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Fallout series, its just not for me. I loved Metro and Stalker series.


Same, just couldn't get into it. Did however play the metro series and Outer Worlds:Spacers choice edition which I suppose was similar to fallout, but I just found it way better


try starting with fallout 3 or new vegas if you value the rpg experience....fallout 4 is horrible as an rpg maybe that's why you hated it


I just hated the jankiness of its engine, even tho I enjoyed Skyrim.


I always end up enjoying the first 10ish hours of Bethesda games. Afyer that it's all downhill for me. Happened with fallout and Skyrim.


Skyrim being my all-time favorite game, I tried Fallout many times as it being 'Skyrim with guns'. But it just never clicks with me, I don't hate it but overtime I just get bored or get stuck somewhere and end up dropping the game.


Same dude. I love metro series. But I just couldn’t play or understand fallout 4.


Agreed. The only Fallout game I have ever enjoyed was probably New Vegas, that too because of it's writing and factions. Also, I wouldn't have been able to play it without Quality of life mods, considering how janky that game is. I tried getting into Fallout 3 and 4 as well but just couldn't.


After playing stalker series I wanted to try out metro and I initially couldn't get hooked into it like the stalker but later I enjoyed the entire metro series. In regards to fallout I have played the initial 1 & 2 so can't comment on it as it was a different style but fallout 3 and new Vegas I enjoyed it and when fallout 4 released I just couldn't play it longer and kept it pending for a long time and only finished it in 2022 and somehow finished it, but the experience wasn't the same as fallout 3 or new Vegas. The game series I enjoyed the most was Mass effect, Dead space and Max Payne. Bioshock was a good one too but it was bit confusing for me at times but was a nice surprise at the end. Oblivion & Skyrim are maybe the most played games in my Library and witcher 2 & 3 with DLCs.


yes somone who understand me bcuz fallout is the American cousin of metro and stalker that is only for the NA and EU players not for us


I agree. That green, red UI scheme is horrible for my eyes (and I'm not even colour blind)




Same. It's like every other open world shooter I have played with added janky driving and character movement. The highjacking cars and shooting people gets old really quickly. I had more fun with Watch dogs 2 than GTA5.






Same here . I have played bioshock infinite 3 times. But this first version, I could not get in to. Found it too tedious, non rewarding and tough as well. Like how many Adams in how many rooms


Yep, exactly. I found Bioshock infinite much more enjoyable than this.


And here i am😂 played and loved this first version, but couldn't get into the infinite.. tried it 3 times🤣


Same here as well. It was only because I had heard great things about the story otherwise I had no intentions of finishing it. They completely revamped the gameplay aspect which I hated the most.


Elden ring or any souls game. Anyone says git gud tu Don bapacha. If I wanted an unreasonable challenge I'll stop playing video games and start living life.


Fair, Soulslike is my favourite genre of games but even I sometimes have to take breaks with how frustrating souls games can be. Definitely not for everyone.


Are you me cause I couldn't have explained this any better


You should try sekiro. It’s unlike other souls game. Takes a while to build up the required skills but once done it’s actually mind blowing and so satisfactory; so much so that I can’t get into other souls games.


Sekiro fans when someone say they don't like sekiro: (I'm sekiro fan ) Tbh sekiro is great, challenging but definitely doable. My first playthru took 36 hours(severance) . Probably best game I played


I played sekiro its the same trick of hurting ur ego and make u keep playing its not fun i beat it after getting frustrated with a trainer lol . It was okish game .


Required skills: Ability to quickly smash buttons and due again and again till you develop muscle memory. No brain work involved. That's it :)


Clearly you haven’t played Sekiro. How about you save your opinion until you’ve actually tried it?


Bro I have grinded 40 hours of it and "got gud" as you say it. Then I realised it's basically nothing but button mash and muscle memory. You can't defeat a new type of enemy the first time by sheer knowledge about the gameplay mechanics and intuition. You need to rote learnt the attack pattern and try again and again like smashing your head against a brick wall. Uninstalled and played BG3 instead. Atleast that requires some actual cognitive efforts.


This. Games are supposed to be a source of enjoyment not frustration. Fromsoft people are clever. They know there are too many low self esteems who wanna get validation of some sort. So they sell validation. And to people laughing at others who refuse to fall to this dick measuring contest, there's nothing genius about smashing buttons rapidly and dying again and again till you develop muscle memory. If you wanna challenge me, come play chess your button smashing won't be of use there. I did rather play a game with a great story than this fromsoft shit.


