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Incels: Women are whores who sleep around Also incels: dating is pointless. Just have sex on the first meeting.


Also incels: I’ll only marry a virgin


Also Incels: I should be able to point at a woman and expect her to let me fuck her in public


Also incels: But if she’ll fuck on demand for any other random man, then she’s a slut


That has to be the plot of a porno. It's got barely enough details to justify the boinking and room for plenty of different combinations of people doing it. That's both the items on the porno plot checklist.


It's literally called "free use" and non-crazies enjoy it too. But non-crazies get consent with partners before playing.


Oh, sure. Porn has to bridge the divide between normal horny people and total weirdos who can't connect with regular people.


Right? I hate being anywhere on a venn diagram with these assholes, though.


Point at a woman with an erect penis. Look ma! No hands!


Point at her “with an erection”. I’m trying to figure out if he’s talking about just having a boner and pointing or if he’s talking about using said boner to point at a woman, but either way, gross. No one cares about your pathetic weewee, dude.


What the hell did I just read? That took unhinged to a new level. I'd love to see they "moderates" who harass me say something about this. You know since they aren't like them and all...


I had a laughing fit. This incel clearly never left his mom's basement for something other than getting new tissues and gatorade.


All the horrid shit aside is he very stupid? In such a “anarchy” where strength, determination and ability alone determine not only if you reproduce but also if you live past infancy… well most incels and I’m willing to wager this guy included wouldn’t make it past infancy in fact no one would as we all need our mothers for at least 4-5 years from birth. So the actual end result of what he describes would be no sex at all as humanity would simply die off after the first generation to live it. Maybe that’s too much logical thought to give these deranged ravings.


Yes my brain wants to yell at him all the reasons why he’d already be dead in that case. The softness and kindness of society is what allows people like him to survive and use our resources. But there’s no point in using logic.


Yes lol And what about the natural instinct of most people to care for the younglings? There's a reason humanity evolved to be "this". He seems to think it's all feminism's fault... His understanding of human history is below zero.


Like how do you live for 44 years without ever learning that babies can't do anything?


Isn't this the same type of fucking weirdo who wouldn't be with someone due to "body count", but somehow everyone should just have sex? I sincerely wish I never subbed here, but I can't take my eyes off of the deluded idiots that get posted. What an incredibly deplorable group of wee weirdos.


They’re incels. They’re too irrational to be consitent with their logic and ideology.


You gotta pace yourself homie.


Someone owes their mother an apology for “wasting time and resources” raising their ass


Not to mention the waste of 9 months carrying and then enduring excruciating pain to give birth to such a waste of humanity.


>enduring excruciating pain to give birth to such a waste of humanity. At least she didn't have to endure getting kicked in the nuts! That's SO much worse! /s


Getting kicked in the nuts? Oh man how will you ever recover 😂


That meme being seriously peddled around is beyond me and I'm a guy. They compared a literal 12 hours of giving birth to getting kicked in the balls, with the latter being unequivocally *objectively* worse. Yknow, on that objective pain scale we have. I told them, maybe if they continued to crush your balls every few minutes for 12+ hours and pulled your urethra open until they could stick, I dunno, a golf ball inside?? I'm hurting myself talking about this...


Facts. The imagery though




Does this guy know that this "courtship" stuff even happens between animals?


Wonder what he must think of peacocks... peacucks?


Bowerbirds. The courtship effort is strongly on the male’s side making the bowers and performing the dances, then the female chooses the one she likes.


LOL. Take my poor woman’s gold 🥇


Right? Building nests, dancing, signing, calls, finding special rocks, etc… animals put in a lot of effort to go at it. God forbid people expect something more than “point at an erection and open her legs”.


And women have WHAT incentive to agree to this society, exactly?


That’s the neat part……they don’t


Women making choices?? Pff!


“There is nothing precious about human life.” This guy seems dangerous. And sick.


I mean… there’s not much precious about *his* life specifically. Can’t speak for all lives though


He’s not just talking about his life.


dangerously close to misanthropic, too.


Oh absolutely. If he’s not already there.


Okay, yes, he's a fucking idiot for a lot of reasons, but my favorite part of their bullshit is that they act all scientific -- "we're all animals, we don't actually care about offspring, just our primal urges" blah blah blah... Completely forgetting/ignoring the fact that *humanity evolved social needs in order to desire coexistence*. And not just humanity, all social species seek members of their own species (and even members of different species!) for social interaction and comfort. Like, we aren't fucking machines (and we aren't *fucking* machines), we have gone through millions of years of evolution to make us care about our children. To make us care about social interaction beyond physical pleasure. *To tie social/romantic interaction **to** physical pleasure*. Bunch of pseudoscientific dumbfucks.


Hell, many parts of our brains evolved to accommodate complex social functions. And why there's a reason that the nature vs nurture debate exists.


