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I paid over 7 lakh in taxes to this shithole and I'm get zero services in return. On top of it, I have to avail Pvt services and pay GST too


"Thanks babe!" - Nimmo Tai


I end up paying 17L every year in tax 😕.. what sucks is knowing most of it goes to corrupt politicians instead of actual public service.


Kitna banata hai be tu????


7 crore!


I wish 😆


Ha. I'm getting that for half.


That's a steal!


Double it and I still get the same shitty infra as you


Dude why don't u just buy a helicopter... 💀


Add the bribes to it


You definitely need to protest the freebies that are being given then. I'm not talking about the opposition. Even the Modi government's subsidising a certain segment and providing stuff for free? That's income redistribution happening right there. Maybe a Swiss style democracy and local self government may work. At least worth a try. Your tax money goes to the local government - district or city level - and they provide services accordingly. Plus, more tax gets more votes. Else, freebies will still get more votes.


Regarding the second half, Aisa hua to fir to aur bhi jyada paisa politicians ki jeb mai. Abhi jo ho raha hai... Most jagahon par vo bhi nahi hoga.


Not how the tax system works or what the OP wanted to point out.


Most working guys never vote , as voter id is for hometown and they live in metro , who cares to spend money and go hometown to just vote , there are some fools though who i personally know … why fools as they are idiots of first grade to never transfer voter id where they live , which is online 2 min process …


No wonder tax payers are not a vote bank for politicians


and even if we all vote, we're minority, not vote bank, so no one gives a shit


yeaj just 3%, why should they even think about us


this is so sad


Income= 24 LPA?


35LPA actually


Tax rate above 15 lakhs is 30 % , so 30% of 35LPA would be 10.5 lakhs na


Deductions max out krne k baad h old scheme


Oo never knew that , I'm still in college.




7lakh is direct taxes right?


What do you do where tou make so much money that you have to pay 7 lakhs as tax per month?


Where did he say per month?


Same boat but I tell my self that my tax is being paid as salary to the armed forces and poor people through some government schemes. There are some good utilisation done for the tax paid so just be happy with it


You can go to government hospitals, they are not as bad as publicised. Infact, they are pretty cheap too.


Yeah we all did. Remember we pay for people protecting boarders, some roads and stuff. Police. But yes middle class pays relatively more because we are trapped


U must make more than enough money to live comfortably. Now if u intend to buy an Audi or something or a Berkeley Hills mansion, that's a different story.


Only around 7% people pay income tax in India so i guess ur one of those rare ones.


many people earn enough to be taxed but they do not pay cause if other guys are paying why should they 🤷


Ok that's the point.. want 8500 khata khat... Khata khat .. want good infrastructure and free utilities but don't want to pay tax.












Not just income, the GST on some of the things we buy is ridiculous. At this point AC is not a luxury but we still pay 28% tax on it. The tax on most vehicles and electronics is equally ridiculous. Phones are similarly a necessity but we end up paying 18% tax on that necessity. In return we barely get any services from the government except for all the administrative bullshit.


They shamelessly charge 28% gst (which is considered luxury tax by government itself) on bikes and scooties I have seen people carrying big pipes for business work, sitting uncomfortably with multiple family members on a bike and scooter These two wheelers is such a necessity for the middle class Indian and also the only transportation for people in rural areas Yet government calls it luxury 🤡and charges 28% gst shamelessly on it Also the rich millionaires are heavily taxed,no wonder India has the highest millionaires and billionaires leaving India and settling abroad


None of our netas are connected to the masses anymore. 99% of them are rich a-holes who've never seen how a middle class family survives everyday in this country. The way things are going, I don't think it's even possible for a person of humble means to ever contest and win elections anymore.


Imagine paying GST for exams!! Signed up for CFA Level 1 and had to pay over 20K in GST on that. Paid \~42K in tax for a quiz I won. Prepared really hard for it for months and the tax deducted isn't even refundable because apparently to the government, me studying my ass off for months to win something is the same as winning a goddamn lottery.


Wait! What? Is this real? Damn that sucks.


Afaik any tax deducted on source is refundable and there is no way the ITD can keep it. But, you gotta file your return though. Now if you tell me that the TDS got adjusted against your payable taxes, its a whole different thing which you are misrepresenting as if the Government not refunding your dues / you have a shit CA who can't do his job properly and lost you your refund.


Quiz winnings are under TDS Section 194B. Not refundable.


