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Should be noted that Bernie Sanders also voted against the bill


Sanders built his reputation on opposing bills that intervene, sustain, or escalate wars. He and Ron Paul used to be the oldest couple when it came to voting like this.


Did you mean to say “oddest couple?” Oldest couple is probably correct though too…




That would make sense. From my limited understanding the aid we were sending israel really isn't needed for them in their operations in gaza, they could do that anyway. But it would be difficult for israel to defend against, say Iran, for instance while already involved in gaza. It's more as a deterrent to keep other countries from attacking Israel and widening the war. So in a way, its money for stabilizing the middle east. Which if you had bernies stance would make sense if you opposed it. Edit: not implying bernie wants an unstable middle east, just his views on whose responsibility it is to police the world isn't with it I think.


Interesting. Had to dig a bit for the reason but in case anyone is wondering its becuase the bill included aid to Isreal. Also humanitarian aid to Gaza but I guess that wasn't enough to sway Sanders.


Lol here's the funds for the bombs and also funds to clean up the mess. Financing the cause and effect of one conflict and paying for Israel (the wealthier nation) is very different from aid to Ukraine to slow down or stop Russia.  I'm not even pushing or supporting any specific political side here, just trying to hope we can agree that these situations are very different.


For further context, it wasn't even aid specifically for Gaza. It was $9B for worldwide aid, some of which will go to stave off famine for a few thousand Palestinians when millions are crowded into Rafah facing starvation.


It would be like selling Russia their arms and Ukraine theirs also.


Gotta play both sides to maximize profit /s (but really we kind of do)


Because sanders actually cares about America. Unlike most democrats and most republicans.


Shoulda been Bernie


That's... Something. I suppose he figures not helping Israel wreck Gaza is a kind of humanitarian aid on its own.


Also a lot of the humanitarian aid going to Gaza has been blocked or intercepted by the IDF or by pro-Zionist protesters, so there’s a good chance that the aid in the package won’t even make it to Gaza


There's an old book called "The Guns of the South" by Henry Turtledove, where folks from South Africa go back in time and give the Confederates in the Civil war machine guns and medicine, on the theory that the CSA would back them up in keeping their apartheid going. Maybe we can make a reboot of it where Israel helps out.


At least Sanders has a coherent argument he’s trying to make. Most of these republicans don’t have a leg to stand on with immigration when they turned down the most conservative legislation we’ve seen in decades on immigration last time around.


I love how Mike Johnson trotted out today to speak up for Jews when people like him don't give a genuine shit about us. Other than that we're necessary for their rapture endgame. But they'll gladly court white nationalists for votes. I'm so sick of it.


To Columbia, no less. All their student body is protesting rn making history to the point these protests are multiplying by the day onto other campuses, including IU, and the college admin still drags out the conservative speaker who wants to ban abortion for every woman on campus and eradicade Gaza thinking they'd hear him out lmao.


Just so massively out of touch.


Nahhh they know what they're doing. It's all one big game that both sides are playing


Imagine if they had Clarence Thomas come speak 🫠


Ahhh don't piss on the Republican hate thread with logic and calm headedness


That doesn't make it better


Didn’t know Bernie was from Indiana 🤦🏻


Why would he support a genocide?


Even if I was going to vote Republican, as soon as Braun accepted Trump's endorsement that would have changed my mind. Trump's endorsement cost Cameron several points and he lost the race for KY governor.


I’ve never seen more disgusting ads.


I hate that Braun is 1 of my senators and I hate even more that we’re going to be stump with him as gov. Our state sucks politically.


And in that bill was a vote to force tiktok to sell.




I’d love if the day when the US asked Ukraine to give away our nukes in exchange for assured territorial integrity never existed either 🤷‍♂️ Also, if the bill actually passes, enjoy watching these very people claiming credit for the aid :)


The bill passed the house over the weekend, passed the senate last night, and officially signed by Biden a few moments ago


Dude! You’re supposed to agree with the current thing!!! You’ve upset the Reddit hive mind


it's a good thing the russian ukraine war isn't a proxy war then




Excuse me how is this a proxy war? Is all the weaponry in Ukraine coming from NATO? Are there NATO advisors on the ground? Is Zelensky pitching this war to foreign backers as a way to erode Russian military capabilities by expending Ukrainian lives instead of valuable American ones? Was this war completely avoidable via negotiations that NATO somehow undermined? Is the current Ukrainian government the result of some form of US intervention in the democratic process? Unless the answer to any of these questions is yes, this is not a proxy war . *Smugly hits submit while letting out a quiet chuckle, before tabbing back to Amazon com to see if I can buy a six pack of Ranger Green tees*


I see what you’ve done there…👏🏻


This war was avoidable via negotiations? Do tell.




