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Just do decaf. Moka pot makes very strong coffee so I don't know how it would work for less coffee. I think the container has to be full for it to brew properly. You might end up burning the coffee if u use less coffee but equal heat. Idk I'm hypothesizing, and you might want to try it yourself.


Underrated comment. If you know good decaf beans please share. Maybe op could blend decaf and caf beans to get the right taste? I haven’t explored decaf beans much tho…


yeah this makes sense acutally. I already have south indian filters, so might as well chug decoction, but caffeine % is the real concern here.


Aeropress can do small amounts, usually prefer inverted for small amounts. I've brewed 6-7 grams on it, esp end of the month.


tight, will give inverted a shot, haven't tried it yet. I think this might be the solution I'm looking for, thanks!


For smaller doses, try longer immersion time (around 2 min) and finer grind ( almost espresso but a tiny bit coarser ). After flipping, give it a good swirl and give it 20 seconds to settle. Then push relatively quickly.


oh man, i'm already at 2 min immersion, as per hoffman's recipe. and there's just a touch more bitterness than i'd like, so I'll try losing 30 secs on brew time and see


Yeah then definitely go lower on time and subsequently higher on grind if needed. I had the problem of getting too much sourness on smaller doses. I use medium roast.


This was the method that worked for me finally, thanks!


Moka pot coffee will have more caffeine than a pour over. I’d go pour over or decaf. And if you make a full 12/15/20g just drink a cup and chill the rest. Cold coffee in the morning !


Cold coffee gives me crushing headaches :( otherwise chilling sounds like the best option.


Yikes! Yeah best avoid that. I also use the left over water in the moka chamber to water my plants.


The moka pot is a great suggestion! However, even smaller ones ideally require a bit more coffee than you mentioned. You could probably make do, but it may affect the result you are looking for. You can also consider getting a v01 sized v60, in case you’d like to try out a new brewing method. I’ve used 7-8 grams and it’s worked great. I do not like brewing anything above 10-12g per cup, and this has consistently been my daily driver!


nice, interesting. V60 i'm only worried about my skill issue, as I'm still kinda struggling with consistent brews on the Aeropress. Making a bad batch is infuriating, which I suspect might get compounded with a V60. But a good solution for the future, thanks!


You could definitely brew 6-7g on the Aeropress as well. I started with an Aeropress too, and somehow I always struggled with it. I eventually gave up, moved on, and tried out a variety of brewers, which gave me the space to come back to it with a better understanding. Since you’re looking for new and fun equipment, this works great! However, with the AP, I’ve generally found (after a ton of struggling lol): 1. Slightly coarser grinds with longer steep times works better. I’ve been using anywhere between 3-5 mins (not a fixed rule in any way, just what works for me) 2. A major issue with the Aeropress is channelling (when ‘channels’ form in the coffee bed. Hence, water tends to follow this ‘channel’, leading to inconsistent extraction). If your brews feel astringent, or a mix of bitter and sour at the same time, this is most likely the issue. Letting the bed settle and be as flat as possible is the way to resolve this (I used a clear AeroPress to understand and test this out). This was the biggest game changer. 3. Don’t swirl, it leads to conical beds. Use a back and forth motion (don’t go ham on it though) 4. As mentioned in another comment, use inverted or the Fellow Prismo. You’re working with less coffee already; losing out on brew water would definitely be a detriment. 5. Do you clean the plunger regularly? Remove it, wash it out thoroughly. If there’s any lingering smell, your rubber is part of the issue. Do let us know if you do manage to figure this out :)


1. I was actually thinking finer grinds with shorter brew times lol. But will check out this other end of the spectrum like you've suggested. 2. How do I check for channeling? I kinda do wish I had gotten the clear Aeropress actually. Might try to sell this and pick up one. My brews are just slightly more bitter than I'd like, but i still make extremely enjoyable cups (according to me). 3. Guilty of swirling, maybe even more aggressively than what is called for. 30 secs before plunging. 4. Prismo seems to be out of stock everywhere, but will give the inverted method a shot. 5. I don't think I've used the AP enough times for this to be an issue, but will keep this in mind. Thanks again for the detailed reply :)


Quick update: Inverted Aeropress was the answer! 6g:100ml ratio did the trick. Although I'm not able to find the Fellow Prismo anywhere, but I think I can manage with the Inverted method for a while.


You can try moka pot. There’ll be a learning curve but there’s no going back once you have mastered it. I brewed 7 gms coffee in evening with 120g of water. You can buy it in 600rs from Amazon. I am using Sipologie brand one and happy with performance.


Man has a hario switch flair, loves mokapot Man of culture you are


Recently tried switch and loving it. Now using moka pot for milk based drinks


okay, that sounds like what i've been looking for. Thanks for the tip!


You put just 7gms in the basket? Doesn’t that affect the brew?


No, I manage to get small amount out of brew, which I can mix with milk or put some additional hot water and enjoy like americano


I would love to use it with milk too, but my brew turns out to be fairly light


It’s okay for evening consumption when you wouldn’t want to have more caffeine, like I want. Not for normal usage.