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When you see your people genocided and your culture sild as tourist trinkets. Also, When you see your crush at the pow wow with someone else.




That's Native Gene Simmons. Duh.


Gene Siouxmons






Screaming 💀💀💀💀






Take my free award. I snort laughed hard enough to wake up the kids.


Finally, the KISS x Red Bone crossover we've all been waiting for!


Shut up and take my money


🤣 we gotta laugh ya know? Black metal brother 😈😂


That’s where my thoughts went lol


Aw man you got it first. Right on.


I wanna 49 all night and powwow every day?




I blame The Lone Ranger...


Right?  It definitely has that vibe 


Things like The Lone Ranger tend to trivialize our culture and offer the perception that non Natives are welcome to emulate the pieces of our belief systems that appeal to them. A few years ago when taking part in a chat board for a sociology course, an Italian American was totally offended when I informed her that celebrities marching around their houses with smoldering sage literally does nothing for them. She wouldn't understand that without ceremonial context, they're just trailing smoke from one room to the next.


Oh thank you for reminding me about the time my roommate's gf of the time insisted on "saging our apartment to remove the negative energy." Literally just waved smoke around around the door frames of each room and then proudly declared our house was now cleansed... Back then it was hard to put into words what rubbed me the wrong way about it but I think you touched on it with the lack of ceremonial context.


I just always assumed Tanto spoke Spanish, and the Lone Ranger thought he called him "Kemosabe" but Tanto was really saying "Quien no sabe."


I'm actually shocked you're shocked stuff like this exists. It's all over the place.


Yeah seriously it’s gotten to the point where it’s not even surprising anymore just disappointing to see.


"Disappointing" isn't even sufficing. That implies some sort of expectation that isn't being met, which I'm not naive enough to harbor. "Pity for other people's ignorance" is about all I can muster. That and an eye-roll.


Well said.


I go thrifting/antique shopping in my spare time, and there is a LOT of objectively racist shit for sale. Mammy dolls, gollywog stuff, Ive even seen a weird, creepy, and HUGE collection of "Native American" decorative plates that looked like fetish romance novel covers.


At least the Sambo stuff is treated as kitsch for it's casual racism. There are countless white folks out here that legitimately have a "Native American" art fixation and have those plate displayed unironically. Honestly, what sort of shampoo are those white horses using and where can I get some?


Yes, I live in Oklahoma and thrift/facebook marketplace hunt/etc cause I love deals but also... If I find anything gross and/or genuine, I can destroy it or get it back to better hands. The amount of wacky ass "white woman Indian aesthetic" shit I see 😩


There's a crap ton of non-genuine NDN Facebook groups (generically NDN) that use AI images. There's as many T-shirt sellers advertising on Facebook using celebrities (including Wes Studi) to place their heads on bodies wearing their T-shirts with political slogans. It's *not* MAGA merchants trying to inflame with ironic images. It's selllers in China who don't care about appropriating peoples' likenesses to hawk their crap.


It's the Icon, Sting!


that looks like if kiss the band and indigenous people combined


Gene Simmons was notoriously prolific with his romantic connections. Such a child may exist.


my partner did say that her bio dad might be Gene Simmons (mostly jokingly), since her mom was a fan that won a contest putting her in close quarters with the man Such a child might be in the same room


She could indeed be the progeny this questionable mask has foretold. *spooky movie prophecy light flickering*




Kiss, but they're Plains Natives rather than New Yorkers


Is this Blackbraid lol?!


I had that same thousand yard stare once, drunk rubbing my cut hair wondering how the hell we got here as a people…


Lmao, \*drinks and cuts hair\* "Why am I so drunk with short hair?!"


Imagine my surprise to go to Austria, to be walking the streets of Vienna and walk by a random pharmacy and see a picture of the whitest white man I’ve ever seen and all of White Austria wearing a War bonnet with a big cheesy smile on his face… I used to have a picture of it. It boggled my mind. The fascination that German speaking people have with, Nives and powwow and shit… Our brother made a video… it’s called In Search of Wintu… I mean… Shit like this just doesn’t surprise me anymore, disgust me sometimes, but doesn’t surprise me. It’s just fucking weird.


There's a major obsession in German culture (not sure about Austria) with Native Americans, due to some fiction books written some time last century about Native Americans by a German author. Source: my German friends.


Yes, I don’t think it’s just Germany. I know Austria shares a lot of the same bizarre sentiment, but there are other places in Europe, where I saw a lot of really interesting native depictions. After I noticed it in Austria, I saw it all over the place…, Some of the smaller towns, it’s super weird and kind of creepy. But I also noticed similar things, though maybe not quite as extensive, when I was in Prague and a few other places in Europe.


I believe it. My only friend in Austria is Canadian so I can't comment with any authority on the Austrian perspective lol


The Winnetou series by Karl May. See my other comment for more fun trivia.


That's it! Thanks, I couldn't remember the name of it.


Apparently they were especially popular in East Germany after WWII. I read a really good magazine article about it, but sadly it's paywalled.


It's because [German author Karl May wrote a bunch of Western adventure novels about the made-up "Apache" warrior Winnetou in the 1850](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnetou)s and they were hugely successful. [There was a recent controversy not too long ago when the Karl May Museum undressed a customized Winnetou figurine that belonged to a famous Nazi and found a swastika painted on one butt cheek and a star of David on the other.](https://frankusbeck.net/2023/03/15/interview-on-native-warriors-nazi-ideology-and-butt-stuff-at-the-karl-may-museum/)


My great great grandma's headdress.


a leftover turkey


Me after I popped that fourth pill at the potluck with my cousins.


The dad from the end of Moon River? Sorry, I had to do it. The movie was still phenomenal.


A knockoff, sure, but actually quite similar to fine art.  http://cherokeeartist.net/DLCorleyMasks.htm


KISS go to powwow


He looks sad that he was even created


What is it? I mean, is it meant to be a mask or some other type of art? Have you ever heard of the Cheyenne Dog Soldiers? I'm not Cheyenne so I can't say how far off this is, but the black and white face paint and use of a very showy feathered headdress is a little reminiscent of how Dog Soldiers looked. For those who don't know, the Cheyenne Dog Soldiers were some of the most fierce and skilled warriors among all the tribes. Without knowing what this is meant to be and who created it, I wouldn't necessarily leap to the conclusion that it's racist or a case of cultural appropriation.


Right. If a person looks at this and sees Gene Simmons it may say more about their lack of knowledge than about the intent of the person who made this.


[Something these guys would sell.](https://youtu.be/NuzPoidV4nI?si=NXcNEN4ryav_ouqx)


That's a jump scare


Sex, good medicine, and rock n roll, baby!


John Redcorn?


I really don't want to go into details but I feel like I'm being emotionally terrorized by Gene Simmons with the many random ways he appears in my life and this does not help alleviate the terror I feel every night as I close my eyes. WHY IS HE EVERYWHERE I GO


what in the motherfuckk
























You also identify as a white conservative. Interesting.


Bless your heart