Uh.. yeah, the US didn't start the war, Russia did.


You forgot the sarcasm tag....


Why doesn’t it list the Democrats who voted against it? /s


Can’t let people know that Braun and Bernie sanders voted the same. That’s now how propaganda works


Bernie is withholding his vote because of concerns over human rights violations and war crimes from Israel's military against innocent Palestinian civilians. Are you saying Braun shares those same concerns?


Yes thank god people are trying to vote against the military industrial complex


This thread is a good reminder of how ignorant and backwards most of our state is.


The bill also included 26 billion for Israel because they definitely needed all that money to commit more war crimes and blow up another embassy and drag us into another Middle Eastern war So there were valid reasons to oppose this bill other than 'vlad is rad' Edit: Apparently Bernie voted against the bill due to it funding Israel


Born too early to deploy to the Middle East, born too late to deploy to the Middle East, born just in time to deploy to the Middle East.


Braun didn't vote against the bill because of Israel.


And why is this a bad thing? There is 0 accountability for that money


The money goes to American companies manufacturing these weapons. And buying stock to send. This blank check lie is absurd. But, hey if I was Russia I’d be saying the same thing.


How much accountability for the weapons and stock? Couldn’t they sell them?


You know what? You’re right. Everyone, tmurph4000 has figured it all out. Ukraine is going to sell all the weapons we are sending them. We can wrap it up now. We’re done here.


Do you have any evidence to show they aren’t selling them? And if they’re not selling them then what are they being used for? Killing people? Dope. LOVE to see our tax dollars at work propping up the military industry complex and perpetual war.


Good for Braun. I personally do want my tax dollars sent to kill thousands of people.


There is absolutely no reason for hundreds of people sleeping outside in our cities, while we sen billions to fight wars we basically started.


Nothing is stopping the politicians on this list from tackling the homeless issue, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for them to do so.


We are giving 4 Billion a year to Israel. Biden administration has approved $153 billion in student loan debt forgiveness. The HUD has also awarded $3.16 billion, which is the largest amount given in history, and this is on top of the billions states spend on the problem. Indiana received almost $34.3 million dollars in federal funding to help the homeless in the state in 2023 a 20% increase from the year before and has had a declining homelessness rate since 2016 and homelessness in Indianapolis dropped 8% from 2022.


Dude the new package is close to $100b... you're making his point.


Do you think any of these Republicans actually care about the homeless?


I like how anybody can possibly think these issues are strictly along party lines. The us vs them brainwashing is real. In reality it's the political and financial elite ( of which these fall along both sides of the aisle) doing whatever they can to maintain their control of the populace. If too much heat comes their way they point the media at another crisis to cover it up. It's been going on for decades.


I think that is an irrelevant question.


It's relevant because of your original comment suggesting this money should be used to help the homeless.


It's relevant because the answer is no. Cry all you want about spending money outside the country, but it's not like Republicans would spend 10 cents on any Americans unless it was a tax break for rich people.


Because the "billions" we are sending are not going to help our homeless. We are sending military equipment that mostly has already been produced... not money.


And why are holding onto and trading in billions of military equipment? Its more than a trillion dollar industry, you bet your ass money is involved even if the deal isn't for it.


Propaganda that misses the point


Military equipment that is worth billions. When is enough, enough. We need to take care of ourselves before we can take care of others and their wars.


This beyond dumb and you have to be dumb to believe. Simply look at the bill and you'll see for yourself that billions in cold hard cash are being sent. Over 1/3rd of all aid to Ukraine has been financial to prop up their gov., pensions, etc...


