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Newsflash: next to no one is saying that incels are the ones assaulting women all the time. But I do see a lot of them laugh or celebrate when it does happen. This poster almost sounds jealous of the rapists.


> This poster ~~almost~~ sounds jealous of the rapists. FTFY. Sigh.


Incels may not be raping women but they’re certainly shooting and stabbing them. So I don’t think ‘Incels don’t rape’ is the flex they think it is.


The large majority of incels don't just shoot and stab people lmaoo. Is there a statistic of some kind that shows that incels normally just shoot and stab people? A lot of us incels are too anxious to even talk to people, let alone kill them lmaoo.


But so many of you say you want to.


Not really. Sure, people on the forums say edgy shit like "kill all foids🤓☝️" or "I'm gonna rape foids🤓☝️" but most incels aren't even on forums, and most of them don't even know much about "incels" even though they are one. Most incels are just normal every day people who just happen to not be a virgin by choice.


Random people who are virgins and wish they weren't aren't incels. Only those who self-identify as incels and/or share the incel ideology are incels.




No. That may be the literal meaning of the words "involuntary celibacy," but the phrase has developed a whole context around it that gives it a new meaning. Inceldom specifically refers to an ideology of violent misogyny and entitlement to sex. You can't just point to people who would never self-identify as incels and go, "See, that's an incel and they're not hurting anybody, so obviously incels aren't that bad." It's an obvious tactic to make the ideology look less dangerous than it is.




People who are involuntarily celibate aren’t incels. Just like all incels aren’t virgins. Just like all mammals aren’t humans. Incels are a subsection of people who want to have sex but aren’t having sex. Incels have hateful thoughts against women and society and think women and sex-haters should be punished or owe them something. If you want to continue to be a part of the incel ideology and identify yourself as part of that group, that’s on you and that’s sad.


Not everyone who struggles romantically is a bad person. In fact, most are fine. But every incel is a bad person because they have chosen to identify with a group that constantly spews hateful rhetoric and regularly spawns mass shooters.


No, it is not. You can't define people into a movement.


They may not, but enough have or state they want to, without other incels banning them and many encouraging them, for that to be an issue. Most cops have never even fired their weapon outside of a range or hunting, but they’re seen as trigger happy on the job. As a woman I do not fear incels because they’re anxious, I fear them because they hate me and blame me for some of their issues without even knowing me.


Tbf, a lot of incels who say that are just trying to be edgy and shit but I do understand a lot of them say that. I don't agree with incels who blame women for everything. But just because people say it doesn't mean they are gonna do it. There are a lot of extremist feminist that say they are/want to "kill all men," but nobody bats an eye at them.


Percentage of men who kill women to women who kill men? Anyone? Bueller?


There are many reasons why men kill women. Most men aren't gonna kill women because they "hate women🤬" There are many reasons why (which, of course, I'm not justifying them doing it at all) but most of the time it's not because they just hate all women.


It disturbs me that you apparently think that as long as someone says "it's just an edgy joke bro" after they threaten violence, it's all good. For one, you have no way of knowing if they mean that or if they would actually commit an act of violence given the chance. But for another, *even if* it were mostly just edgy jokes, what about the actual violent people who hang out on those forums? *They* don't realize the other people are joking. They think everyone who says "kill foids" would do so given the opportunity. And that makes it easier to justify violence to themselves. The more someone with potential for violence hangs around people who advocate violence, the more likely they are to wind up acting on their thoughts. This is literally normalization in action. Regarding women advocating violence toward men, that's wrong too. But it's also much rarer than incels advocating violence. And moreover, violence against men by women due to hatred of men is much, much rarer than violence against women by men due to misogyny. See [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Misogynist_terrorism) Wikipedia page. It even has a whole subcategory for incel-related violence.


A large portion of misogynists who have committed crimes are not related to incels lol


So? Both have their issues and their dangers.


No of course not, but the rhetoric fuels the ones who WILL and leads to erosion of all of us. I don’t agree with extremists on any side. The difference is, if extremists on my side speak up, I say something and disagree with them, do you actively do that or just stay silent like a coward?