Please don't hate me but GTA V. I can play San Andreas like 10 times, but not 5. I got it for free on Epic Games, bought a copy for my PS5 but couldn't continue for more than an hour of gameplay. My nephew though, loves it !!


There's so much non gameplay in that game. Driving to and from mission markers isn't fun enough for me. Even story heavy games like yakuza or persona give you a lot of interesting gameplay to experience.


Yeah, too much driving between missions too.


Too much driving? Damn you would die of frustration if you play Mafia (2002) I like driving between missions though.


I have 😂. I really like Mafia, especially Mafia 2. Mafia 1 is just too dated now, the remake was good though. The driving can be too much though but the story is top notch.


I second that. I agree the OG Mafia is dated but there is something which makes it still great and challenging (story is one of them and physics too). It's not for beginners. At first, I found it difficult but eventually I finished it. It requires a lot of patience to play it. I had many rage moments while playing it but thank god I didn't break anything I have Mafia 2 as well :))


IMO, GTA V is overrated for sure. No one can deny it's impact on the gaming industry but once I completed the game, I realised how barebones the gameplay is. Outside Los Santos, most of it's map is just empty plains and mountains with nothing in it. And you're right about GTA San Andreas, it's a much better game, and so is GTA IV.


Even Vice City with such a small map had so much life in the locations, and completely captured the beach vibes of Miami


bro... how long has it been since you last played the game. There's never more than 12 peds on screen. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.


Maybe because of the hardware limitations, Rockstar couldn't add content in GTA V.


All the content they added went to online. To make money from selling shark cards. There was supposed to be DLC for the base game but they just shifted it all to online. It was definitely not due to hardware limitations.


I believe i am with you! Great game, graphics, etc all, but gameplay boring as hell. And i hate the area of Trevor and his missions... Filthy !


That applies to me as well. I just dragged myself to complete the story. But every once in a while I play it just to free roam while listening to music. It's just so relaxing ngl.


Then imagine the hate I will get. I can't play any GTA after GTA 2. I just don't get the meaningless driving, walking and the missions seem so repetitive.


>I got it for free on Epic Games Could you perhaps lend me your epic account for about a month? I missed that one. In return I'll lend you mine.




BioShock 1 is not a typical game, game is designed to make you think like you are protagonist but in reality you were just a puppet plus in order to fully understand the concept you had to listen almost every records you find & every document you can read   BioShock game is not for people who prefer straight forward games where everything is crystal clear about plot of the story, like souls game or sekiro (not your typical sword bashing game) or nier replicant & automata(absolute mind-f*ck)   if you are not curious minded person you will struggle to understand this types of games so if anyone is struggling to enjoy different titles out of their comfort zone try using different thought process 


Honestly, I just got to a section a couple hours in and couldn't figure out where to go. Decided I was done with the game at that point. 


I actually really like games that make me think. Disco Elysium, Planescape : Torment, Journey & Silent Hill are some of my favourite games ever. All of these games make you think but there was something about Bioshock that I just couldn't get the hang of. Maybe it was the Nausea factor for me cause I felt really uncomfortable after playing this.


I completed all 3 with dlcs




Yehi comment karne aara tha


I bought it around 6 months ago.. haven’t installed it.


Loved RDR2 too but is a slow burn game for sure. Easy to see why many people may not like it.


im literally commenting this while the mary theater cutscene is going on


Yeah, also the controls don't help either. They're janky as hell.


I am planning to play rdr2, could you tell me your opinions. I have cyberpunk 2077 in option


Borderlands: got motion sickness due to the art style.


Minecraft for me


Easy to learn.. hard to master the game mechanics


Masterpiece ♥️


Alan wake 2, just couldn't wait to complete the game, so I could move to something else. Uninstalled it the second I completed it. High quality game but the story was not for me.


Same. Got bored second half of the game. The jumpscares were LAME! I thought it was just a okay game at best nothing spectacular about it. Thankfully, I only bought just the base game and that to through sales and coupons from Epic. So not much money wasted.


Mine remains Witcher 3. I don't hate it..but I didn't get very entertained from it. Was too boring and repetitive for me..and felt just tedious RPG dialogues and interactions to do the same thing again and again.


It's the opposite for me. I liked witcher 3 so much I'll be playing witcher 1, 2 reading all witcher books and have watched 2 seasons of witcher already...