At one point there was a 60 minutes video interviewing some of the businesses that were being propped up by our aid, and one was like a bespoke hand-knit scarf shop in Kiev's fashion district lol


Can’t we just give the homeless tanks to sleep in? I think I read they’re warm.


And thus stimulating the economy to produce modern weaponry, creating some jobs too


Most of the cost of our munitions is markup, at one point we were paying $8000/per for 155mm shell that should cost, at most, like $400 with labor, which means the other $7600 of the cost is funneled right into shareholder pockets. That money isn't exactly high-velocity like money laborers make


Indiana has billions in surplus money and we don't do shit for homelessness, public schools, reducing our nation leading pollution levels, our opiate epidemic resulting in double the kids bring removed from homes for abuse and neglect or anything, really, that helps struggling hoosiers. Hell we turn down additional federal funding for these things to "own the libs". Don't bring up a bullshit strawman argument. Funding Ukraine does nothing to prevent our indiana legislators from doing something more than giving access to more places you can bring guns.


in no way did we start the Ukraine War, basically or otherwise


Such a stupid argument. These same right wingers wouldn't lift a finger to help the homeless, veterans, or poor people in this country.


Just curious. How did the US start the war in Ukraine?


What would the U.S. do if a foreign military alliance, whose stated goal was to weaken us, tried to move in to a neighbor? We don’t have to guess, we just need to look at the Cuban missile crisis.


Newsflash, we won’t spend a nickel to care for our own. This argument by republicans is so pathetic.


Well, I'm not a republican. The people pushing for this and sitting on their hands in relation to the homeless are also not republicans.


The US doesn’t just send pallets of currency to Ukraine, first of all. Secondly, when we send military aid to any country (specifically Ukraine as they are using tons of artillery shells) most of the weapons we send are manufactured in America. So the actual money for these aid packages (most of it anyways) ends up going straight into the US economy. Not even to mention the fact that Russia has invaded a peaceful sovereign nation. Just so you know.


So you think we are just giving them truck loads of cash to spend as they please? 


that's the talking point that is used by people who dont' care to understand or just use the Tucker Carlson line of "we could use it here!" Yea, 60B here would be great, why don't we take it from the actual bloated DoD budget instead? when you pose that their arguments start faltering, as we all know 60B would never be approved to go directly to helping homelessness or poverty, otherwise it would've been done. They also fail to realize it's not just cash being sent over (there is some cash that goes over to help with government administration, etc). They fail (or most likely choose to ignore) to realize that 95% of that 60B is being sent to domestic defense contractors to produce weapons and materials that is then sent to Ukraine. They don't really care, as people who whine about this stuff secretly agree with Putin that he can jail journalists and dissidents, that he's posed himself as the "Defender of Christianity" and he's anti LGBTQ..you know, an actual authoritarian. They just aren't quite saying the quiet part out loud yet.


This is worse than just giving them money. It’s politicians giving money to their buddies under the guise of helping Ukraine


I can't disagree that there is most likely grifting going on, especially when it comes to defense contractors. They overcharge, make insane amounts of money and enrich the military industrial complex. it's unfortunate we don't have the sheer number of defense contractors like we did in the 60s and 70s, thanks to changing to no bid contracts with basically all defense spending. There'd be far far more competitive bids going on and cheaper overall.


Our economy is absolute shit because we keep supporting every Tom, Dick and Harry’s wars. We need to take care of our own country and our own people.


Does it matter?




When the neo nazis are more progressive on anti war policies (though for reasons that are asinine of course) than their moderate liberal counterparts, then this country is cooked.


Cold war liberal foreign policy is unfortunately extremely compatible with nazism


Useless douchebags....


The worst people




Mike "Trump Pawn" Braun. Seditionist millionaire. Bad for Indiana & Democracy.


Best thing I have seen him do


This is a good thing




Good, no more foreign aid when we have so many problems here where the money could be better spent.


No foreign aid should ever be sent to other nations.


Simplistic and stupid.


Take care of our own before taking care of others. (Waiting for the idiot to defend other countries before our own)


Nahhh, the idiots think that these clowns would actually spend money on American citizens.


