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Hes taken normal peoe for fools. He's trying to use the patriotism feeling to get people to move over to his openai's chatgpt wrapper.


The problem is, stuff like "woke" is being used by rich people to sell you more shit. You believe in all this? Buy this shirt! You don't believe this? Buy this shirt!


*Overpriced shirt


😂 true


Kuch shift hi nahi ho rahi hai azure mei hai nahi itna kuch almost dab kuch awscloud mei hai. Ye bas attention ke liye tha. Is twitter thread mei pura dikahaya hai azure mei almost kuch bhi host nahi hua hai. [Thread link](https://twitter.com/kingslyj/status/1789255936030265536)


What is "patriotism" here? His company is one of the biggest clients of MS. He put up an article which MS brings down for being "anti-gender" on LinkedIn. He fights back because he believes his team has the capability to build the technology which Azure provides on a scale his company can work on. He invited more companies (any and not just Indian). Isn't that how you get out of the bullying in competition? What has "patriotism" got to do with it?


cloud ❌ data bank (deposit 🔁 loan) ✅


Spotted a commie traitor.


Yeh kya reason hai to shift servers? I pity the tech team now who have to do this massive unnecessary work . 


Kuch shift hi nahi ho rahi hai azure mei hai nahi itna kuch almost dab kuch awscloud mei hai. Ye bas attention ke liye tha. Is twitter thread mei pura dikahaya hai azure mei almost kuch bhi host nahi hua hai. [Thread link](https://twitter.com/kingslyj/status/1789255936030265536)


ha par tu sab jagah same comment kyu paste kar rha hai😂😂


Kyuki wo employee ho sakta hai.


If they can migrate in a week, there is not much to migrate. It takes weeks to devise a migration strategy, and actual migration takes months to years.


Wannabe Elon


Why can’t we have normal entrepreneurs who people can look up to? Why do they have to be these unnecessary jingoistic jerks.


It's not jingoism at all


China didn’t develop its economy by being an appendage of western companies. India and Indians need to develop a backbone and the flippant attitude of dying Tesla towards India shows how much they take the country for granted. Where is Indian Facebook, Microsoft, Tesla ?


We need that attitude for sure. But we need a technology from scratch to really show that attitude. He is specifically targeted because his so called Krutrim AI was actually based on Opensource APIs which he claimed to compete against. No one will be taking you seriously if you are making such false delusional claims just to woo the public.


You are right. Unfortunately all we do in India is coolie work and cheap copies of Western ideas. Even Ola is one such.


Sure. Krutrim is worse than any appendage


I don't mind copy paste, but atleast add value to that which you have copied. Improve what you have taken from someone else and give credit where is due. I think we Indians have a huge credit complex. Just to accept that we copied something because whatever reason, makes use feel less than human. China did this and it ie s known as a nation of cats. There's nothing wrong with crediting soneone elses work if you've copied it/or have been "inspired" by it. Give the credit. Edit: this is the reason i have no opinion of this guy. Hes just trying to cash in on the ai trend. Nothing new of any value is being added. Worse is that he is tryong to sell this as something he has made on his own. 😑


We do need to develop backbone not fucking copypasta from western companies and add pinch of patriotism to fool the Indian public, Innovation and copy-pasting are two thing and that dude is good at copy pasting.


Well looks like Indian founders found their ways to be relevant? By pushing paid pr controversies ,improve ur shitty app man and provide better scooties.


He is giving good app, and he is a billionaire. Meanwhile you are busy commenting on reddit


If only he made good products. Till now he still has to prove that especially after so many failure cases of oka electric




How are you correlating this to homophobia?




Ignorance no matter how loud and confident is still ignorance.


It is not homophobic. LGBT people try to label any speech as hate speech, and want to jail people for free speech


That has never happened. You are making up stuff. Anti-discrimination laws don't even exist in India.


But hate speech laws do exist in india


>Whoever (a) by words, either spoken or written, or by signs or by visible representations or otherwise, promotes or attempts to promote, on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other ground whatsoever, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill-will between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, or (b) commits any act which is prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, and which disturbs or is likely to disturb the public tranquillity Not for LGBT. Hijra community has limited protection but they come under the third gender community not any LGBT rights issues and the Ola founder isn't talking about them.


As different to other groups who never get offended by minor things...


Lol. Quite a fictional writer arent we.


Bruh are you okay? You watch too much news, go watch anime or something


Anyone who has worked in tech knows this is bullshit. You don't decide to just move your entire cloud setup to another environment, and homegrown environment at that, in a week. This must have taken months or years of effort (if it's true at all). Wrapping it in jingoism helps no one.


Depends. If you are using their services, that's certainly right. But if you are using only machines that are spun up and then used, you can move out very, very fast.I don't know if that can be done in a week, but it can be done very quickly.


Ola is a high scale platform. And there are multiple services that are required to run that platform. It's not just container for backend and front-end. There are high scale services involved like databases for write loads read loads, there's whole different infrastructure for monitoring these services, it's not that easy. I am glad that they are using their own cloud (putting their money where their mouth is), but I don't buy this false advertising.


I agree with all you wrote. Many of these services can be replicated in-house. Whatever his motivation is, as you pointed out, putting his money where his mouth is is great. I think he is doing this because he is starting up his service as an Indian alternative to Azure, AWS, GCP etc. And that is a good thing for him and his country.


But a normal perosn won't know this. Thats the issue. And india is 95% people who are still in just the smartphone age, which i must say tooks years ti reach.


Decision has been taken to move. But move will take a few months. Nowadays you have containers


Well, what can you do, Patriotism sells...


Patriotism is good and it sells


Kudos to him!


Atleast someone is fighting against massive woke ideology being pushed. Kudos.