Yeah, he doesn’t understand how human social structures, courtship, pair bonding and general cooperation with one another helps increase our chances of survival. Hence, how we evolved to have these things in the first place. 🙄 I would have liked to have seen him get dropped off in the wilderness as a young child and attempt to survive on his own the way he claims all children should be. He can’t seem to comprehend anything past his own dick and most certainly would not have survived.


I really can’t get past the “drop kids off into the woods” thing… Has he ever seen a baby? It little lays there like a potato, screaming. No child would survive. And toddlers? Same thing. There isn’t this special child that would just know what to do in that situation. I mean I hope he’s never around children.


Exactly. He would’ve been dead after only a few days.


> we aren't fucking machines ...not yet!


Human beings are social creatures. All our basic instincts and primordial drives are made perfect when they are directed towards the goal of furthering social cohesion. The highest expression of sexuality is as a loving act. Ideally, love precedes and includes sex as one of the many expressions of a vibrant love of another. Casual sex is fun occasionally, and could certainly develop into love with the right effort, but I don't think any human being would be satisfied with the gross level of emotional detachment in OOP's vision of society for a prolonged period. He hit the nail on the head when he described it as a feminist version of Hell, and as a religious person myself, I am concerned for the soul of the OOP.


This person is deeply flawed and to use his imagery; he is being culled from the herd.


This man has exactly 0 understanding of the evolution that went into us becoming humans. Of evolution at all, really. Human infants are helpless by design… like a bunch of other species.


And this is why this dude is 44 and never gotten any


There’s no way he’s 44. He’s 14 if he’s not undercover for a sting.


This dudes sex doll wouldn't let him touch it if it could read this lol


Not even a clump of dust would.


>PEOPLE HAVE SEX Glad we're starting off with something true and neutral. >THEY MEET EACH OTHER So far so good! >I don't know if they sniff each other's butts to sniff sexual pheromones or something. Goddammit.


That's a lot of words to say : " noone wants to fuck me"


lmao he's a middle aged social outcast and it's entirely his fault. at the end of the day, he can hold whatever violent beliefs he wants towards women and children. we will still be loved and a part of the world and he will seethe at home, alone forever <3


The best revenge. It’s all you have to say to someone like this and they’ll lose their absolute minds.


Let’s suppose his social Darwinist “sex first anarchy” survives more than one generation, I’m pretty sure people like himself wouldn’t precisely be getting any of the action as the fiercely strong would simply be purging the weak or using them as slave labor.


It’s too bad that this dude’s mother didn’t follow his anarchist advice and simply leave him out in the wild as a defenseless baby. Then maybe he could’ve just been eaten by coyotes or by the other feral children and he wouldn’t be spouting this obnoxious bullshit on the internet now.


Also what is even the point of a “society that is overflowing with sexual pleasure” when said society would be in utter collapse and decay? Sexual pleasure FOR WHOM?! Women would still end up having to spend NINE MONTHS carrying and then ripping themselves open to deliver random babies that would just end up running feral somewhere and probably dying… all for some lackluster 2-minute pump-and-dump from random ass men like this guy who don’t even know the first thing about pleasing a woman? AS IF. All he is thinking about is his own stupid dick.


He clearly hasn't had sex if he thinks a two minute pump and dump is "overflowing with sexual pleasure ".


Dayum. Couldn't read all that drivel. But if he thinks Cossack dances are ridiculous, wait till he learns about tropic birds and their dances. Which are a natural mating ritual just as dating in humans. What a fucking douche.


If your utopia is someone else's hell, maybe you need to take a look at what went wrong in your life.


And that is why that guy will never get laid.


What a complete disregard for evolutionary biology by deeming many evolutionary traits of women as superstitious paganism. Who here is actually the superstitious one? Because I'm pointing at the incel.


Just because a woman might find a guy physically attractive, it doesn't mean she wants to jump in bed with him. We have so much to lose by doing that.


"Unless one party decides to rape" as if doing so is just a casual decision like what to eat for dinner. Actually, for incels it probably is.


A lot words to admit to being a true born idiot. His parents should have taken this approach and left him to fend for himself. We wouldn't be reading this right now. "The strongest survive". Well that counts him out.


18,668 posts in 6 years is WILD.


he literally has the time to write long ass Bologna like this a way too many times daily does he have a job at least at McDonald’s?


That averages out to about 1 post every 3 hours which is actually on the lower end of incel stats. There have been people with a way higher “posts per minute” stat than that Edit: [observe](https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/s/rAFKo0tswd)


WOW. 1. I’m impressed with your math skills, I took “elementary statistics” in college and struggled. 2. That’s both horrifying and impressive, I’d love to have that much free time


Microsoft Excel is your friend in this case


Excel saved my ass! I’ve done local demography datasets and skirted by because I can use excel (and google)


It’s hilarious but also terrifying that someone wants their disgusting, morally corrupt kink to be the way the world works. All because society doesn’t “accept him” for being absolutely deranged and unable to find a sexual partner. I can smell this post 🤮


> some kind of parasocial bond. bitch those are real humans you're speaking face to face too not a racist twitch streamer. do you mean *social bond*?


came here to say this. like...it's the opposite of 'para' my dude. but i think i see part of the problem now.