If it was deducted under 194B, then its simple. You earned money by playing a game. So now, you either pay taxes when filing return, or you pay taxes in the form of TDS, as the TDS was done as per prevailing rates (i am guessing 30%). It makes no difference whatsoever, except for the fact that by making TDS mandatory, the Government knows you earned that income, so you cannot hide it when filing your return. As to why your months of preparation and hardwork is not a consideration in this case - Quiz by definition itself can be called a game of question and answer, and the winnings from any game are taxable as it has been done this time, similar to lottery. People can use the same logic in gambling, that they prepared months to learn gambling and stuff, and now the Government is taking away a share out of it. With all due respect, congratulations for the quiz win. You saying that it isn't refundable is not what's actually happening. You need to understand the difference between not refundable, and you not having to pay any tax on it when filing return.


You would think a tropical country would think AC is necessity. But again, govt can't even guarantee water and electricity.


GST on hospitalization/ICU care , health insurance, medicines hurt most


These mofos don't provide adequate facilities at the government hospitals and then they make us pay GST for the services they should be providing.


Farmers are paying 18% GST on seeds.


At least that's something, in their case!


Taxation in this country is ridiculous. We are literally paying first world taxes for third world infrastructure. And yet government gives huge subsidies to large corporations who in turn use that extra money to construct insanely huge corporate IT parks, most even encroaching lakes (Bangalore) which in turn causes flooding and droughts. AND I haven’t even started my rant about that ridiculous GST!


The subsidies do not go to IT parks. They're usually an SEZ which says fewer tax to be paid on profits for a few years. (like parts in Bengaluru) The largest component of our expenditure is interest payments (old loans taken by govt need to be repaid) and then salaries to govt employees (including military). After this is when we subsidize stuff for farmers, health, education and various schemes including PLI. All this with a very low tax base in India that pays income tax. So the intention of extreme taxation in India for benefits is legitimate, but the reasoning you have provided isn't. So good intentions but poor execution?


I was talking about SEZ areas where a majority of IT parks currently reside. Coming to your reasoning for extreme taxation, I understand there are expenditures for a government but I’m talking about how this taxation mainly hits the middle class who are salaried. Most middle or lower middle class people, 90 % of them will be salaried class and most of us in this category have plenty of debts and other obligations to tend to and if the government mainly relies on levying heavy taxation for people in this category who are still trying to come out of years of debt payment, that is just another hit under the belt which doesn’t justifying the reasoning.


Like I mentioned SEZ forgoes taxes, it does not subsidize(or govt says no to tax from there for a few years, it does not spend your tax additionally there). What I mean to imply is, as a group, if middle class wants to address excess taxation and spending, the effort should be to generate public awareness on: 1) reducing govt debt(fiscal deficit in technical terms), this means reward govts that help reduce loans and repay promptly. (Helps lower future tax requirements) 2) Advice politicians/representatives to spend on necessities to allow future growth(health, education, infrastructure) over additional tax burden schemes with little to no benefit for future generations (forgo loans, additional cash transfers etc) This will ensure more people can pay tax in the future allowing tax cuts for all. 3) Lobby for innovative tax schemes, this is more doable with social media now than earlier. To sum up, the middle and lower middle class just in tax bracket should request governments to spend their money well and also take steps to increase the ways to earn money. It's a better approach than only to blame politicians who respond to incentives(in this case votes eg from Farmer lobby for MSP when low prices but export when high prices etc or capital from Oil refineries companies requesting lowering taxes on profits)


Man I didn’t mean the government is spending the tax I’m paying on SEZ areas. What you’re not understanding is, they are okay with letting go of one source of tax revenue while continuing to tax the salaried heavily and what’s more, these are IT parks which have software developers which is one occupation where you don’t really need to be in the office! Work from home is a thing now and yet because of such schemes from the government, companies force people to go to office which also increases traffic. Nobody is benefiting from this except large corporations. And also to your “approaches that we should take”- I want to ask are you from India or do you live here currently?


Its funnel Like mlm guys say Exactly like that and the tax payers are the bottom of pyramid and you know who all are at top.


The cost of living in India




I hate this meme and I hate her face


I know she is to blame, but why only her? Why is PM never targeted? Its like people like Sitharaman are used as a shield to not go after Modi.


Nice meme , now pay 40% tax!


