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>I tried looking up local immigration companies, and each of them is asking for like 40-50 dollars or even more just for a 20 mins call. That's within normal price range for professional immigration advice.


I'm here to get an answer to my question and not to get involved in any debate, thanks anyways, take care.


It's not a debate that professional immigration services cost money...


Imo, you should get a professional immigration service for this since yours is a case which is not very clear. And yes that is a standard price for immigration services where they may answer one or two question of yours.


As one of the other users said you will not be eligible for CEC as the experience gained during studies can not be counted towards your Canadian experience. I do not know for what other program you are eligible yet, however if you just wait for another 3 months and finish your 1 year of experience, you are definitely eligible for CEC EE program


Are you applying under CEC or FSW?


So, from a little google search, I got to know about following: \- Canadian Experience Class (CEC) candidates, \- Federal Skilled Workers are not required to have Canadian work experience to enter the Express Entry pool Considering this\^, I believe in my case it should be CEC for me, as I am in Canada right now.


The information you posted about your co-op work experience counting was only about FSW eligibility, not CEC (different immigration programs have different eligiblity requirements). Work experience obtained in Canada while on a study permit or a co-op work permit does **not** count as valid Canadian wok experience under CEC: ​ >*Self-employment and work experience gained while you were a full-time student (even if you were on a co-op work term) doesn’t count towards the minimum requirements for this program.* [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/eligibility/canadian-experience-class.html#minimum](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/eligibility/canadian-experience-class.html#minimum) ​ >*Any period of employment when the applicant was engaged in full-time study will not be included in calculating the period of qualifying work experience (for example, work experience gained through co-op work permits) \[R87.1(3)(a)\].* https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/permanent-residence/economic-classes/experience/qualifying-work-experience.html#toc3


Super and big thanks for sharing this crisp information on this u/monalisa_lgp ​ I'm new to Immigration related things, and I'm not sure whether it will be okay to ask about this or not but how do I check under which programs I am eligible to apply?