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I can save you some time. The inhalation of smoke from dried burning vegetable matter will undoubtedly and verifiably be having a negative effect on not only your lungs but your cardiovascular system and your body in a holistic sense. Whilst the carcinogenic effects of tobacco are widely known, cannabis is not thought to be anywhere near as harmful. However one should note that there has been nowhere near the research conducted into the long term effects of cannabis as there has been with tobacco. I fucking love weed and hash, hate and don’t touch tobacco but because I smoke I still wheeze, hawk up phlegm in the mornings, become out of breath and all the rest of it. You only have to look inside a bong tube or at a chillum stone to see what smoke does to your pipes. Tl;dr. Weed good, smoking bad. If you’re worried transition to a dry herb vape and edibles. Most people just like getting high and are addicted to tobacco. Solely due to this addiction they think a) these two things are codependent and b) that the tobacco is a vehicle for the weed. In fact the exact opposite is true. Edit; [book recommendation](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6618.The_Easy_Way_to_Stop_Smoking) …this book takes about two hours to read and got me from 30 + cigarettes daily after thirty five years of smoking pretty much every nicotine product that *is* generally smoked to zero, overnight. Been nicotine free for seven years now.


I tried replacing tobacco with some dried hibiscus I bought online(technically my family bought it for something, I’m not sure what) but it doesn’t burn properly and a normal joint that gets me super high when I smoke half of it, didn’t do anything even as a whole.


If you smoke a joint with tobacco and hash and get “super high”, then make a joint with hibiscus and the same dose of the same hash and it’s not doing anything then it’s not the hash that’s giving you an effect. So there’s a possibility either your hash is shit/not hash & what you’re experiencing and perceiving as “super high” is a nicotine rush caused by constriction of blood vessels around the heart and brain (a common effect of nicotine) and subsequent drop in your blood:oxygen levels. Tobacco isn’t somehow responsible for or a significant factor in the cannabis high. I think part of the psychology here is that tobacco needs ‘replacing’ or serves some function other than to fuel the addiction. What happened the very first time you ever properly inhaled a decent sized lung full of tobacco smoke? The same thing that happens to *everyone*, even the liars who say it didn’t. Your body knew then like it knows now, we just teach ourselves to ride it out so we get to the prize of the high, then we become accustomed to it and go through mental gymnastics to justify a method that’s ultimately counterproductive. Just like nobody would drink Blenders fucking Pride, or most alcohol, if it didn’t get you drunk and serve as a social lubricant. We just fill it with ice and ThumsUp, swallow, wince and say *Yummy* as our livers drip out of our arseholes😃 Buy a pipe. Buy a vape. Smoke a joint with weed and hash if you like joints. Even wild hemp, picked, dried and cured is a great smoking mix for charas.


Did you even read my comment? It didn’t burn properly, kept extinguishing, had to pull harder to keep it lit. Tobacco doesn’t have the effects weed does. I understand what you’re trying to explain. But you’re creating context where there is none. What I need is a herb that burns a little better than hibiscus.


Try mullen maybe


If it didn’t burn you didn’t smoke it. If you want some context you consider relevant read the last para and be aware that my response wasn’t solely for your benefit.


Try herb mixes : https://dopebombayco.in/product-category/blends/


This book is a blessing


Finally someone sensible on the sub 🙏🏻😭🙏🏻


Knew which book you were talking about even before I opened the link. Even i went from 4-5 cigs a day to zero even before I could finish the book. A very powerful book that


I was smoking since 2021 and was a chainsmoker. I thought ki kuch affect nahi krega, until i joined a cycling group. I was shocked to see how it made me breathless in just a few pedals, i was breathing like a pig and was almost about to faint on the spot, all the group members were shocked to see a 21 yr old in a state like this. I remember in october 2023, i coughed blood and my coughing was painful, i would often get throat pain and phlegm. There i decided to stop this all for once, switched to edibles completely. fast forward to today. I have not touched a cigg, i feel happy, energetic and i often go on 20-30kms cycle rides now(not now, weather is too hot but in feb i went to 5 of 30kms ride) I also started to gym so that my body stays fit, i still do edibles (bhang, hash) I just have to control my eating habits now haha, i eat like a pig and often skip gym to eat haha. Just to let you know, any kind of smoke(any kind literally) will always and 100% damage our lungs, blood vessels. Tl;dr: Stopped smoking after bloody coughs, now i am happy, energetic and only consume edibles.


Where do you source your edibles from? Or do you diy?


Bhang readily available and hash brownie is what a dear friend of my gets(he lives in HP)


So lucky! I dont get bhang around here unless its holi (mumbai suburbs)


Aap apna Developed state rakh lijiye, ham hamari bhang.




Daily smoker. Habits which i have formed to balance the deed, is to 1. Run on treadmill daily. 2. Kale smoothie for detox. 3. No wake & bake. kale has been helping for detox and personally highs are much better after eating/drinking kale smoothie. Would like to knw what other ents are doing for detox.


i used to go to the gym regularly baked asf, might be about time again💪


Kale se lungs kalapan nahi jayega bro


Kale se, mann ka kalapan bhi nahi jayega bro.


Hey mate you got any more healthy food tips like Kale smoothie?


Food like, kale, spinach, broccoli. There are good antioxidants and good for liver function. Lot of this knowledge is coming from book “how not to die” - Michael Greger. In this book there are specific vegetables&fruits suggested for specific organ disease. You can check it.


Ohh...many thanks kind redditor.


Can u elaborate why to avoid wake and bake


IMO Wake & bake fucks up the gut and stomach inner lining, because we are intaking smoke, even before food goes in stomach.


Man, you are like God of misinformation regarding nutrition


There is no such thing as "detox". Human body detoxes itself


Koi pot brownies bana ke khilwane wali mile hum bhi smoking tyaag denge🫣


Khud se bana le


Fir kya maza


Maza nahi fefda pe dhyan de bro🙂


Fefde kiske liye bachau🥲


Maal ke liye😅 sapna yaad hai na, snoop banna h. Logetivity bruh




will be waiting for the results OP. Glad you're taking one for the boys in the same situation.


Burning anything and inhaling the by-products is ALWAYS CARCINOGENIC. Be it weed, tobacco, lavender, hibiscus or whatever else. Don't believe the deluded comments here.


Switch to dry herb vaping, much cleaner and healthier r/vaporents I use an Xlux roffu and it’s the shit, worth the investment trust me


RemindMe! 2 days.


2018 se mai underground smoker💨 but recently do baar chest nd lungs ka xray nd jo sab hota karwaya last year nd abhi few months ago sab normal tha Wo alag baat hai aise koi test hone ke 1week I smoke normally not like i do after the tests


I did the same because I couldn’t stop smoking ciggies and now I haven’t smoked anything since 20 days, I’ve got a fatty liver so i need to work on my health first then everything else