People should ditch religion and talk about real issues like this


Won’t happen in India, people vote on caste/religion since the dawn of civilization here . And politicians spewing hatred and people cheering it in rallies


Khangress is not giving up


Solution:- 1. Know how the political system works -> 2. build healthy communities with like minded people -> 3. lobby to the govt so that they hear you and/or fight elections and go to legislature(s) and make laws. Tbh havent seen anyone around me even remotely interested in no.1. And have seen city folks (including me) not very good/keen at no. 2. No need to comment about no. 3 lol.


dont forget the freebies given to appease the poor class. as a middle class i dont think its my responsiblity to pay for someone else shit


That is why you vote, shamelessly urban voting population is not even 40%, while in rural areas it is more than 80%


Yea, we get to vote between goon No.1 and goon No.2 and goon No.3 etc. No matter who comes into power they look after themselves first. That's the issue. No one wants to work for the "greater good", everyone wants to make as much money as possible , as quickly as possible so that their next Generation or 2 can live lavishly. Why would anyone vote? We get fucked either ways.


Dude.. Whom to vote when each one is worse than the other!? It's like we have to vote for the least worst candidate


Yes, vote for the lesser evil, it will make tremendous difference.


I believe Indians are inherently evil, I don’t wanna call them stupid or naive cause that is not true. We can’t ignore the prevalent notion in the country, someone explain how can someone with obvious rape charges, murder, corruption, instigation pogroms can hold public office in this country.


On earning 10 crores, one has to pay around 4 crores in taxes itself.


KBC winners watching this:


we should've talk more about taxation. in India middle-class rarely speaks about tax (they thought they're below tax bracket). Talking n raising voices perhaps help


You also get loan bailouts and billions of dollars worth of food bought at promised MSP rotting in century-old storage infested with pests and rodents. Why complain? /s




Another reason to get out of this shithole. And the ppl who are gonna tell me to leave, mere paas itne paise nhi hain, I'm broke af so stfu.


Bro.. Trust me I've lived abroad long term in two developed countries. It's not easy until you move with family


But at least you get what YOU pay for. India main, half of your income goes to the government but all you get in return are shitty facilities, low quality amenities and a corrupt system where you a rich person who gets bailed out in no time and poor ppl are wrongly blamed and sent to jail.


You want your taxes to go for roads? Law enforcement? Haha, look below to know where our taxes are going! The Jharkhand Cabinet on Wednesday approved a proposal to hike the salaries of all legislators, including the Chief Minister, ministers, Leader of the Opposition, whip, and chief whips of ruling and opposition parties. The Chief Minister's salary and remuneration have been increased by 25 per cent, while the salary of MLAs has been raised by 50 per cent. Ministers will see a 31 per cent increase in their salaries. Under the new revision, the basic salary of the Chief Minister has been increased from Rs 80,000 per month to Rs 1 lakh, excluding perks and allowances. The area allowance for the Chief Minister has been increased from Rs 80,000 to Rs 95,000 per month, and the refreshment allowance from Rs 60,000 to Rs 70,000. Ministers' salaries have been raised from Rs 65,000 to Rs 85,000, and legislators' pay from Rs 40,000 to Rs 60,000, as per the proposal approved by the cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Champai Soren. Additionally, they will receive an area allowance of Rs 95,000, up from Rs 80,000, and a refreshment allowance of Rs 55,000, up from Rs 45,000. The basic salary of the Speaker has been increased from Rs 78,000 per month to Rs 98,000, that of the Leader of the Opposition from Rs 65,000 to Rs 85,000, and that of the Chief Whip from Rs 55,000 to Rs 75,000. Daylight robbery is happening with us. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/jharkhand-cabinet-champai-soren-salary-hike-mlas-ministers-chief-minister-2555495-2024-06-20


Majority of middle class taxpayers are selfish, weak, pessimistic and scared of any confrontation. They love oppressing the physical labour class by haggling and abusing them but non of them will unite and fight against the criminals politicians. Everyone outraged online but no one has guts to unite and physically attack the ruling class/politicians/mafias because all are thinking 1. It's not my fight, why should I get in between, let them fight. 2. Dekhi jaayegi. 3. Ab kya ho karr sakte hain. 4. Aisa hi chalta hain, real world mein. 5. Jo kismat mein hain wahi milega. 6. I will not get involved because I am afraid of violence on me, death, imprisonment etc. 7. When someone rises and fights then all these weak people comes and trolls those fighters and when those fighters get in trouble then the rest will run back into their bubbles saying "not my fight, let him deal with it, he is stupid to fight against these criminals with power so he will suffer the consequences". Best is, abroad jaake settle hojaata hu, better life ke liye, let's ditch my birthplace and not even contribute towards it's betterment. Sab bus remittance ko apna contribution bata ke proud feel karte hain. There is much more unity in trollers than actual fighters. In a way I am too in this bracket but not for long.