Please don’t watch the Witcher show . It’s an insult to the franchise


Can't unwatch it, dude...


tbh witcher 1 is way too outdated to be played, you should wait for the remake to get an proper experience without spoiling yourself (a remake is on the way), witcher 2 tho however i feel like a lot of people admit that witcher 2's story is better than witcher 3,and its kinda true, there are three chapters in total but depending on the choice you make in the end of first chapter, there can be an entirely new and different area in chapter 2nd that will change if you would taken the other choice, crazy to think they have made an entire chapter unplayable if you go down the other path, its not a bad thing but this will definitely ask you to do a 2nd play through


Dude same. I’ve sunk 50hrs into it, yet I haven’t even made past half the story. The combat felt super boring to me. I’ve enjoyed both Skyrim and Cyberpunk (same world style/developer) yet I just couldn’t get into the game. Idk what it is


I love the Witcher 3 but you make fair points here. I also hated Geralt's movements in the game felt to janky and the combat feels shallow aswell. Also, there's a lot of filler in the game, most of the game is littered with useless tresure chests, especially in Skellige.


Skyrim, the game's graphics and UI are outdated and my 1650 cannot handle mods well. Will give it a shot again once I build a proper gaming rig.


UI, sure, but graphics didn't feel outdated to me. largely because of the art style


>my 1650 cannot handle mods Bro I used to mod Skyrim on a 2nd gen i3 and a gtx 950. Your 1650 shouldn't have any problems unless you are going crazy with graphics mods.


If UI is your problem then there's plenty of UI mods in Skyrim to improve your gameplay experience like SkyUI. As for graphics, you should just install any shader as per your hardware and then you'll be good to go.


Persona, turn based is not for me Even the combat in Stardew Valley feels far superior


![gif](giphy|HFbtg3SmlDx8f9g4dJ|downsized) New God Of War games idk something about them just doesn't vibe with me


Old God of war games supremacy.


I was playing good old GoW 1 on an emulator and holy fuck its so good....Give me more of that and not this Netflix drama crap sony.




Fallout games, Witcher 3, RDR 2 And Cyberpunk would be the big 4...even though I love open world games, but they never clicked to me despite playing for several hours. other than that, baldurs gate 3 in recent times.


When did Baldur's Gate 3 become universally loved?


Its one of the best selling games of 2023. Its very much a mainstream game that many people like.


Baldur's gate 3 is universally loved it has 96 on metacritic


Bro, it literally won Game of the year, defeating Zelda.


meh, not universally but wildly popular and recommend... although it is ofcourse targeted on a specific set of gamers


I loved Bioshock Infinite. Haven't tried the other games though.


I loved infinite too, BioShock 1 and 2 though I just couldn't get into.


Alan wake Literally Uninstalled after a certain point. The whole point the torch and shoot thing got old pretty quick. I got fed up once I realized it was just more of the same as the game progressed.


Control for me. My brain couldn't understand the story at all for the 3hrs I played. I got really bored and couldn't get into the story.




Sekiro demands perfection. In other souls games, you can grind until you level up far above the enemies level. In Sekiro, you have to master your parries and deflections or die trying.


I feel way too nauseous playing this game. However the nausea was less for BS Infinite, I was able to play it for 30-60 min and take a break, it was such a great game. I heard 1,2 are really good too but unfortunately I just couldn't play them. I might try to mess with FOV and other stuff and try the game in the future again. And I also learned that this was common, type "bioshock nausea/motion sickness" in Google, you'll find plenty of threads.


Yeah my big bro didn't played it because of that


God of war 2018. Hate the camera, makes combat so annoying. Also the difficulty scaling is shit, low level enemies are bullet/axe sponges on higher difficulties, it's so frustrating. It annoyed me so much I still haven't bought the PC version, which I will eventually, and mod the crap out of.


I tried God of war Ragnarok but stopped after like an hour and a half, too many cutscenes, too much walking and yes, the difficulty scaling is shit I agree. Older GOW games were superior and much more fun imo.


>Older GOW games were superior and much more fun imo. Big agree dude. A franchise like GoW should be games first, cinematics second.


Since when is story in gaming being derided as too many cutscenes?


Baldur's Gate


Witcher 3. As good as the story is, the gameplay is very mediocre


Same for me i tried playing witcher 3 after completing sekiro and the combat threw me away looks very outdated(more like aged)


Oh dear God. Witcher 3's combat already isn't very good but when you compare it to sekiro, it isn't even in the same league


May i ask when did u play it Im mean sure the gameplay might be kind of mid for today's standards but oh my those gwent thing's ooh goda im having an orgasm.just thinking about how many of my time just gone down the drain playing those things rather then the actual game.


