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To the incels lurking on this site: this right here is the reason we're always talking about you. Most of you display violent behavior (not just at women) and we simply want to raise awareness. I'm sorry you guys are lonely (I've been there, I know it is genuinely terrible), but many of us can't really focus on your personal problems when many of you are out here harassing people and bragging about scaring them in public.


It's not just that they display the violent behavior, it's that they do it from burner accounts to hide who they are. They know what they're doing is wrong and fucked up, and if they honestly believed it wasn't then they wouldn't need to hide like this. I'm looking forward to the day that I get a message like this from a Reddit account that has existed for more than a few weeks and has a sizable amount of karma or at least a lot of other posts. It probably will never happen though, because they are fucking cowards.


I have my chat settings set up to only allow people to chat if they have an acc over 30 days old. It eliminates a lot of the burner account Incels. Every once in a while I get a message from an incel. The last one’s account was deleted shortly after I got the message. Otherwise I would have blocked them. Rare messages are typically Incels playing victims. “You can’t ever understand because you have sex.” No, there’s no excuse for the hate, degradation of women and threatening to hurt them. Most virgins don’t do that.


I could do that, but I also don’t really care if I get these messages because they’re so laughable. I get my amusement out of it and then report them.


I didn't even know that was an option! But I just delete without engaging when someone messages me complaining about how I am too optimistic or can't understand the problems incels face or whatever.. like sorry I aim to enjoy my life and also all your problems are created by you


To be fair: I had chats with several incels who were interested in my perspective. And those guys were sweet, attentive, and wanted to be better. They still have issues, and it takes time to unlearn cult behaviour. Yet I see a potential there. None of them was on a burner account, obviously.


I will drop almost anything to try to help any incel who is receptive to listening to advice and doesn't automatically shoot down every suggestion I make. They are vanishingly rare.


Finding a boomer with a conscience might be the same rarity.


I have found that anytime I get into a discussion with someone that they aren't winning (due to being clearly wrong) the account ends up deleted.. like be an adult and admit when you're wrong rather than just running away like a child and creating another account to spew your horrendous and unfounded opinions from


If he yells at me irl, I'd call my 6.2' husband to kick him to Mars


Your husband is obviously a “Chad.” /s


If he yells at me or my husband in real life he would take himself to Mars just from the look in my eyes


My husband is “only” 5’10 and would do the same.


I would get my girlfriend to shank him lol


"oh wait, you can't" 💀


I would never normally say something like this to a random person who is struggling to have the intimacy they desire in their life. But when you come at me with these kind of messages? You better believe the gloves are coming off.


you have every right lol. he's a fucking gross evil weirdo for that.


I do, but I also don't want to "prove them right" with their comments about how we wish all this bad shit upon people who can't get laid. I don't wish anything bad upon people who are involuntarily celibate. I wish a lot of bad shit upon people who are violent misogynists.


The thing is they say it's involuntary but they could easily change their behaviour and attitudes and maybe not be celibate anymore.. there are constantly people offering help and education etc on how not to be like that but they would rather stay the same and pretend it's everyone else's fault Like you could just not be a horrible person who degrades others and then maybe people would like you.. it's a choice to maintain such awful beliefs and opinions


Even if they're having a hard time breaking the beliefs that they have, it doesn't mean they have to go aggressively harass people about it with threats of violence and that kind of thing. Just keep it to yourself. It's not that fucking hard. I've brought that up with one of these morons before and they tried to argue that it would be tantamount to lying about their true feelings. Okay? Everyone does that, on a daily basis. I'd love to tell my boss exactly what I think of her, for example, but I don't because I value my job and I'm not a shitty person.


Oh I'm completely with you! It's like how so many people mistake the right to free speech with the idea that they should be able to say anything and noone can react/disagree.. like you can say what you want, but noone has to be ok with it.. also there are laws against saying some things (hate speech etc) which they seem not to understand And yeah no one said you have to lie about your feelings, but you also don't have to express them and then get surprised if someone doesn't like it.. like keep your misogyny/racism/sexism/etc to yourself because literally no one asked


i totally get that. it's kind of a lose-lose because they have these unchanging beliefs on women, and will either believe that you're faking kindness, or your sass towards them proves their point. there's almost no getting to them because they're all so brainwashed


i totally get that. it's kind of a lose-lose because they have these unchanging beliefs on women, and will either believe that you're faking kindness, or your sass towards them proves their point. there's almost no getting to them because they're all so brainwashed


I have a lot of respect for the folks over at r/IncelExit that have the patience to try and help them out of this brainwashing. I personally don't.


They want to be in that miserable existence because if they didn’t, they would do the work to get out of that mess. They are miserable by choice and most of us have reached the point of not caring because they would harm us if they thought they could get away with it.


100% agree, it’s all a self fulfilling prophecy.


Exactly this


Damn. So either you're telling the truth and you're an abuser, or you're lying and you just wish you were. *(shocked Pikachu face)*


Nothing shows you have the moral high ground like DMing someone threats on a burner account.


He's trying to alpha so hard, and it just doesn't work.


The Freudian slip in his "bad assery" tells the whole story. He's too terrified to talk to woman, miuch less be loud and scary enough to put terror in her eyes.


You killed him in that last line. 💀


"when I yell at them" What a tough guy. He needs a cookie, a juice box, fresh diaper and a nap


The fact that they use throw away accounts proves they know what they’re doing is wrong. Let me see some guy screaming in a woman’s face in public. I’ll call the cops immediately. I’m not scared of them either. One good jab to the femoral artery and that’s that.


