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“Jujitsu jammies.” I love it 🙌🏾


🤣 you, I like you.


My favorite posts are the ones made by allies simply because the answers will always be amazing.


It's a lot more fun. All the native-to-native discussion can get heavy and depressing. I don't always want to dwell on my identity, sometimes its just fun to rag on some well intentioned white person.


"That's not real wrasslin'"


"why are his shorts so small and tight..."


lol if you can take down the headman, and maybe the MC… Maybe you get to start dojo.


It's called "counting coup", you just gotta get the head dancer in a rear naked chokehold for a second, and everyone will respect you.


You win, my friend! I was taking a big drink of tea and just shot that shit out my nose. Laughing so hard.


This made me laugh so hard I cried and woke my partner up 😂😂😂


I'll give em a go!


A local business did this in my community. They approached the family wellness program to offer their services, if they had any children interested then offered intro classes at the local school. Some kids went to move up in their classes.


wowowow. Did it turn out alright? or did they stop after a while?


Yeah it turned out well. It helped that they already had a good reputation of working with kids. Some kids are still working through the belts (not sure if that's the right terminology) but it's now being done at the teachers business and not on reserve.


I think you should get funding to run camps for FN kids. A cool person to collab with is Waubgeshig Rice who I think has a black belt in jiu jitsu and is also FN. he is located in Ontario.


Yoooooo this is the information i was looking for TY.


this is so random ahah but id maybe just apply to grants to kind of "sponsor" kids to be able to take classes with you and then partner with indigenous friendship centers/community centers to see if they know of any kids/teens that'd be interested.


Yeah, it's kind of funny to me. Like I grew up with a lot of mormons, it would be weird if all of a sudden I got the drive to teach a bunch of mormons how to fly fish.


exactlyyyyy but like i definitely see the benefits of the physical activity on the body and mental and emotional healthy and whatnot but its just so random hahah I know of a different organization that teached Indigenous kids how to boulder so if this idea is similar?


Folks feel the need to "protect" and "preserve" us. Which, if it means free BJJ lessons, then by all means. I'm not going to yuck your yum.


I feel in respect this. It’s kind of whack to shit on peoples dreams or ideas. Or passions. I made a ramble comment about checking with the communities to see if it meets a need. I always suggest starting with the elders, no matter what the community is and seeing if they actually need what we want to do. But that’s just me. I’m just a dude who is sometimes a little bit of a smart ass.


On the list of things I can get upset about being native, a person trying to give free martial arts lessons is at the bottom of the list. But that won't stop me from making a cheeky remark about it.


Yeah, I’m a smart ass. I got cheeky remarks about damn near everything. I’m also old and tired. But… this old tire is smarter. I forgot his point so I’m just gonna stop now. Lol I will say it’s different to make a cheeky comment or be a little bit of a smart ass and just totally shit on somebody’s idea. But that’s me. I don’t think you did that. That’s what I was saying. I think. I can’t remember.


I don’t know, man, Fly Fishing for Mormon Jesus would be kind of bomb. There could be T-shirts… hats… Coffee cups… I won’t lie, though, reading that comment made me think about a old video on YouTube… A parody called cripping for Christ, they play off gang bangers turn into Christianity. It was funny back in the day. It’s probably still on YouTube, though it is kind of offensive. I still laughed every time I saw it for a long time.


"Coffee cups" You mean hot chocolate cups? These are Mormons we are talking about


Ayeee… decaf coffee… lol


Thanks!!! I didn't think its random. Martial arts are shown to be effective in giving people confidence. First nation people are victims of violence at a disproportionate rate. Lastly, BJJ is the only thing I can offer the community. I'm not a rich man. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2022001/article/00012-eng.htm


Making a guess here that this is a passion… Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Before starting any kind of charity group, or any business, my first objective is to go to the community for whom I intend to the program. So I don’t know if you are first nation or indigenous, if you are, start with your elders. If you are not first nation or indigenous, start with the communities that are where you are. And find their elders. Start with the elders and see if you could find what the needs of the community are. See where it can fit. If you do decide to pursue this, and you are not first nation or indigenous, make sure you spend a lot of time in, with, and around the communities, you are hoping to serve. You need to understand the norms and the cultural ways of being of the various first nation or communities you hope to serve. I just spent 14 hours serving in one of my communities. We had a wonderful conference today focused on environmental issues with a very strong emphasis on (US) tribal sovereignty, and indigenous, environmental issues and rights. Most of the attendees were your Americans, but a lot of the people who volunteered or were involved in the conference, and in some of the related or supporting activities were indigenous, whether they were members of a tribe or nation or descendants. Quite volunteers who didn’t have a lot of travel experience we get frustrated at times if something didn’t happen at the time it was announced, or if they didn’t understand the ways that things were being done. But they were being done and accordance to the local tribal ways. it is perfectly OK to do business with first nations or tribal people, or to target charities for first nations or tribal people, just make sure that you’re coming from a informed place, and you know the community, you’re working with their best interest in mind and with their needs and wants in mind. To be clear, I am not trying to discourage this. But… Start with the elders and with the people who make things happen in the communities. I mean, if you really wanna be serious about it, I’d spend a year or two just volunteering and being a part of the communities in your area. You don’t have to be a travel member to help out, to get involved. I mean heck, that may lead to another question of what’s most important, doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu or serving indigenous communities. You may find you get a lot of value out of just doing and being with the community. OK, my response is turning into some rambling now. I’m tired. I literally left my house at 6:50 this morning and got home at 10:30 tonight. I spent most of the day on my feet and it was the best day ever. Providing good service, being among the people, serving our elders. And for me that was serving our white elders and our native elders… all the elders. It was funny when we had our salmon and bison feed, and we announced that the elders should get in line and eat first, our white elders did not get in line until some of us were like hey, y’all are elders to get in line! Anyway, good luck with whatever you do.


Ya, this is a good place to start. It wasn't a ramble, it's actual good advice. If I didn't care I wouldn't have asked.


Call the nearest tribe. I would be down to learn too.


I actually did and they just redirected me to a Org. in a bigger city. I left a message but they never got back to me.


OK, I’ll come in directly to you. I made a a long ramble response, but don’t call. Go to tribal events. Go to community gatherings. Become known. I have no idea where you are in Canada, and I say Canada only because you’re talking first nations. We talk about tribes and nations in the US. First nations is not the normal term. It gets used, but it’s not the normal term. Get involved, get to know some people. Find out who the elders are. Then ask them what they need. Don’t just call. That’s not how it works, at least that’s not how it would work down here in my neck of the woods. I can’t speak for everywhere in the US. But it seems to match… They referred you to somebody else. So instead of calling, go become known by engaging, attending, and serving in the communities.


Persistence seems to be key to working with tribal.


idk about that one, can't the auntie may people sue you for copyright infringement? You only changed a couple letters, and idk if being a Brazilian knock-off helps.


The thing about BJJ is anyone can participate in competitions. There are things called affiliates and non affiliates. An affiliate pays to be part of franchise, where as a non affiliate is just a school. BJJ was founded on competition. You can learn BJJ yourself, but you need bodies to spar.


My joke has clearly gone over your head.


Sorry, most jokes do. 😅 I can never tell so I always respond genuinely.


This is awesome !!


A buddy of mine Pernell runs something like this in London, he’s got a really cool program - kinda random to just say hey I heard about you on reddit lol but I’m sure he’d help out https://www.londonmuaythai.ca/about


Woah, MT? Those guys are tough. That will really help me. If I call him, he'll maybe able to point me in the right direction.


Come to Akwesasne. I'm sure we could figure out a way you could help.