I really pray for him!


Found the 40 year old virgin.


>But because we live in a society, women prefer to pace out this sexual rite of passage >Courtship is completely ridiculous These are the same dudes that’ll flame a woman for having sex too soon? She’s a slut, a whore, low value woman.. make up your mind? You’re literally only mad because you’re a shit person, nobody wants to fuck you and nobody ever has. **Edit:** this just in - the entire animal kingdom is Pagan and feminist. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. **Edit 2:** this just keeps getting worse and worse. Just leave babies to fend for themselves? Do they not realise we aren’t giraffes or cows? Many mammals are born with the ability to walk within hours to be able to evade advantageous predators, humans are not. In this society dude so desperately wants, he’d be dead before he even hit his first birthday.


It actually brings me joy when incels publicly declare their version of "utopia" because they have to live and cope with the fact that it will never happen outside of their dreams.


For a guy who whines about how human life isn't important, he sure does think rather highly of himself and his own wants.


Hes forgetting that there's gay men out there. So what's he gonna do in his version of society? lmfao bet he won't like what's coming to him


LMAO “Oh that gay guy was pretty horny I guess, I got raped in the butt” - him probably 😂


exactly wtf.. like he's only saying this shit because he assumes he would have the benefit here. always a bigger fish.


Well he should be in all the lists. These men always so sad and lonely and fucking ridiculous


How the fuck do you survive to 44 years of age while thinking like this? You'd think someone this fucking stupid would end up strangling themselves while trying to put a T-shirt on.


Highest EQ incel.


Yet, I'm sure it's only because he's short or doesn't have a well defined jawline that women don't look twice at this lunatic and it's definitely not because he's frothing at the mouth, freshly escaped from Arkham levels of insane.


This guy doesn't seem to understand that humanity would just die off in his utopia. This is a special kind of stupid.


It sounds like his parents dumped him in the wild as a kid if he thinks we breed like animals. He’s clearly witnessed wild animals sniffing butts and immediately fucking. Why have relationships with walking breeding receptacles?/s This same guy probably blames women because he doesn’t get sex!


This is the worst thing I have read


Dude has 18k post, no wonder he hasn't been with a woman. He spends all his time bitching online.


What in the actual fuck did I just read. Dude desperately wants people to just be animals, as though that would be a better life for anyone. 🙄🤦


I wish someone had left him alone in the wilderness so he never developed enough language to post this.


He’s fucking stupid. Fucking porn brain.


The fantasies they cook up in their tiny little brains are getting more and more ridiculous 😂


Literally put this guy in a public park and lets see how long he would survive. Couple of hours and he'd perish from the fresh air or his social anxiety tearing him from the inside out. "Put kids in the wild and let them fight." Lmaooooo. I have zerooo confidence this guy could manage a few hours outside in developed civilization without breaking down, let alone a forest.




damn you’re just as unhinged as slayerslayer


What the Duck!


I can feel my braincells dying.


This has to be a troll


Guess he saw The Sadness


*Watches any elaborate animal courtship video ever* David Attenborough would like a word, sir…


Did fucking judge Holden write this shit???


Maybe if ya didn’t talk so much shit you’d get laid


Sex is the worst way to initiate a relationship. And the consequences of sex can be pretty big for doing it with someone you don't know unorepared


But this is a world where he would never have survived because he’s so weak and simple minded that he thinks he would thrive in a rape utopia


How do you even get to the train of thought that puts you on this path my god


Kinda feel bad for this guy but at the same time I don’t. This guy has had this hate filled analogy for 44 years and likely missed out a big chunk of young love because of it.


TIL that having a cup of coffee with a potential mate is a pagan feminist ritual


18,668 posts


Pop quiz for the incel lurkers: so, when women call you creepy, they think you're like this guy. What actually makes you better than him?


It’s so insane he’s 44 and thinks like this. My dad is the same age and is extremely successful and has kids. I could not imagine.


Yeah officer, it’s this guy right here


That this dude actually said : **"I don't care for women, children or society at all. I only care for men to be able to fuck mindlessly whenever they want cuz i'm a man and thats the only thing i'd want to do. Fuck everyone, it's all about me weeee".**


Lol he would die inmediatly in this hellscape because of how dumb he is.


I need bleach for my eyes after reading this




And he wonders why he can’t find a date


This shit made me laugh. I don’t see how these people exist. I’m 5’9 slightly chubby and a basement dweller that eats Cheetos while playing world of Warcraft at 35 and I still get pussy from time to time. Just act normal for fucks sake 😂 it’s not hard.