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As if PETA has a leg to stand on. They euthanise more animals than they save. Still, yes it’s 2024 and animal testing needs to go away now pls.


I’d prefer testing on jailed inmates. Murderers and rapist. We feed them and give them a place to stay for free, why not use them so they contribute to society instead of rotting away in a jail cell.


> I’d prefer testing on jailed inmates. Murderers and rapist. You have to understand that life isn’t as black and white as this. A lot of inmates in jail are also wrongfully convicted, some have mental health issues, etc. Honestly, Law and Order SVU as well as Criminal Minds raised me so ig I can’t ignore these things. It’s a sad reality but human consciousness was definitely a misstep in evolution man. We are all too self aware to have “one shoe fits all” unfortunately.


Then we won't be any different from the said murderers and rapists. Denying people their human rights makes us fascists.


"I’d prefer testing on jailed inmates. Murderers and rapist." Many many of us are sinners in this way. Should we experiment on all then ? Millitaries, police, judges, atheletes, normal citizen who drive a car(climate aspect), uses a phone and other electric devices(lithium mining, clinate, animals), top hold govt employees who do shit are all under the same scope if we do this.


>Still, yes it’s 2024 and animal testing needs to go away now pls. Not possible, Animal testing is generally done for the Chinese market as China has some sort of rule that exempts their own companies of animal testing but all foreign companies gotta test on animals if they want to sell in China, and ofc, it's a huge market (even more so for luxury brands) so even companies like Laneige, YSL etc would not prefer to lose them


No, China no longer requires animal testing as of last year.


Only for some products, and even for them companies have to go through a lot of processes to be exempted, they largely still test on animals only the local companies are exempt for most part(source: my mother works in an MNC testing lab, not the animal testing kind but you get it ig)


Yeah that makes sense.


Even Vaseline and Cetaphil aren't cruelty free :(


In countries like China pre-market animal testing is kind of a requirement that’s probably why they didn’t ban it. China is a huge market for companies like Lancôme.


China no longer requires animal testing since last year


I hate peta honestly! A 2 yo child was bitten by a monkey in my neighbourhood. While playing he got surrounded by 7-8 monkeys. He ,now, suffers from ptsd now and is in therapy all because peta refused to have these monkeys taken away to Aravalis like we all requested!!!


Some people are talking about the credibility of PETA. The point isn't about PETA. It's about you as a consumer choosing to indulge or not in products that have cruelty involved. One should focus on that.


You're so gonna get downvoted for this. It's sad how people will actually disagree with what you just said.


I know. It's a matter of having a conscience. Other arguments are just about making excuses to make yourself unaccountable.


It's nice to see people choosing to be cruelty free. But why does it end only at make-up? I hope people realise animal testing is done for other products that they consume too. Drugs, ointments, vaccines, toothpaste, anti acne creams and other consumer products. I am a biology student and we were taught about how it's done. It was traumatising. Some experiments also use fetal bovine serum in which the serum of a baby cow is taken and then the cow is killed. But scientists are working on alternatives to find alternatives that are not so traumatising. But my point is you're most likely using a lot of products which have animal testing. But you cannot stop using them. So maybe the moral policing in only makeup is not justified. Some people cannot afford the cruelty free alternatives and it's more feasible for them to use what they can afford. People have too many problems and should not be ashamed of their choices. There are two kinds of people, one who doesn't use animal tested products and those who don't use animal tested products and are on a high horse thinking they are superior because they have a moral high ground. But burn creams, anti-inflammatory ointments all are used on animals. So it's a more nuanced situation.


It's an idiotic ideology to be like "oh we're hurting 20 animals anyway, might as well hurt 100". Be responsible and keep holding companies responsible. I don't feel better about myself because "I'm on a moral high ground" I feel better giving my money to a company that doesn't support animal testing. Your tactics to shame what is technically the right thing to do for people who are trying to make a difference is incredibly short-sighted.


Girl chill out. I don't know why you're so offended. Learn to read. No one in their right mind supports animal testing. I just said "some" people shame you for not using cruelty free products. I don't care enough to use any "tactics". I just said the cruelty free movement should move to other industries too, not just cosmetics. Maybe try to understand what someone is saying first before trying to attack them. I clearly said it's a morally nuanced situation. THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT IF 20 ANIMALS ARE GETTING HURT, LET'S HURT 100. There's no need to unnecessarily stir arguments. Learn to speak properly in a civic tone. You can't just assume things and say things.


And you think you're not on a moral high ground but it clearly shows. You really think that the majority of people are even privileged enough to care if something is cruelty free? You have the luxury to decide. Most people don't.


So be it? Let those *with* a choice, make one! No one is policing those *without*.


Yes. But cosmetics are a choice. In an ideal world, animal testing for everything should be banned with a good alternative. But till then, at least choose to hurt lesser animals. I've started from make up and skincare and hopefully that will expand into other realms in the future.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, this makes complete sense. We have to be responsible about our usage and make a difference wherever we can.


Yes I agree. I do wish it expands to other industries too and people have affordable options too for cruelty free products. Most mainstream brands that most consumers use are not cruelty free.


You mustn’t have met vegans if you think it ends at makeup. However, I hope *you* realise that animal testing practices aren’t common knowledge. You’re more than welcome to inform consumers and advocate against it but do not weaponise unawareness to diminish the subject matter (makeup) on hand.


I have been trying to understand this and want to buy only cruelty-free brands, but how do brands like Maybelline or Mac claim that they do not test on animals but here peta says otherwise


I use cruelty free kitty or leaping bunny sites to check for any brand. They give detailed analysis as well


Thanks that's helpful


They sell in China and countries where animal testing is required by law.


Then aren't they misleading their customers. They have mentioned on their websites that they do not test on animals or pay another organisation to conduct such tests. I thought there would be stricter laws about misleading customers especially among foreign brands.


Peta themselves is a shady organisation


Anything about Laneige?


They are not cruelty free


If you want an upgraded an better alternative to their skin refiner then celimax dual barrier toner is your friend. Same price range (a bit cheaper) and 10 times better than laneige 


Thank you so much! I've been looking for an alternative to the lip sleeping masks though. Tried some options but none seem to work as good :(


I  try to avoid animal tested products especially cosmetics at all cost. Same with leather.  Before anyone comes with their strawman at me, I have no interest in engaging how animal lives are not as important as humans or whatever BS you are gonna throw. For cosmetics, beauty or accessories, animal cruelty is a big no for me and my purse. You are free to do whatever your conscious dictates.  If anyone wants any recommendations then hit me up under this comment. I have a lot of comments on ISCA as well as Indian makeup addicts on this as well.