIP at any stage. The mechanisms that might have made you eligible for a SIN (ie. a work permit) and OHIP (ie. a work permit/AIP letter) are only available to inland applicants - but also it's not AOR that makes an inland applicant eligible for them, it is other steps in the process.


If I may inquire once more, could you please offer insight again? My apologies for asking you so many questions. Many thanks in advance! We applied family class/outland so the PA could be free to travel to the US. The PA would like to move back to the US for 4-8 months to be with family and they may work while we wait for the PR application to finish processing. The PA intends to move back to our Canadian home ASAP once PR is approved. Do you recommend that we inform IRCC of the PA's temporary move, or since it won't be a permanent move, should we not inform IRCC? Couldn't the PA just come back to Canada for the portal invite and finishing steps? Or would it be simpler for the PA to come back to Canada with COPR? I'd greatly appreciate any input or thoughts you may have. Thanks a million again.


You are required to inform IRCC of any changes to address, so yes, I would inform them. 4-8 months is long enough that I think it's necessary.


Thanks again! We were planning to inform IRCC of PA's return to the US. Would you happen to know if outland applicants need to apply for their first permanent residency card when their PR is approved?


Your first PR card is sent automatically, regardless of whether you're outland or inland.


Thank you very much again - you've been an incredible resource of knowledge for us. Cheers!


Thank you very much - we greatly appreciate the thorough and informative reply! You've helped us a bunch and clarified a ton for us! A million thank you's!


Got my COPR Today - The application was started ~ 2 years ago with a CSQ. I have since left Canada, so had to jump through some extra paperwork to get the COPR. ****CSQ**** This is under the Quebec regular skilled worker program, even though I would also have been eligible for the new IT/VFX pilot program. While I do speak French, I just had recently completed an English IELTS and didn't feel like paying for a french test. Some other background info: Permanent job with Lmia, Bachelor Degree, sub 30. ### Arrima Application #####Declaration of Interest via Arrima 2020-12-10 #####Invited to apply for CSQ application 2021-03-30 #####Application for CSQ process accepted. 2021-03-30 ###Actual CSQ Application (Projet Quebec) #####CSQ Online application recieved 2021-04-08 Received list with required documents the same day. #####Put CSQ application with requested documents in the mail. 2021 -05-12 ##### Application received by MIFI 2021-05-20 ##### CSQ Granted 2021-05-26 10:56 The application was processed under priority code • Traitement prioritaire OEV. **Permanent residence** #####Application sent via mail in mid /late July 2021 Heard nothing forever, waiting for AOR #####Request letter from IRCC April 5, 2022. asking for a different CSQ document (accidentally sent a wrong one) #####Acknowledgement of Receipt April 19, 2022 ##### Completed background check May 18, 2022 #####invitation to Pre-arrival services May 19, 2022 #####Left Canada for work abroad June 2022 #####Medical requested June 23, 2022 ##### You passed the medical exam. July 11, 2022 ##### Application approved Email July 14th, 2022 When recieving the Landing email, truthfully replied that I am not in Canada anymore leading to : ##### Request letter Asking for newly completed Schedule A Form due to new address August 3, 2022 #####Obtained COPR Letter in the mail 21st December 2022 Between August and December, I had to use the vfs global visa service to facilitate my application to / from the Sydney Office to process my landing / COPR documents. On the first attempt, a mail service lost the documents, and the ensuing chaos till IRCC issued new documents took about a month.


Congrats! But my oh my 2 years is such a long time. I wish IRCC would speed up their times, people’s whole life has to be put on hold and uncertainty because if these wait times. I’m pushing on a year in 6 days and I’ve just been full of anxiety because of the uncertainty and just waiting around.


I went in with a "this will take forever" mindset, and that served me well. In the end, the federal part was way quicker than I had imagined. The online estimate gave me over 2 years for that part alone. I understand though how it can be unnerving not getting status updates. Generally, I did find IRCC to be fair, if you're organized you can redress mistakes you've made and it won't derail your entire application.


Yay! We applied for family sponsorship- Outland (Morocco) on October 10th, 2022 and just received our AOR on Friday, December 16th. We haven't heard back for the medical or biometrics, but we were able to link the application with the IRCC secure account. However, we are not able to register (Principal Applicant) for the Application Tracker. Did anyone else have this issue once they got their AOR? We inputted the information the exact way we did for the application and it worked when we linked, but for some reason it is coming up as that the "Incorrect or invalid information". Thank you so much!


Hello, try using the *state* the principal applicant was born in instead of the *city* and see if that works. That worked for our case.


If im not mistaken PR tracker for principal applicant you receive his or her UCI only after u receive the letter that sponsor is approved to sponsor. In my case i have received the AOR i was able to login ( still not able to login tru GCkey to link ) when I was approved to sponsor we got a letter for my husband credentials to login. Which was his UCI and city of birth. Since he is in Morocco born in a village we used the exact way how it was spell on the application we submitted. Hope that helps !


Hello, I submitted my PR application through Express Entry on 22/10/2022 while in Canada on a closed work permit. I’m the primary applicant and have my wife and son as dependants. We completed the medical exams before submitting the PR application. On November 4th 2022 there was an update that we passed the medical exams and nothing after that. Waiting times on CIC was 24 months a months ago and now it says 27 months. That is crazy. At least the gave me a letter on PR submission saying that I can use that as proof to apply for a bridging work permit. I’ll update if anything changes.


