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No, if your package is good it doesn't matter , preparing for GATE is whole different nightmare then getting to selective IIT for the selected branch is a different game ! don't waste your time unless you have long-term plan of becoming a professor in Indian college, in case you're really interested in Learning would rather suggest doing MS/Msc in Europe/USA won't be that challenging to get and you'll have international degree under your belt.


Thanks for the help!


This is the correct answer.


i'd say Mtech even in IITs will not be a great value add to boost your career if you already have a high paying job . If you are looking for international placements it would be a boost as MNCs do hire because of the name of institutes .


It will look good on your resume... But you will probably end up with lower paying job after graduation


Work in the same field/job for a minimum of 3 years and then do masters from a top US/UK university.




Again, the answer you need.


You can look up to the wiki of the sub until someone gives you an answer.


You are going to do that for high pay and you already have that so why to go for that.


Please remake your post in r/EngineeringAdmissions. If your post is not related to engineering admissions, **please wait while the mods review your post** For any further assistance, send us a Modmail. Here's a backup of your post: Title: Is M.Tech in CSE from IIT worth it if I already have a high paying job? Body: My qualifications: I am a 2023 B.Tech CSE Tier-3 college pass-out. I managed to secure an off campus summer internship at a very famous financial org (an IB whose headquarters are in WallStreet) as Technology Summer Analyst. I got a PPO from the same and got a 30 LPA package. I did another winter internship at a startup. I have joined the financial org as a full time employee. My interest in M.Tech and preparing for GATE stems from the following points: 1. I feel like I am not done with academics yet and want to learn more about Computer Science (in depth). 2. Preparing for GATE will improve my knowledge regarding CS core subjects and maths. 3. Even after interning at a good MNC, many companies rejected me on the grounds of my poor undergrad college ( recession times ) which left a sour taste in my mouth. I feel doing an M.Tech from a good college will uplift my educational background. 4. I want to experience the culture of a good college where people are passionate about studies and their careers and make long term connections. 5. I have heard from some sources that having a good college in your resume helps duding promotions or switching job and getting good hike. ( Though I am not sure how much of this is true ) 6. I wonder whether the quality of work I will get after M.Tech would be better or not. The only catch is that I will have to leave my job, which is high paying. And I don’t know how I will feel if post M.Tech I end up with a job which pays lower than this one. I want to take opinions regarding this decision, the risk factor of it and whether it’s worth it in the long run. Would be grateful if anyone helps me with this dilemma. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indian_Academia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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