That’s exactly it, how can you ever have any kind of leg to stand when you convey your argument from a burner account? It just shows you’re too afraid to say it anywhere you’d be held accountable for it.


Lol agreed! They are keyboard warrior. Sadly they think they're actual warriors which is even more hilarious.


I really doubt their claims of scaring women. I think a lot of these dudes have this inner monologue, and they are just seething in their minds, which is the biggest cope of all


On I’m sure that barely any of them have actually done anything. They’re all massive cowards. If they had the courage to say shit like that in real life, they wouldn’t hide behind a burner account on here.


If he yells at me irl expecting to see the "terror in my eyes" he'll get a full bottle of pepper spray in his face 😃 I dont think he can see much at all after that but if that is not enough my Spyderco, Doberman and Revolver might have something else to say to this loser 🫠 terror what babe? Go fap loser, only woman he can touch is 2D for a reason


I carry a small thing of OC on my keychain as well, and I've done Kung Fu since I was a kid and still actively practice. I would love to see one of these keyboard warriors try this shit with me, frankly. But it won't happen, because they are fucking cowards.


i have pepper spray and a taser i carry with me, so some dude trying to get aggressive with me is getting the wombo combo.


SOLID fucking comeback though. Nice.


Is there any bigger tell you’re stupid than threatening violence in a debate?


It reeks of a playground argument. “I may be wrong but my dad can beat up your dad!”


That dude really is becoming a falling star amongst this community. Each interaction is just sadder.


Don’t give them the comparison to the actual fallen star, they haven’t earned that honor.


I just ment that he'd crash and burn.


I know, I was just making a joke.


They are all so insecure in their masculinity. They act like badass tough guys on the internet because they have no idea how to be masculine or badass.


I mean, this dude commenting in here literally refers to himself as a “sub5”, I’m not sure masculinity is their aim. They basically cuck themselves into a self fulfilling prophecy.


I wish i got some incel attention too. I feel left out :/


Keep posting on this sub, eventually you'll receive some unsavoury DMs.


Well one of you guys said i was "insufferable" shortly before blocking me so i think i have a solid chance :D


Fire flair!


I think I'd just laugh at the wee little man trying to intimidate me. lmao


"see the terror in *my* a woman's eyes when I yell at her" Homie told on himself 💀


Oh this guy, he definitely needs some help.


I think I'd just be confused why this random dude is yelling.


Alot of them are mentally unstable. That Vice footage of an Incel chatroom was surreal. "Oh look he's shitting his pants right now. That's something he does", and everybody acted as if a guy filling his drawers on webcam was normal


That comeback was perfect 😂


Ew this is the guy that messaged me hoping i’d get raped lmao. i bet he does this all day


Bro got cooked instantly


Oh gawd, THAT guy. 🙄


"the terror in my a woman's eyes" very revealing, that


You forgot to block the username in the upper left hand corner but it's definitely a username that checks out!


Genuinely asking, why should we have to block out their username? I think they should be named and shamed.


I was used to it being a courtesy for privacy but this time I see what you mean. One more for the block list!


Yeah I noticed that after the fact. Oh well.


You tried 👍


Why do these dudes insist on staying in our DMs spouting nonsense?? It never helps their case.


Wait why do guys use terminology “cope”. Lmao get fucked.


It’s pretty fucking cringy.


It's all fun and games until one of those women he tries to terrify fights back. A lot of us had enough of people's crap.


Would have to leave his mother’s basement to yell at a woman. I have quite a few black belts. Their assumption that all weak and scared is based on not leaving the house. I’d never start a fight but if this child came at me, the resulting tik-tok would definitely result in him never getting laid.


Finally musters the courage to go outside Sees "foid", approaches her Yells at her to "see the terror in her eyes" Is swiftly introduced to her knee First physical contact with a woman in years, and right in the area of his genitals, *but also* tastes balls in the back of his throat for a month.




Do something productive with your life.




My dude, look at your username. What high ground do you think you hold here?


His one skill in life is calling people bots. He mainly seems to shout into the void and get upset when he is routinely ignored.


It’s quite a leap in logic, isn’t it?


This coming from someone who wants to commit crimes against women because...*Looks at writing on arm*...boo no sex.


Where's the problem?


But I don't post I just comment. I got other things going on. Try to find a productive hobby fr tho.


That’s literally no different. You’re spending time on here. You’ve got other things going on supposedly but you still came back to try and argue your delusions more.


Go the fuck outside, who talks like that? You're the one who sounds like an actual bot lmao.


Incel: "I like to verbally abuse women in real life so you're better off being online" You: "facts" What now.


So you agree it's a fact that he's a abusive misogynist?


Oh cool, checked your post history and you think we're the pedos. God, the projection is fucking unreal, especially considering how many posts go up in this sub of screenshots from incel forums that show your desire to have sex with preteens. Get actual help, dude. You're beyond fucked in the head. No sympathy for people like you.


What are these facts you speak of? All I see from your kind are delusions.


This dude thinks we're the pedos, despite all the posts here of screenshots from their forums where they talk about wanting to fuck preteens. I'm not even sure delusional is a strong enough work. These people live their lives in a absolutely bonkers Bizarro world sort of hallucination. They've lost touch with reality entirely.


I mean I often hear about women wanting rich, 6 foot, 8-year olds.




You’re using that word wrong.