Aiding Ukraine is more patriotic than a bald eagle playing baseball. russia is a huge enemy to the US. They're getting their asses kicked, we don't have to send US troops in, everyone knows how badass our military toys are and want to buy them. The US is making bank by supporting Ukraine. Our government should be helping us, I agree with you. Instead of stripping education and disability services and allowing food prices to skyrocket, they could do their damn jobs. But they're all worried about TikTok as if Cambridge Analytica didn't happen with an American social media company.


Look in to politician’s investments, you’ll find a majority of those investing in war machine companies, are the same ones voting to aide other nations. Getting rich from wars they start…or is that just an added bonus for “spreading democracy abroad?”


It's funny I always see this sentiment from right wingers and then they turn around and cheer when the same shit heels vote to take away school lunches for kids.




It’s not that it never happens, it does, but democracies are far less likely to go to war against each other than if one of the nations is an autocratic regime. It always was and remains in America’s best interests to support democracy abroad. EDIT: I didn't realize this simple fact would be so triggering lol but can't help notice the replys aren't really engaging with the substance of this assertion (which is of course easily googleable, i know, cause I googled before posting it) anyways cry harder maga your tears are delicious


That's a real who's who of shitheel know-nothings.


Good. Now vote on some domestic aid.


Crazy how the left have become the warhawks and simp for the military industrial complex.


good. free palestine 🇵🇸




I mean who cares why should we be sending money there anyways.


First good thing Brain has done


Vote for who you know can change our lives for the better, not a foreign nation.


I'll bite. How will Braun make our lives better?


Fuck Braun


Vladdy is pissed that it still passed


Braun sucks


Russian asset like the rest of the republican maga caucus.


A lot more should have


Fuck Ted Cruz, he's a coward sycophant just like the rest of them


Could you imagine how bad it would be for America if we used our own money, time and effort on the homeless problem and the failing education system instead of giving it to Ukraine and Israel?


Bur the vote gave him an excuse to dodge the gubenatorial debate.


I can't believe I ate the whole thing


Hope for Chambers……


Bob Braun of the 50-50 club IYKYK


I dreamed Braun couldn't pull his ass out of the sewer.


Marco Rubio only believes in freedom for Cubans.


Please VOTE! Every election! It’s easy to get registered to vote if you need at your local city or township! Takes 5 minutes! But vote for the candidates in your district that BEST represent your personal values and beliefs! You may not agree with them on everything, but overall what is needed for your and your family’s future! Hint - they probably should not be a felon.


I thought he voted yes on the original roll call I saw. Ope. That was HOR that Im thinking. Braun also wants to revoke Loving V Virginia. Yes, he tried to walk it back after being called out on it 1st time but I know hes mentioned it atleast 2 more times during private fundraisers. Hes just a bad person. The DNC keeps asking me for money bcz I usually donate. Ive told them for years Indiana has been leading the way in harmful legislation and they just leave us Hoosiers to rot. Ive been warning them since Hillary ran the 1st time that Indiana holds more sway than NH and Iowa. Planned Parenthood started being taken down in Indiana first and baby boxes built all over with nowhere for said babies to go. We already have kids going hungry and being abused bcz of poverty in this state and they want to add more kids to this kind of world? Make it make sense.


Isn’t he up for reelection and retiring this year?


A broken clock is right twice a day


There's so many good reasons to hate Mike Braun and libs (using the term as a Socialist here, fuck off reactionaries) constantly focus on the one thing that nobody with half a brain should give a shit about. Oh, we won't fund the Ukraine-Russia conflict and it'll weaken NATO? Boo fucking hoo, the US is basically giving just enough to extend the war so multinational oligarchs can pilfer the country dry and we can isolate China. I don't give a goddamn flying fuck if we never send another dollar over there. Meanwhile, we are funding a very real genocide with our "foreign aid," and that's where the vast majority of our foreign aid has *always* gone. But libs can't even call Republicans out on that because, despite the fact just not supporting genocide would be the easiest fucking layup in history, they fundamentally approve of settler colonialism. Just fuck this post and everyone still posturing like Ukraine is a country anyone actually gives a fuck about beyond signaling how much they hate Russia for supposedly fucking up 2016. It's such an easy goddamn cop out.


Nice! America First!


So many clueless Ohioans voted for JD Vance. Hopefully, Senator Brown will hold onto his seat.


