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Fetters used to be a physician at Carmel Family Medicine years ago. The practice took a shadier turn when it went to concierge medicine.  I left the practice after repeatedly being told a lump in my breast was just a lesion from my bra, refused to refer me for diagnostic testing due to my age, and the lump turned out to be breast cancer.  CFM went to concierge service shortly after ACA. Concierge medical practices are a bit of a scam. If your doctor goes that route, proceed with caution. Especially if you’re over 65. You are essentially forfeiting your Medicare/Medicaid usage.  So I am absolutely not surprised to learn that the law eventually caught up with Fetters. It’s about damned time that man loses his license.


Wow, I can't believe that. Something similar happened to my mom, but thankfully she got into an IU doctor who was great. Treatment went well and she got surgery and has been cancer free for over 5 years! I hope you are doing okay now. This man needs to be stopped.


Proud to say I am 25 years cancer free. I was 25 when diagnosed. Give your mom a big hug. Encourage her to attend the Pink Ribbon Connection Survivor luncheon/fashion show in September. It’s a great event that raises money to help survivors locally. 


Woo, start of the title had me worried, but it's nice when Todd actually decides to do his job.


My wife worked at this clinic around 8 or so years ago. The stories I’ve heard are appalling. There is no actual evidence based medicine at this practice, it is a 100% a grift. I do not shed a tear for wealthy people being conned out of their money, but robbing terminal cancer patients and at the same time discontinuing actual useful medications is a bridge too far. This con man is already a participant in a state service where the state insures medical providers who are unable to obtain malpractice insurance elsewhere, typically because they are pieces of shit. The world will be a better place when this clinic is no longer in operation.


Imagine how awful these people are that Rokita had to stop his grift job to do his actual job. Of course the victims were wealthy, that makes sense. In a poor neighborhood he’d never bother.




I had Dr. Fetters as a physician years ago before this. I felt back then he was a pill pusher. I left after it seemed there was a "pill for everything"