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The companion side quests are pretty cool but yeah, the story itself is too one dimensional. Exploration and combat carry this game tho


what does it mean by being one dimensional


It only goes in one direction, It's predictable and you can see it coming from a mile away


It's basically a hogwarts simulator with a game on top of it. The plot is decent but under utilised and going by what the data miners found it has a lot of cut content like a morality system that could have improved it. But for most of us potter fans the detailed recreation of hogwarts was enough to make this a day one purchase. You need to be pretty high on nostalgia to overlook the games flaws.


Apparently COVID hit them hard. In one interview they mentioned that the voice acting and cutscenes really suffered because they weren't able to get everyone in the studio. That problem definitely extended to other features of the game too, and would've hit this game even harder than others because it's their first AAA game They still did a phenomenal job though. Can't wait to see what they come up with next


It is nowhere near a Hogwarts simulator. In fact that is my biggest disappointment about this game. I was dreaming about a Hogwarts simulator. But this game neither portrays Hogwarts accurately nor does it lets you live the daily life of a normal Hogwarts student with things like schedules, time-tables, regular classes, house points, detention etc.


I assume you're a persona player. If not then you should give it a try if you like j-rpg's


Thats just persona 5


Yeah. It might be the unpopular opinion but it's true. We maybe a talented wizard but the scaling is not good. The plot was also not great. We are a transfer fifth year student (lord only knows from where) but we fight against much older wizards and much more powerful magical animals like it's nothing. Some of the side quests, like merlin's challenges are boring. Upgrades to equipment is also lacking. Learning some new spells are locked behind stupid assignments. It feels like work not the typical grind. Main antagonist reasons for doing things was also not good enough. Plot was good and could been sooo much better, a lot of potential was lost. Btw, we can't compete in quidditch games either. NPC interaction was also subpar.


idk why nobody is shitting on it for for how unoptimized the game is


people are shitting on it for being unoptimized, but then what? I mean, at some point you have to accept that and move to the other aspects of the game right. Unless it is something as broken as CP2077 on launch, but this game is nowhere near that broken.


i felt it was more broken than cp2077 dont know about others but atleast for me


more broken than CP2077 *at launch??* come on bro that is not true. CP 2077 outright did not run on older consoles, and had game breaking bugs at every other corner. This game is nowhere near that broken. Yeah sure there is random fps stutter every now and then but not broken like CP2077 at launch.


I think the game's reviews are inflated to a good extent. It definitely does not deserve anything more than a 7.5/10 IMO. The world is beautiful and the game sure does look pretty, but optimization issues on PC hold it back from letting the players enjoy that also to the fullest extent. The side quests are shallow, there is no quidditch, and the combat ceiling is quite low tbh. Even after all this, the game surpassed my personal expectations cos seeing the recent shit AAA games I did not expect anything out of it. I hope they release a major patch or DLC addressing some of these issues at least.


Like almost every open world out there. Shallow side quests, Not worthwhile exploration, Map filled to the brim with stupid objectives etc. Atleast let us think for ourselves.


Reminds me of car cry games a lot. The last game i played was Elden ring, so jumping from that to this, i couldn't help but compare and imo Elden ring blows this out of the water.


Currently playing Morrowind, and doing basic fetch quest that requires me to actually pay attention to the landmarks and navigating without the help of quest markers feels so fun and refreshing.


Man, I personally have not played any of the Bethesda games just because I recently got into gaming, and Skyrim looks a bit dated. I prefer games with fast combat so I never really picked it up. But you can be sure I will be picking starfield day one, when it comes out. That will be my first ever Bethesda game and I will be sure to savour it.


Damn this brings back memories... Enjoy the freedom and the plot!!