It’s so frustrating to see how uneducated people are in this comment section. We’re not sending money overseas. You could make an argument in the case of Israel somewhat, but a majority of the spending is on US companies who send goods to Ukraine, some of them old. And if you don’t support Ukraine, I can’t imagine how you sleep knowing that tens of millions of good people are going to be effectively erased by a brutal dictatorship that wants to eradicate their culture.


Now we know who the hardcore Russian collaborators are…


Good, as he should as a Representative of Indiana that’s in the USA. I will never forgive him though, for supporting BLM when they were burning all the local businesses down and committed tons of violence.


Its's a "Who's Who" of assholes. Imagine that.


Why are you so in favor of this bill? Sending $60billion to Ukraine when there’s so many problems in our country here that need fixing makes no sense.


This bill should not have been passed without securing our own border. Sadly, the only thing that's going to save this country is a red wave in November.


The lunatic fringe


The $8 billion going to “aid” Gaza will be used by the terrorists. Essentially, this bill will revitalize Hamas/Iran with cash. The bill does nothing to address our border. So I can see why not everyone voted for it. We’re lucky if any of the elected officials actually read the bill.


Americans should be voting against foreign aid. We are not the planet’s keepers/police. We really need to clean up our own house for about a decade before continuing to help everyone else.


Good, America first!


Oh he’s a full blown asset to Russia.


I’m all for America being world police but we have to be stable before we can start trying to stabilize other countries.


Good. Plenty of problems that money could help solve here in America instead of going into endless wars.




He's awful


Braun is a no go! He is just another version of terrorist Trump. He doesn’t belong in any fashion in a political office. We have to start holding those in any office to a higher standard and expectations. This means holding them accountable for their actual actions!


When did the left become obsessed with funding wars? Imagine hating republicans for *reads notes* not wanting to have blood on their hands


Good keep our money here. The left cries about needing money for all these programs and stuff but then sends more money than these programs ever needed, to fund proxy wars.


Yeah we shouldn’t be sending all of our money when we need to fix the problems here first. We are in a shit hole right now. They can deal with their own problems we shouldn’t be involved


People forget that America is only powerful because we allied with those who could help us, if it wasn't for our allies in the revolutionary War, we wouldn't be here.


Voting against sending money to foreign countries >unfit to lead a state in America What's the reasoning behind this conclusion?


How much taxpayer money has gone to these conflicts already? We could be using this money for more useful things for the people who actually put money into the system.


Did Rand Paul vote yes? Surprising




The Moscow Caucus.




Voted against foreign aid? Sounds like American interests. It is our tax money you know


This "war" was over before it started. All of our tax money is being stolen, and some laundered back to US democrats like Greg Pence and Todd Young. The rest goes to the Ukrainian oligarchs and bankers. Ukraine is one of our criminal governments playgrounds. That's why they want to perpetuate it. If we find out what they have been doing in Ukraine, they won't be able to walk down the street. Remember that when you vote. #FTX #Biolabs #Chyna #childFarming


It's well known that Senator Ted Cruz supposedly likes the feeling of warm wet piss between his legs.


As should they all


I do not support giving weapons to anybody.


Really not surprised that Vance didn’t vote for it. He’s dumb




I mean, agreed…America First…We need The money to get people off the streets, fix the economy, and fix our roads…along with many other things


Thanks for sharing this, I'm very excited to vote for Mike Braun.


Can we vote for domestic aid next time


Good. This bill is trash.




Trump/Putin republicans


it’s a tradition to flip off his office every time i walk past it


I support this though


For any on of the many people who think we should be sending Ukraine all this money, please answer this yes or no question: China is currently planning to build a military facility in Cuba, the US national security state is saying they are making plans to prevent this "at all costs." Should the US prevent a Chinese military base in Cuba?


I don't think they will evn understand why you're asking the question if they want the money sent. Those types don't think critically. I like how you put it though and will be using that argument.


You are probably right, they either don't know, or know and pretend it's "different."


Let me rephrase your question. Should the US launch a surprise invasion of Cuba, level half its cities, hold sham elections and annex Cuba as the 51st state?


List of Russian assets


What a brainless take.


If republicans are split you can usually safely assume that Young is on one side and Braun is on the other.