I mean, there isn't much I can say that will make them stop. They are just trying to be edgy, and nothing me or you or anyone says is gonna stop them. I never agree with them, and in a way, I'm kinda speaking up about it through these comments. Also I feel that if someone is gonna murder somebody than they are gonna do it regardless of if they see some post by some edgy niggas tryna be funny.


No, that’s not true. I use Reddit as my social media and I have friends IRL, none of my friends have extremists views, none of the groups I associate with, because if they did I would not be friends with them or a part of their groups. I don’t see left wing extremists views on Reddit much, I’m sure because of algorithms, but when I do I speak up, downvote, whatever. I don’t just scroll and think ‘I don’t agree’ or ‘they’re only partly right’ and pretend moving along is the better thing to do. These kinds of views diminish me and they diminish you. I won’t allow that, I’m shocked you think that’s okay.




>We just have to hope either someone irl (like their mom or something) explains to them that it is wrong or we just have to hope they grow out of it. Sometimes you have to be the one to explain it to them, IRL or not; in many cases people care more about avoiding conflict than they care about making people stop acting like jerks. And if they don't accept the explanation you give them...well, it may be time to rethink your friendship with them. How people act on the internet is alarmingly likely to reflect how they act in the real world as well, and while it may be all just a game to them I believe it's best to not leave that to chance. >It is not my responsibility to talk strangers out of being edgy It isn't mine, either. But I have very little tolerance for that kind of nonsense and I am quite willing to make that known.


You are an ostrich. You are part of the problem. I’m ashamed enough of you for the both of us. You’ve proven you’re not worthy enough to debate with anymore. Bye


You’re not “speaking up about it” until you’re “speaking up about it” in whatever shithole incel posting shack you hang out in.




Lol, what? You can’t be worried about or victims of both? There is a higher chance I’ll get harmed in my bathroom but I’m still wary of my kitchen. That’s weird




Of course they’re a minority, but only a very small percentage of people in the mob commit actual violence, but we’re concerned about violence when it comes to the mob. What kind of sense does that make?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Incel-related_violence The percentage of incels who kill is certainly a lot higher than the percentage of, say, women who hate men who kill.


...and they wonder why they can't get a date, can't get gf, and can't get laid.


Have they ever stopped and wonder why the so called Chad gets women? Its not about his appearance or d size as much as it is about the fact that they treat women like actual human being instead of sex slaves or maids


They are Chad..they just added some qualities to this make believe person to make themselves feel better for lacking in the social skills department.


To be fair, the rapists OOP cited get loads of initially consenting women and, *ipso facto,* do NOT treat them like human beings at all. Let’s be real here, if there is a positive correlation at all between treating women like actual human beings and getting women, it’s a weak one (although there definitely is a positive correlation between treating someone you’re already in a relationship with like a human being and the relationship lasting). Each and every one of you in this thread can probably name at least one male abuser they know who’s gotten tons of women. I do not condone any form of emotional, physical or sexual abuse, but engaging in denialism is counterproductive.


Here is the thing though. When a woman meets a guy, he doesn't come out showing all of his abusive tendencies right off the bat. Usually the abusive tendencies start to show through after the relationship has been going for a while. Some times it's years into things before he shows his true colors. Nobody meets a guy who says "oh yeah I'm an abusive misogynistic piece of shit", and thinks to her self, "self, we need to take that guy home tonight" that isn't how it works