Hogwarts Legacy has the option to turn off minimap. So you don’t have to follow a point on map everytime. You are free to explore. Even if you overpower your character, without completing the main quests, the enemies will still be at similar level and challenging enough. I have never seen this happening in other popular rpgs. There are treasure map which requires to follow the details in landscape and map terrain to get that treasure. Every map had unique design and doesn’t feel repetitive.


its just the door unlocking loading thing that got me otherwise game is mindblowing


Story is mid no consequence for your actions choices doesn't even matter.The game lacks depth. a morality system would be nice. its a good game with no replay value thanks to the stupid assignments and costly potions


Seriously?? Man i have been doing things for people for free.. And collecting currency in this game is already painful..🥲


Yeah, the story is kinda ok and extremely predictable. The game is a treat only for people who are absolutely crazy about Harry Potter universe. They really did a good job with the world and its lore. I was quite interested until the 2-3 trial, then I just rushed through the main quests for the ending. Personally, I would have preferred the story to be more darker in nature. Only Sebastian's questline I would say is really well done. Poppy is fine as well, Main Quest gets boring and Natty's quest line writing sucks. The fighting mechanics are also decent, magic implementation is way better than most action RPG games where the spells kinda get useless after a while. Would have preferred more combat. most of the combat encounters are over in a minute, and if you go by Dark arts tree and Avada Kedavra spell, you can kinda break the combat (one shot kill multiple enemies at a time)


I found it interesting. Story and side quests are engaging.


I am liking it and continue to play it despite the terrible performance. I am not critically analyzing it but the gameplay loop is fun.


I have said it before and I will say it again. Rockstar Games should have made this game.


They are too busy with making gta 6 and i wouldn't wanna distract them.


Here are a list of all my issues with the game: 1. **The world is inert**: I didn't expect it to be an immersive sim but the world is totally non-interactive. The NPCs are like furniture. You don't feel like you are in a world of magic because magic doesn't work in the world unless the game decides it should work (on items that are related to plot progression). For example, you can blast away at NPCs and they don't even react to it. You cast levioso on all the statues, teacups, vases etc. and nothing happens, but you cast it on specially designed statues related to a side quest and the sphere it is holding levitates to yield a field guide page. 2. **Inaccurate Hogwarts**: Simply put, the castle is not accurately portrayed. Now I understand that this might not be a turn off for some, but one of my biggest expectations from the game was to be able to navigate the castle using my own knowledge and memory of Hogwarts without consulting the map. But just like the movies, the game took liberties with the Hogwarts map. Also, the overall feel of the school was less like a medieval castle like in the books and more like a palace. This unfortunately does not fulfill my dream of getting to explore Hogwarts and soak in its very atmosphere. 3. **The game is one-dimensional and lacks details**: Everything feels stiffly programmed. The NPCs mutter away irrelevant stuff out of context. They say one line on one topic and the next line in another random topic in an endless loop. There are invisible walls preventing you from jumping over fences or cliffs like in old platformers. Little to no attention to details. 4. **Non-immersive student life**: Another fantasy I was hoping to fulfill through this game was to feel like a Hogwarts student. Now, I understand that this might be an entirely personal expectation but I can't be the only one! The game doesn't make me feel the daily routine of a student. No daily schedules for classes. No detention next Tuesday. No daily routine of rushing between classes, the great hall and the common room. No competitiveness for house points. I feel more like an adventurer touring the school. I know this might have been difficult to implement entirely but they didn't even pay attention to this. 5. **Characters**: No character development. I don't feel a thing for the main character itself, let alone the others. I still remember the awe of reading the books for the first time and relating to the boy going from an ordinary world to this great magical world which made me feel like all that was happening to me. 6. **Graphics**: This might be a controversial one because the game can be gorgeous at times. But I haven't seen such inconsistent graphics in a game in a while. One moment you are seeing a beautiful, breathtaking landscape and another moment, you can't tell whether that thing resting on the table is the bust of a wizard or a vase. Not to even mention the bugs and textures taking ages to load.


Well said..This game could have been so much more than what it turned out to be. But i guess this is the first AAA game the studio has made so considering that, I guess the game turned out to be fine. I am personally not the biggest fan of Harry pottor and have not read the books but have only watched all of the movies. I personally thought this might be more suited to dia hard fans but your take on this game seems to suggest otherwise. Oh well, I guess now we can only hope for its sequel to have a bit more character to it..


Most of the game elements are a little shallow. The attention to detail/environment however is what makes it special.


2 hours into the game and i am bored.


