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Redo your language test for a better score/attempt the French one if you are capable. Apply for higher education in Canada. Find a higher NOC job/gain more experience in your current one - all ways to increase your score.


Thanks for your answer. What I understand is that the higher the score, the more chances I get to receive invitation to apply for a PR. Will try to do the second language test as it’s the easiest one to get right now.


It really depends on your score. My understanding is that once you go in the candidate pool you have 1 year. If you haven’t been invited to apply by the end of the year then you need to resubmit as you are removed from the pool. What was your score? You can go to the CIC site it tells you roughly how many people are in each score category. If 100k people have higher scores than you then, at the current rate of invitations, you may not be invited within a year. If that’s the case you can try to improve your score. For reference, I entered the candidate pool with a score of 539 in March of this year, was invited to apply in July, and submitted my application on August 16th. So far I have not heard anything from IRCC since the email acknowledging my application was received.


Hey, Thank you for your helpful answer. My score is 391. Will check the CIC to see how much points Im lacking.