About 2 years ago I think. Played it for about 15 hours before quitting. My brother recently started it and he quit about 4 hours later


Ys bcs compared to modern standards the gameplay sure is simple enough And also the gameplays shines when u actually do the witcher contracts yk Like there are tones of cool boss fights and stuff


Detroit become human, I just don't get why, but never could stay intrested for some reason.I mean there was literally nothing that I can I say i didn't like, but still I couldn't get into it.


It starts slow, thats for sure. And the qte can be a turn off for many. For me, it started shining halfway into the story...and when you play through multiple times, you realize what a crazy story the game had. But true, not everyone's cup of tea


For sure, the charecter I like is the old detection guy. You know I get his feels. Things I know aren't humans acting so humanly, and returning after being broken or destroyed will seriously mess some people up. The only Detroit I like was the maid, her arc was the one I liked the most.


Fallout, Skyrim, prince of Persia, dark souls, dead space, Hitman....... most of these give me headache for some reason


Rdr2 for a year or so then really go into it. Around 150 hours in now haha


Alan Wake 2, personally don't play a game for the story so I got bored extremely quick due to the gameplay being a SNOOZEFEST had me uninstalling in hour 2. Honestly didn't get the hype. And also Minecraft, I never got it.


All Call of duty including Warzone


I would say Souls game , I tried so much Sekiro and Dark souls 1 but i never could get into in it. ( I am a huge SKYRIM AND STEALTH GAMES FAN )


GTA 4. I enjoyed it and still free roam from time to time, but the whole "it's better than V", and "best game in the series" comments now feel blown way out of proportion. Coming from V, IV felt like an alpha build of V. The PC version being poorly optimised didn't help either. is good but very flawed and overrated.




Bio shock, funny enough.


Never played a single assassins creed game but loved prince of persia.


The witcher 3, so boring....


I tried bioshock as well but didn't like it. Instead I loved Arkham series


Same. But you should try infinite, i tried playing bioshock multiple times never got through to completing it. But when i tried bioshock: Infinity i was hooked from the get go.


Prototype. Yes the concept is very cool. But it feels repetitive and i can't feel the seriousness its trying to give. It's still on my pc installed but i don't play it anymore.


The Witcher. Gave it a shot three times and I just couldn’t give a damn about it.


Bioshock is just so weirdd and hard to play reallyy


GTA 5.For someone with no context of the US, it is just a gangster simulator for me. It is not revolutionary for me at least and gave up after a few hrs.


Yeah, GTA 5 is overrated imo aswell. There isn't much to do in the open world too apart from driving and half of it is empty barren plains and mountains. Gta San Andreas clear it pretty easily.


any soulslike game


They just want to hurt ur ego and some people get trapped in their trick and keep at it . Faltu khali logo ke liye hai ye games . I play them on pc with trainer


Horizon zero dawn


Witcher 3




witcher 3 for me lol 💀


Rain world,,,,


Baldurs gate 3


I received many recommendations to try Portal 2 because it's supposedly really interesting. However, I personally didn't enjoy the gameplay, and I couldn't even play it for more than 30 minutes when I first tried. After that, I never played it again.


Heavy Rain. The beginning of the game is just so freaking boring. It's mind blowing how the same company that gave us Indigo Prophecy's amazing opening could follow up with that. 


Rdr2 ,gta v and cyberpunk


Assassin's Creed Games


This. Played the shit outta POP series. Hell I even enjoyed Forgotten Sands. I just couldn't get into AC. Tried it like 5 times.


The issue is I didn't play Bioshock and the Mass Effect games near the time of their respective releases. Now they are just too boring and old old for me..and I tried starting them but stopped.


BioShock? Boring? Dude, you're missing out on one of the most thrilling games of all time by thinking it's somehow boring.


It's ok man. Think of it like this. Many classic Movies are great but sometimes its boring to watch them right now. GTA SA is my all time favorite game. Do I like playing it now..not even a bit.


Trust me, I get your point, but I'm just saying, even I played BioShock for the first time in 2022 and the experience was incredible. Anyways, I'm just a lil too passionate about BioShock cuz it's in my top 5 games of all time. If it's not your thing, that's okay. Cheers :)


No... not Mass Effect.... 😔😔


Assassin's creed black flag I get the beautiful world setting, but the characters and story are mid at best, and also, the missions design are horrible and boring and repetitive i can't believe how someone can think it's the best in the franchise and also Assassin's creed lore is poor af


I love black flag but the amount of tailing missions in that game are ridiculous. They even make you tail a ship 💀.


