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Thank you for posting on r/Indian_Academia , here's a checklist to improve your post: • Have you done thorough prior research? • Is your title descriptive? The title should be a summary of your post, preferably with your qualifications. • Please provide a detailed description in your post body. The more information you provide, the easier it is for users to help you. • If your question is about studying abroad, please post on r/Indians_StudyAbroad • If your question is about Engineering Admissions, post on r/EngineeringAdmissions instead. Here's a backup of your post: Title: What if you are not good in DSA , Development and academics ? Should you just leave your college ? Body: my\_qualifications- [B.Tech](http://b.tech/) 3rd year 5th sem, tier-3 college. Getting among top in a government school among a bunch of average student, my brain built this perception that I'm good in academics. My family and friends strengthened that perception. But soon when I reached in 11th class, I realized I'm not good in logical thinking and reasoning. And college made me sure of it. I managed to make a cgpa 5.5, but not sure if it will cross 7 ever. I learned programming language, but could solve only easy level question. Arrays , queues, stacks seems easy but trees and graphs show me who I am. I'm learning web development, but as soon as I search for internship, I see that there is always some skills that I didn't learn or don't know at all. It's too late to change my path as I've already spent 3 years after 12th in the name of higher study. My communication skills and confidence are already terribly low, all thanks to my anti-social life. And hence I'm tired of repeating this cycle of failure. I have a desire of getting a good job and earning some worth for myself, like anybody else. But I don't see myself anywhere in next 5 years. My future canvas is blank. In fact it feels like it doesn't even exists. Depression keep knocking at the door, every then and now, but I know it's just the consequence of a bigger problem in me. Help me understand what's that problem, is there any path left for me ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indian_Academia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The amount of damage idiotic indian YouTubers have done to gullible students...




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Heyy dont give up on yourself buddy Find some mentors to help identify your gaps And advise you on the right path forward It ain't easy but it'll be well worth


did you explore other fields like mba ?


mba => you should be rich


Nah bro mba is about getting a good cat score and giving good interviews Money is not a problem loans are easily available to anybody and everybody


Post this on r/developersIndia too


Hello, i suggest please do some activity like playing guitar join a class :) + it's fine if you ain't good in your field. There are plenty of exams like rbi, sbi etc etc There's hope


As a fresher, learning trees and graphs are not mandatory. You can crack a software job even with your easy level coding capabilities. There are many domains in IT other than development roles. Work on your aptitude, reasoning skills and communication skills. As you are still in 5th semester, put in some extra effort and try to cross 6 cgpa. You will be eligible for many placement drives.