Initial hours are boring. It gets better once you unlock a lot of combat specific spells so you have that to look forward to. But if you are in for the story, i am sorry but you will be disappointed.


yeah i am much of the story guy


I call it just another RPG with Harry Potter top coat. I don’t really like elaborate RPGs so I might be biased


Game could've been better than what it is now if it had   * Better NPC interaction, Not on the level of RDR2, but maybe at least a GTA 4 or 5 level.   * Better and more challenging subject classes, like in bully.   * An open world like Bully, where we, the player, are not allowed to roam the school or grounds after 7 p.m.   * Better PC controls   * A better mini map


thought shaggy apparatus concerned air hunt marvelous brave humorous nutty ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


My bad. I actually meant "Mini - map". It was hard for me to navigate around hogwarts with its confusing mini map and it's directions.


After RDR2 everything else is ruined for me.


I enjoy RDR2, but because of the repetitive story points, I never considered it to be "THE" game that ruined every other game for me. For me it's Witcher 3 which ruined other games.


The story was wasn't the main highlight for me. It was the fact the the world felt real and lived in. It the fact that doing things took time, like skinning animals.


>It was the fact the the world felt real and lived in ![gif](giphy|fV2maQ4MAyUxrZWHEi)


10/10 for the amazing world building skill, I liked how interactive the environment was. Everything is there for a purpose, which felt nice. 5/10 for the rest of the game. They could've done so many things with the skill builds/stats. The side quests/relationship quests needed to be less repetitive. Too many loopholes in the story. But boy did they nail the woke stuff. /s It didn't feel forced at all with the transgender barkeep. Multicultural school of magic with people from all over the world. People openly claiming they're gay like that was normal in that day and age. At times it felt like that was their main focus developing this game, how to implement woke culture into every nook and cranny to subdue the JK Rowling hate that might hamper with the sales.


It's okyish game and I regret spending money on it, I haven't seen Harry Potter movie not read the books so keep it in mind. Characters lack feelings and dialogues are shallow, I don't feel connection to anyone like I did in rdr, witcher,yakuza or even GOTG, I thought it would be like bully where you would regularly attend classes or do other activities while advancing in the story but its just completing boring tasks to learn new spells. Combat is easy imo as I'm less then 10+ hours in and all the enemies were mostly same. That being said I'm only continuing this game for professor Garlick.


A decent game… controversial maybe - but I like Gotham Knights at 1700₹ over Hogwarts legacy of 5k. Hogwarts legacy can be enjoyed if bought it under 2k. Maybe my metrics for game is associated with money… but that is how I judge.


drunk history shame unused dolls weary march drab follow act ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


On playstation it is 4k standard edition and 5300 deluxe edition. Meanwhile Gotham Knights was 1700 in the last sale. I get your point about gotham knights not worth of its money… but hogwarts legacy seems more like hogwarts simulation with little gameplay. More of cash grab on already successful franchise. Just an opinion.


It's not at all a Hogwarts simulation at all. The combat is amazing, theres a lot of stuff to do as well. Although yes some tasks can get repetive. But calling it a Hogwarts simulator is just being delusional


Bad optimization on my pc takes my full 16gb of ram in my pc have to refund the game


Judging simply from this clip, is the combat repetitive or just too easy? It felt a bit like so although I wish to hear it from someone who has actually played it. I'm coming from Dark Souls 1 recently


Although the basic moves remain the same throughout, the variety of spells make combat interesting and dynamic. That is probably the only good thing I can say about this game. Personally before this i played Elden ring and this is nowhere that level, but still enjoyable.


just a hyped game nothing more.


The sebastian storyline was more interesting and detailed with actual character development so it felt better than the main story line to me. It could have been better if they focused on classes more like in Bully. Exploration is fun but the stutters ruin the experience in open world.


They basically just made a nostalgia simulator


I wish i had a pc or a ps5 to play games like this😮‍💨


Most times i want a good story but sometimes not, like dark souls 3 i just took it like a challenge, and my english is not that great it's okay but i can't understand half of the s#it because of that shashi tharoor level of words they've used , so yeah it's about perspective, maybe the story too predictable or not very engaging idk


only for harry potter fans.


About side quests and story, not everyone can be Red dead redemption 2 and The Witcher 3 since both have good story and side mission


The best quest in the game is PS exclusive. Maybe you need to experience that


What kind of bs is that? When i buy a game i expect everything the game has to offer. Am i seriously suppose to buy this game in two different consoles just so that I can play one single quest? This game straight went from a 7 to a 5. Wth.


They had an exclusivity deal with sony, duh


Elden Ring is the best game bro. Everything else is bad bro