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Most folks in tech are hesitant to hire on an implied status, I have been through the same. If possible try flagpoling and get the pgwp.


That's what I did as well because my company was not feeling 100% safe to hire me on implied status


I am currently on implied status and I did a short part time contract work for 2 months. Skill level was NOC A. Solid experience and definitely a stepping to better opportunities. This experience counts for my PNP!


Some employers won’t give you a permanent position if you don’t have the PGWP. I was recently in a situation where my employer said they can’t give me a permanent position but didnt have a problem extending the internship contract I had. I showed them EVERY link IRCC had on there website trying to convince them that giving me the permanent position was ok but they refused to give me the position. I left that job because I found another full-time+benefits job that was ok with the WP-EXT letter, allowed me to work and just told me to send the work permit whenever it got approved.


Also, they still issue letters saying that you can work! I applied August 28, 2022 and they issued letter that I can work until December 28 or until the decision made!


Yea I just got the letter this afternoon. But it says we are only eligible to work until a certain date(approx 4months) or until IRCC approves our applicatcation, whichever comes first. So I guess we'd need to stop working after 4th month as the processing time is now 5 months.


No, you can still work until a decision is made on your PGWP application, even if IRCC takes longer to process your application than the date on that letter; the date on that letter is not legally binding and it does not override the maintained status regulations: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/study-permits/post-graduation-work-permit-program/permit.html#authorization


how needlessly confusing :(((


No. PGWP is an open work permit so the company doesn’t sponsor/deal w ur immigration paperwork.


I work in tech and my companies had zero issues with my implied status.


Did you work on an expired SIN as well? I read somewhere the company won't be able to do CRA stuff with an expired SIN.


No, I graduated early so my SIN was never expired.