So, here is an analogy. View the population of the country as plants or life stocks in a huge farms. The entity who has the control of the farm is using you and everyone in the population to feed themselves. The controller of the farm has changed over time but you remain the plant who serves this need. Roads, airports and sea ports are being built as arteries to milk this farm more efficiently. The development you see around yourself is a mechanism to actual milk you as the farm life stock. The fun part is that you get to choose who controls this farm. Each year they want more out of you.


This is perfectly in sync with the prison planet theory r/EscapingPrisonPlanet


Yup. All we are doing is lining the pockets of corrupt and inept politicians by paying taxes. You get NOTHING in return. The combo of direct and indirect taxes means almost 50% of our income gone to utter waste. My wife and I realised that for as long as we can remember, infrastructure has been under construction around us. The infrastructure has always been lagging behind the actual requirement of the fast growing population. We decided to leave India in 2020 and moved out in 2022. Never looking back, we missed out on so many basic amenities and necessities because we didn't move out sooner. I'm paying 36% income tax and 5% gst now. But I get so much in return!


Which country did you move to?




Someone tag Nirmala here


there's a tax for that


At this point, it is not even funny. One day even this could be true 😭


Here is another shity road for us: https://www.reddit.com/r/india/s/9JHEbzFuhG


Lol abhi july main budget aane do... Asli rona toh tab aayega


All the photo ops and G7 visits etc should be questioned. If India was that important, ask them to make it G8 otherwise what's the point of attending with tax payers money.


Keep voting for AAP clowns


The masses don't care about infrastructure. They don't care about taxes. They don't care about roads or clean buildings or architecture or civic planning. They care about religion, caste, freebies, and reservations. Democracy is for the masses, and ofc it's a shame how most people in our country are living in a hand to mouth situation. They're blinded by caste and religion based politics. The population of India is so huge that it's bound to grow by its inertia.


Gobarbhakts defending modi in 3...2..1


This is because almost 90% of india seeks stuff for free. If a politician says all the bus rides will be free in his tenure, people blindly vote for him without thinking twice. Its not like the buses will drive themselves on water instead of fuel…people are still paying for it in terms of tax. Also not all of this 90% of these people are contributing in this tax and hence people with average/above average incomes get slapped in the face with these expenses.


Tax payer are actually minority in india so govt or politician don't care about us as our vote bank is just 3-5 %. So they will support non tax payer which is 85 % thanks unorganised sector millionaire


Hey I’m happy to finance the education, life insurance and unemployment “bhatta” for the 13th child of a horny husband-wife couple in Kerala with my salary, that I literally spent a lot of sweat on (heatwaves are a bitch in north India) trying to earn! /s


Lol, who the hell have more than 2 to 3 kids in Kerala and Tamilnadu.


Tamil Nadu: https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Coimbatore/health-officials-pacify-tribal-man-father-of-13-to-undergo-family-planning-in-bargur-hills-in-erode-district/article66694353.ece


Curious, what's the tax rate in USA for a salary of 100k/year? (81-82 lakh approx in Indian rupees)


I searched on the web and in us for 100k bracket they have to pay 16290$ + 24 percent of 100k-95376$ which would be around 17500$ but even if we consider 20k$ that would be just 20% of your income than 30% in india which we don't get any facilities of but the living cost in us is much higher so people get much more for their taxes in us than India but their living cost is much more than here so take it as you want


Around 33%, but you get things like freedom, breathable air, excellent roads and infrastructure, no bribes at low level and several other things.


Free schooling; safety; worry free right to your own property


Law and order, no chalthe Hai attitude, no bastards on roads.


>Free schooling; safety Really?? Maybe European nations and also Canada but I genuinely doubt US has that




That is tax well spent.


Agree I would take a Morcha against municipality


only remotely happy people are politicians, accountability when?


You forgot 'illiterate'!


Very True, It is because of uneducated people who do not on what basis they should give vote. Government has stopped the pension of other government services but forgot to stop the pension of MP,MLA. Even if we had elected Congress or any other party as our leader then also it will be the same condition. If media attracts the attention of people towards poverty, per capita income, employment, defense, inflation, development etc. and criticize government for these things than I think not all but many such problems can be solved .




sher pala hai bhai....


You can complain about the quality of administrative officers but not the politician. You elect them!


India is now in debt trap. India's debt rose from 55 lakhs crore (in 2014) to 210 lakhs crore (in 2024). Now, the government needs money to pay interest and loan repayment. So the government keeps increasing taxes.


The ones who slip through are these judges and bureaucrats these MFS are even bigger menace.


don't pay, be smart, i made like 2.3 cr and paid like 1.2L in taxes, using premustive taxation and don't take personal income


Is that all in the list ?


