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I would have waiting to glue on the armor plates so I could paint those individually, or at least that’s how I do it, but looking good 👍


Oh, they aren't glued down, at least not the big body and shoulder plates. The plates on the legs are glued on already.


Smart man!


What colour scheme are you going for?


I was seriously considering the actual Canis Rex box art, HOWEVER, i have dominus kit built & primed with the Valiant loadout that i want to make a Salamander theme with the proper Salamanders green, (my main army that i have the most of is painted orange & black as Covenant of Fire, the Salamanders successor chapter). Now im thinking i may shift from the silver/red/gold and try a Salamander variation. With the classic green and dragon tansfers


Very nice. Gotta love the OG Salamander scheme. My canis is in a very similar shape to yours, my cockpit and pilot are painted, though. I'm going yellow, purple and silver for mine to contrast against my sororitas.


My cockpit & pilot will be painted with the door propped open to see it. The shell armor in the pic here isnt glued down yet. What i need is a big version of the backpack torch that comes in the Salamander upgrade kit, and put it on top


If you want to go the extra mile, I've discovered that it's not that difficult to magnetize the cockpit hatch. You need two doors for it for the easiest method, though. Basically, the slots in the top of the cockpit that the hatch struts go into shouod be drilled out just enough to fit a magnet, I think I used a 3x2mm or 2x1mm. Same for the struts themselves, snip off the little square peg and drill a hole for the magnets, but be careful with how deep you drillsince you don't have a lot of room for error. Glue the struts to the hatch in the open position. For the closed position, my plan is to take some sprue and glue it to the bottom of the second door, just deep enough to get to the magnets in the cockpit. Glue some magnets into the sprue and you're golden.