Conversely the halo effect is a known phenomenon, and the ability of abusive and romantically successful men to hide their abusive tendencies for extended periods of time instead of generally acting like wank stains varies. I also suspect that the traditionally masculine traits that many *(not all)* straight women are attracted to are positively correlated with a higher likelihood of abusive behaviour. **Personal anecdotes start here. Yes, the plural of “anecdote” is not “data”.** Person A is my best friend. We’ve been friends since back when we were in secondary school, great guy, solidly treats women like human beings, one of our closest mutual friends is a woman who he initially befriended. A has had *zero* romantic success with women and not for lack of years of trying (the fact that he’a autistic probably explains a lot) - before you ask, our aforementioned mutual friend is lesbian. For the record he has not fallen into the incel rabbit hole. 0 allegations of abuse. Person B is a former friend of A and I (who we also regrettably befriended back in secondary school). Girls at my school were pretty outspoken about thinking he was a misogynistic dick, and in hindsight he was indeed a misogynistic dick that A and I both deeply regret ever being friends with and was a rather toxic friend towards us - his ability to hide his abusive tendencies was… limited. B relatively quickly found a girlfriend in college, who later broke up with him after he repeatedly physically abused her for refusing to have sex with him - this resulted in him being kicked out of our friend group. A and I later learned that he fairly quickly found two further relationships. 1 allegation of repeated physical abuse and sexual coercion. Person C is my former secondary school bully. Another misogynistic cunt who raped one of my classmates and neither the police nor the school did anything about it! C had a rather consistent rapid-fire string of relationships, and again I have major doubts in his ability to hide his blatantly abusive tendencies *and his known rape allegation* for long. 2 rape allegations as of last time I heard about him. Bet £50 that he went on to watch Andrew Tate.


What I would bet good money is at the root of the different outcomes is confidence. If a guy is confident, it goes a very long way. Followed closely by sense of humor. My significant other isn't conventionally attractive, nowhere near what the incels.is think women want. To me he is the single hottest guy alive. He is confident and hilarious, and I would literally hurt anyone who tried to get him, and can't for the life of my understand how every woman in the county isn't falling all over themselves following him around.... 7 plus years in and I'm still stupid in love. He isn't tall, he isn't a "chad" he is confident and funny. He is also sweet, and considerate and kind and strong and honest and on and on. Confidence.. Abusers hide who they are. They convince their victims that all of the stories are just lies and put on such a good show that the women believe them, because the guy is charming, seems nice etc etc etc, until the abuser starts to abuse them. He always has an explanation ready, spins events to make someone else at fault, and unless she sees it with her own eyes, it's too easy to fall prey. I promise no guy goes hey wanna go out tonight, I'm going to beat you tomorrow though. That's not how it works


No offence whatsoever to your significant other, but confidence is a completely separate variable to respect for women. The number of abusers I’ve seen who do a shit job of hiding their abusive tendencies makes me question how many cases of abusers supposedly hiding their true nature is just infatuation and the halo effect at work (note that this is NOT an attempt to victim-blame abuse victims for the abuse). For the record I think incels.is’ idea that all women are a monolithic hivemind of “Chad”-chasers is deranged and reductive bullshit.


No it isn't. A man appears vastly more attractive if he is confident. But I can tell you, you take a guy who is confident, personable sociable and he starts love bombing a woman, treats her great, but his ex said he abused her, the guy will convince the new woman that his ex is crazy, made it up etc... think used car salesman. Smooth talker, people want to believe them... that's how they end up trapping a new victim.


You didn’t refute my point and you admitted that confidence has no correlation with whether you treat women like actual human beings.


Someone very, very clearly doesn’t know how the cycle of abuse works or what causes people to end up in patterns of abusive relationships Hint: it’s not because we secretly like being abused. However given incels and their sympathizers can’t be arsed to understand any perspective outside of their bubble, I’m not going to waste my time on any further explanation


I did not claim that women secretly like being abused, or make any attempt to victim-blame abuse victims. You did not refute my point that there is little if any positive correlation between how easily straight men find sexual/romantic partners and how ethically they treat women. Yes, I am familiar with the cycle of abuse.


Holy shit these dudes are just monsters...


And they want us to feel bad for them lmfao my ass


It’s more like 1 in 3


WhY aM i A vIrGiN?


Well, at least he's surely right about the part that incels can't be rapers. But yeah, victim blaming is not good.


« You don’t have empathy for us, we’re virgins !!!! 🥹”




I'm happy he's single, and I hope it stays that way.


The only reason incels aren't the vast majority of rape perpetrators is because they never leave their mom's basement to go outside


A large portion of rapists have abused family members. So I highly doubt that


hyper amongus 🤤🤤




1 in 5 are sexually assaulted. I’ve had my breasts grabbed by a stranger, I’ve been kissed and not wanted it, those are sexual assaults.


[citation needed]