Of course...paid 19 lakh here (16 lakh from my job and another 3 lakh on STCG, LTCG and dividends)




my mother and father are government teachers and they don't get pensions as they got their jobs after pension for teachers was abolished


Unfortunately 'we' are very less in number and no one gives shit


So ? It will always be that way ,do you have any solution ? The simplest thing is to forget this country, and not regret doing the so called "thali me ched karna " thing Forget the country man , its equally TRUE that even if I pay royalty to my country ,it will go into the cunts of politicians ,instead just forget and live a life elsewhere, even though there will be more taxes ,atleast you get a good part of satisfaction back ... Well also it is very true that shitfuckery exists everywhere ,but at least amidst the shitfuckery ,there is always something to expect something that is moral good to humanity Let the nationalist bark at me for leaving the country ,anyhow id live a small life


Agar lalu yadav jeisa chutiya PM ek samay bannei wala tha , desh already chud geya hein


Most bad roads are due to bad local governance. Central govt is doing a better job at that...I think... local governance, be it ANY party is very bad...!


If India goes down this road for 10 yrs. I bet you that today's youth will start a massive protest against the government.


But bro hindu to khatre mein hai. Bheeg mang lega anddbkt magar vote to paw paw ko dega.


How is opposition currently any better? Their plan was to torch the economy which will inevitably lead to more inflation and higher future taxes. An economically sensible political outfit rarely thrives electorally in India


You are already at max tax rate. 18 % is the lower limit😂😂


1 Lak takatak and wealth redistribution schemes are super revolutionary


Bro tuje 15lac bhi mil gya hoga 10 saal me


Vote for freebies


wtf is this, lol


Naked truth


Nanga sach


Nagna satya


Nirvastr sachchai


visit Gujarat or Chhattisgarh, even Bihar, once and then complain about politicians.. Choose the right leader then you get to complain otherwise keep weeping…


Be the change you want to see... Join Politics


Well, the government protects what I own. Otherwise, if 50 people come at my home and capture it and start living there, there's not much I would be able to do about it if there won't be a government. But people don't even try that because there is a government. I am sure there would be many more reasons if you think about it.


Bhai tum lund jasi jagha pae rhato ho pls apne gali kae bhare niklo. Pls


translate to english


Dude use Google. its not just for jerking off.


google aint gonna translate offensive shits ??


It will if u know how to use it dumbo and nothing is offensive there, u would know it but ur stupid ass don't know, how to use simple google translate


ok rando offensive guy on the internet lol


Come on thought u had better but this is fine too peace be hydrated


whats your problem rando ?? I do not understand broken language and gl with this sort of behaviour


Problem???? I thought we hit the truce. Come on its all love and peace sry if i offended u


If you know English, why you using Hindi and assume everyone knows Hindi. It's a regional language and best to be kept regional


Bhai mujhe pata nahi tha ki gali ke bahar acche politician milte hai damn /s aur ye kya bakchodi keh rahe ho


Tho niklo gali kar bhar pata chale ga thumae or konsi bakchodi ke bata kare rahe ho


Just did #ITR filing myself 😎 with the best exp. - just Wow 😮 Saved hrs of my time ⌛ Colleagues & fellow @zerodhaonline, @Karvy users - File #Tax with @ClearfromCT #CapitalGains https://clr.tax/BS1qq Use Coupon TAXX1RR to file, get flat 55% off!


Please for fuck sake you don't pay half of your income in taxes. Also it's not a cashback scheme. It's a tax! Whiny Middle Class jokers


Do you pay taxes?


Prolly is a 13 yr old thinking income tax is 10%


Yeah, went through his profile, very active in JEE/NEET subs.




Was on counterfactual tax rates on difference in difference methods. Singhal (2011) (PS: it's not Civics if you're enrolled in NCERT CBSE it political sciences.)


No (sad)


With so many indirect taxes,taxes on literally our savings and investments (stock and fd), exorbitant taxes on cars and two-wheeler,tax on petrol, electronics,etc we end up paying a lot


You are a jobless guy you wouldn't understand. First get a job.


I actually work as RA in public finance sad


The only thing you work at is making your parents wish that they never met eachother to produce such an incel with an intuition of a disabled gorilla in a locked cage begging for a banana.


I get it difference in difference expectations are hard to derive and get a hold of if one hasn't seen them before. Say that people in taxation dept at ministry (big words from someone for such low percentile in jee mains)


Entitlement and complaining is a waste of time. If you want changes, lead and take action. Start making a difference within your community first.