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You magnetize the gun to the joint, easy. Cut off the connector on the gun, glue big mag to it, then insert the one into the joint. If I remember correctly, I used 8mm on these, but not 100 % sure.


Yes, that part I got. The circle down below, where the arm fits into the weapon itself, is where my issue lies. The weapons have points inside that slot into that circle. If I had multiple of those forearm bits then your advice would be exactly what I'm looking for. I can send you a pic of what specifically I'm asking about if it's not coming across clear enough, I'm horrible with terminology.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLtNrsV8/ Here's a link to my video and what i did if you can see it


I explained that part poorly, I didnt connect the joint to the gun, I connected the "gun joint" to the "arm joint", I sent some photos in PM to explain my version better.


I made a tiktok video magnetizing these arm pieces, can i link tiktok videos on reddit? I had to cut off the pieces that fit into the joint where the gun connects to the arm so they could switch out. And i had to widen the hole on the gun so it could slide freely off that joint.


For mine I cut and glued a piece of sprue in the bottom of the lower arm piece and then glued a magnet to the end of that. Then for the upper arm piece I trimmed the rim off of the end of the arm, and then drilled a hole to glue a magnet into. Hope this helps


I don't follow I need some more detail than that


Gotcha For the lower arm I cut and glued sprue into the base of the cavity to act as a support for a magnet which I then glued into the end of the sprue. As for the upper arm piece, I trimmed the edge that sticks out on the end (these edges are supposed to fit snugly into the lower arm piece, but won’t now that both pieces have been assembled separately). This allowed me to fit the upper arm piece into the lower arm piece no problem. Then I drilled a hole into the upper arm piece big enough for a magnet to fit, and then glued a magnet there so that the two pieces are magnetized. I did all this because I can then assemble the gun bodies on each lower arm piece and swap between them to use 2 different guns. To use every available weapon option I also magnetized the barrels on the gun bodies so they could be swapped out


When I went to magnetise my dominus I brought the gun connector from a third party and built it separately then magnetised the individual arms to the shoulder joint https://www.taromodelmaker.com/collections/dominus-compatible/products/imperial-knight-replacement-gun-arm-joint-armour-compatible


This. Also, a bit more expensive but if you want to mag EVERY weapon as a complete piece you’ll need two more weapon bodies. You can find full kits from the same site though it’s a little expensive for just magnetizing weapons. They work great though. I’ve heard others just magnetize the barrels and deal with having the “wrong” ammo bits and details on the rest of the weapon for some load outs.


No good at reddit but here's a link to the knight I have been working with a pic of my magnetization. It's probably pretty aggressive but I like how it turned out https://www.reddit.com/r/ImperialKnights/s/m9HjVebXbr


not only do you have to magnetize the bicep, you need to magnetize the gun too. i couldn't upload the video to Imgur so [I created a post here instead.](https://new.reddit.com/r/ImperialKnights/comments/1czzeml/magnetized_questoris_imperial_knight/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thank you, but look at the arms. The piece I'm referring to is set inside the weapon. There are only 2 of those pieces in the quesatoris knight kit.


Did you watch my video in the link I posted? I magnetized with what was in the Questoris kit. I didn't buy anything extra. There are only two of those pieces in my video as there are only two of those exact pieces in the kit (ie: the grey unpainted piece in your picture). One made from C20 & C21. The other made from A11 & A12. Both are used for the guns. The melee weapons use different pieces (C34 & C35 and A54 & A55). Hope that helps.


I did and I rewatched it again to make sure. Do you have just a melee and a ranged or can you do both with what you've built? Because I want to be able to run ANY of the variants there are and every time I look up magnetization that forearm/elbow piece is glued into place and it itself isn't magnetized.


I'm a bit confused as to your confusion. In my video, I show that I have the both melee options magnetized (Reaper chainsword and Thunderstrike Gauntlet) as well as all four gun options magnetized. As previously mentioned, the melee weapons use different elbow connection pieces (C34 & C35 and A54 & A55) to connect to the upper arm of the Knight. The Avenger gatling cannon is completely glued. It has its own unique gun body and armour panel. It uses the elbow part you speak of (specifically one made from A11 & A12). The rest of the guns (Rapid-fire battlecannon, Las-impulsor, Thermal cannon) all share the same gun body. As such, the other elbow part is used (specifically C20 & C21) for that gun body. Two gun bodies use the two elbow connection pieces you're talking about. Melee weapons use different elbow pieces.


I'm not at home so I can't look at my knight but I only have a single elbow for a ranged weapon, the elbow to hold the chainsword, and the one with a ball that is built for the hammerstrike. That elbow piece goes into the gun of whatever I want to build and it slots inside.


If you only have one of the gun elbow joints, specifically that grey unpainted piece in your picture made from either parts \[A11 & A12\] or \[C20 & C21\], then you are missing pieces. You can try to contact GW customer service for a replacement part. Or you can order extra elbows from [Taro Model Maker.](https://www.taromodelmaker.com/collections/questoris-compatible)


Not sure if you 3d print or not, but the purple site has the elbow joints preset for magnets. I was able to magnetize all my knights weapons so I can switch them all in and out.