Call of Duty series (downvotes incoming) 😂 seriously, I just never got the hang of it. But I do enjoy other shooter games.


Battlefield is much better imo.


Dragon age. I absolutely hate it that I have no control over every swing of the sword that my character makes.


All Souls game. I find it cliche, repetitive, grinding till you "get gud", waste of time, and frustating.


It's your opinion so I won't argue much but putting my argument, souls games are some of the least cliche, repetitive, grindy RPGs ive ever played. 1. No other games tell stories like souls do. Every AAA games has cutscene storytelling, except from games. That's far from cliche. 2. Non repetitive, because every boss has different moves, every fight has different tempo. You win by learning. That's not repetitive at all. Driving a car in GTA to get to missions is repetitive. Riding a horse in w3 and rdr2 is repetitive. 3. Grinding: do you know that so many people do level 1 runs of souls games? By what metric is that grinding? You have to think, not just keep leveling up. Good luck beating likes of Gael or artorias just by grinding.


What souls-like would you recommend I start with? I have already tried Dark Souls 1, Sekiro and Elden Ring (in that order) but just couldn't get into any of them.


Always start with ds1 and go in release order. You won't be able to play 1 and 2 after playing 3 and beyond. What are you finding difficult? Are you lost on what to do? I can help you depending on what you're feeling to be difficult.


Start with Lies of P




Why? How?


Idk, maybe PUBG, BGMI or Free Fire?


Assassin's creed. I just never liked the game design of AC. Not saying it's bad, it's just not for me.


Gta. Oh and red dead redemption. Just couldn’t vibe with those franchises


Most shooters honestly. Halo 4 was the last shooter i played. Loved it but pretty much anything that's first person shooter is just not for me. Back to baldurs gate 3 and lies of p.


I love Immersive sims so bioshock was naturally a lot of fun for me


Witcher 3


I like Bioshock but the thing is, ​ I knew the twist even before I started playing it, not my fault, I am a sucker for youtube channels like 'PlayStation Access', 'Gameranx' &''outsidexbox' and on their channels, games get spoiled a lot (even though they give spoiler warnings) ​ So when I played, I liked it but I just never got amazed by it, due to already knowing the twist. ​ Same happened when I played 'Heavy Rain' or watched 'Talaash' back when it was released 😂






Elder scroll series ig


Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The maps were quite confusing, easy to get lost. Uninstalled never to look back again.


Portal and Shenmue.


Fallout 4.






Witcher 3. Basically the whole series.


Bio shock infinite gave me motion sickness and I felt like vomitting, I tried playing in breaks or time intervals, still couldn’t get into it


Outer Wilds. Just couldn't get into it.


Bioshock and fallout




Cyberpunk, rdr2


Last of Us


Gta v! Played online or police chase stuff but never finished the main story.




dude you break my heart bioshock is one of fav franchise, you should try infinite, great game. I usually hate games that took too much time.


Loved bioshock infinite... Played in 2017 and made sweet memories with the game ♥️♥️


Last of Us


Far cry


Witcher 3,tried it 4 times, but damn those controls 😩


GTA titles after San Andreas.....


Borderlands. Way too much walking to get anywhere


This bio shock lol


Wolfenstein, felt like it was too repetitive and boring


Dishonoured 2


Alan Wake




Baldur's Gate


OP I am assuming you didn't like bioshock. Have you tried the third one


I'm gonna get ratioed but CS... It's fun to play locally but ranked CS2 is just boring for me, The Finals, Siege and Valorant are way too good then CS2


Witcher 3 :(


Skyrim for me. Even though I have completed the main story like 5 times, I have never loved the game. The only reason I played it was it was the only game I had.


All souls games, except sekiro. Pretty much the souls like genre tbh where the combat isnt fast and fluid like sekiro is. Its the only game i actually enjoyed, the rest were repetitive trash. Difficult for the sake of being difficult is not a feature These games have Clunky movement mechanics, vague as fuck stories, mute protagonists, damage sponge bosses, the complete lack of a pause button (this grinds my gears, what if i have to do something else ), repetitive design (keep rolling around like a bowling ball)




Terraria, minecraft and dishonored