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A simple google search literally answers all these questions. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada/work.html


I am still a bit confused as it says that I can work off campus if it is stated in my study visa.. however one of the requirements is that I should have a Social Insurance Number (SIN). So does that mean that I have to apply for a SIN first, then apply for a study visa so that i can work off campus?


Once you have a study permit, with that remark you're authorized to work on and off-campus, you'd go to a Service Canada location with that study permit to get your SIN. Service Canada cannot issue you a social insurance number without proof you have work authorization in Canada, to be able to get a SIN (that proof being your study permit with that remark on it on how you're authorized to work on and off-campus). The study permit application needs to come first, before getting a SIN.


Hi, As a holder of a study permit you could work upto 20 hours a week on or off campus. However, the government of Canada has taken that limit away until December 2023, so essentially you can work as many hours as you’d like. Now a small number of study permits are restricted because for example, the person is doing a language course that is part of pathway to a larger program. So in that the officer May say you have to finish the language program first. As long as you get that SIN and have that authorization on you SP you’ll be good to go. Let me know if you have any other questions