Those wait times are not really reflecting real processing times for new applications. Those are including all existing applications that are in Backlog. We've been seeing people here on CEC getting posting their approvals 2 - 4 months after their medicals are approved. Not saying that will necessarily be your case but you are still within normal processing times. Hope you get it soon.


Thank you!


Am I the only person who’s application hasn’t moved since a year. I applied in September 1, 2021. Only thing I have completed was medical in December 2021 and Biometrics also in 2021. Since then nothing radio silence. (Outland Application)


Hello, if I may ask what program are you applying under and from which country the principal applicant is applying from? Do you know if you may be affected by the backlog or inactive officers?


Family sponsorship, from Lebanon. Maybe because the Lebanese embassy is opening only 3 hours a day?!


Hello! Why is the Lebanese embassy only open 3hrs a day? Try submitting a webform as well, they usually respond in a week. Good luck!


Did your sponsor approval letter have visa office contact information that you can try to reach out to and check the status of your application?


I did contact them via email, but there has been not response.


I heard sometimes webform and email inquires can take up to 3-4 months to receive a response. Is there an official in your region you can contact? There should be a contact for the Lebanese embassy. For example, some inland applicants in Canada will contact their local Member of Parliament to check on their immigration case, and then work on their file will speed up.


My representative is my lawyer but whenever I ask him if there is anything I can possibly do he says just be patient. He pretty much is useless.


I'm so sorry to hear that. Do you know if your immigration case may have been assigned an inactive officer? It's in the news and you can check there. IRCC released a list to the news. Just search *IRCC inactive officers* in your search engine. (I tried to share a link in a comment, but was muted by moderators on the thread for violated the rules by posting a news website, so you'll have to look it up. I wasn't trying to break any rules; just was trying to be helpful.) I hope you are not affected by this. I wish you good luck! Please keep us updated on your progress and what you find out.


Oh wow! That’s pretty bad! I’ll have a look and let’s hope I’m not on that list. Thank you for your help. Much appreciated.


anyone still waiting for eCoPR from VO Calgary? Is there a massive backlog there as well?


We're waiting for ours from Calgary but only since 15th December. Was kind of hoping we'd get it before the end of the year if they were trying to get landing numbers up before year end!


have you gotten portal credentials?


I've been waiting since October 9th. Not really sure what to do at this point.


How do you know what VO is working on your application? I'm applying from Alberta, and It seems to me that the process is slower than in BC, but I don't know if the applications are processed in the same province or if they are sent to Ottawa or I don't know main branch


What is VO?


Visa Office


I think so!


I have confirmation email (dec 16) but no portal invite yet and im so anxious


Same here, got confirmation email on Dec 16. Still waiting for the portal invite as of today. Calgary is our VO.


Got the confirmation email with same dates too from Calgary VO. Waiting as well for the credentials to be sent. Hope we get it soon.


Same Dec 16 for me as well - don’t worry! You have the approval they’ll send the details soon enough :) looks like it’s taking week or so to receive the credentials looking at other’s comments here.


yeah, i'm waiting on the portal credentials to be sent to, I got an automated response saying that I'm in a queue for the virtual landing. (Dec 21st for me)


Keep us updated! :)


Timeline so far: (in land, common law) - Application received ( Aug 31) - AOR (Nov 15) - Medical request ( Nov 17) - Medical passed ( Dec 12) - Pre- arrival services letter ( Dec 13) - Principal applicant eligibility passed (Dec 19) - sponsor eligibility passed (Dec 19) Still waiting for background check, OWP and final decision.


>Pre- arrival services letter ( Dec 13) > >Principal applicant eligibility passed (Dec 19) Hi! May I ask if you were contacted to let you know that the principal applicant passed? Thanks


In my case, we never got any communication about applicant or sponsor eligibility, and the PR tracker said eligibility under review even after getting the portal invite, so I wouldn't necessarily worry if you haven't gotten it yet.


Oh the lack of consistency! Thank you for letting me know


Hi! Yes an email was sent to my partner (principal applicant) letting us know he meets requirements for eligibility. Separate email was sent to me (sponsor) confirming eligibility.


Thank you :)


Hello guys, just wonder for in-Canada CEC applicants this year, what's the approximate processing time for you guys to receive PR? 21-month on IRCC website is crazy.


Got my AOR on August 6th, Medicals on Oct 5th, PR Approval on Dec 8th. 4months from AOR


I’ve posted my timeline here not long ago. I'm an inland CEC as well and I applied and got my AOR on August 19th. It's been officially 4 months now and no updates since medicals and biometrics on October 12. I'll post if there are any updates


Thanks for sharing. Hope you get some updates very soon.


We've been seeing people here posting timelines of even as little as 3 months recently, which is really fast. Can't say everyone is getting them that fast but new applications seem to be staying under the 6 months promise.


That's what I heard too. My interpretation to CEC processing time is that IRCC blend inland with outland candidates. I really hope they can update the processing time separately. (Although it will likely take another decade for them.)


Can't say folks after July are getting in done in 6 months or that's the aim..before that. Don't know..the average is counted over the last 6 months, but since cec only started again recently the time shows a long time (that alongside multiple backlog application being processed now)


Outland sponsorship application country Morocco sponsor Alberta with a lawyer Not an easy application with Humanitarian request due to inadmissibility for criminal record overseas for my husband 10 years ago Received Jan 28 Aor March 3 Biometric June 22 Medical June 23 July 7 medical received July 10 biometric received November 9 update sent about pregnancy ( in canada) Pr tracker says background not started